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We both cracked up over that name, again. We’d been laughing
about it all day.


“Girlfriend you would not
what happened after you left! I just had to come down and tell you in person.
Devlin did show up, but I didn’t treat him. He did have quite the workout with
Travis Walsh though!”


spent the next 15 minutes describing
the altercation that happened between Devlin and Travis, along with a lively
reenactment of the brawl. It was quite entertaining watching her play both
parts. And she was right. I could not believe what I was hearing.


, that whole thing sounds
crazy! Men, fighting like, that is so barbaric! I love how you castrated Travis
in the end. That was awesome! He had it coming, though. I can’t stand that guy.”


“The main thing is, Cali…
reason I came down here…….is to tell you I have been completely wrong about
Devlin Danes. He’s really a great guy.”


, you just now told me how
he came down to our office, all angry, and acted like a big, tough brute. And how
he bloodied a guy’s face! Granted, that face belonged to butt-wipe Travis, and he
certainly deserved it. But still, I don’t think I need Mr. Macho Man defending
my honor by beating up everybody who rubs him the wrong way.”


“Devlin and I talked for about 10 minutes, after the
incident, Cali, and he
pining away, all this time, over you. He is one sorry and heartbroken man. I’m
telling you. He was practically on the verge of tears, describing how he was
sure he had ruined all chances with the woman he loved, by not telling you how
much you meant to him.”


“Wait. Back up a minute. Did you say Devlin called me ‘the
woman he loved’?”


“Uh huh. Didn’t you know that? You honestly didn’t know he
loved you? If you couldn’t tell
then I don’t know
to say? That
is one lovesick guy. As your friend, who wants only the best for you, I think
you should give your relationship with him another chance, Cali. I really do.”


I decided, at that moment that I needed to share the full
story of Devlin and me with
to see if the
complete truth about him would alter her opinion at all. I told her about our
one fateful night, six years ago and also about our amazing evening at the
Pacific Vista. I didn’t give her “every inch” of the sexually explicit details,
but I presented a pretty clear picture of his sexual appetite and ability. Finally,
I ended with what happened that Sunday, out in front of the Del. Then, I
apologized to
for being so closed-lipped about
it all, and waited to hear what her final judgment was.


“Wow, Cali. This story just blows me away. I have to say I’m
a bit hurt over this; the fact that you couldn’t trust me with your inner-most
feelings, after all these years. I thought we were tighter than that.


“Well, if it makes you feel any better
you’re the only person I’ve told all this to, now. I’m just not used to feeling
so vulnerable and so confused. Devlin has rocked my world in a way that I’m not
quite comfortable with. He’s made me question everything I do and every value I
have. My feelings for him scare me.”


“Girlfriend, I think that’s called LOVE. Now stop messing
around and talk to him. I’m even more sure than I was before that you two need
to give it another shot. Hey, any guy who orders in French……please, if you
don’t want him, I’ll take him!






Before leaving the parking lot of Bayside Fitness, I decided
to just sit and compose myself for a few minutes. I really did like
. We had a really good talk after I decked Travis, and
I’m sure she’s on my side now. Not just about him but about Cali, too. I wasn’t
afraid of any real repercussions from the knockout, but I thought I’d better
give my dad a heads up anyway. Better to hear it from me than from his PR guy.


His secretary, Angela, put me right through to him. She was
always good that way, and as loyal as they come. When my dad got on the line, I
gave him a slightly skewed account of the fight at the gym. I might have
downplayed Travis’s injuries, a tad.


“Well, thanks for calling me, Devlin. I’m glad you’re okay. I
appreciate you telling me before someone else does. You know how I hate being
blind-sided by the press. So, did you patch things up Cali, I hope?”


“No dad. That’s the worst part. I didn’t even get to see her
because she wasn’t there. I don’t know what to do now. Hey…… how did you know I
went there to see Cali?”


“Just a hunch, son. Danes men are always willing to fight for
their women. So, why haven’t you talked to her mother, yet? A girl’s mother can
be your enemy, or she can be your best friend. From what I know about Amari
already, I’d say you should give her an opportunity to help you. I’ve never
heard her say the slightest bad thing about you. You’ll find that she’s a
pretty wise and understanding lady, if you’ll just give her a chance.”


I had to admit, that had
even occurred to me. I guess I just assumed Cali’s mom found me to be as
unworthy of her daughter as I did. But maybe, my dad was right. Either way, I
had nothing to lose. I suddenly felt an undeniable jolt of optimism and decided
to head straight over to
R Us.


“You know what dad? I’m
talk to her mom right now! Thanks a lot!”


“Glad I could help, son. Good luck!”


I sped over to Amari’s shop going at least 30 mph over the
speed limit, the whole way. If I hadn’t been a Navy SEAL, I think I would have
had a great career as a NASCAR driver.


Amari’s SUV was parked out in front of the building so I knew
she was still there, working. A little bell, attached to the top of the front
door, jingled as I entered her dog grooming salon. It was obviously hung there
to alert her to customers, which it did. Within 10 seconds she came walking out
from the back room, wearing a soggy apron around her waist and a lot of soap
suds in her hair.


“Devlin, what a nice surprise! If you’re looking for Cali,
she’s not here. She should be getting off work soon though, I would imagine.”


“I didn’t come here to see her, Ms. Jamison. I came here to
talk to you. Do you have a minute?”


“Actually, I’m right in the middle of bathing a dog. Why
don’t you just come in the back with me and we can talk while I finish him up.”


I followed her to the rear of the store, where she had a
dripping wet,
-looking, little long-haired mutt
in the sink. It looked up at me with its big sad eyes like it definitely wanted
out, but Amari squirted some more shampoo on his back and lathered him up.


“It looks like Cali and I will be adding to our furry
threesome at home with this little guy. He’s been wandering around the
neighborhood for days. Nobody’s claimed him, so I guess I’ll take him home
tonight. What did you want to talk to me about, Devlin?”


“I was hoping
give me some advice on how to get Cali back. My father said you might be able
to help me. I really don’t know what else to do at this point. I just came from
her work. I didn’t see her though… She left early, probably to avoid me.”


“Ha! That sounds like my girl! Well, from what I’ve gathered,
I think she’s confused by her feelings for you. I know she enjoys being with
you, that’s for sure. Have you considered the possibility that she might want more
from the relationship than you probably do?”


“But I DO want it to be more. I’m so in love with her, I
can’t see straight. I just never told her how I felt. Do you think it’s too
late? Have I missed my chance?”


“Devlin, I’m afraid I can’t speak for my daughter. I know
she’s done a lot of soul searching lately and I don’t know what conclusion
she’s come to. You just need to talk to her, and make her aware of how you
feel. I’d say, as soon as possible too, to avoid any further misunderstandings.”


Amari towel-dried the dog and started to blow dry his hair.
He still looked kind of pathetic but he was shaping up. As I pet his head, he
looked like he was trying to give me his best smile.
Poor little guy
. I felt a sudden inexplicable simpatico with him. I
think we were both tired of running around in search of love……


Amari generously agreed to call Cali. I didn’t want her
running off again. It turned out she was at home, so thankfully, I only had a
short drive to make.


Pulling up to her house, I got choked-up at the mere sight of
her: She was watering her mom’s rose bushes with the garden hose, while her 3
dogs ran through the overspray.
What an
idyllic picture!
Even more lovely, was the sight of those long, shapely,
bare legs that ran clear up to her perfectly heart-shaped ass inside her tight
little shorts. I was glad some things never changed. I took three deep breaths
and got out of the car. I felt like I was facing the toughest mission of my






The sound of a car door slamming jolted me out of my
peaceful, gardening trance. Nature’s beauty had always had a calming effect on
me, but once I realized it was Devlin, I couldn’t help but tense up a bit.
After all, he did just come from punching Travis’s lights out.
How testosterone-fueled was he?


I turned off the water, and Huey, Louie and Dewey all rushed
at him, yapping and nipping at his ankles as he tried to walk across the lawn toward
He flashed me a sweet,
humble smile, triggering a familiar warmth to flow through my body.
Shit, he was handsome!
I wanted to run
into his arms, but I thought I should wait and see what he had to say first, to
avoid feeling like a stupid fool again.


He approached me slowly and stopped at arm’s length from me.
Then he took both of my hands in his own and stared deeply into my eyes, like a
groom about to recite his wedding vows:


“Cali, I love you. I’ve always loved you. I don’t know why I
was too stupid to say it before. I should have reassured you that day out in
the ocean, that my feelings for you were serious; that you were the
woman for me and that you were
but a fling to me. But my
feelings were hurt. And my fucking pride was hurt. All I can say is I’m so sorry.
And if you take me back, I promise I’ll be better at sharing my real feelings
with you.”


Devlin had totally melted my heart. He had said everything I
needed to hear. But before I could respond to his impassioned plea, a loud sharp
bark came from the direction of his car, and a straggly little face with a
pointy snout popped up over the top of the door.


Devlin? Isn’t that the little guy that’s been running around loose near the
salon? Oh my god! He’s all cleaned up! Hi, little fella!”


We both went over to him and started stroking his head and
scratching his floppy ears.


“Yep, that’s him. Your mom did a make-over on him today. I
asked her if I could have him and she said okay. Your mom’s pretty cool. I named
him Pete. I think he likes you, Cali.”


While we stood by the car petting Pete, a light bulb popped
on in my head; the reason behind my mom’s suspicious phone call to me, a half
hour earlier suddenly became quite clear: Devlin was at her shop when she called
me, and she had helped him in his quest for me, by giving him three things: A
pep talk, a dog, and my exact whereabouts. I wasn’t sure in what order…


Now…… I owed Devlin an answer. So, I gave him the one he was
hoping for: A long, slow, dreamy kiss that left no doubt in his mind that I
wanted him as much as he wanted me. Then, I nibbled his ear and whispered, “Can
we go to your place?”


“What about Pete? Think your mother would mind keeping an eye
on him for the night?”


“I don’t think she’ll mind one bit…”






As I headed north on I-5, I realized my bedroom inside my
dad’s house was not exactly the love nest I had been picturing. Carl would
undoubtedly be home and I’d have to pay him off to get him to leave…


No… I’d rather go somewhere special, for both of us.


I exited the freeway as quickly as I could, made a quick
left, and headed back on, via the southbound entrance ramp. Cali was wondering
what in the world was going on, as I exited the freeway only a couple of miles
later, and headed downtown.


To her extreme surprise, I pulled up in front of the familiar
Pacific Vista Tower Hotel, and valet parked the car. At the front desk, I
requested suite 4903. Being a week night, it was still available, so we headed
up to it in the glass elevator, once again.


Tonight would have one major difference, in that we’d be
eating dinner
we had our delicious
dessert. And it would most likely end up being room service because I wasn’t
planning on
letting my sweet
little crème puff out of the bed.


I was having a hard enough time letting her out of the
elevator. I couldn’t keep my hands out of her shirt. She had forgotten to put
on a bra before she left the house and I was taking full advantage of that. I
had missed her perfect tits, and everything else about her. I kissed her
forcefully on her luscious full lips, and grinded my cock into her inner thigh
so hard I practically left a dent in it.


When we got to the room, I carried Cali across the threshold,
once again. But, this time, I tore every stitch of clothes off of her delicious
body by the time her pretty feet hit the floor. I was an unstoppable locomotive
as I plowed her straight over to the same huge bed we had shared that wonderful,
magical evening. Tonight was going to be even better though, because now she
really was
woman, and I really was


I hovered over Cali, waiting to take her, as she ripped open
my shirt and started licking my chest with her hot tongue. She had her long,
luxurious legs wrapped around me like a spider while her wicked fingers undid
the zipper of my jeans. Her beautiful little muff rocked impatiently back and
forth between my legs.


She gripped my aching, fully erect cock with her teasing hand,
and enticed it out of its lair. It was such sweet release that I groaned on
contact. Any kind of slow seduction was out of the question, right now. I
whisked off my pants and sunk my tongue into her wet cleft.
Fuck she tasted so good! Like no other woman
I ever had!
She thrust her wild hips back and forth and arched her back as
she came all over my lips and tongue. I sucked on her hot clit until she begged
for my dick:


“Oh Devlin, I’ve missed you so much! Fuck me now, please!”


With her luscious pussy prepped and wet, I slid my cock into
her and fucked her until she cried for mercy. Each time, I’d slow it way down
and tease her like I was finished, only to start up at full throttle again. I
knew I was torturing her when I felt her fingernails digging into the SEAL
tattoo on my back.


That poor tattoo… It was going to have another set of battle
scars after tonight.


Cali’s strong athletic legs squeezed me tighter into a vice-grip
hold, and that was my signal that she was at the height of her orgasm. I
unloaded my lethal weapon into her frenzied pussy, pumping an epic amount of
cum into her, until we both collapsed into a sweaty heap, once again.


Cali got up to get a drink of water from the kitchen and
returned to the bedroom wearing one of my neckties. It was the one I had worn
on our last date at the hotel. It looked incredibly sexy hanging between her
awesome breasts.


“Where did you find that? I’ve been looking for that.”


“You’ll never guess. It was draped over the corner of that big
modern art painting that’s hanging in the kitchen. It’s hard to believe nobody
noticed it there.”


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