Scouts (14 page)

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Authors: Nobilis Reed

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Scouts
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Trace spun and stalked over to the drying racks. “Vack-head, here, has been here the last five nights straight, near as I can tell, and left a bare patch out by the road. It’s a wonder this place hasn’t been found already.”

“Hello, vack-head,” she said, stepping fully into the hideout. She smiled broadly, deflating the insult.

I wish I could say I reacted with grace and decorum, but when I saw her four impressively rounded breasts, concealed only by a handful of brightly colored scarves, I was speechless.

Trace surveyed the drying racks with a growl. “And you burned up all the best leaves! Vack-head.” She poked around in the stems and seeds for whatever leftovers she could locate.

The new woman bowed to me, smiling. “I am Suna. And you?”

“Challers,” I croaked, finding my voice again. “You’re a . . .”

“Newgen,” said Trace. “I told you that a couple of newgens might come around.”

She flopped into a chair, causing her breasts to roll and bounce on her chest. No woman I had known moved that way. She seemed almost careless with them.

“Challers, you can’t come here every night. You’ll burn up the plants before they can recover, and you’ll get us discovered and spoil it for everyone.” She took a huge lungful of smoke from the pipe and offered it to Suna.

Suna gave her a smile and waved it off. “No, I have eggs now; it would not be good for them.” She patted her belly. “And do I not recall a certain cadet I know going a bit too far with the smoke her first few nights in here?”

Trace rolled her eyes and offered the pipe to me. “Right, very well. It doesn’t change the fact that he can’t keep acting this way.”

I accepted the pipe. “You must be an Ovor newgen, then,” I said, and took some smoke.

She smiled, nodding. “Yes, that is right. Ovor. You have not seen one before?”

“Just a few holos in my lessons. I’m writing an essay about your people. You’ve put together a very interesting culture.”

“Well, not exactly,” she said, quirking the corner of her mouth in a half-smile. “I was not born on an Ovor station. I became an Ovor here, at headquarters.”


Trace pulled the pipe out of my hand and took another big lungful of smoke. “The gentank isn’t just for giving sweet kids gigantic mammaries, you know. They have all the old templates. They can turn anyone into an Ovor. Even you.”

Out of politeness to Suna, I tried not to look too uncomfortable with the suggestion. “Why?”

She shrugged. “I thought I’d try it out. See whether it suits me.”

“So you can just ask to be put into the gentank, and have them make you into whatever body you like?”

“Or whatever body your keeper likes,” grumbled Trace.

“Oh, you.” Suna shook her head. “I think your breasts look quite good on you.”

Trace rolled her eyes.

“Don’t you think?” asked Suna, looking at me.

I stammered. “They’re, um, quite impressive. Yes.”

Trace shoved the pipe back into my hand. “Here. Have some more smoke.”

I took it and drew the smoke into my lungs. In the back of my head, I could feel the little hum start to build. It was taking effect.

“Honestly?” I said. “I like them smaller.”

I thought of Valka, her breasts quivering as she stroked herself that first time in Shirley’s ship, and I felt the need to clear my throat. I coughed smokily.

Trace caught my eye and her scowl softened. “What’s her name?”

“Valka,” I said. “We were together for a year before coming here. Two days after we arrived . . .” I snapped my fingers. “Pfft.”

“I’m sorry,” said Suna, leaning out to squeeze my hand.

“Happens to a lot of folks,” said Trace.

I squeezed Suna’s hand and she dropped her gentle grasp. “Did you break up after coming here?”

Trace shook her head. “Nah, we weren’t really a couple. I figured out what it took to get into the Scouts on my own and just went and found someone to get picked up with. No big breakup, no big drama.”

“Where is he now?”

Trace shook her head and waved away the question. “No, no, you don’t get that answer yet. I barely know you.” She handed me the pipe. “The smoke isn’t doing me any good. I’ll see you next time.” At the hatch, she turned back to us. “My last night on the station is four nights from now. Will you . . .?”

For just a moment, the look on her face flashed vulnerability.

“Of course we will,” said Suna. “I’ll make sure Zun knows to come, too.”

It didn’t seem like it would be a happy occasion.

When the hatch closed, Suna sighed and shook her head. “Trace is a good person, but she can be a bit closed off. She needs to open up more.”

I took some more smoke. “I think we all could do with being more open. Too many secrets. Too many things left unsaid.”

I stared at the curl of vapor drifting up from the spoon and wondered whether there had been anything I could have said to keep Valka from throwing me away.

“Truth,” said Suna. “So, tell me honestly, then, you do not like large breasts?”

She arched her back, thrusting her chest forward. The thin material of the scarves pulled tight against her body, revealing every contour. Next to Trace’s huge rack, Suna’s weren’t that large, but the comparison was unfair.

“Oh, I, ah, wouldn’t say that.” Somehow I managed to keep the stuttering to a minimum. “I just like one particular pair of breasts better.”

“I thought you said you had broken up.” Suna stood up and moved closer. “Surely that isn’t coloring your preferences, anymore.”

“Suna, um, you know that I’m not supposed to have orgasms without permission, right?”

“You’re also not supposed to use any drugs without permission.” She nodded in the direction of the smoke curling from my hand.

I looked down at it. The buzzing in the back of my skull told me she was right. I hadn’t injected anything or taken any pills, but this smoke was a drug. I looked up and again found my vision filled by Suna’s chest. With her standing, they were right at eye level.

She pulled the scarves down from her lower pair of breasts, exposing hard pink nipples. “Scouts have such educated hands, such skilled mouths. Are you sure you don’t want to break any more rules?”

I swallowed hard. Coming out here in the middle of the night wasn’t against the rules—at least, no one had ever told me I couldn’t—but by taking this smoke I had broken one of the first rules Shirley had given me. No, not one of the first. The first.

I was never a troublemaker back on the station. I was a good kid, a good student, a good son.

I put the smoke-spoon down on the makeshift table. It rolled onto its side and went out.

Suna stepped in front of me, lifting her breasts toward my face. “Go ahead.”

In that moment, what else could I do? I smiled up at her.

Chapter Thirteen

My hands floated up to Suna’s breasts. I stroked the soft skin, felt the gentle weight in my palms. She pulled the scarves free of her body and cast them aside. Her marvelous breasts gave more resistance than Shirley’s. They felt taut.

I liked it.

She took an upper breast in her hand and offered its tip to my open mouth. I hadn’t studied much of this sort of stimulation with Shirley, but I found a raw confidence and licked it anyway. Suna rewarded me with a coo of pleasure.

“What do you like?” I asked. “Are they sensitive?”

“Yes,” she said. “Be gentle.”

Between the smoke drifting around in my brain, Suna’s exotic body, and the heady rush of knowing I was about to break the second of Shirley’s Cardinal Rules, I was completely intoxicated. I eagerly squeezed and stroked, licked and kissed and sucked. For a moment, I wished I had another hand to apply to the last of Suna’s four breasts, but when I looked up, she was taking care of that herself. I drew back and enjoyed the sight of four hands, two mine and two hers, caressing her four beautiful breasts.

I knew from my research that she would not have to worry about getting pregnant. The eggs she was carrying would only be fertilized if she chose it, and even then they would not develop until she decided she wanted them to.

She eased herself back onto the table. “Give me your mouth, Challers.”

She hitched one foot up onto a chair, revealing that the colorful skirt she wore was the only garment left on her body. Her plump, moist vulva parted as she spread her legs, releasing a musky scent that only added to my desire. I could feel my cock straining against the fabric of my shorts.

I spread her lips with my fingers and explored with my tongue. Her clitoris was larger than Shirley’s, as big as the last joint of my little finger, and it thickened as I directed my attentions to it.

“Do you like this?” I asked, between flicks of my tongue.

“Yes,” she breathed. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

I hadn’t done anything like this with Shirley. She had always just had me use my hands. The feel of Suna’s delicate flesh on my lips, on my tongue, excited me like nothing else. I wanted to stay there forever.

“Suck it. Please.”

I pursed my lips and drew her clit into my mouth. I could feel it pulsing there, alive, warm, responding. Her hand on the back of my head held me close, but I wasn’t going anywhere. She tilted her hips, and I slipped two fingers inside her. Shirley had let me explore her body this way, as well, but when I did it for Suna, she quivered with pleasure in a way Shirley never had. It felt good to be so in control, so in demand. I stroked her inner tissues, seeking out the deep centers of pleasure Shirley had shown me.

The techniques Shirley had taught me—keeping her on the edge of orgasm but not quite achieving it—served me just as well with my lips and tongue as it did with my fingers. From her sounds and movements, I could tell she was close, ready for a powerful orgasm.

I stood and quickly pulled the waistband of my shorts down under my cock. It bounced slightly, finally free, aimed at Suna’s moist, waiting pussy.

There it was.

I was about to take that final step—do the one thing that Valka and I had been prevented from doing—and I was filled with a sudden sense of loss.

If I did this, that would be the end. No undoing it.

“Go ahead,” said Suna, whispering desperately.

But I couldn’t. I still had hope.

I knelt again, and placed my lips around Suna’s clit once more. I sucked, pulsing in time with the heartbeat I could feel through my cheeks, while I stroked every other part of her sex I could reach. She climaxed in seconds, grunting and gasping, and then relaxed, laying back against the hard table with a sigh.

When she regained her breath, she rolled up onto her elbows and shook her head. “Why didn’t you enter me? There is no danger to either of us.”

I stood up. “I know. But it would have meant something to me. It would have meant giving up something I’m not ready to give up yet.”

I couldn’t say it to Suna, but I knew in my heart that Shirley’s disapproval wasn’t the reason I held back. I stopped because it would have been an admission that I’d never be able to do it, for the first time, with Valka.

I still had hope.

“Do you want me to help you with that?” She nodded in the direction of my unflagging erection and pushed a pair of breasts together invitingly.

Suna’s invitation did make some sense. I had started this session with her intending to have an orgasm, and just because I turned down one invitation didn’t mean I had to turn them all down.

Besides, I could tell from the smile on her face that she would enjoy it almost as much as I would.

She slid down off the table and took a moment to transfer some of the copious fluid from her pussy to the space between her lower set of breasts. I stripped off my uniform and took her place on the table with my legs hanging off one side.

She wrapped her breasts around my cock. It felt marvelous. Shirley had put her hands on my cock a dozen or so times, but it felt nowhere near as good as this. My breath caught. She slowly rubbed her body against me, and I tried to play with her upper breasts, but my hands wouldn’t do what I wanted. I flopped onto my back and just let her go. She certainly seemed to know what to do.

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