SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories) (58 page)

BOOK: SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories)
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She could feel him, pressing his hips into her hard trying to gain entrance to her body and even though it took a few tries, he finally was able to push the head of his cock into her. Slowly he began pumping the head of his thick cock in and out of her pussy pressing his cock further and further into her with each thrust until he was completely inside of her.

Sheldandra had never been so completely filled before. She had never experienced such pleasure from having a man’s cock inside of her.  She threw her head back as Tate pumped into her faster and faster, pushing himself to the edge. As he felt her pussy walls tightening up around his cock he lost all control and filled her with his come.

As Sheldandra tried to gain her composure, she heard a deep growl come from Tate as he slammed his cock into her once more before stopping and looking down at her. She swore that she was watching a wild animal. Tate took a hold of Sheldandra’s wrist and raised it to his mouth. Sheldandra only watched, unsure of what he was doing. She saw two large k-9 teeth come out of his mouth and puncture her wrist. She did not feel pain, but instead felt euphoric. Every part of her body felt as if it were being awakened. She dared not to move, knowing that the slightest movement would severe her vein.

Tate slid his teeth out of her wrist and to her amazement, it instantly healed, leaving two large scars the size of his teeth. Tate bent down and kissed her hard, “Now you are mine.” Tate slid his cock out of her pussy and lay in the bed next to her. Sheldandra was still unsure if she were awake or asleep. She felt as if she had been drugged or had been dropped into an alternate reality.

She laid her head on Tate’s chest making sure that she stayed away from the stitches and looked up at him, “Where is the wolf,” she asked already knowing the answer but needing to hear it from him.

“Do you have to ask,” Tate said, looking down at her. Sheldandra shook her head.

“What are you,” she asked him. No matter what he was she was still going to love him, but there was a part of her that had to know.

Tate took a deep breath and sighed, “A werewolf.”

Sheldandra placed her head back on his chest without saying a word.

“My family is going to be angry when they find out that I mated with you and not Accalia,” Tate began to explain, “I am the prince of my pack and I was supposed to mate a purebred like myself but I couldn’t do it.”

Sheldandra listened to what Tate was saying as she fought to keep her eyes open.

“We may have to run Sheldandra,” he placed his hands on her head and lifted it up, forcing her to look at him, “I need you to hear me. We may have to hide in the woods or run far away from here. I can’t promise you that we will have everything we want, but we will have each other.”

Sheldandra had never thought about Tate in the way that Accalia had, she had thought about him as a man. To her he was not a prince, he was not rich, he was just a man that she loved. “It does not matter to me what we have to do or where we have to go. I will go where you go. No matter where it is I will follow you. I don’t care about possessions,” she reassured him, “I only care about being with you.”

Tate felt better, but there was so much more that they needed to talk about. Tate decided that he would leave that for the morning. Sheldandra needed her sleep and she had been through enough. He knew it would be difficult for her to understand that at some point she would have to be changed and he hoped that if they did have to leave she would feel the same way.

Tate understood that saying something and doing it were often two different things. That night Sheldandra lay in Tate’s arms safe in her apartment for the last time ever. When she awoke, she was in a car and Tate was at the wheel.

“What is going on,” Sheldandra asked.

“They are coming for us,” Tate said, looking at Sheldandra, “You were exhausted and I could not wake you so I just took you.”

“You took me,” Sheldandra’s eyes widened, “Where exactly are you taking me.”

“As far away as we can get on this tank of gas and then we will have to go even further,” Tate began, “Accalia has told the police that I kidnapped you and that you are in danger.”

Sheldandra thought about what was going on. He had in a sense kidnapped her. She had never agreed to go with him or had she… She thought about the previous night but it was all a blur. She looked down at her wrist and rubbed her hands over the scar.

“Tate,” Sheldandra asked, “What is going on? Am I in danger?”

“The only danger you are in is from Accalia,” he said, looking sad, “You will remember what happened, this is the effects of the mark. Sheldandra I am in love with you.”

Memories started to flood her mind as she thought about the previous night. Flashes of wolves and Tate making love to her. “The werewolves will kill you if they catch us,” Tate said as he took her hand.

“Then we better not let them catch us,” Sheldandra said, looking back at the man she loved.

















Knocked Up by a Thug

Chapter one

“I’m sending him over right now. You won’t be disappointed. Of course I know that he’s going to have to go through the interview process, but that’s something that he’ll fly through with flying colors. Don’t worry about it; this is what you pay me for and quite handsomely at that. I’ll be in touch. Let me know how things go and if you have any more needs. You know that I’m always around. You’re one of my best clients and I always have time for you, Jackson.” I was walking down the sidewalk with my black highs heels clicking against the pavement and pretending that I was in the office.

I had several clients that are looking for new hires and they have me to thank for bringing them the talent that they need. I am the go between when it comes to finding people that are looking for work and have the resume to prove that they can do the job. They pay me a stipend to put them on my website. If they really want the personal touch, they’ll pay the premium and I’ll make a concentrated effort to work my magic.

It doesn’t hurt that I’m not hard on the eyes. Being 5’9, 115 pounds with the kind of chocolate skin that makes most men look at me two times and then a third time just to make sure that I was not some kind of mirage. I don’t know how many times I almost caused an accident with my high black skirts and ample bosom that literally looked like it was trying to escape my blouse. It’s definitely true that sex does sell.

My long black hair and my piercing green eyes are the things that makes it easy for me to get into doors that most people wouldn’t be able to accomplish on their own. I make other headhunters look like they are going through the motions. I don’t just take my client’s money; I make it work for them in the best way possible. Even now, Jackson is going to get a rude awakening. He hasn’t been able to find anybody on his own to fit the bill of an advertising executive in training. Nobody’s willing to take what he’s offering, but Peter Isles is a struggling college graduate that will bend over backwards to please him.

My blue tooth goes off and I hear the ringing in my head and I know that from the caller ID on my phone that it’s Mike. He has a law firm that has a revolving door when it comes to receptionists. Apparently, he can be a bit of a handful. It’s the reason why I was going to team him up with Tanya. She has shown that she has the attitude to give back just as hard as she is getting. This blond bombshell will tongue tie him and make it very difficult for him to chastise her for anything that she does.

It’s good to hear from you Mike. I do believe that in the next 5 minutes, Tanya will be walking through your door. Give her a chance and I think that you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Of course, we can do dinner sometime. It’s the least that I can do for my favorite client.” All of my clients were my favorite client. It was just my way of making idle chitchat and giving them a reason to continue hiring me on a permanent basis. I not only get money from the clients that I team them up with, but I also get money from them with 10% of the wages coming back to me. It’s really small, considering what I give them on a silver platter.

I stop in front of this shoe shop and I see a pair that really does cause me to stop in my tracks. Something about them calls to me and I know that this is a sickness, but I just can’t help myself. I have several shoes in my closet that I’m probably never going to wear, but it doesn’t matter.

I see my reflection and the Gucci sunglasses that I wear to shield my eyes from the sun makes me look like I have more money than brains. I’m wearing a red blouse with the first few buttons undone to show a considerable amount of cleavage. I noticed just walking down the block that a lot of men had already stopped and looked at me with a hunger that you can see in their eyes.

My last relationship was three years ago and it ended with me kicking him to the curb for cheating on me with my best friend. I know how cliché that might sound, but I have lived it and I now know that it was something that really happened. I think I gave up on men at that point, because I thought that they were all horn dogs and really were only thinking with one head and it’s not the one that was attached to their shoulders.

I decided to bite the bullet and I walked into the shop and I saw that the owner was a man. This was a little unusual and something like this kind of product would most likely be sold by a woman. He was an ebony god with a bald head that had tattoos crisscrossing over his cranium. There were several more on his arms and even one that surrounded his eye like it was supposed to be a rising sun.

“If there’s anything that I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.” He had his hand over the phone. I gave him a noncommittal wave, but I couldn’t stop staring at the muscularity of his arms and the way that they seemed to bulge obscenely like they were going to rip through the fabric like the incredible hulk.

I was browsing, but my eyes were drawn to the same pair of shoes that I’d seen outside in the window.

“I don’t care what Ramon says. I’m out of that lifestyle and I have no intention of going back anytime soon. Tell him that our business is done.” His voice was raised and I could tell that he was visibly distressed about something. I could tell from his body language that this was not a conversation that he wanted to have. I picked up the shoes and I brought them over to the counter. “This is the last time that I want to hear from you. If you try to send somebody over there, you’ll regret it. Yes, that is a threat.” He slammed the phone down, before he realized that he had a client standing right in front of him.

“That sounded a bit heated.” I don’t know why I was making idle chitchat, but it was the way that I was raised. My mother was always sociable and he she had taught me that there was always a way to make a person talk. It usually came from giving them room to breathe. I didn’t say anything and instead I fingered the straps on the shoes and wondered what they would look like, as I walked down the street to the jealous glances of others.

“Let’s just say that my past seems to have come back to raise its ugly head. I would rather leave that where it’s supposed to be. They just don’t know how to take no for an answer. I’m not going to say that I’m not tempted. I’ve had several friends that went away and couldn’t make it on the outside.” The way that he said that made me believe that he had spent some time in the legal system.

He looked like he was shocked that he was, so willing to reveal such secrets to a virtual stranger. He really didn’t know me and just standing in my presence had made a lot of people reveal to me secrets that they never wanted to see the light of day. I was good at reading people and this guy had a gang related past written across his forehead in neon letters.

“I have no problem listening to you. It’s not like I have a lot to do today. It might do you good to get it off your chest. Maybe you can even give me a discount on the shoes for becoming your personal counselor.” It was worth a shot and the smile that I received was enough to make my knees shake. I’ve never had any man give me those butterflies in my stomach, until now. The black shirt that he was wearing was a little small for his frame, but it certainly did outline his muscles through that shirt with clarity.

“I’ll give you 10% off. I just opened this place about a month ago. Business has been a little slow, but with the fall season comes the need for Christmas presents. I just wished that I had a way to introduce this new line of shoes to the masses. I’ve been incommunicado for a few years. I don’t know much about business, but I had heard from an old girlfriend that she was all the rave for these new pair of shoes. I decided to throw in with her. She’s my partner in crime. It’s amazing how much I learned about shoes in such a short period of time.”

Those black pants were tight and it wasn’t because he had muscular thighs. I could see the outline of his package and the way that it was pressing up against the fabric. I wanted to reach out and touch him, but there was no way that I was going to take that kind of risk in a semi public place.

“I know a lot of friends that have gone into the system. I know a lot of them that got lost and couldn’t find their way back. I also know of a few that have made it, despite what they went through. It’s admirable that you’d want to get back into society. I like that you want to earn an honest living. Of course, it’s hard to walk away from something you know. The money must’ve been immeasurable, but sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture. You went to jail this time, but what happens the next time? You could get killed or you could find yourself carrying the blood of others on your shoulders.”

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