SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories) (54 page)

BOOK: SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories)
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Chapter 4

"Do you like horseback riding?" Sloan asked Amy after she'd been there for a couple of days. They'd been getting along famously, and Amy was worried it was almost too good to be true. Sloan was a perfect gentleman, kind, thoughtful he hadn't tried to kiss her again and Amy was going crazy wanting to see if the chemistry she'd felt was her imagination, or if they really had it together.

"I haven't been on a horse in years. I like horses okay," Amy told him as she speared a pancake off the breakfast table with her fork and brought it to her plate. She buttered it and put some syrup on it, and thanked Sloan when he refilled her coffee cup.

"Say the word, and I'll get the horses out and we can go for a ride," Sloan told her and then leaned back in his chair watching her eat. He liked that she had a hearty appetite and wasn't afraid of food.

"Sure, sometime in the future that would be nice." Amy took a sip of her coffee and realized she needed to talk to him about the requirements of the will. "I want to know more about the requirements of the will. I know you said you needed to be married, but you mentioned a baby?"

Sloan set his coffee cup on the table and rubbed his chin with his hand before answering her, "Yes. Within six months of the marriage, we are supposed to be pregnant. I'm assuming there aren't any infertility issues, but I'm sure if something were to come up that required medical intervention, there's a way around that as long as we are actively seeking to fix something."

"I see," Amy said, her cycles had always been regular, and she wasn't on birth control, not having had a boyfriend for quite a while, she hadn't needed it. "I love kids, it's why I'm a teacher. I guess I just hadn't really thought of myself pregnant and having my own baby. I know I'm not getting any younger, and if I'm going to have a couple kids, now's probably the time. Do you actually want kids, or are you just doing this because it's in the will?"

"I'm open to having kids. I like kids, I even thought I wanted them at some point, but having them within the next few months is because of the will and the requirements my parents laid out to keep my inheritance. I don't really mind though, I'm not getting any younger." He told her and then reached across the table to grab Amy's hand she had rested on the table. "Are you sure you can do this?"

"I like you Sloan. I like your house, I like your dog, and I want kids. I've seen marriages started on worse. I understand why you'd treat this more like a business arrangement, and I think the chemistry between us might be able to grow into a lot more than just friendship if we gave it a chance. But, I do want to sleep with you before we get married at least once. I need to be sure that it's something I can handle before we tie the knot. I don't believe in buying a car unseen and without test driving it, and I feel the same way about a man." Amy told him point blank, being blunt.

"Well," Sloan said blinking at her. "I don't think I'll have any issues in that department, I find you very attractive."

"The feeling is mutual, I feel like this could really work out. I like your company, you seem like a great guy, and I'm glad I took the risk of coming out here and meeting you. You know, the only reason I even had a dating profile is because my sister made me put one up." Amy told him and grinned at him.

"Just so were on the same page, I haven't been with anyone since I discharged from the military and came home, and my last STD panel was clean." Sloan told her not quite meeting her eyes as he provided the information, it was a slightly sensitive topic.

"That's an awkward conversation topic," Amy said meeting his gaze when he was done talking and arched a brow. "I suppose you just wanted me to know?"

"Something like that. It's personal information and if we are going to end up married, I should be able to tell you anything," Sloan told her honestly.

"I appreciate that," Amy told him, and she really did. Lack of honesty in her past relationship had made her a little bitter and nervous about trusting a new man, but something about Sloan just made her feel like she could do this. That she could trust him.

"I was going to start a fire in the fireplace, would you like some hot cocoa since it started to snow? I know we just had coffee, but I always like to drink hot chocolate in front of the fireplace," Sloan grinned, and Amy could picture him as a little boy excited over the holidays, with hot chocolate and cookies for Santa. It made her ovaries hurt just thinking about it, and she realized her biological clock was ticking away, telling her it was time.

She didn't think she'd have any regrets with Sloan, but she wanted to be sure. She just had to figure out how to initiate the sex without making it feel awkward.

Later that evening, they were sitting in front of the fireplace together, drinking hot cocoa with little marshmallows. Amy reached over and took Sloan's hand and set it on her leg. She was trying to send him a signal that he could touch her, without being too pushy about it, or making him uncomfortable.

Sloan got the hint and he started to gently massage her leg and scooted closer to her and Amy leaned against his shoulder. She finished her hot chocolate and set it on the coffee table, on a coaster to protect the antique wood that it was made out of. Leaning back she shifted her body so she was facing Sloan more and leaned closer to him to put her head on his shoulder.

Staring down at her, Sloan pushed a strand of hair from her cheek to behind her ear and then lowered his head to kiss her. His hot chocolate flavored lips met hers, and she could taste the hint of chocolate and marshmallows on his tongue when she parted her lips to allow his tongue to meld against her own.

Wrapping her arm around his neck, they started to make out on the couch like horny teenagers. It was hot, exciting, and he hand his hand up her sweater going to undo her bra when the door burst open and one of the dog trainers burst through the doors.

"We have a problem Sloan," He told them.

"What's going on Joe?" Sloan pulled his hand out from Amy's shirt, and acted almost like he forgot she was there when he went to address the problem.

"The bitch that was about to give puppies got out of her kennel, and she won't come out of the horse barn. She's got herself cornered in a stall and is threatening to bite anyone who comes close to her. She's freaking out and I'm worried about the puppies." Joe told Sloan, and motioned for him to come with him. "She was your mom's favorite. She really only likes women and since Mindy is on vacation for another week, we don't have anyone else to help, and I don't know what to do. I can't tranq her when she's about to give birth, it might hurt the puppies." Joe sounded stressed out and agitated, and hadn't even noticed Amy.

"She prefers females, right?" Amy butted in, realizing that maybe she could help them. "Maybe I could help?"

Sloan and Joe both turned to look at Amy, and Joe shrugged at her.

"If you ain't scared of getting bit, you're more than welcome to try," He told her.

Sloan nodded, "I'm fine with it if you want to see if she'll tolerate you. You won over Fred, so maybe you can work your magic on Stella."

"Stella?" Amy asked as she grabbed her winter coat off the hook by the door where she'd left it. Sloan grabbed his too and held the door open for her. It was snowing, the wind blew and it was chilly.

"The dog, we call her Stella. Officially she's Princess Stella of King Louie, which was her dad's name." Sloan explained as they walked outside to the barn. "The dogs all have fancy pedigree names, but we end up calling them by a nick name. It's too much of a mouthful otherwise."

Chapter 5

Walking into the barn together, Amy and Sloan walked back to the back of the barn where Joe told them to expect Stella to be hiding. Amy went first and Stella growled when she saw them. She was laying on her side and panting hard, it appeared as if she'd be giving birth soon and Amy crouched low, trying to act non-threatening and talked gently to her. The dog tensed when she saw Sloan and Amy put up her hand.

"Let me be in here with her right now. Just stay outside of the stall for right now Sloan." Amy told him, focused on the unhappy looking dog in front of her who seemed stressed out.

The dog watched Amy carefully, but allowed her to come closer and when she put her hand out for the dog to sniff it, she didn't growl. Amy moved slow and calmly, petting her softly on the head, talking to her, reassuring her that it was okay. She stroked her ears and eventually was close enough the dog could put her head on Amy's leg.

Amy watched her as her stomach tightened up and the dog whined, and then her body pushed and the first puppy popped out. Amy didn't touch it, and just let Stella lick it clean and chew through the cord. She pushed the puppy in the straw until the puppy was wiggling and blindly seeking the comfort of Stella's nipple. A few minutes later another puppy appeared and Stella repeated the process.

It took a couple hours, but Stella gave birth to eight, healthy puppies and eventually pushed out all the afterbirths under Amy's supportive and watchful eye. Sloan was outside the stall. He'd grabbed a chair from the back closet in the barn in the storage area and was sitting there, waiting for the dog to be done. Amy kept reassuring him that everything seemed fine and Stella was doing great, so he tried not to worry.

Eventually all the puppies were latched and nursing and Stella seemed to relax and be calm, and Amy didn't touch the puppies, but she continued to pet Stella and tell her what a good job she had done and stroked her head softly.

"Is she all done?" Sloan finally asked her.

"It appears so, I saw her deliver and eat the afterbirth. There's eight puppies in total and they are nursing and none of them seem to be having any problems." Amy told him quietly.

"Let me get her a bowl of water and some canned food, she can stay in here. I'll have you give it to her, and I'll have Joe keep an eye on her for the next day or two until she's ready to let others near her and the babies." Sloan said in a low, hushed tone, not wanting to stress the dog out.

"Sounds like a plan, I'll wait," Amy told him as she waited for him to bring back the food and water.

A few minutes later Sloan opened the top half of the horse stall and put the bowls through so Amy could get up and grab them. Stella watched carefully, a low growl in her throat when she saw someone besides Amy's hands in the stall.

Amy talked to her quietly while she took the items from Sloan and brought the bowls of food and water over to Stella and set it directly in front of her so she wouldn't have to get up to eat and drink.

Stella sniffed the food and then drank some water. Amy gave her a few more soft pats before getting up and leaving to follow Sloan back to the house. She was excited, she'd never watched a dog birth before, and Stella had been a good first experience. She was glad she could help.

"You're shaking. Are you just cold, or was it the adrenaline of watching her give birth?" Sloan asked her as he held the door open for her to go back inside the house after they'd stomped the snow off their shoes on the porch.

"A little of both, I think," Amy said and then grinned at Sloan. "I can see why you do this, I am completely amazed by that."

"It can be a humbling experience. I learned a lot being around the dogs growing up, and no two dogs are exactly the same. Stella's a good example. We didn't sell her, she's one of our prize working females. She was my mom's dog and made a ideal candidate for a breeder. We are very picky on who we sell, who we keep and which ones we breed." Sloan told her. "If you're really interested in being a part of this, after we get married, I can have you spend time with the trainers and learn the ropes. You're never too old to learn to work with the dogs if you have a knack for it, and you appear to have a natural connection with them, that will be useful."

"I think I'd like that." Amy told him and then hung up her jacket after she'd managed to get all the buttons and zipper undone.

Sloan stared at her for a moment and then leaned down and kissed her.

Chapter 6

Amy was shocked when his cold lips touched hers. She shivered, and Sloan pulled her closer to him. He'd already hung up his jacket and his flannel shirt was slightly damp around the collar. She worked on the buttons of his shirt as their lips heated up and he deepened the kiss by pressing his tongue gently against her lips. She opened her mouth and let him inside, his hands reaching up to tangle in her hair.

Kissing her felt good, Sloan moaned softly against her mouth and realized it had been forever since he'd been with a woman, and he wanted her. She was warm and inviting and happy and it made her hard to resist. He loved the way the strands of her hair felt tangled around his fingers, it was like silk.

Amy got his shirt unbuttoned and ran her hands up his taut chest. He had every inch the military body, his six pack hadn't gone away just because he'd retired. She let her fingers trace the curves of his muscles and felt her stomach grow tight, picturing his body sliding against hers.

Sloan pulled her backwards towards the couch, until he fell sitting and pulled her down against him, making her giggle. "I want to see you naked."

"Then get me naked," Amy taunted him playfully, pulling at the belt on his jeans and pulled it out and dropped it on the floor by the couch. Sloan slipped out of his shirt and then started to pull Amy's sweater over her head, and worked on unhooking her bra in the back. Her breasts popped free as he dropped her bra and he cupped one of her perky small breasts in his hands, making his cock swell in his jeans almost painfully hard. He traced his fingers around the pale lobe and then dipped his head to taste her nipple with his lips and tongue.

His hot mouth was a contrast to her cold flesh, even with the fire place and the heat, the house was still chilly, just enough to make her skin break out in goose bumps. Sloan slid his hands up her arms, until he reached her shoulders, pressing one hand on the back of her neck, he pulled her down to kiss him again. His other hand went to her back and he held her close as they made our like horny teenagers on the couch, with a lot of groping, fondling and giggling.

"I want you," Amy finally told him as she pulled back from the kisses. She was wet, she had soaked her panties and it had started to seep through her pants. She wanted them off, she wanted him inside her, and she didn't want any more foreplay. She wanted the main course.

"But I'm just getting started," Sloan said, raising an eyebrow, although he was secretly relieved, because his cock was so hard it had actually started to hurt in his jeans.

Amy stood up and wiggled out of her jeans, turning around so her ass was almost in his face as she pulled them down over her ankles. She left her socks on. Her feet were cold.

Watching her, Sloan reached out and started to touch her hips and ass through her lace panties, excited to see her butt in his face. He had a thing for butts, especially round firm butts like hers. He cupped her ass and massaged the cheeks, and then moved his hands lower to between her thighs and stroked her through the lace.

Freezing, she moaned as his fingers touched her delicately, teasing her, making her long for him to rip off her panties and be inside her right that minute. She indulged him, letting his fingers stroke and tease her, making her panties and thighs drip with her juices in her excitement. She couldn't think about anything else except how close she was to an orgasm, how her pussy ached to be filled and have him rubbing his cock against her insides so she could cum around him.

"Please, I need you," She finally begged, unable to take it anymore.

Sloan stood up and shoved his jeans off and roughly pushed her against the couch, bending her over.

Amy grabbed the back of the couch and pulled the pillows over to put under her chest while he kicked her feet apart from behind, gripping the back of the couch Sloan entered her tight hole in one fast thrust, burying himself to the hilt inside her pussy.

Nearly screaming, she bit the couch to keep from making too much noise, not sure if Sloan appreciated the kind of wild noises she might make in her arousal, and he grabbed her hips and started thrusting rough from behind. His fingers dug into her hips and then he slapped one of her ass cheeks, just hard enough to leave a hand print and have her scream out as her orgasm ripped through her body in surprise.

"Oh my god," Amy shouted as her legs shook with her release and her stomach muscles tightened almost painfully and her pussy started to convulse around his cock, squeezing him rhythmically.

"You struck me as the type of girl who liked a little more than missionary with the lights off," Sloan told her as he grabbed her ass hard with one of his hands and then slapped it again, leaving her ass feeling warm and turning a little pink from his playful swats.

"Mmmm, harder. I like it," Amy muttered, ignoring his comment. He was right, but she wanted to leave some things for them to discover together, later.

Sloan moved his hand back to her hips to guide her back and forth on his cock, he used his other hand to circle around her and find her clit to play with her while he filled her over and over again from behind. Slamming into her harder and harder until Amy squeezed him hard as another orgasm rolled through her, making her squirt on his groin.

"Oh, that's so fucking hot to feel you cum all over me like that," He whispered to her and shuddered as her lips rubbed against the tip of his cock as he pulled it out and he pushed back inside her. She was clamped down super tight, and it rubbed him so hard it sent him over the edge. He shuddered hard as he came inside her, his entire body shaking with his climax.

Amy was breathless, still recovering from her own orgasms and when he pulled out and grabbed a blanket off the chair beside the couch and then pulled her onto his lap after her sat down, she laid her head on his shoulder, relaxing into him. When he wrapped the blanket around the two of them and just held her for a few minutes, she realized that she was going to stay.

Not just because of the sex, or the fact the dogs liked her, but because when she was in his arms and she could feel his heart beating, and hear his breathing coming in and out slowly, she felt content. She felt home.

"I'll marry you. I want to marry you," Amy finally whispered to him when he started to stroke her hair gently. "I like you, a lot."

"Feeling’s mutual," Sloan told her, and then tipped her chin back so he could kiss her. He reached down between them under the blankets and started to gently massage her thighs. Working his way up until he found her core, still wet with his fluids and her own arousal he slipped a finger inside her. Playing with her and using his thumb to play with her clit until she let her head fall back and she was grinding her hips against his hands.

"Ride me Amy," Sloan told her and pulled her over on top of him, so her knees straddled him.

Amy nodded, and could feel his erection pressing against her thighs again, she shifted her hips until the tip of his cock fit against her swollen opening and slowly lowered herself to take all of him inside her. She nibbled on his shoulder, neck and chin until she'd worked her way back up to his mouth.

He reached up and twisted his fingers into her hair as he held her close for a passionate kiss, with his tongue stroking hers and his mouth melting over hers. He groaned as she slid her hips and took him deep inside of her, and grabbed the couch behind him to balance herself as she started to quickly ride him up and down.

Amy eventually pulled away from the kiss and tilted her head back, letting her body do all the work as she thrust her body up and down him, bobbing as she rode him, his dick hitting just the right spot from this angle to tickle her g-spot with each thrust.

Leaning his head down, Sloan sucked her nipple into his mouth and his other hand came up to massage the other bouncing breast as she rode him erratically until she climaxed again for him. Feeling her tighten, clenching him hard and the way her scream of ecstasy ripped from her throat, it was enough to push him close to the edge. Grabbing her hips, he met her thrust for thrust, guiding her to slide against him just right, taking back control over the rhythm to bring himself to his own second release. They clung together, shuddering, recovering from the second round of sex and then Amy started to giggle against his neck.

"Everything okay?" He asked her, looking concerned.

"Yes, everything is perfect." Amy said, lifting her head, her eyes twinkling and then she lowered her head and kissed him.

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