Scattered Thoughts (Betrayed by Love Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Scattered Thoughts (Betrayed by Love Book 1)
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Alec Payne

CEO, Payne Enterprises


“He’s sorry about the picture?” I said out loud. My boss was furious. My son thought I’d betrayed his father. And Alec was sorry? I shook my head, unable to believe this was happening.

I should’ve known Mr. Control Freak would object to the change. After all, he did revise the contract so I’d be forced to come to Tampa every week for a status update, a task that could easily be accomplished with a phone call. I tossed the newspaper into the trash, hoping for an out-of-sight out-of-mind kind of thing.

Pulling myself to my feet I headed into the kitchen for another cup of coffee. It wasn’t even eight o’clock and I was already exhausted. All these ups and downs, I was ready to get off this rollercoaster ride.

After the fresh pot of coffee had finished brewing I poured myself a cup then went straight back to my office. I buried myself in work, not emerging from behind my locked door until I heard Anna and Sara in the kitchen several hours later.

I walked out of my office, doing my best not to think about that unfortunate photo op, praying Anna hadn’t seen it too. “Hey,” I said as I entered the kitchen.

“How was work, Mom?” I couldn’t help but notice the clipped tone in her voice but didn’t call her on it.

“It’s work. I’d rather hear about your day.”

Anna tossed a copy of the picture from the article on the counter in front of me. “Well, I want to hear about this!”

I closed my eyes and took a steadying breath. “Anna, it’s not what you think.”

“Then what is it?”

“He’s a client. I ran into him at Hopjacks yesterday when I was having lunch. That’s it. There’s nothing else to tell.”

“The article says you were having a romantic lunch.”

“Anna, I have no control over what’s published on that site, but I’m telling you, he’s just a client.”

“Mom, look at this.” She poked the picture with her index finger. “Look at the way he’s touching you. Look at your face. Don’t sit there and tell me he’s just a client!” she screamed.

I’d never seen Anna this angry before. I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it, afraid anything I said now would only make matters worse. She stormed out of the kitchen. I called after her, but she didn’t stop. Sinking down onto the stool at the breakfast bar I buried my face in my hands.

“She’ll be okay, Izzy,” Sara said, handing me a glass of wine. “Drew’s mad at me too.” I took a long drink from the glass Sara gave me. Both of my kids thought
betrayed Spencer.

“It’s so unfair.”








Chapter Seven




The rest of the afternoon was a disaster. Drew refused to look at me and Anna couldn’t look away. Her stare so intense, I thought her eyes would burn a hole right through my heart. They barely spoke to me either, and what they did say was so painful I didn’t want to hear it. Drew and Anna were convinced I was having an affair and there was nothing I could say that was going to change that. I wanted to tell them the truth about the divorce, to tell them this wasn’t my fault, that I hadn’t done anything wrong. But I couldn’t. Not now, not right before I left on business, not with Spencer out of town too. It wouldn’t be fair to them.

I’d decided to take an earlier flight to Tampa. Drew and Anna needed time to process what they were feeling, plus, I really didn’t want to risk another picture of me and Alec. Especially not one of me boarding his private jet. I shuddered as I considered the headlines of that article.

“Maybe this trip will do you some good, Izzy,” I said out loud. Dr. Leonard had suggested I take some time off. While this wasn’t exactly time off it was time away from the chaos in my life. For three whole days I’d be able to pretend my life wasn’t unraveling at the seams. I could at least pretend I was still in control.

When I’d finished packing everything I couldn’t live without the rest of the week, I headed downstairs where the car service was already waiting. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes as I took one final look around. The house that was once filled with life and love had been forever changed.

Passengers were just starting to board when I arrived at the gate. With this new contract Payne Enterprises was paying for all my travel expenses, so I booked a first class ticket, considering it combat pay for what I was going through because of that picture.

Settling into the roomy seat, I closed my eyes, ready to get this flight over with. My peacefulness was disrupted when my phone rang. After silencing the ringer I caught a quick glance of the screen.
I wasn’t about to risk a dramatic event now, not with a plane full of people. I sent Alec a quick message so he’d know not to pick me up then powered down my phone and dropped it into my travel bag.


• • • • •


The car service dropped me off outside the Port of Tampa just before seven. Passengers weren’t arriving until tomorrow so the check-in process was quick. The porter took my suitcase and escorted me to my suite, an oversized room with a sitting area, a queen size bed, and a large en suite bathroom with a garden tub and separate shower. And the floor-to-ceiling glass doors leading to the balcony made the room seem even bigger than it was.

I thought about calling Alec to tell him I’d arrived, but I wasn’t in the mood to deal with him yet. I needed a little time to get past the fact that he was the reason I was in this mess. Instead, I unpacked my suitcase then headed off to explore the ship on my own.

There was a deck map mounted on the wall near the elevator and I took a few minutes to study it. The ship had nineteen decks and I could easily get lost. “This is gonna take more than a weekend,” I said out loud.

“How long is it going to take then?” I spun around and was immediately frozen in my tracks at the sight of Alec standing in front of me. The porter must’ve told him I’d boarded, but how did he know where to find me?

“Mr. Payne,” I finally managed to say.

“Welcome aboard, Ms. James,” he said with a smile that exposed his perfect white teeth. “Is there a problem with the schedule already?”

“I wasn’t talking about the schedule.”

He tilted his head as if waiting for me to continue.

“I was just thinking out loud about how many things there are to see onboard.”

“This is the
Ultimate Fantasy
, Ms. James.” He took hold of my hand. “Come with me, we have a tour to finish.”

I pulled out of his grip. “Alec, stop.” He turned to look at me. “This, whatever
is, it can’t happen. You’re a client. Please try to understand that.”

“Are you objecting to a tour of the ship?”


“Then what exactly is the problem, Isabella?”

“Alec, that picture, you have no idea the trouble it’s caused.”

He moved closer, taking my hand in his once more. “I’m sorry, Isabella. I should’ve warned you about the press. I feel terrible. Let me make it up to you.”

My luxurious trip to Tampa flashed through my mind making me blush. “Actually, you already did,” I confessed. “You bought me a first class ticket to Tampa.”

A broad smile crossed his face. “Oh, Isabella, I can do much better than that.”

Nervously, I bit my lip.
Stop this! Stop this now!
my inner voice shouted but I felt almost powerless near    him. “Alec, please,” I breathed. “That picture almost cost me my job. And now my kids think I’m having an affair.” I shook my head, wanting to rid that awful memory.

“I’m sorry that your kids got the wrong impression, really. If there’s anything I can do to make that situation better just say the word and I’ll do it.” If only it were that easy. I wish someone else could handle the chaos in my life, but that wasn’t a real possibility and I knew it.

“But Tim—”

“You let me worry about Tim Howard,” Alec interrupted.

“That’s easier said than done, Alec. He’s really mad at
the one who works for him.”

“Fair point, Isabella, but you don’t need to worry about any of that now. You’re kids aren’t here. Tim’s not here. And more importantly, the press isn’t here.” He moved closer placing his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him. “Right now nothing else matters but you.” My knees buckled, and at that moment I knew I couldn’t resist him.

“Fine, but just a tour,” I finally agreed.


• • • • •


We spent the next couple of hours exploring the ship. I got to see first-hand the work that went on behind the scenes as Alec escorted me through the staff only areas. Crew members were busily moving about, making final preparations before guests arrived. Alec was surprisingly relaxed and carefree as we strolled from deck to deck, exploring the ship. Not at all the control freak I’d expected.

He pulled his hand to his ear and pressed the Bluetooth button. “What is it, Tina?” Alec said sharply. “Was anyone hurt?” He turned his back to me as he listened. “Thank God. Get Marcus on the phone. I want a full report.” He pressed the button once again then turned back toward me.

“I’m sorry, Isabella. I have to deal with an emergency.” He took my hand and we walked toward the elevator.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes,” he said as we stepped inside. He pressed a button on the control panel then stepped back out. “This will take you to the Lido deck. Your cabin is near the bow.”

“What about the meeting with the crew?”

“It’s been cancelled. I’ll pick you up at ten for a late dinner.” And just like that Mr. Control Freak was back.

My nerves were frayed by the time I found my way back to my cabin. I’d been wrestling with thoughts of Alec and professionalism and my job all day, our earlier interaction only making it worse. I opened the mini bar in search of something that might calm me down. When I saw the small bottles of Chateau Ste. Michelle inside, I couldn't help but smile. I pulled a bottle off the shelf and poured myself a glass, beyond ready to leave the stresses of my life behind.

After finishing the tiny bottle I still had some time to kill so I decided to check voicemail. The automated voice announced I had two new messages. I skipped over the first message when I heard Spencer’s voice. He was the last person I wanted in my head right now. The second message started to play. “You’re officially single,” the caller said. “Your divorce was finalized earlier today,” he continued and I finally put the pieces together, Mark, my divorce attorney. I listened to the message again to make sure I’d heard him correctly. Divorced. It was over, done, finished. Nineteen years of marriage, gone, just like that. Tears filled my eyes and I couldn’t stop them, not this time. I collapsed on the bed and cried myself to sleep.

A knock on the door woke me. Shit. Alec. Our dinner plans. I scrambled out of bed and headed to the bathroom to wash away the evidence of my tears. A more insistent knock sounded through the cabin and I hurried to open the door.

“Isabella, what’s wrong?” Alec asked as soon he saw me. He stepped into the room, forcing me to take a step back.

I shook my head, not wanting to get into it, knowing I wouldn’t be able to hold the tears back if I did. “It’s nothing.”

He held my head between his hands and stared into my eyes. “I don’t like half-truths, Isabella. Now tell me what’s wrong.”

Alec’s words were my undoing. I buried my face into his chest, unable to stop the tears now. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

“Tell me what’s wrong?” Alec said. “And I want the truth this time.”

I closed my eyes tight. I didn’t want to talk about my divorce with him, not now, maybe not ever. But I already knew he wouldn’t let it go. “My divorce was finalized today,” I blurted out.

Alec held me at arm’s length, looking right into my eyes. “And you’re having second thoughts?”

“Yes, no, I don’t know.” I pulled my hands through my hair. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad the divorce is over. It’s just, well, nineteen years is a long time. It feels weird to know my marriage is really over.” Alec wrapped his arms around me and pressed a kiss to the top of my head before pulling away. “No, please don’t go,” I whispered as he moved toward the door, all concerns of professionalism forgotten, at least for the moment.

Alec opened the door and picked up a large gold box that was resting against the door jamb inside the hall. “Get dressed,” he said, handing me the package. “I’m taking you to dinner.”

Grabbing a tissue from the nightstand, I dried my tears. “What is this?” I asked hesitantly, remembering the last time I opened a package.

“It’s an apology, for the picture.”

“But you already bought me an apology gift.”

“No, you bought yourself a gift that I paid for. There’s a big difference.” The sharpness in his tone made me blush. “Now, open the box.”

Damn, he’s demanding. I lifted the lid, gasping when I saw the metallic gold Oscar de la Renta that was inside. I pulled the dress from the box. “Alec, it’s beautiful,” I gasped.

You can’t keep that!
my inner voice snapped. I knew she was right but I at least wanted to touch it. I’d never held a dress that expensive before, let alone worn one.

“Get dressed, Isabella. I’m hungry.”

“Alec, this dress is too much. I can’t accept it.”

He put his arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest, his eyes piercing through all the pain and confusion I’d been feeling. “I want you to wear this to dinner, Isabella. And I want you to hurry.”

I bit my lip, an enormous grin on my face. “Control freak!” I laughed, but took the dress into the bathroom to change anyway.

After fixing my makeup and twisting my unruly hair into a bun, I finally emerged from the bathroom. I’d tried to hurry given how hungry Alec said he was. So when I found him lounging on the bed, watching highlights from the earlier hockey games on his phone, it surprised me.

Alec must’ve felt me staring because he looked up, and his mouth dropped open. “Stunning,” he said simply. I was sure he was talking about the dress but the compliment made me blush anyway, or maybe it was the guilty feeling of accepting such an expensive gift from a man I barely knew.

I pulled my strappy heels from the wardrobe and slid them on. Alec bent down and fastened the strap around my ankle. My insides quickened when he touched me and an involuntary gasp escaped. Looking up at me, he smiled, clearly enjoying the effect he had on me.

“Let’s go,” he said after he finished buckling the second shoe. I didn’t argue. My stomach was growling now too.

He led me to the Da Vinci dining room, a large, open space on the sixth deck. Di Vinci’s art adorned the walls;
Virgin of the Rocks
Madonna of Carnation
The Last Supper.
I looked around the room as Alec led me to a small booth near the window. The passengers hadn’t boarded yet so the dining room was empty. We were completely alone with the bottle of wine chilling tableside. My heart beat faster, butterflies fluttered.

I slid behind the table at the circular booth and Alec sat on the other side. He filled the two wine glasses that were on the table, handing one to me, lifting the other. He took a long drink, his eyes never leaving mine.

With a nervous smile on my face I lifted my glass and took a long drink. “Thank you for this amazing dress,” I said finally.

Alec lifted my hand in his. “It’s only a dress, Isabella. You make it amazing.” His words made me blush again and I looked away. “Don’t do that,” Alec scolded, tugging on my chin until I was facing him again. His touch made my heart skip a beat and my breathing quicken. Without warning Alec leaned in and kissed me, a soft, sweet kiss, right on the lips sending a tingle through my body. I tried to pull away but he held my face in both hands and kissed me harder, sliding his tongue past my lips this time.

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