Scattered Thoughts (Betrayed by Love Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: Scattered Thoughts (Betrayed by Love Book 1)
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Alec helped me to my feet and we walked hand in hand toward the house. Preston was standing on the edge of the second floor deck. I kept my head down as we walked past him, silently praying he hadn’t played witness to my earlier punishment. If he had seen, he kept it hidden well with a simple nod before he went back to staring out at the night sky.

We climbed the two flights of stairs to a third floor bedroom, another room with floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the Gulf. A king sized bed and a separate sitting area with a full size couch and chair filled the space. “This is your room, Isabella. All your things are here.”
When did he have time to do all this?

“I’m at the end of the hall if you need me.”

Down the hall
, my inner voice snapped. “You’re not staying in here with me?”

“This is your home, baby. You should have your own space.”


Alec kissed me gently on the lips then pulled away. “You’re not pouting are you?” Reflexively I shook my head quickly, and it brought a smile to his face. “You’ll be safe here,” he said before closing the door behind me, leaving me standing in this gigantic room alone, a satisfied smile on my face. I’d said I missed my home and he brought me here, to this amazing house with my own private beach.

I slipped off my shoes and found my way to the bathroom. The two person garden tub surrounded by more floor-to-ceiling windows immediately caught my attention.
What was it with Alec and these windows?
My mind quickly filled with thoughts of Alec, and the amazing sex we could have in that tub.

Just like Alec had said, all my things were here. My toiletries were arranged neatly on the Italian marble countertop, my clothes hung in the closet, the pictures from my office in fresh new frames. Alec obviously did this, but how? When? Those were the questions I planned to get answers to after I showered. Thanks to him, I was covered in sand.

The shower had three full size shower heads and a couple smaller ones too. It seemed a bit excessive, but it definitely made rinsing the sand off a lot easier. As I was drying off I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror, the bright red handprint on my ass like a beacon in the darkness. Now I had a whole new reason to find Alec.

Pulling on my robe, I hurried down the hall toward what I hoped was Alec’s room. I peeked inside the opened door only to find the room empty. “Alec,” I called out as I stepped inside, but he was nowhere to be seen.

A breeze blew in from the balcony door that had been left open. As I moved closer I spotted him standing outside, the breeze blowing through his damp hair. His navy blue pajama pants hung low on his hips, his form fitting t-shirt showing off his muscular build which made me want him even more. “Alec,” I called again.

He turned quickly toward my voice, a worried look resting on his face. “Isabella, is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine,” I said as I stepped out onto the balcony, feeling somewhat silly for interrupting him and making him worry. “I was just gonna ask about my clothes.”

“What about them?”

“Well, how’d they get here for starters?”

“I had them picked up.”

“When? How?” I asked, thankful and freaked out all at the same time.

“This is your home now, baby. Your things should be here.” He pulled me into his arms. “Now, is there something else you wanted to talk about or did you come all the way down here dressed like that just to ask me about your clothes?” His stern tone left me wondering if he was being playful or serious.

“You mean like the handprint that’s on my ass?” There, that should shut him up.

“Maybe I need to leave a better impression.” He pulled me close, his eyes are fixed on mine. “From the tone in your voice, I’d say my earlier attempt at punishment didn’t get the job done.” I still couldn’t tell if he was serious, but it didn’t matter. My insides were already tingling. Damn my body.

“Are you threatening me, Mr. Payne?”

“I don’t make threats, Ms. James.” He leaned down and kissed me hard on the mouth, leaving me wanting more. He took me by the wrist and led me inside. “Get on the bed,” he ordered, “on your hands and knees.” I quickly did as he asked. I was still swollen from all the sex we had last night, but I couldn’t resist. He’d made me feel things I’d never known were possible, and I couldn’t wait to feel more.

He lifted my nightgown and slid my panties down. I felt his lips on my skin, kissing the handprint he’d left earlier. The sensation was so hot. I wanted this man more than I’d ever wanted anything. My sex tingled, making me squirm. “Be still,” he warned. A swat landed on my butt much harder than the ones before, and I squirmed again. “Be still,” he said again, another swat following. I tried hard not to move, but it really hurt. I wanted to cry out, but I didn’t dare. I’d practically begged him to spank me again. I’d felt how turned on it made him, and I wanted him to be that turned on again. “I said be still, Isabella.” He delivered another swat, each one harder than the last. I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take.

“Alec, please,” I cried out, begging him to take me. Another swat. The pain was too much. I collapsed on the bed, unable to handle anymore.

Alec climbed on top of the bed, lying down beside me. “That should leave a better handprint,” he whispered in my ear, his breathing ragged too. “Now, let’s hope this spanking does the job because my hand is really sore.” His admission surprised me and I turned my face toward him. An ear to ear smile rested on his face. He’d enjoyed that, maybe a little too much.

“We better get you in bed,” Alec said.

No way was he getting rid of me that easy, not after what I just let him do. My body was on fire, and I wanted him. I
him. Using my foot I shoved my panties the rest of the way off then pushed Alec onto his back and straddled him, my hands working their way under his t-shirt, my hips grinding against his growing erection. My actions were a silent plea.

Snaking one arm around my waist Alec rolled me off of him and onto the bed, the weight of his body holding me in place. “You aren’t making this very easy for me, Isabella.” Well, I had a news flash for him because he was definitely not making it easy for me. “I kept you up all night. You need to rest.”

Sleep was the last thing I needed at that moment. I was wide awake, reenergized after that adrenaline spike, my libido screaming. “But I’m not tired,” I whined.

Ignoring my impassioned plea, Alec leaned over and picked up a small remote off the bedside table. After pressing a few buttons, Roberta Flack’s
Feel Like Makin’ Love
surrounded us. What was he doing to me? I was already on fire, my libido still on high alert, our chemistry palpable.

He climbed off the bed, taking me with him. Placing both hands on my hips he moved me close to him, his erection pressing against my stomach, his firm body pressing up against me, leaving me breathless. I wanted him now more than ever. And he wanted me too.

With my hand in his he started moving to the music, dancing all around his massive room. He could really move, and in his arms I floated with a grace I’d never known before. When the song ended, Alec scooped me into his arms, that wicked grin on his face. My breathing quickened as anticipation built. “We’re spending the day out tomorrow. Tonight you need to sleep.”

“Alec,” I protested, flashing the best pouty face I could manage, but it had no effect. He carried me down the hall, not stopping until we reached my room. I was screaming on the inside and he was all calm and cool Alec once again. I wondered how he managed that, switching from hot to cold in a matter of seconds.

He laid me down on the bed. “Sleep now, Isabella,” he said in a stern voice that did nothing to calm my libido. Alec leaned down and kissed me on the forehead, that wicked grin still on his face.

My cheeks heated. “Soon, baby,” he said softly, and I knew then it really was a promise and a threat all rolled into one. “Sleep,” he said again before sauntering toward the door.

“Goodnight,” I called after him.

“Goodnight, Isabella.”

My heart was stilling racing long after he left. It took several deep breaths to calm my screaming libido, that and the most luxurious bed I’d ever laid in. As I waited for sleep to find me, my mind started to wonder. It was hard to believe how much my life had changed in such a short time. I’d accepted that Spencer and I were through, but I was still struggling to accept all the other changes in my life, Alec being the hardest of them all. We’d known each other for such a short time, but I had become so attached. It was too soon. I hadn’t even taken time for myself after my divorce was finalized.

The closer to sleep I drifted the more I thought of Alec. “Soon, Isabella,” he’d said. Those two little words, filled with so much promise.

Chapter Twenty Three




The sun was just beginning to rise when I opened my eyes again. It was a restful night thanks to the amazingly comfortable bed I’d slept in. I was in awe of the view, courtesy of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the light glistening off the water as the sky slowly turned from dark to light. I slipped my robe on and stepped out on the balcony into the early morning air.

As I stared out at the horizon, a sudden urge to be on the beach washed over me, to watch the sun rise with the water washing over my feet, the soft sand beneath. I brushed my teeth then practically ran down the stairs, not even bothering to dress.

The house was quiet and dark, a little spooky even, as I moved quickly toward the glass door, stopping only long enough to slide it open. My feet hit the sand and I felt free, the freest I’d felt in months. I darted toward the water’s edge. I wanted to touch it, to feel it’s warmth wash over me, to let it wash away all the drama that had been overwhelming my life.

A wave washed over my feet, drawing me further in to the water. Another wave crashed against my legs, the water splashing on my robe. Closing my eyes, I let the waves crash into me over and over again. The water ebbed and flowed, the sand burying my feet deeper and deeper with each new wave until I felt firmly rooted where I stood.

When I opened my eyes again the sky was a brilliant red-orange, the hues of blue becoming brighter now. I’d missed that, my home on the beach, watching the sun chase away the dark of night.

“Good morning, Isabella,” Alec whispered in my ear, wrapping his arms around me. I had been so lost in the moment I hadn’t heard him approach. Dangerous, considering the psycho was still after me, but Alec had made me feel safe.

“Good morning.”

Alec kissed me on the cheek, and we stood in silence, watching as the sky changed to day.

When all evidence of night had gone, Alec turned me so I was facing him. “Go get ready. We’ll be leaving soon.” I was excited by the prospect of going out. When Preston’s team uncovered that stash of drugs at the hotel, I was certain I’d never see people again.

Forty-five minutes later I came downstairs, feeling refreshed and ready to go, until the smell of food wafted out of the kitchen, making my stomach rumble.

Alec was sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar when I made it to the kitchen. He smiled when he saw me and patted the seat next to him, motioning for me to sit. “I hope you’re hungry because Mrs. Peters has made quite the feast this morning.”

“It smells delicious.”

Mrs. Peters placed two plates on the counter in front of us: bacon, scrambled eggs and French toast. Just seeing the food made me realize how hungry I really was. And I couldn’t wait to dig in.


• • • • •


Alec and I spent the day in Naples, strolling up and down Third Street South, checking out the local shops, sipping wine in the gardens, and eventually stopping at Campiello’s for dinner. I’d been pleasantly surprised when he requested a table on the patio so I could watch the people as they passed. “You said you needed people,” he said. It wasn’t quite what I’d meant, but the fact that he was trying to make me happy was enough. The day out was just what I needed to take my mind off all the stress I’d been under lately. The wine didn’t hurt either.

I’d dozed off on the car ride back to Siesta Key, not waking up until Alec opened my door after we’d gotten back to the house. “Come with me,” he said extending his hand, a full mouth smile on his face. “I have a surprise for you.” The whole day had been a surprise, an absolutely perfect day. It was exactly what I’d needed, and I couldn’t imagine anything more.

I followed Alec through the front door of the house then out the back. My mind flashed back to last night, sprawled across Alec’s lap as he spanked me. Alec caught a glimpse of me rubbing my backside and started to laugh. “Don’t worry, Isabella. I’m not going to punish you.” He kissed me on the mouth. “Not now, anyway.”

A soft glow illuminated the beach. Candles, lots and lots of candles, surrounded a blanket that was lying on the beach. I wondered when Alec had time to arrange it all, but I didn’t ask. After all I
dealing with Alec Payne, the man who knew no boundaries, the man who could undoubtedly make anything happen.

“Amazing,” I whispered.

“You like it?”

I threw my arms around his neck. “No, Alec. I love it. I love the surprise.”

Alec’s smile grew. “I love that about you, Isabella. I love that you can be happy with the simplest of things.” He kissed me softly on the lips. “But this isn’t the surprise.” A wicked grin crossed his face.

Sex on the beach
, my inner voice screamed.

Alec sat down on the blanket, taking me with him. He pulled a bottle of wine and two glasses out of the basket that was beside him. After filling then both, he handed one to me then returned the bottle to the basket. When he pulled his hand out again I noticed he was holding a small box that looked suspiciously like a ring box. My heart started to race. It couldn’t be what I thought it was. It was too soon. I wasn’t ready for that. My divorce was too recent. And we barely knew each other.

He handed me the box. “I saw this today and it reminded me of you.”

“What is it?” I whispered.

“It’s your surprise.”

“Alec,” I said nervously.

He kissed me on the lips. “Stop worrying, Isabella. It’s just a gift, not a lifelong commitment.” His smile disappeared and I immediately felt bad. After everything he’d done for me, the last thing I’d wanted to do was hurt his feelings.

“I’m sorry, Alec. I’m just not used to all of this.”

“What? Receiving gifts?”

“Yes. Well, gifts for no reason, anyway.”

“It’s not for no reason, Isabella. I told you. It reminded me of you, beautiful, precious, and rare.” His words made me blush. I took a long drink, gathering the nerve to see what was inside. My mouth dropped open when I saw it. The pareiba tourmaline and diamond ring we’d seen in the window at Cleopatra’s Barge earlier.

“Oh, Alec,” I gasped. “It’s beautiful.”

“And so are you.” He took the ring out of the box and slid it on the ring finger of my right hand.

“When? How?” It was all I could manage.

“When I see something I want, baby, I always find a way.” He pulled me closer and kissed me hard on the mouth, making my insides tingle, again.

I pushed him back on the blanket, spilling the contents of his glass everywhere. Straddling him, I made quick work of his shirt. He’d denied me last night but I wasn’t giving him that option tonight. I trailed kisses down his chest to the waistband of his pants.

“What are you doing?”

I looked up at him. “It’s a surprise,” I said, with a grin of my own. Unbuttoning his pants, I slid his zipper down, reaching inside his boxer briefs to free his growing erection.

His voice was low and throaty. “Isabella,” he moaned, anticipating my next move. I ran my tongue down the shaft of his penis, circling the sensitive tip as I caressed his balls. I took him all the way in. His head tilted back, and a moan escaped him.

“Isabella,” he moaned again, louder this time. I picked up speed, gently sucking and pulling as I moved up and down. His cock twitched in my mouth, and I knew he was getting close. I ran my tongue under the sensitive ridge and his legs stiffened. His breathing was fast and shallow. “I’m going to come.” I ignored him, taking him all the way in, his cock hitting the back of my throat. His hands fisted in my hair and he thrust his hips, the warm liquid of his arousal erupting.

Alec sat up and pushed me back until I was lying flat on the blanket. “That was so hot,” he said, his voice breathy.

Before I knew what was happening my skirt was around my waist, my panties had been ripped off, and he was thrusting himself inside me. “Ahhh,” I cried out, my insides still swollen from our recent escapades. Alec claimed my mouth with his tongue and pushed deeper inside me. I dug my nails into his skin, and he moved faster. My insides began to quicken and he stopped.

“Alec,” I breathed, bucking my hips, begging him to keep moving.

“Not yet, baby. I’m not done with you yet.” He kissed me softly, and it only made me want him more. When my body stilled, he started to move once again, slower this time, his eyes fixed on mine as he thrust himself inside me, in and out, in an exquisite rhythm.

Every time my climax threatened Alec would still. It was too much to handle. I arched my back, begging for the release I needed. “Please, Alec,” I moaned. “I need to come.”

With a renewed sense of purpose, he thrust deep inside me, the head of his cock passing over my pleasure zone before bottoming out. I arched my back further, my breathing becoming so shallow I was practically panting. The world around me began to fade away. “Oh, God, Alec.”

“That’s it, baby. Let me see you come.” He picked up speed, plunging deeper inside me as my body unraveled around him, deeper and faster still until he found his own release.

Alec collapsed on the blanket next to me, a satisfied smile on his face. We stayed that way, lying beneath the stars, talking and laughing and talking some more until the last candle burned out.

I followed Alec upstairs but stopped at the door to my room. I needed a shower, plus, I was way too sore for sex again tonight. Alec’s smile faded but he didn’t object. “Good night, baby,” he said, kissing me on the forehead.

“Goodnight. Thank you for today. And thank you for this beautiful ring.”

“Anything for you, Isabella,” he whispered then walked away.

It had been a long day and I was more than ready for bed, well, as soon as I could get the sand off me. I hopped in the shower and quickly washed up. I’d need to dry my hair before I got into bed, so I didn’t waste any time.

Wrapping my hair in a towel to keep the water from dripping down my back, I slipped on a clean nightshirt and brushed my teeth before beginning my search for the hairdryer. Drawer after drawer I opened without success. My hair was too wet to sleep in, so I was left with two choices; let it air dry or see if Alec had a hairdryer.

Considering how tired I was, air drying wasn’t an appealing option. That left me with only one option. I headed for Alec’s room, tiptoeing down the hall in case he was already sleeping. His door was ajar, so I peeked inside, only to find him sitting on the sofa, flipping through the pages of some document.

“Hey,” I said, feeling guilty about bothering him now. “Sorry to interrupt. It’s just, well, I need to dry my hair and I can’t seem to find a hairdryer.”

“Second drawer on the right,” Alec said motioning toward the bathroom. I walked quietly into the bathroom, finding it right where he said it’d be. I collected what I’d come for and walked as quietly as I could back through Alec’s room.

“Did you find it?”

“I did. Thanks. I’ll bring it back in the morning so I don’t bother you again tonight.”

“You’re not bothering me, baby.” Alec put the stack of papers down next to him and walked toward me. “Distracting me, yes, but definitely not bothering me.”

Alec leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. “Let me dry your hair,” he said, taking the hairdryer out of my hands.

Without waiting for me to answer, he grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me back into the bathroom. “Sit,” he said, pulling out the chair that was tucked neatly under the countertop. I wasn’t too sure about letting him dry my hair but I sat anyway.

Alec removed the towel that was twisted on top of my head, allowing my hair to fall down my back. He turned on the blow dryer and began running his fingers through my hair, expertly massaging my scalp as he moved the dryer around my head. I closed my eyes, soaking in every second.

“Done,” he announced after a while, switching off the dryer. I opened my eyes to find Alec grinning ear to ear, seemingly proud of the work he’d done, and it made me smile too.

“Thanks. You’re a pro.”

Alec dropped his head, all evidence of his good mood gone. “My mom used to let me dry her hair.” The pain in his words tugged at my heart. It was clear how much his mother had meant to him.

“Sleep with me tonight,” Alec said, suddenly.

There was no way I could deny him after hearing that confession, no matter how tired I was. I turned so I was facing him. “Sleep?”

“Your appetite for sex is insatiable, Isabella,” Alec said, pulling me into his arms.

“No, Alec, I’m serious. I’m exhausted, and way too sore.”

He kissed me on the top of the head. “Sleep it is then.”

Alec helped me into bed then slid in next to me. Wrapped securely in his arms, I closed my eyes, ready for sleep to find me.

BOOK: Scattered Thoughts (Betrayed by Love Book 1)
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