Scarlet Woman (5 page)

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Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

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He pulled away, and she sensed his stare. “You want me to touch you?” he asked, his hand stilling.

“Of course I do,” Emily whispered.

“Tell me what you want. You said you fantasized.”

“Well, if you want a map. I’d like you to kiss me some more, and it makes me hot when my breasts are suckled.”

“How hot?” Interest shaded his tone, and she wished she could see his face a little more clearly.

“Hot enough that all you’ll need to do is touch my clit and I’ll come—I think.”

“So this is theory?”

“Fantasy is the operative word,” Emily snapped back before she could censor her words. But it was the truth. This whole night was one big fantasy. The analogy to Cinderella wasn’t a bad one, except that Cindy had won her man. Emily planned on one perfect night. That was all, since the scars were too new, too raw, for anything else. 32

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“I can make your fantasy a reality,” he said, confidence shading his words. “In fact, it will be my pleasure.”

He ran his hand the length of her body with a firm stroke. Emily’s pulse rate zapped off the scale, edging up to crazy. She brushed a kiss across his breastbone, tasting the saltiness of his skin as she replayed his words. Not one word about his pleasure and what she needed to do to make him climax. This was a dream. And she intended to squeeze every drop of pleasure from the experience. One night.

“How long until the train leaves?” she murmured.

“Another three hours. Don’t worry. I’ll get you home.”

He cupped one breast with his hand and squeezed the plump globe before lifting it to his mouth. Warmth suffused her breast. Saber ran his tongue across her taut nipple before beginning a gentle suction. Emily felt it between her legs. Sensual tension ripped through her body as he continued to suckle. God, it felt better than she’d imagined. Michael… No, she’d forget Michael and quit the comparisons. Michael was dead. He suckled even harder, introducing a hint of teeth. Emily’s whole body jolted.

“Feels good,” she half-panted.

Saber pulled away to whisper, “It will get even better. Close your eyes and concentrate on every sensation.”

It wasn’t difficult to follow his instructions since her eyelids were heavy and she’d had to fight to keep them open. The darkness heightened her senses. She heard every move he made—the rustle of the crisp cotton duvet cover beneath them, his soft breathing and the faint noise he made as he suckled at her breast. Her pussy clenched, protesting the emptiness, needing his cock to clamp down on. To fill her. She inhaled deeply, dragging in his masculine scent and the fragrance of the outdoors—of pine and green grasses. He let her nipple pop from his mouth and scraped his teeth across the underside of her breast. His teeth were surprisingly sharp, but the lap of his tongue soothed the sliver of pain.


Shelley Munro

The mattress dipped when he shifted his weight, and she held her breath in acute anticipation. When she felt his touch again, it was a moist lick just above her pubic bone and the silky curls that guarded her sex.

“Part your legs for me,” he whispered.

Emily followed his instructions without embarrassment, knowing that with the light off he could only feel and not see. Cool air washed across her swollen flesh. She felt decadent. Wanton. Sexy. Her heart thumped so fast she hoped she wouldn’t expire from a heart attack. Emily felt his hands on her thighs and the mattress dipped a fraction when he shifted. His hands gripped her thighs then she experienced the most arousing sensation of all. His rough tongue lapping the length of her cleft. Emily groaned out loud, and he chuckled. “Feels good,” she muttered, wanting to give him encouragement. If he stopped, she thought she might commit murder. To her intense relief, he lapped across her clit, the abrasive sensation making her gasp again. He licked down and into the mouth of her pussy. Oh, the man was talented. His tongue seemed to curl and wind into a circle. It darted into her and licked at the juices that seeped from her aroused body. His lips moved against her flesh, and even though he no longer touched her clitoris, the tiny bud spasmed in an intense burst of pleasure. Emily gasped, lifting her hips to give him better access.

His lips moved against the mouth of her pussy again while his tongue plunged deep, the rough surface teasing at her delicate inner walls. She’d never felt anything like it before. Emily heard a whimper—her whimper. Her hips jerked, and he licked along the wall of her pussy. Pleasure spiraled inside with each rasp of his tongue. One hand left her thigh to delicately circle her clit.

“Saber,” Emily cried. The pleasure was intense, so powerful that it almost hurt. His finger rubbed her clit gently but insistently in time with the tiny flickers of his tongue. Emily trembled. Too much. It was too much. A protest formed on her lips as she hovered on the cusp of release. “Saber.”


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A soft rumble vibrated from him as if he spoke deep in his throat. He lapped at her again, touching the wall of her vagina. The touch pushed her over the edge. She shattered violently, the spasms never ending. So good. Saber rubbed his finger across her sensitized clit and a corresponding jolt ran through her body again. He pulled away and moved up her body. Their lips moved together in a gentle kiss.

“How was that?” he murmured, a laugh in his voice.

“I want more of the same.” Emily stroked her hand down his back, and he arched against her, a rumbling purr coming from deep in his chest. She grinned, loving the sensual slide of her hand across his smooth skin and adoring his open pleasure in her touch. In a strange way, he reminded her of her neighbor’s cat—another male who enjoyed being touched and stroked. “Yeah, I definitely need more.”

“That can be arranged.” Saber deepened the kiss, and she tasted herself on him. He pinched her nipple, and the sensation reverberated through Emily. A quick punch of heat whipped to her pussy.

“Make love to me,” Emily whispered.

For an instant, she thought he hadn’t heard her or that he didn’t want her in the same way. Or perhaps it was her choice of words? She’d scared him with her talk of love. But he drew her close and pressed a quick butterfly kiss to the tip of her nose before she’d fully completed the thought. He smiled an instant before he plunged his clever tongue deep into her mouth. Need unfurled again at the taste of him, the slide of his lips over hers. His green eyes glowed in the dim light. Strange eyes. Magnetic. Emily stared up at his eyes, feeling as though she was drifting in a sensual cocoon. Saber. His dark pupils were surrounded by a soft leaf green. So pretty. Very sexy. Saber shifted a fraction, positioning his cock and taking her mind off his mesmerizing eyes. He pushed home until he was buried in her womb. She felt a subtle throb, deep inside, and laced her hands in his hair, urging him on, enjoying the sense of fullness. He seemed bigger than earlier, his girth filling her to stretching point, but 35

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perhaps it was the change in position. Saber kissed her again, sucking on her tongue. A surge of wetness eased his way as he thrust with long, even strokes. Saber plundered her mouth, her body. Raw need fueled each thrust. Each gasp. The need spiraled upward, building into something else, something magical and amazing that she wanted above all else. She strained toward the magic. A prickling sensation swelled, sparks shooting through her each time Saber thrust. He shifted the angle a fraction, and the next thrust pushed her over the edge. She clung to his broad shoulders and rode out the storm that suffused her body while Saber quickened his thrusts. Short. Fast. Emily gripped his upper arms and felt him come. His groan was low and heartfelt and brought satisfaction for Emily. She was capable of giving pleasure, of turning a man on. The knowledge made her smirk because she had other things to try. Saber pulled her into a tight embrace despite the heat of their bodies. He brushed a kiss across her lips before pulling away to yawn. “Thank you, kitten. You’ve worn me out.” He murmured something else after that but Emily let it go. She thought he’d muttered something about shifting. She didn’t intend to move an inch. “That was amazing,” he added with another deep, rumbling purr.

“That’s a relief. I thought the yawn meant boredom.”

He gave a sleepy chuckle. “Not a chance, kitten.”

A yawn forced its way out of Emily. Her eyes slid closed. She’d shut her eyes for a few minutes and enjoy the cuddle. Just for a moment…


Scarlet Woman

Chapter Three

The glint of the early morning sun shining through the wooden blinds woke him. Saber didn’t move but his eyes flicked open. Morning, and his kitten was still in his bed. In his arms. Contentment swelled within him. His arms tightened, and she stirred with a sexy moan that brought a surge of blood to his groin. Lazy, early morning sex. Saber grinned. His favorite kind—next to making love in the middle of the day and during the night. Saber stared at her, memorizing every freckle on her pale face. Her mascara had run, giving her raccoon eyes, but she still pushed every button of his libido. Her lips were swollen and red and her neck bore bruises from where he’d nipped her. Saber couldn’t feel guilty about the faint purple bruising her when his feline genes roared approval. He leaned over to taste her lips again, fighting the need to take things further and complete the enzyme exchange. To openly claim her as his mate and keep her as his woman.

Her eyes flickered open and her mouth moved seductively beneath his, a lazy move that fueled his desire. She melted into him, her body pliant and willing.

“Morning,” he said when their lips parted.

Joanna bolted upright with a shocked gasp. “I’ve missed the train.”

Saber bent his head to take her nipple in his mouth. He drew gently, watching her face the whole time. When her eyes drifted shut, relief suffused him. It would be all right. He’d talk her in to staying with him for a while. A soft sigh escaped her parted lips as he nuzzled her breast. Grinning, he rolled over onto his back, tugging her with him so she ended up sitting astride him. His hand grazed her hip, enjoying the silky skin along with the view. The more he had her, the more control he seemed to have over his wayward feline genes. After that first time, the 37

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cat had seemed content to bask and purr with the pleasure, enjoying the intimacy of being with his mate instead of fighting to shift.

“Why don’t you stay a while?” he said, keeping his tone casual. But his heart thumped strongly while he waited for her reply. Saber had no idea what he’d do if she refused to stay.

“Stay? But—”

“Never say you’re into one-night stands,” Saber said deadpan. A bit hypocritical considering he was a single male who’d had his fair share.

“No…but I don’t want anything serious either.” A trace of panic flickered across her face and she tried to scramble off his body. Saber held her in place.

“There’s another train this afternoon. Or I can drive you back to Dunedin.”

“The train’s fine,” Joanna said hurriedly. Not exactly flattering, but at least the tenseness left her shoulders and legs. “But I’d better ring my friend or else she’ll worry. If she’s still talking to me.”

Saber relaxed. “Good. That will mean we can spend more time together.” He reached up to kiss her, at the same time wondering how he would persuade her to stay longer. The week or better still, never go back to the city. She didn’t want a serious relationship. Could mean anything. Either she wasn’t over her husband or he’d hurt her badly. Damn, he’d have to give her time. The kiss slipped from casual and friendly to persuasive and hungry. Saber abruptly changed his mind about letting her set the pace on top. He wanted to pound into her until they both exploded. Saber tore his mouth away before flipping her over and covering her with his body.

“We have time for a quickie before you make that phone call?”

A blush swept into her cheeks as she stared at him. She swallowed and whispered,


One simple word that gave him hope. Somehow, he’d talk her into staying in Middlemarch.


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She reached between them to wrap her hand around the swollen hardness of his arousal. Firmly enough that he gritted his teeth against the frisson of pleasure. The quickie had been a figure of speech. He intended to make this last. Saber explored her mouth, languid and lazy as if he had all the time in the world. Her hum of appreciation echoed in the slow pump she gave his cock.

“You do that so well,” he murmured, taking a deep and unsteady breath. The woman was gonna kill him. The roar of arousal drew his balls tight. “Stop. I want to come inside you.”

Joanna’s laugh held a smoky quality. “What are you waiting for? I’m ready for you.”

Saber shifted and trailed his finger through the moist flesh between her legs. She was wet and slick—more than ready. Saber’s arousal kicked up another notch as he slid between her legs and into her pussy. He grasped her hips tightly, lifting her for his thrust. One finger slid between the cheeks of her ass and strummed across her puckered rosette. When she purred with approval, he eased the tip of his finger inside.

“Saber,” she whimpered, her womb squeezing his cock so tightly he knew this was going to be over more quickly than he’d like.

“Easy,” he murmured, but she came so rapidly that his hips jerked and he exploded, his climax breaking over him in a storm of sensation. Saber removed his finger and rolled so she sprawled on top of him. The spicy tang of their lovemaking filled the air. The bed covers had long since fallen to the floor. Replete and relaxed for the first time in months, Saber knew he had to keep her permanently. She seemed so adamant about leaving. Then there was the inevitable confession about the people of Middlemarch. It took a special woman to commit to a shifter. He sighed. So many obstacles.

He heard a door open and shut down at the other end of the house. At least some of his brothers were home. The click of claws on the wooden floor sent alarm skidding down his spine. He tensed. The truth might come out sooner than he liked. 39

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