Scarlet Woman (2 page)

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Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Scarlet Woman
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“Not frightened of the little lady, are you, Saber?” A clear taunt colored Felix’s whispered words. When Saber glanced at his other brothers, he saw amusement and unholy glee. Ambushed. In his own trap.

Saber turned to Jo, accepting the hand fate and the elders had dealt him. “Would you like to dance?”

“I’d love to,” she murmured, tucking her hand in his. Her fingers were cool to the touch, but Saber knew instinctively this was a façade. The lady possessed hidden fires, flames as hot as her Scarlet name. Suddenly he wanted to tend and stoke the fires until they flared out of control. But not here. Not with everyone looking.

Emily moved into his arms, her heart giving an excited blip. When a slow ballad started, she moved automatically across the grass dance floor. Her heels sank into the grass so she danced on tiptoe, balancing easily in his arms. Her bag swayed against her 10

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hip with each move, its contents a silent reminder of what she wanted to achieve tonight.

Call me Jo

She had no idea what had possessed her to tell everyone her name was Joanna. Cinderella syndrome? Perhaps. Because tonight she felt like a fairy-tale character. The lure of fun and mischief called, enticing her to outrageous thoughts of a one-night stand. Her mouth firmed with determination. Thoughts she intended to carry out. She tipped back her head to study the man—Saber Mitchell. About six inches taller than her, the man had short, dark hair and light green eyes. Intense green eyes full of sensual promises. Emily shivered with longing. The touch of a male. Sex.
It had been so long.

Touches of humor lurked at the corners of his beautiful eyes and lips as if he smiled often. Put together, his features were attractive and pleasing to her eye. The muscles beneath her fingers were strong and his tan, along with his calloused fingers, told her he worked outdoors. Although the man was difficult to read, Emily sensed a wide vein of integrity ran within. She’d watched him with his brothers while they’d waited to enter the marquee.

Yep, he was perfect in his tight black trousers, the white cotton shirt and contrasting red tie.

The exact opposite of Michael.

A few more subtle tests would tell if he’d qualify as
man. Was he married for one? She wasn’t about to break up a marriage, not since she’d been on the receiving end of a triangle. Ditto any serious relationships. Once she’d cleared up these questions, it was full steam ahead. Emily knew it was irresponsible, foolhardy, a few other things as well, but she wanted to feel a man’s body wrapped around her, she wanted the closeness and the intimacy even if it was for just one night. Heck, she plain wanted sex. Playing alone didn’t cut it any longer. Emily needed to know she was desirable, that a man wanted her.


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Tonight was the night.

Emily had come prepared with condoms, and since she’d continued with her birth control after Michael’s death, she was as protected as she could be against an unwanted pregnancy. Now all she needed was the man…

She moved closer to temptation and inhaled his scent. “You smell good,” she murmured. Wow, great start.
Scintillating conversation
. Saber chuckled, his chest moving beneath her hand. And a very nice chest it was, too. Her fingers flexed on his white cotton shirt, her nails digging into the resilient flesh beneath. The man made a dark sound deep in his throat like a purr. A delicious tremor swept the length of her body, pooling blood low in her belly. Oh, yeah. Tonight. Saber held her loosely within his arms. His hands slipped down the silky fabric of her dress to hover around her hips. “Did you come from Dunedin on the train?”

“Don’t you mean the ‘love train’?” Emily said with a wide grin, remembering the silly surge of exhilaration when she’d read the ad in the paper.
Catch the love train to
Something inside had urged her to buy a ticket, so there she was—one impulse and a train ride later.

“Yes, I’m a city girl.” The warmth of his hands through her dress hiked her pulse rate. A bit difficult to concentrate when they were so close. Yet, contrarily, she didn’t want to move an inch.

His dark brows rose in challenge. “Slumming it or interested in marrying a country boy?”

“Slumming it” implied slut while marriage sounded a whole heap worse. After the disaster with Michael, Emily wasn’t willing to tie herself to another man. Michael had blown her trust right out of the water, and his behavior had left hurt that went soul deep. She’d thought they’d grow old together, surrounded by their children and grandchildren. Her breathing hitched. The ache of betrayal would take time to heal. And Emily didn’t intend to jump into another relationship without a lot of thought and soul-searching. Emily wasn’t about to make the same mistake twice. Saber cleared his 12

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throat in a non-verbal prod, but Emily refused to touch the provocative query so she prevaricated, offering distraction instead. “I’m a widow. My husband died six months ago.”

“I’m sorry.” Regret chased the instant sympathy she saw on his face, warming her starved body and mind. The man intended to back off—if that was what she wanted. Gut instinct told her she’d lucked out straight away and found the man to make her feel like a woman again. At least she could have that, even if she never had love again.

“It’s okay. What do you do here in Middlemarch? Are you married?” Emily had no intention of discussing Michael. Just thinking about the rotter chased her good mood away. Desperately wanting to live in the moment instead of the past, Emily lifted a hand to caress Saber’s cheek. A sudden smile stole her breath and made her hand falter. Stung by the unthinking intimacy she’d just committed, Emily jerked her hand back to her side as if she’d touched something burning hot. Saber grabbed her trembling hand and raised it to lie over his heart, a gleam in his eyes. Emily shuddered inwardly, the heat traveling up her arm and dispersing through her body until she tingled all over. Oh, boy. This man was good.

“My brothers and I run the family farm,” he murmured, continuing the conversation without difficulty. “Our family has lived here for four generations. No, I’m not married and no serious relationships.” A slow, sinful grin crawled across his mouth and settled, pulling a return smile from her. “Although that might change. Any other questions?”

“Sheep?” Diversion!

“Mostly,” Saber replied without missing a beat. “A few cattle and crops as well.”

A sharp jolt from an exuberant couple next to them shoved her firmly against Saber’s chest. He drew her tightly against him until they were connected knee to chest, his large erection pushing against her belly. Their eyes met and Emily’s breath caught. He wanted her, too. His head lowered and he brushed his firm lips across hers. A test, she decided, when he pulled away a fraction, green eyes studying her closely. 13

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“My dance,” a voice said. “Bro, you can’t keep Jo to yourself all night.”

They pulled apart abruptly, the masculine voice a shock to the intimate moment. Emily frowned at the new arrival with his sexy grin and shaggy dark hair. He quirked a brow at her, drawing an unwilling smile despite her irritation at the intrusion. She and Saber were just getting acquainted. This—a kiss—was a momentous occasion. She could do without interruptions. Her gaze drifted from the newcomer to Saber. A brother. Attractive. Good genes ran in the Mitchell family.

“Felix. Go away,” Saber muttered, tugging Emily back into his arms. “Find your own lady.”

Felix persisted. “That woman reporter is here. She wants to talk to you about the panther sightings.” He winked at her. “Very nice flowery scent in the body lotion you use. Smells like a mixture of lavender and herbs. Makes me want to come closer and smell just behind your ear. I think I’d like to lick as well.”

Emily’s mouth dropped open.

Saber froze, his hands tightening around her shoulders. His laugh was short and impatient. “Keep away from Jo,” he snarled, scowling at his brother. “I told the woman when she rang that coming here was a waste of time. The tourists who reported the sighting had been drinking all afternoon. It’s a wonder they didn’t see talking dogs or purple people eaters with an alien or two sprinkled in for variety. According to Jenny, down the road, they’re big this year. Why the hell won’t the woman take no for an answer? She’s chasing alcohol-induced dreams.”

“She obviously needs the facts reiterated in person. You go and talk to her. I’ll look after Jo for you.” Felix smirked at his brother.

“I don’t think so. This won’t take long, Jo.” He studied her intently, the corners of his eyes crinkled with silent humor. “Would you like to come with me?”

He was asking her for more than a walk to chat with the reporter. It was evident in the devilish glint in his mesmerizing eyes. Emily never hesitated. “Yes.”


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They strolled hand in hand across the dance floor. Emily caught Maggie’s look of censure as they passed her dancing with one of Saber’s brothers. Emily hesitated, but her friend’s compressed mouth and scowl looked so much like Michael’s she kept walking.

“Changed your mind?” Saber’s lazy drawl sent a shiver racing straight to her core.

“No.” Her gaze traced his firm lips. How would they feel closing around her nipples? Or touching her in a more intimate kiss? Heat suffused her body along with yearning. Between her legs moistened, the dampness making her fidget.

“That must be her over there with Sid,” Saber muttered. “Let Felix cope with her nosy questions. We’ll sneak past while she’s not looking.” With a furtive glance over his shoulder, he hustled Emily from the marquee.

A gurgle escaped Emily when they slipped past into the growing darkness outside. After the foot-stomping gaiety inside, it seemed very quiet. Private. A sliver of disquiet stalked down her spine. She was doing the right thing, wasn’t she?

Saber squeezed her hand, seeming to sense her unease. “We don’t have to do anything. Yet.” The light cast shadows across his face but it was difficult to miss the decidedly carnal smile.

Sex. She could cope with that. No commitments. No need to get hurt because there were no promises made. Impulsively she headed for the shadows cast by a stand of poplar trees. Dried leaves crunched underfoot, her heels sinking halfway to China with each step. She yanked free and rolled her eyes in exasperation. “I didn’t think about walking on grass in heels.”

“How about taking them off?” Saber knelt in front of her, his calloused fingers sliding across her ankle. Emily inhaled and held her breath. He undid the tiny buckle and slid her bare foot from the shoe. Emily grasped his shoulders to balance, her heart pounding. A balmy breeze blew, tugging at her loose curls. Saber undid the other buckle, and she lifted her foot for him. Instead of standing, he remained kneeling in 15

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front of her. Her heart skipped a beat. Her sex clenched, and she was very aware of the arousal dampening her panties.

Saber could smell her excitement. Hear the racing of her heart. She tensed when he massaged the arch of her foot, but Saber took his time until she relaxed and a whimper of pleasure escaped her parted lips. He continued to massage her foot, noticing the sexy red toenails. Jo was a strange contrast—skittish at times, and yet, strangely forward and wanton at others. Would the real Scarlet woman step forward? He slid his palm across a heel and up her smooth calf, savoring the silky skin and the floral scent of the lotion she’d smoothed onto her body. His cock throbbed, large and eager, pushing insistently against his fly and Saber was right there with his lower brain. Interested. Desperate to bury his cock in her warm, luscious heat. Desperate to taste her natural juices and watch her shatter in his arms.

His hand rose to the sensitive skin behind her knee, surprising a giggle out of her before drifting higher across her warm inner thigh. Slow—when what he really wanted was hard, fast. Hot and heavy with not an ounce of gentleness involved. Saber struggled with wooing her instead of demanding. Taking. Because the closer they came to consummation, the more he thought Sid might be right. After all this time, his mate had sashayed into his life, and she’d almost escaped because he hadn’t noticed, he’d become used to being alone.

His Scarlet woman.

He fingered her through her panties. Intimately.

Her gasp was loud in the still evening, disturbed only by the throb of the band and the wail of the female lead singer. “I want you,” she whispered. “Here. Now.” Her blue eyes glittered in the half-light beneath the trees. Anyone could see, but she didn’t seem worried. Her bag slipped off her shoulder and she let it fall to the grass. “Please,” she whispered.

The relief Saber felt was countered by the relentless throb at his groin. God, he was desperate to grab her offer and plunge inside her tight channel, taking her hard and fast 16

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until they both burned. But he wasn’t so far gone that he forgot about privacy. That woman investigating the panther sighting would hunt them down if her previous behavior was any indication. She was certainly tenacious, firing letters off to several of the council members asking for information. Since he’d been voted as the one to communicate with her, he’d answered the initial politely worded letter with one of his own, refuting the idea of mystery cats near Middlemarch. She’d ignored his reply and followed her letter with persistent phone calls and now a visit, despite his assertions she was chasing non-existent ghosts. Still, she kept pushing. He refused to give her material to publish in the tabloid press. About black panthers or the modern sexual techniques of a closet shifter. She might pretend she was researching a book, but it had been her byline attached to the newspaper article. Despite his assertions she was chasing ghosts, the woman remained resolute and, deep down, he didn’t expect that to change. Saber stood abruptly, lifted Joanna into his arms and strode toward the next stand of trees across the other side of the paddock.

“My shoes and bag.”

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