Read Scarlet Online

Authors: Jordan Summers

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Romance Speculative Fiction, #Fiction

Scarlet (17 page)

BOOK: Scarlet
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Raphael's mouth quirked. "Of course. You must be positively ravenous by now."


She was pretty sure he wasn't talking about food. Red reluctantly pulled her hand away. She'd needed another human's touch—even if that human happened to be a vampire. She put some distance between them. The fact that she was tempted by his unspoken offer scared her. Morgan had only been gone a few weeks. What did that say about their relationship? What did that say about


Red had never been a fickle woman. She'd always known what she wanted and whom. So what if she'd never been in a relationship until now. That shouldn't change things. Maybe it was because of the responsibility that had been heaped upon her shoulders. The added stress had clearly muddled her thoughts. Made her feel attraction where there was none. That had to be it. It had nothing to do with Raphael. She glanced back at his pale face and a fresh wave of heat swept over her.


"Are you coming?" she asked, moving down the sidewalk without waiting for him. Retreating was cowardly. Red realized that, but it seemed like the safest move.


He caught up with her in a couple of long strides and grabbed her hand once more. Red tugged, but he didn't release her. Fine, if he wanted to hold her hand while they walked, then that was his business. It meant nothing as long as she didn't participate.


It didn't take long to reach the food dispensing station. Red dropped Raphael's hand when they reached the door. They'd already created enough talk around town without walking in as a couple.


Raphael didn't say anything, but he did look at her with a curious expression. He stepped forward and opened the door, waiting for her to enter before following her inside. He moved up beside her and scanned the space for an empty table.


"There's one," he said, making his way across the room.


The talk in the eatery turned to muted whispers as speculation spread.


Red's head rose and she looked down at everyone as she made her way toward the back. Raphael was waiting next to the table with a chair pulled out for her. She took her seat and waited for him to follow suit.


They ordered, a synth-steak for Red, synth-blood for Raphael. He waited for the server to put their water down on the table and walk away before he spoke.


"How long has it been since you heard from Morgan?"


Red glanced around and lowered her voice. "It's been weeks. The last time we spoke, he'd just gotten hired at the lab. I've been watching the news reports, but so far, not a peep." She nervously stroked the pistol strapped to her leg.


He watched her, his dark eyes penetrating. "He should've been back by now. You are vulnerable with him away."


"I'm hardly defenseless." Red patted the weapon.


"That is not the kind of vulnerability I'm referring to. Can you not sense the wolf brushing your skin, yearning for release?"


Red felt the blood drain from her face. "How did you?"


"It gives off a scent. Even if
can't smell it, others can." Raphael inhaled and closed his eyes. "The scent is alluring and hard to resist."


Was that why the men had been looking at her differently? Red raised her arm and sniffed. She didn't smell any different that she could tell. Her eyes widened. "Is that why you—" She broke off.


He shook his head. "No. I admit I can smell the change in you, but that is not the only reason I enjoy your company." He had the grace to look away when she blushed.


"That's not why Morgan's attracted to me, is it?" Red had to ask. She didn't want to, but she needed to know. If all he saw in her was the wolf or some sweet aroma, then she'd leave tomorrow and not look back.


Raphael peered at her beneath long dark lashes. "Morgan rarely acts upon his feral instincts. If they came out around you, then it means his feelings are strong. His heart is in the right place, even if his head appears to be off course."


"Do you think he'll return?" she asked softly. "I don't know what I'm going to do if he doesn't come back. The town is on the verge of rebellion and I don't have enough pull with the townspeople to stop it. No one trusts a wolf that's out of control. They think I killed that man."


"Did you?"


The question slapped her across the face, sobering her. "No!" Her voice rose, then her gaze dropped. Red stared down at her hands. "I would've remembered, and if not, there would've been some kind of proof in my room. I checked my guns. They haven't been fired recently."


"Do not worry, I don't believe you're involved," he said after a moment.


Her head shot up.


Raphael smiled. "Too many odd things are happening. I've sent a message to Michael to find out what Roark's been up to lately, but I haven't heard back from him. It has me worried."


"Do you think Roark's done something to your brother?" she asked.


"Doubtful. Michael, as you know, is very powerful. It would be hard to harm him."


"Hard is not impossible." Red frowned. "I wouldn't put anything past Roark."


"Neither would I," Raphael said as their food arrived. "Now let's try for more pleasant conversation or we'll end up with indigestion." He winked.


Red tried not to watch as he took his first sip of synth-blood, but it was impossible. Curiosity got the best of her. She had to admit Raphael made the whole blood-drinking thing look frankly sexual as he allowed the liquid to rest in his mouth before swallowing deep. He licked his bottom lip afterward to catch any wayward droplets, then grinned at her with his fangs extended.


"Sorry about the fangs," he said, after catching her staring. "They react to blood in the same way a man would react to a beautiful naked woman lying on his rest pad."




"The blood makes my fangs hard."


Red's eyes widened and warmth spread over her face and down her neck.


Raphael threw his head back and laughed. The hearty sound reverberated through her, causing her nipples to pucker. She casually crossed her arms, but not before he noticed. His lashes lowered over his eyes and his mouth took on a seductive bent.


She reached for her water and took a big gulp before digging into her steak. "This is good, too." she said with her mouth full.


He leaned closer until only she could hear him speak. "There is nothing wrong with being attracted to me."


Red met his gaze. "Yes, there is. Can't you see that? I shouldn't feel anything other than friendship for you. I love Morgan."


Raphael flinched, but held his ground. "I know you do." Sadness enveloped him, but he quickly doused it. "What we'd experience together, should you allow it, wouldn't be love," he lied easily, his heart threatening to burst from his tired old chest. How long had it been since he'd truly felt anything other than desire for a woman?


Raphael tried to remember past the transformation. A ghost from a lifetime ago flashed in his mind, her red hair had shone copper in the sunlight and freckles dotted her pale cheeks. Beth Ann's photo had gotten him through some of his darkest moments. He squelched the memory before the pain struck a blow to his soul.


Red was unlike anyone he'd ever encountered, and yet so like the woman he'd lost years ago. And like Beth Ann, she belonged to another. Raphael could accept that—almost. But that didn't stop him from wanting to be near her. Spend time with her. Kiss her. Make love to her. He'd vowed to himself he wouldn't seduce her. No matter how much it pained him to resist those urges.


Despite longing for Red, Raphael did care about Morgan. He considered the man a friend. Sure, he'd slept with one of Morgan's women, but that had been a long time ago and she hadn't deserved the alpha's attention. Or so he'd thought at the time, when he'd seduced Morgan's fiancee, Karen Martin. She'd left town after Morgan broke off their engagement. The whole ordeal had nearly cost them their friendship.


If he seduced Red, saving his friendship with Morgan would be the least of his concerns. Morgan would kill him. There was no doubt in his mind. It would be a fight to the death between two alphas.


At the same time, Raphael couldn't deny the feelings he had when he was around her. Red made him feel alive. More so than he'd felt in decades. She was a tempting bloom in the middle of his soul's barren wasteland. He only wished to experience her fragrance once—or twice—before he allowed another man to whisk her away.


A fresh flask of water was placed on the table. Red turned her head to acknowledge the server and Raphael saw Morgan's mark on her neck—a painful reminder that she'd already been claimed. He lifted his glass of synth-blood and wished, not for the first time, that it was Red's blood he was about to taste. She smelled so delicious. So tempting. So feminine. The stronger her wolf grew, the more attractive she became. He wondered what she'd do now that she knew the truth.


The rest of the meal went quicker than he'd intended. The rumors and insinuations bantered about at the nearby tables buzzed in his head until he thought he'd go mad. Red set her fork down and looked around.


"I'd better get back in case Morgan tries to contact me."


"Of course." Raphael rose from his seat and walked around the table to pull her chair out. "Allow me to walk you back to the share space."


She stared at him. then looked around at the patrons. Her gaze hardened. He had no doubt she was considering turning down his offer. Finally she nodded. "Sure, why not?"


Raphael relaxed as they strolled outside. The streets were nearly vacant as the dark thickened, descending on Nuria. working its way into every crevice.


He reached for Red's hand, but she dodged him. He let her. It was probably best that he not touch her right now. since the blood was still coursing through his veins, heightening his senses. Making him hunger for more than she'd be willing to give. He felt his cock harden and shifted to make it less apparent.


They reached the water trader space in short order. Red started to walk in, but Raphael stopped her. Before he knew what he was going to do, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Her lips were warm and pliant; there was no tension as she melted into his body and gripped his shoulders lightly. He sunk into the kiss, parting her lips to taste her deeply.


In his fervor, a fang nicked the inside of her mouth and blood flooded the moist cavern. The coppery goodness powered his hunger, tightening every muscle in his body. He groaned as the sweet taste of her slid over his tongue, making him dizzy with desire. Raphael pulled her closer, bunching her clothes in his fists. His erection brushed her stomach and he felt her quiver. He had to have her. Damn his good intentions to hell.


"No!" Red wrenched her bleeding mouth away and struggled out of his grasp.


*    *    *

Red held out an arm to keep Raphael at bay. or perhaps she needed the distance to stop herself from touching him. She couldn't believe she'd allowed him to kiss her. Her tongue darted out and she tasted blood. Red's hands were shaking as she touched her lips. She glanced down. Her fingers came away covered in crimson.


"I-I'm sorry," she said, trying to slow her racing heart. "I shouldn't have allowed that to happen. I don't know what came over me."


"Gina," he said, reaching for her.


"No!" She stepped back. "Don't call me that. The only people who call me by that name are Morgan and my grandfather."


Hurt flashed across his face, but he masked it quickly. "My apologies for overstepping. It will not happen again." His words were clipped.


Red softened. She hadn't meant to cause him any pain, but they couldn't do this to Morgan. "I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the kiss, Raphael. I did. Maybe too much. But I
Morgan. I guess I just missed being held more than I realized." Her resolve hardened, along with her voice. "I hope you understand."


His hand dropped away and he pushed his fingers through his hair, pulling it out of its queue. "Again, I apologize," he said. "I had no right to touch you in that manner. Please forgive me."


Red tried to smile, but her lips trembled. "There's nothing to forgive. We're still friends, right?"


He nodded. "Of course. Friends."


BOOK: Scarlet
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