Scandalous Intentions (9 page)

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Authors: Amanda Mariel

BOOK: Scandalous Intentions
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Julian stood beneath
the shade of an old lime tree in the clearing of Lord and Lady Wexil’s garden. He glanced about at the blankets littering the deep green grass. Everywhere he looked lords in top hats and ladies in bonnets congregated. Their chatter blended into the music of the quartet, filling the air around him.

He studied a game of lawn tennis being played to his left alongside a hedgerow, locking his hands behind his back and rocking on his heels as he watched. He hoped Lady Sarah had not changed her mind about attending. She had yet to arrive, but it was early yet. A steady onslaught of lords and ladies continued to descend on the fray.

Movement on one of the paths leading into the garden drew Julian’s eye. His breath caught at the sight of his parents making their way into the crush. Bloody hell, what if Lady Sarah did make an appearance?

Sweat broke out on his forehead. How would he repair things with her while his father was near? Worse, what if his parents conversed with Lady Sarah and she told them how she had begged him off? He took a deep breath, filling his nose with the scent of grass and lime, but it did nothing to calm his racing heart.

He needed to make himself scarce until he decided what to do. Julian started to move away, but too late. His mother spotted him. Her gaze pinned him in place. He swallowed back the lump in his throat and forced a smile.

Resigned, he walked toward his parents. The warm breeze only added to his discomfort the closer he got. This must be how a man about to stick his head in a noose felt. As he approached, he kept his smile in place for Mother and nodded to Father. “What brings you to London?”

“A fine way to greet your sire, son.” Father’s mouth flattened into a fine line.

Julian drew a breath, his rattled nerves overtaken by an entirely new sensation. His face warmed, and he clamped his teeth together. Father’s reprimands were beyond tiresome. He still acted as if Julian were a boy in short pants.
Damn him. I am a man, a marquess, and deserve to be treated as such.

“Come now, it is a splendid day, and I have not been to a party in ages.” Mother beamed at him. “When Lady Vivian’s invitation arrived, I simply had to accept. Do let us find a comfortable spot to enjoy the merriment.” She slanted a glance at her husband.

“Very well, dear. Join us, son.” Father patted Mothers hand.

“Of course.” As if he had a choice. Julian nodded toward the lime tree he had been standing under. “There is a nice balance of shade and warmth over there.”

“Marvelous. Shall we?” His mother waved her fan.

Julian led his parents over to the sprawling tree with a turkey rug laid upon the grass beneath it. Mother descended in a billow of fine silk skirts, then flipped her fan open. Father sat next to her, his legs stretched out in front of him.

Julian glanced away, hoping for an excuse to escape them if only for a moment. The refreshment tent caught his attention. “Allow me to get you a snack or a drink. You must be parched after your journey.” He smiled at Mother.

She lowered her fan and met his gaze. “A claret-cup would be marvelous, do you not agree, Piers.”

Father glanced at her, then up at Julian. “Yes, do bring me one as well.”

“Two claret-cups it is.” Julian bowed before he turned, taking his leave. A large white tent of fabric was perched on the lawn ahead of him with tables under it. Perhaps if he took his time returning, he could come up with an excuse to leave. Then he could call on Lady Sarah in the morning. He needed to repair the rift between them.

Glancing at the main path leading in from the maze of hedgerows, he sighed. Blast it all anyway, he had no recourse. If Lady Sarah spoke to his parents, she would no doubt tell them the way of things. He squared his shoulders and slowed his walk to the tent a little more. There was but one thing for him to do. He would stay and watch for the lovely minx, and if she came, he would do his best to keep her away from his parents.

Someone clapped his shoulder.

“Luvington, old pal, glad to see you out and about in society.” Julian turned to find Lord Keery grinned at him. “We have missed you at the clubs these past evenings.”

Julian chuckled. “I have had more important things on my mind of late.” He continued toward the tent, and Lord Keery fell into step beside him.

“Such as? Do not tell me,” Lord Keery arched one blond brow, “a lady is to blame.”

“It is always a lady, old friend, but mostly, it is my father’s doing.” Julian stepped into the tent.

“Right, that foolishness about fixing your rakehell reputation. So who is the lucky proper miss?” Lord Keery reached for a glass of claret.

Julian shot him a sideways glance. “Honestly I am rather fond of the chit.” He lifted two glasses for his parents. “Lady Sarah will make a fine wife.”

Lord Keery smirked. “What would our old Oxford pals think?”

Julian elbowed him playfully with this left arm, holding the glasses in his right hand. “If I must have a wife, it will be her. And I am not the first to get saddled.”

Lord Keery nodded toward the hedgerow. “At the least, she is fun to look at.” “Also witty, charming, and spirited.” Julian continued their banter as his gaze followed his old school chum’s. His breath froze in his throat. Lady Sarah entered with the Duchess of Abernathy. Her parents, the Marquess and Marchioness of Havenshire, followed behind. “Keery, I must go.”

“Dare I say it? You are quite smitten with the lady. Is it love?”

“Gads, no. I need a wife and have chosen her. There is nothing more to it.” Julian’s heart fluttered. “Good day, Keery.”

He kept his gaze trained on the new arrivals as he carried the drinks back to his parents. His pulse thumped in his temples as he mentally urged Lady Sarah to move in a different direction. It was just his luck she arrived with the Duchess of Abernathy. Mother would flag them down the moment she took notice.

He handed his parents their glasses of claret.

“Thank you, dear.” Mother patted the mat next to her. “Do sit with us for a spell.” She angled her chin at him, and the corners of her mouth turned up.

Julian never could deny Mother her wishes. He sighed and lowered himself onto the turkey mat next to her. Stretching his legs out in front of him, he crossed his ankles, then glanced back into the crush. Lady Sarah turned toward the Duchess of Abernathy for a moment. They appeared to be talking behind their fans. Had they seen him? His heart sped up. The pair turned away and began moving toward the other side of the clearing and he released his pent-up breath.

Later, after his parents took their leave, Julian would seek Lady Sarah out to make amends, and to make her understand he wanted more than just a convenient wife. Anything else would be unacceptable.

“Tell me the news of yourself and Lady Sarah. Have you made any progress, son?” Father asked.

Mother angled her bonnet-clad head causing her auburn curls to bounce about her cheeks.

Julian closed his eyes for a heartbeat before turning to his father. “All is well. I expect to be wed by your deadline.”

Father pinned him beneath his piercing hazel stare. “Very well. Just remember you will not receive so much as a farthing more if you are not.” Mother’s green eyes glinted. “Julian knows what is expected of him. Please, let us all enjoy this glorious day without talk of such things.” Mother placed her lace-gloved hand upon Father’s.

“Yes, of course, love.” Father stretched his lips into the semblance of a smile. “I am requiring this of you because I care about your future, and the future of the duchy, son. One day, you will come to understand, perhaps even appreciate my reasons.”

Julian held his lips in a tight line and nodded at the patriarch of his family.

“I shall say no more on the matter.” Father patted Mother’s small hand as he glanced out at the open space before them.

“I do hope Lady Sarah will be joining us at some point. I would like to further our acquaintance if she is to become your wife.” Mother glanced at Julian. “I know the Duchess of Abernathy is rather fond of the girl.”

His stomach tightened. In no conceivable way could they meet today. Unless he got to Lay Sarah beforehand and somehow convinced her to play along. He had been honest with Lady Havenshire when he sought her assistance in winning Lady Sarah’s hand. Perchance she would be willing to help.


“Yes, sorry, Mother. I am afraid my mind wandered a bit.” He reached up and repositioned his hat.

“I asked if Lady Sarah would be in attendance today.”

The muscles in Julian’s chest tightened. “I am not certain, Mother.”

Father cleared his throat. “You ought to know, since you are courting her.”

Julian closed his eyes and exhaled.

“You should have escorted her to the party. With her family, of course.”

He continued to stare out into the crush of lords and ladies refusing to meet Father’s gaze. “Lady Sarah could not commit when I offered my escort. The Havenshire’s had another engagement and were not entirely sure they could make Lady Vivian’s affair.”

Mother reached over to squeeze his hand. “That does explain the matter. All the same, I do hope they make an appearance.”

Julian rubbed his hand across his jaw. He needed to seek out Lady Sarah and her mother before his parents took notice of them. A gentle breeze washed over him, carrying the scent of fresh flowers. Flowers that reminded him of Lady Sarah’s softness. He flexed his feet and glanced at the cerulean sky peaking through the tree’s leaves.

“If you will--”

“Look, Piers. Over there.” Mother pointed her fan.

Julian glanced in the direction she indicated, and his stomach rolled.

“The Duchess of Abernathy has arrived.”

Lady Sarah strolled next to Her Grace as they headed his way. Julian jumped to his feet, his stomach plummeting.

“Is that your Lady Sarah with Her Grace?” Mother gazed up at him.

“Yes.” Julian cleared his throat. “I must go to her.”

He had to convince her to play along for a bit. And if she refused? He stiffened his posture. There was but one way to find out.



Sarah’s fingers curled
inside her gloves as Lord Luvington strolled toward her. How dare he continue to ignore her wishes? She had begged him off with good reason. He could not possibly hope to change her mind. Perhaps he wished to apologize. She glanced at Grace. “What do you suppose Lord Luvington is coming over here for?”

Grace studied her. “I suspect I was correct. He cares for you.”

Sarah let a unladylike ‘humph’ escape her lips. “I would never dare believe another word from his mouth. He is just toying with me to keep his finances, and my heart is set on marrying for love.” His plight was unfortunate, but she was no fool. She would not allow him to make a ninny out of her.

“Let him speak his piece before you firm up your mind. No good will come from making rash decisions.”

Her decision was not rash. She had spent the entire night tossing in her bed considering him and his unfortunate situation. In truth, she had grown fond of him. Part of her wanted to give him a chance. But the more level-minded part of her anatomy knew it would be a mistake. The dashing lord could no more be trusted than bludgers could. He would steal her heart and destroy it as fast as they robbed carriages.

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