Say Uncle (5 page)

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Authors: C.M. Steele

BOOK: Say Uncle
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“You’re marrying me before we leave. Don’t even argue with me about it. We’ll live a life in Boston, and I’m going to keep you filled with my kids often,” I forewarned her ass. She must have liked that shit because her pussy started to pulse hard and coat my dick. Fuck. I grabbed one of her tits and tugged on her nipple, while I gripped her hip with the other and fucked up into her over and over again.

I was on the cusp of coming hard into her when she started to shake with a scream. “Ah, Dean! I’m coming!”

“Come, Angel,” I grunted, pumping my load into her again for the umpteenth time since we got here.

She tucked her head into her chest with her forehead against the wall, and I pressed my head against hers. I was beat, but one thing was for sure; my headache was gone.

“Let’s hurry and shower. I don’t want my brother to see your ass naked,” I warned, then pulled out and gave her ass a nice wet spank.

“Ass!” she screeched.

I just laughed and grabbed the hotel soap and scrubbed my body fast. I didn’t watch her shower because she was too much of a distraction. I didn’t know how I was going to handle going to work every day and leaving her sexy ass home alone.

I needed to add security to the house. She was too pretty, and being in the business, I knew that there were too many crazy fucks ready to creep in on an innocent woman.

I jumped out first and handed her a fresh towel. I brushed my teeth because my breath was funky as fuck. I didn’t know how she could kiss me this morning, but I wasn’t going to knock it. I just spat into the sink, then looked up to see her looking so beautiful. Angel stepped out with a towel wrapped around her breasts and one towel in her hair. It was so ordinary but so unbelievably special. She looked at me through the mirror and instantly blushed.

“Angel, you’re so perfect,” I breathed. My eyes never left hers as she came up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and placed her cheek on my spine.  The feelings of completion engulfed me.

“Thank you, Uncle Dean,” she said sweetly.

“Did you just say uncle?” I asked menacingly, and I felt her smile on my back. This woman was too much. I moved quickly, turning around and pushing her down onto her knees. I whipped my towel off my hips and commanded, “Open.” She looked up at me shyly but with gusto went at my cock. Wrapping her tiny hands around my dick, she licked the tip. I smiled down at her before I ordered, “Suck it.” I’d been waiting to say that to her since I read that bit in her book.

She moaned and sucked me deep into her mouth. I pulled out of her mouth and carried her to the bed. I reached down and pulled her towel from her breasts before pushing her to sit. Standing on the edge of the bed, I stroked my cock and gave her a wink. “I want to fuck those tits, babe.” Holding them in my hands, I pressed them against my dick and started stroking. Her tits were still wet from her shower and smoothed my path.

I groaned as the tip tapped her lips, parting them she stuck out her tongue and licked the head.

“Angel,” I whispered. “Fuck, shit, suck it, babe.”

I stopped titty fucking her and let her take my dick deep. Stroking it with one of her hands and the other caressing my balls, I was seconds from coming.

“I’m going to come, Angel,” I warned, but I was a little too late and my release caught us both off guard. Angel started to swallow, only letting a little dibble down her chin. I stepped back just as there was a knock at the door. “Fuck! That was some sexy shit! Get your ass in the bathroom before my brother sees you. I’ll bring you something to wear.”

“My suitcase is right there,” she said as she tried to go to the door to get it.

“Get your ass in the bathroom. I’ll bring it, love,” I nearly snarled.

“Who is it?” I called out as I picked up her suitcase.

“Me, asshole,” Ted bitched. Somebody needed to get laid. Maybe that was his problem. He was now out of pussy, but then again Vegas was full of available pussy at a price.

“Hold your horses, dick. I’m putting on some clothes unless you want to see my cock,” I teased.

“Get dressed. I sure as fuck don’t want to see your balls.”

I laughed and took the suitcase to the bathroom and could hear her in the shower again. So she wanted to pretend we took separate showers? Fine. I wasn’t hiding our relationship. I just didn’t want my brother seeing her naked. I opened the shower door and could hear her panting, sighing, and calling out my name. Fuck me, she was playing with herself in the shower. Damn, she must have been really turned on.

I walked out of the bathroom because I didn’t want to interrupt. I tossed on a pair of boxers and jeans, then opened the door for my brother.

“Took long enough, you big hairy bastard. You couldn’t put a shirt on?” It wasn’t like I had hair on my back or anything. I just looked like a man. Besides, Angel liked the hair on my chest and face.

“Don’t be jealous that you can’t grow any hair on your chest, you little bitch,” I said.

“Angel’s in the shower?” he said, taking the seat I vacated earlier.

“Yeah, she is. So tell me what happened,” I demanded. I didn’t like not having answers, but I was phenomenal at getting them.

He got back up and paced for a moment, then started talking. “I was in Vegas on a business trip two weeks ago when I was visiting a strip club with clients, and I saw her. I wasn’t interested in her, but she took an eager interest in me. She walked up to me after her performance and tried to offer up a private dance, but I turned her down, so she just chatted me up until some other guy summoned her for a private dance. I left a few minutes later because I wasn’t planning on paying for pussy, especially overused, overexposed pussy. The moment I walked out, I was approached by some federal agents asking me a million and a half questions. They saw her watching me like a hawk and asked me to play along.”

“So you fucked a murderer, bro?” I was fucking disgusted. It’s one thing not to know, but it’s a whole new level of fucked up knowing.

“We weren’t fucking. They came up with a plan, and I just had to make it work. I told her that I was in an accident and was now missing part of my junk, making me flaccid. Truthfully, I wasn’t turned on by her at all. As much as I enjoy fake tits, something about her reminded me of Sally and her betrayal.”

“So you do acknowledge your wife cheated on you? Why do you live with the guilt?”

“She wasn’t the only one who cheated, Dean. She may have been cheating first, but I wasn’t a saint either. The ink wasn’t even dry on the license before I went back to seeing my ex. Sally knew because I refused to touch her.”

“Why did you marry her then?”

“It was to make her pay. I learned about the affair right before the wedding started. I loved her, and she was screwing someone else. Because I had trusted her, I didn’t sign a pre-nup and I felt like a total shmuck. I tried to make her pay as often as I could for destroying the good in me. Then she got sick, and I wanted us to start over, but it was too late. I never had sex with her after we married because I didn’t trust her anymore. If I had, I would have noticed something was wrong with her tits because I’d been obsessed with them since I’d met her. That’s why I’ve held on to the guilt.”

“I’m sorry, man. I didn’t know it was that bad. You didn’t have the tension of a man who wasn’t getting laid.”

“That’s because I was. I hated myself for it, but I hated her more. She stuck around because she wanted my money. Sally admitted that she didn’t love me and she hadn’t cared for me for years. It seems I keep getting married and not consummating it.”

“I can’t believe Candy bought your story and she still wanted to be with you.”

“Yes, she said that it was something about me that she was crushing on and that we didn’t need to have sex because of my amazing personality.”

“Personality, my ass. More like crushing on your bankroll, I bet,” I scoffed.

“Exactly, so I played along, and I pretended to be head over heels in love with her. She tried to get me drunk and off to the chapel where they had it already set up. That’s when I called you. She was put out that I wanted to wait until the weekend. I knew she was afraid you’d come and try to stop me, so she pressured me into it that night. After that, I didn’t take any drink or food from her.”

“You’re a fucking fool, Ted. She could’ve killed you!” I shouted at him.

“I had back up around me the whole week. Plus, she was working every night until two days ago.”

“Still, man, you’re lucky she didn’t already end you,” I bellowed.

“It’s cool she got arrested, and she isn’t getting out, ever.”

“So what’s with the marriage thing?”

“It was not legal because she was married already, but it was also a sham. None of it was legal on paper. But listen to this—when they charged her with bigamy and informed her she wasn’t entitled to any of my money, she slipped that her fourth husband was dead.”

“Damn, so they nailed her?”

“Not yet, but charges are being laid for the death of her first two husbands. They exhumed their bodies and found traces of Ethylene Glycol crystals in their remains. She poisoned them for their life insurance. With the first guy, she fucked up because she wasn’t even his beneficiary, but she learned from the last time. So I wasn’t due to be killed for a while,” he illuminated me.


We both turned to the bathroom when we heard the door open. She better be dressed, or I was going to spank her ass. She was lucky. Angel was wearing a pair of jeans and a cartoon tee shirt. Her feet were still bare, hair up in a towel. She looked as hot dressed as she did naked, but I didn’t have a reason to snap.

“Angel, you remember my brother, Ted.”

“Yeah, we talked last night,” she admitted like I already was aware of that. Then I remembered they attended the comedy special.

“When? At the theatre?” I asked jealously.

“Yeah, but after I got her call, I came up to look for her. She was getting ready to go back to your room when I got to her door. You were out cold. I actually checked your pulse twice last night,” Ted added, clearly seeing the angry, jealous expression on my face.

“Come here,” I called to her, adding my hand for emphasis. She walked shyly to me.

“Did you have a nice shower?” I asked softly in her ear.

She blushed and said, “Yes, it was very nice.”

“Did you hear anything of our conversation?” She shook her head to say no. I was about to tell her about it when Ted added that he’d already talked to her about it last night.

Jealousy struck a chord again and I growled, “What else did you two talk about?”

“Seriously, you’re being stupid. If you hadn’t drank yourself unconscious, you would have known and participated.”

“She’s right. Besides learning that she was helping the Feds too and that you two were fuck buddies, there was nothing else.”

“Fuck buddies— that’s what you told him we are?” I thundered.

She rolled her eyes at me like I was crazy. “Dean, please. You just told me you wanted more than that this morning, and I didn’t use the words fuck buddies. I said we were seeing each other.”

“Yeah, I gave it that term. I didn’t know you two were serious. You’ve never been serious about anyone before,” Ted admitted.

“No I didn’t find anyone I wanted more than Angel here.” I pulled her onto my lap and rubbed her belly. “And we need to get married because I’m pretty sure I knocked her up.”

“Married in a rush?! What kind person does that?” Ted teased. I didn’t know he had a sense of humor. I flipped him off and turned Angel’s face to look at me.

“A man who fell in love on a flight with a Bulls fan,” I whispered in her ear.

“Pussy,” Ted coughed. He was changing on me. It was like he was finally growing some balls.

“Hey, it’s better than falling in love in a strip club,” Angel retorted, busting out her own mother.

“True, but at least it was fake,” Ted challenged.

“I told you, babe. I wasn’t your uncle,” I mocked.

“So when are we doing this? Don’t you have to get back to work?” my brother asked.

“Yeah, I need to get back next week, and I have to make sure she good well and bred before I go back,” I declared, getting a weak punch in my gut.

“I need to go back to Chicago. I do have a job, you know,” she told me.

“We’ll go there tomorrow, and then you can quit,” I stated.

“What?” She looked at me like I was insane.

I didn’t want to have a fight about it. I was in charge no matter what her ass thought. She might own my heart and dick, but I was the man. “You heard me. We are going to be living in Boston, and you’re going to be a stay-at-home wife.”

“Stay-at-home wife?” she balked.

“Listen. I work, and you stay home giving me little babies,” I reiterated. I wasn’t going to change my mind one bit. Breeding her became a mission since I first saw her get on the plane.

“Do you know how archaic you sound? ‘I’m breeding you,’” she said mockingly.

“Do you know how much you sound like a feminist? It’s not going to work, though, babe.”

“Should I learn to cook, sew, and start wearing modest dresses too?” she snapped at me. I just kissed her roughly, effectively shutting her up.

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