Say Uncle

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Authors: C.M. Steele

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Say Uncle

C.M. Steele



Chapter 1

“Hey, what’s up, bro?” I said as I answered my cell after my shower. Damn, I didn’t know if I was getting old or it was from getting hit with the ball, but I felt like shit. I grabbed some pills from my medicine cabinet and a glass of water, downing them while I waited for him to respond.

“I wanted to tell you that I’m getting married,” Ted muttered on the phone, almost incoherently.

“Quit fucking with me, Ted. I’ve got a headache and a bad bruise on my collarbone,” I barked.

“Did someone resist arrest?” he asked anxiously. Which was a normal question to ask since I was one of Boston’s finest, but I didn’t really arrest people like I used to; I was a detective now, working cold cases. My big brother still worried about me all the time since we only had each other, but I hardly came into contact with any killers—mostly just dusty files.

“Not today, but I was playing baseball for the MDA against the fire department, and I caught a line drive to the neck area. I didn’t realize how slow my ass was getting.”

“Damn, that really sucks, but I wasn’t fucking with you. I’m getting married this weekend,” he said, then he started to talk to someone else in the background, the future Mrs. Evans, I’m assuming. “No, Candy. He’s just in shock that I’m getting married.”

Candy? Please tell me that’s her pet name or some shit.
“Who is she? You haven’t been dating anyone,” I accused as I dried my body. With my phone tucked on the good shoulder and ear, I dropped my towel and walked to get some boxers out.

“Her name is Candy. We met here in Vegas and instantly fell in love.” I almost dropped my phone when I heard him say that. I smelled bullshit. Something was up, and I didn’t care for it.

I just laughed and said, “Fell in love in Vegas. That’s like saying candy is good for you. Pun intended.”

“Stop being a dick, Dean.” I was starting to get on his nerves. It seemed to be my specialty with my big brother. It wasn’t going to stop me from going down there to stop him. He should’ve waited until he tied the knot before he told me. Now his ass was going to have to deal with me.

As I listened to him halfheartedly, I was on my laptop looking for a flight to Vegas. There was one leaving at seven the next morning. That worked for me. It would give me some time to sleep and for some of this pain to go away.


I was up and out of my house before the sun was up. I was just about to pack my truck when I saw my neighbor getting ready for a jog.

“Hey, Dean. How’s the bruise?” My neighbor and colleague, Lester, was out already going for a run before the sun was even all the way up.

I caught a line drive to the neck, but it only looked like a big-ass hickey. “It’s good, Lester. It’s not as big as I thought it would be.” He was a health nut. Lifting was my thing. A light jog to warm up the body was all I ever did for cardio—well, except for sex. That was a great cardio workout I’d been neglecting for a while now.

“Hell, you must be getting old if you didn’t get out of the way soon enough. Maybe you should try running more,” he said with a chuckle. Since he was one of the guys playing, he saw the whole thing.

“Fuck off, asshole,” I shouted as I put my suitcase in the back of my Rover.

“Where are you headed?” he asked curiously. I didn’t know about Ted’s ridiculous plan to marry before I got home, so no one else had a clue either. I only managed to inform my supervisor that I was going to need more than the few days they gave me for the injury yesterday.

“Vegas. It’s an emergency,” I said as opened my driver side door.

“Emergency? What—to find some easy ass or to spend all your money?” he joked.

“Ha! I wish it was for that. My brother just told me he’s in love with some broad, and he’s marrying her this weekend. I’ve got to get down there before he goes through with it.”

His face changed immediately. Everyone knew Ted and the shit he’d been through. Getting married wasn’t in his vocab again. “Damn. Good luck, man,” he replied.

“Thanks,” I said before jumping in my ride and peeling out. I was in a hurry and got to the airport just in time to catch the early flight. It was a longer trip than I wanted, but it was earliest flight I could get. I had a layover at O’Hare in Chicago, but then it was a straight shot to Vegas. We were in Chicago when more passengers came aboard, and my world was changed forever.

Chapter 2

There was an extra ten people or so to board the flight, but only one caught my attention. She was about five foot five, brunette, with bright round eyes and plump lips. She was wearing a pair of jeans that hugged her legs and a Bulls zippered hoodie. It was snug fitting, giving my eyes a view at her large breasts. The one downfall was the excessive makeup. I wanted her to clean that shit off her face so I could see her natural beauty. She looked like a punk kid, but something about her told me that it was an act. It seemed so unnatural on her.

“Excuse me,” she said sweetly, instantly hardening my dick with her saccharine sound. Yep, she wasn’t the goth girl. The dark makeup wasn’t her thing.

“Sorry, miss,” I said as I stood so she could take the seat next to me, using the book in my hand to cover my erection. This was going to be a long flight. I could smell her, and it wasn’t just the perfume or soap, but natural scent. I wanted to sit while she stood, and bite on her pussy. There wasn’t that much room for her to pass, so her covered breast just lightly grazed my arm. My body felt the touch as though I was bum rushed by her naked body. It was too much, and it was nothing more than an accidental boob graze.

“Thank you,” she replied before sitting. Her face pinked when she looked at my neck. It was clear she thought it was a hickey.

I tried to avoid looking at her or smelling the light perfume she had on, but it was difficult. My dick was so damn hard, and my mind blank. I watched as she pulled a Kindle out of her purse and started to read. She just focused on her reading, like nothing was wrong, like she didn’t fuck up my equilibrium by just existing. My pants were already in need of an adjustment, and she nonchalantly carried on reading whatever it was she was reading. I wanted to tear the device from her hand and give her something else to hold.

I looked over and caught the word “suck it” in text. She was reading something naughty, and that didn’t help the hard-on in my pants. All thoughts went to telling her to “suck it.” She must have caught me staring, so she tilted her Kindle away so I couldn’t read it. I didn’t know if she was embarrassed or annoyed, but either way, I didn’t care. She was annoying me with her mere presence, and if she parted her mouth one more time while she was reading, I was going to embarrass myself.

We took off, and the stewardess made her rounds. “Sir, can I get you anything to drink?” the stewardess asked with a smile.

“Whiskey on the rocks?” I said as I looked at what she had on her cart. Perfect. I could use the cool burn of some Jameson.

“Yes, we have that, sir. Anything for your girlfriend?” she said, tilting her eyes at the beauty next to me.

I turned to her, but she didn’t pay any attention to the stewardess, so I asked, “Hey, babe, you want anything?”

“Huh? Oh, a water,” she said distractedly as she looked up from her book, then the stewardess handed me the whiskey.

“Okay, here you go.” She handed me the bottle, and I gave it to my supposed girlfriend. She missed the whole girlfriend comment and me calling her babe. I nodded to the stewardess, and she moved along.

“What are you reading?” I asked, knowing damn well she was reading some dirty shit that was getting her hot and bothered, judging by
the blush on her cheeks and the constant fidgeting of her thighs. I wanted to put a hand on them to stop her movement. Not because it was offensive or anything, but because I was ready to lift her onto my hard cock and let her ride out that ache.

“A romance novel,” she whispered.

“I thought you wouldn’t tell me,” I admitted.

“Why? Because I don’t know you?” she replied.

“No because I saw the words ‘suck it’ in there,” I said with a grin. She blushed prettily. “Don’t be embarrassed. I thought it was really fucking hot. I’m Dean, by the way.” I stuck out my hand to her.

She shook it and replied, “Angel.”

I felt the shock from our hands touching, and my dick jumped. The broad was sin, and we were headed to a city known exactly for that. I didn’t let go of her hand—instead, I gave it a tender caress and watched her shiver. Hell, yeah! She was attracted to me—a lot. Her pulse was racing.

I looked into her hazel eyes and murmured, “Angel? It doesn’t suit you.”

“Well, that’s my name,” she said angrily, pulling her hand from mine.

“Don’t get offended, sweetheart. I just find you sexy as fuck, and to me you’re like the devil coming to torment me. Then again, the devil was once an angel.”

“Why, because you already have a woman, and you’re looking for a side chick?” Angel said, eying the bruise on my neck. She sounded offended, and I liked that because she had some self-respect despite her overly done dark makeup.

“This isn’t a hickey,” I denied, but she didn’t buy it.

“Yeah, right. What is it, then?” Angel asked me skeptically.

“I was playing baseball and didn’t move fast enough out of the way of a line drive, and it hit me in the neck and collarbone,” I admitted.

She looked at my build, which wasn’t helping the massive hard-on I was dealing with, then asked a logical question. “Are you a professional baseball player?”

“No way. It was a pickup game for charity. I’m a detective in Boston.” She still didn’t look like she took me seriously, so I busted out my phone and clicked on the video my friend taped. I put it in her hands, lightly touching her in the process. All you see in the clip is a bunch of guys running up to me while I was sitting on the ground. After finding out I was going to be fine, they all started ragging on me.

“See, babe. I’m not bullshitting you,” I whispered in her ear as I took my phone from her. 

Feeling uncomfortable with all my closeness and her obvious enjoyment, she changed the subject. “So what are you going to Vegas for?”

I paused for a moment because I didn’t want to come off as a dick, but then she got all uncomfortable like she was pushing.

Ducking her head back into her book, she murmured, “Sorry, it’s none of my business.”

I put my hand on her tablet, pushing it away from her, and used my other hand to turn her lovely face toward me. I ignored the jolt of excitement at the contact and unsteadily said, “No, that’s not why I paused, so don’t trip about offending me, lovely Angel. My brother is getting married, and I’m going to try and stop him before it’s too late. I know it’s a dick move, but I can’t let him go through with it.”

“Why? Don’t you like the woman?” she asked me shakily. My touch was starting to affect her as much as she was affecting me. I pulled my hand away and took a quick swig of my drink before I started to talk again.

“No, I don’t know her at all. He just rushed into it claiming he’s in love, and I don’t buy it for a second.”

“Seriously?” She shook her head in disbelief in love at first sight. I wasn’t so sure it didn’t exist.

The way my heart was pounding and my cock was dancing in my jeans, I wasn’t feeling too far off from the emotion. Not that I’d ever been in love before, but I knew what lust was and this was something much stronger than that. “Yeah, but right now I’m having second thoughts on it.”

“Why?” she asked, brightening as she blushed again.

“Because suddenly I’m buying into love at first sight,” I said smoothly, implying that I was falling for her.

Shaking her head, she snickered. “Oh shut up!”

“I’m serious, Angel,” I divulged. I knew she didn’t buy it, but I was for real. My dick was hard because I was lusting like a horny teen, but my heart was pounding like I’d just run the Boston Marathon.

She just picked up her tablet again and tried to ignore me. It ticked me off because I couldn’t ignore her. Suddenly, her presence was all I could focus on. The only reason I had the book still was so I didn’t give the people across the aisle a side view of my tented jeans. Angel was welcome to look all she wanted.

“That’s not going to work now. I’m not going to let you ignore me,” I said as I leaned over her shoulder as she read. It was a big mistake because her scent was hitting my nostrils full force, and I was getting jealous of the damn bull on her hoodie so close to her breasts.

Annoyed, she turned and asked, “Are you going to stare over my shoulder the whole flight?”

“Maybe.” I shrugged. “Depends on if you’re going keep reading. I want to see what other dirty shit is in there. I would love to know how you like it in bed,” I suggested and gave her a naughty grin. I was serious about knowing her likes, but I wasn’t happy about who showed her what she liked.

“Just because I’m reading a scene doesn’t mean it’s what I like. I’m reading the entire book,” she refuted, returning to her book. I sat back and finished my drink, summoning the stewardess for another. I was hoping the alcohol would dull my senses, and I could just unzip my jeans, whip out my cock, and flip her onto me, fucking her. The constant fantasizing wasn’t doing me or my pants any good. I could feel the come leaking out of my dick and onto my underwear; one or two strokes and I’d be coming hard.

“So why are you going to Vegas?” I was really curious to know why she would be going to Vegas alone, and I needed to stop thinking about what I wanted to do to her.

“Umm…” she muttered, pausing too long for my liking. A low growl emanated from my chest.

“You don’t want to tell me?” I asked. It seemed she was ashamed or uncomfortable to tell me why she was going to the Devil’s playground.


“Tell me,” I demanded. All thoughts of why ran through my brain.
Please tell me she wasn’t marrying someone else, or becoming a stripper or some shit like that.

She rolled her eyes at me before she said, “Dude, chill out. I’m going because my mother got married yesterday and didn’t tell me. So I’m going to go surprise her and her latest dupe.”

I breathed a deep sigh of relief, which she noticed. Then I asked another important question. “So how old are you?”

“I’m twenty-one. You?” she countered.

“Twenty-nine,” I replied. Yes…she wasn’t too young for me. Hell, when it came to her, legal was all I needed. I’d never dated anyone that much younger than me before, but she was my downfall and I knew it. She’d be the one I’d make all the exceptions for, to do stupid shit I wouldn’t do for anyone else. She would own me. I was on my way to stop my brother from marrying a stranger, but who was going to stop me? Who would even be able to stop me? No one.

The stewardess came back to see if we needed anything else. I needed something else, but it wasn’t anything the stewardess could give me.

“So do you usually wear that much makeup?” I wanted to know what I had to deal with and how hard I’d have to get her to get rid of the ridiculous look. My woman wouldn’t need to hide her face in all that war paint. 

“Are you always a dick?” she replied indignantly. She said dick. I’d just got my boy to settle down, and it was like she was calling to him. He heard “dick,” and he was back up and panting, begging to be petted.

I gave her a shrug because a lot of people thought I was a dick, and even Ted called me a dick at least once when I talked to him yesterday. “Sometimes. Why do you wear all of that? It takes away from your naturally pretty face.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Yes I do. I can see your eyes just perfectly. All that black shit around your eyes is unappealing,” I informed her.

“Yet you haven’t left me alone, have you? My boyfriend doesn’t mind my makeup either, so I guess it’s not so unappealing,” Angel said spitefully.

“You’ve got a boyfriend?!” I asked with shock and a touch of hatred for this unknown POS. The information was a big blow. I was going to have to do something about that, and do it really quick. I wanted her without a doubt. Once we were off the plane, I was checking into my hotel, and then I was getting in her pussy. Fuck, I still had to check in with my brother and stop him.

She returned to her book, and I went back to looking over her shoulder. A minute in, she put it in the pocket in front of her and stretched, then she unzipped her sweater. Fuck me! She had a low-cut shirt on. Her cleavage was teasing me, like it was a perfect place for this ready-to-explode cock.

“You did that shit on purpose,” I accused.

“Did what on purpose?” she asked, knowing full well what I was talking about since I didn’t take my eyes off her tits.

“Unzipped your hoodie,” I growled.

“Yes, my purpose being that I’m hot.” The girl had an attitude. I’d fix that with a nice orgasm or two later tonight.

“That you are,” I said, unconsciously adjusting my uncomfortable erection.

“Are you playing with yourself?”

“Damn, sweetheart. Did you need to say that so loud?” I hissed as I looked around to see if anyone heard, but thankfully they hadn’t. “Actually, if you must know, you’ve got my dick so hard it’s become uncomfortable in its current position, and I needed to readjust. I would walk to the bathroom and adjust it there, but someone just walked in there and her husband followed her, so it will be a while.”

She blushed in mortification. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. You can’t help that you’ve got me fucked up without doing anything special. Although undoing the hoodie didn’t help my predicament.” I tried to change the subject. “Are you a big Bulls fan?”

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