Saving Micah (Sequel to Conquering Jude) (25 page)

BOOK: Saving Micah (Sequel to Conquering Jude)
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He’d never been so relieved as he was when Olivia declared it was time to take the party to the club. They were standing by the checkout, waiting to pay for their meals when Deborah found out she was being allowed to go to the club for the first time. The little girl had been bugging both Micah and her father about going since his return to Chicago. The rumor was that Olivia had promised the girl she could go once Micah returned.


“Yippee!” the little girl squealed when Olivia assured her she was going to get to tag along this time. Micah couldn’t help but smile at Deborah’s enthusiasm. “Can I ride with you, Daddy and Micah?” Deborah bounced on her heels, her adorable face covered with spaghetti sauce.


“Sweetheart, we’re going the same place.” Kathy placed her hand on her daughter’s shoulder when Brandon, her master, returned with her and Deborah’s coats.. “You can ride with Daddy Brandon and me, but first we need to clean up this spaghetti face.” She swung the little girl up on her hip.


“Speaking of which – “ Micah shifted, he nodded toward the restrooms where Kathy had disappeared into with Deborah. He knew he couldn’t have release but even a quick breather from the ring would be a godsend.


Olivia arched an eyebrow, before turning to Jude. “And let me guess – you’d like to join him?”


Jude stepped closer to her, towering over her petite frame. He canted his voice low. “Yes, Mistress. Both of us could use a small relief.


She thoughtfully tapped her chin. “Dynamic Duo ‘til the end?”


Jude brushed his lips over her forehead. “Yes, Mistress. Your Dynamic Duo.”


“You don’t play fair, pet.” She inhaled sharply when Micah pressed his erection against her hip. “All right – you have fifteen minutes but I expect each of you to be in the same condition you’re in now.” She brushed her hand over each of their cocks. “These are mine.”


“Yes, Mistress,” they said in tandem.


* * * *


Olivia shivered in anticipation as she waited for her men to join her in the main room at the club. They’d gone to her office to change into the clothing she’d picked out for their ceremony. She’d changed into her normal corset and leggings when they’d first arrived, but that was the only thing normal. The club seemed eerily silent tonight. There were no cries of pleasure and pain, no sounds of leather hitting flesh or murmur of Doms controlling their subs. It had become a kid friendly environment for the benefit of the children who were present – not that Kalinda’s, Dom’s and Josh’s two month old twins would realize what was going on, but Jude’s precocious daughter on the other hand…safe to say, it was for the best. With her father committing his life to her and Micah, even at five Deborah was wanted.
We all should have family to help celebrate our joining. Speaking of which…
Olivia smiled at the older couple standing next to her as Caelan and Nisey walked into the room with Ethan and his wife. Not only had her pseudo parents made the trip from Ireland, Jude’s army buddy and wife had caught a flight up from Louisiana.


Everyone is here except for Rena, but there is still hope.
She hadn’t been surprised when the woman had turned her down.
Especially after finding out Jackson would be here.
She honestly wished the two would quit pussyfooting around each other. They were so perfect together any fool could see it.


“You have a wonderful club, sweetheart.” Myrna hooked her arm through Olivia’s, drawing her attention away from the missing woman. “You’ve done well for yourself, any mother would be proud of you.”


She pressed a kiss against Myrna’s cheek. “Thanks, Mum.”


The room grew quiet as Jude and Micah entered, wearing nothing more than leather pants and gauzy shirts. Her mouth watered. She wanted them both so badly.


“I think it’s time we get this show on the road before your subs decide to run away,” Amery suggested, before leading her across the room.


“Not if they know what’s good for them.” She couldn’t help the possessive growl in her voice. She’d gone through hell for both of her men and she’d be damned if she’d give them up.


Unlike her brother, who’d had Nisey’s collaring ceremony in the atrium on the roof, she’d chosen to claim her men in her private playroom. Large enough to hold everyone, she’d paid to have the St. Andrew’s cross covered in white lilies and baby’s breath. The spanking bench, which Jude had experienced his first orgasm at her touch, was disguised as a makeshift altar with a long crème color runner. On it was a small silver tray holding the twin necklaces – gold and silver which they would wear for the rest of their lives.


The ceremony was sweet and short with Master Alastair officiating – both men vowed to love, honor, protect and
her while she promised to care for them, love them and protect
from themselves. Even little Deborah got in on the fun, by handing her Not-Mom each necklace from the tray. Each man had tears in their eyes as the knelt for her to slide the chains over their heads.


Once it was over, Olivia sighed in relief as Master Alastair and Caelan ushered everyone out of the room. When Jude stood to follow, she stopped him.


“Present, both of you.” The command in her voice sent both men in a flurry as the door clicked shut behind Caelan – who winked at her. Both he and Master Alastair had agreed to play host for the next hour to give her time to claim her men.


She licked her lips as their bare flesh was revealed. “Mine.” She wrapped hands around both cocks stroking them from tip to base. The groans she ripped out of them were raw. She released them and stepped back. “Strip me.”


“Yes, Mistress.” Jude reached for the lacing on her corset, while Micah dropped to his knees to tug her leather leggings down her thighs. She smiled as Micah’s groan floated up from his position on the floor. She spread her legs further, giving her sub a better view of the thick plug in her ass and the slender vibrator she’d slipped inside her when she’d changed. She wanted to be prepared for her men.


“Something wrong,
Jude glanced down when Micah merely moaned. “Why don’t you tell him what you’re staring at so intently.”


“Oh my God, Jude – she’s stuffed. A vibrator in her pussy and a plug in her ass.”


“How long, Mistress?” Jude’s hoarse tone didn’t surprise her. Her pet was aroused beyond belief.


“Since we arrived.” Jude’s breath hissed out on a curse and Olivia took pity on them. “Cock rings off – pet on your back on the pallet.” She drew a sharp breath as both men obeyed and Jude laid down on the padded surface hidden behind the Chinese screen on the far side of the room. She wasted no time crawling on top of him, rubbing her breasts across his chest. “What are you waiting for, Micah? Take the toys out. I want to be filled with my subs’ cocks – like yesterday.”


She groaned as each toy was replaced by warm living flesh. First by Jude as he thrust up into her pussy. His hands cupped her ass, spreading her cheeks to give Micah easy access. She squealed as Micah took advantage of it, sliding in slow and deep. Less than a minute had passed and she was right where she wanted to be. The filling in a sub sandwich – all pun intended.


“Fuck me.” She gasped as they obeyed. The room soon rang with their cries as the men drove her from one peak to another. She whimpered and thrashed between their bodies before ordering them to come in her. Jude went off first, bucking wildly under her spilling his seed deep inside her, sending her over the edge. Micah quickly followed and warmth filled her ass. It was the wildest coupling she could remember to date.


“Wow…you’re going to kill me, guys.” She let her head drop to Jude’s chest, at peace for the first time since she’d finally claimed her men.

“Never, Mistress. We love you too much to do that – unless it’s with pleasure,” Jude whispered.
“But only then.” Micah wrapped his arms around her as they eased over onto their sides to better cuddle her between them.
She smiled. “And if I say so, right?”
“Of course, Mistress,” Jude said giving a gentle buck of his hips while Micah’s hand teased her nipple. “Can it be now?”
“Please, Mistress.” Micah’s mouth fastened on her shoulder, sucking lightly.

She groaned but allowed them to have their way.
After all they beg so prettily.


~The End~







Dakota is a simple Midwest girl, who has found her passion in storytelling at a young age. Her father always said she made up the craziest stories. Most remained unwritten though as writing wasn’t Dakota’s strong suit. That all changed in junior high when she took her first typing class. Problem solved for the dyslexic Dakota. There was no stopping her after that. She wrote her first novel her freshman year about a girl who could speak to animals on an old electric IBM typewriter her dad found at a garage sale. Now writing in several different genres, she is a published author with multiple books under her belt. When she isn’t writing, she’s the crazy mom of three wild Indians who are posing as her children, a loving wife to the man of her dreams and a full time Web Design Major at IADT.



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By Dakota Trace


When a would be Dom takes advantage of Nisey's inexperience she is left bewildered and at odds with her own sexuality. Now scared of what she longs for she tries to hide from it until her best friend, Kalinda has had enough of waking to Nisey's screams and takes matters into her own hands and contacts her older brother, Caelan. She's had enough and wants her best friend back and thinks Caelan is the perfect man to guide Nisey back to what she longs for without traumatizing her friend any further.


Caelan is an experienced Dom, who has trained many first time subs in during his time in the lifestyle, but his last experience with a newbie changed everything. When it blew up in his face, he decided to keep to the more experienced subs, so when his sister calls out of the blue with a request that he help her friend, he is intrigued but very leery. After all what could happen from answering a few questions?


Warnings: This title contains graphic language, spanking, exhibitionism, phone sex, bondage, toys, description of an attempted rape and sodomy.



Excerpt From




Swallowing hard, Nisey tried to still her racing heart. Caelan seemed serious about her finding relief before she left the room. For a moment she was tempted to fake it but then thought better of it. Faking it would probably earn her another ass warming and she had a feeling she’d be in worse shape than she already was if he touched her again.




“Nothing to say




She shrugged her shoulders. “Despite the way I reacted tonight, Caelan, I don’t normally throw myself at men. What you’re asking for is something…” she looked away from him. “…I don’t think I can give.”




“Look at me. Don’t hide from me. Why do you say that? Are you seriously uncomfortable with your own body?”




She turned her face and looked him in the eyes. “I don’t know. I need something but I’m not sure what. I was hoping by being tied up I’d find it. Nothing else has worked.”




“You can’t let go can you? You aren’t getting a real orgasm?”




She shook her head and focused on a spot behind his shoulder. “I’m too self-conscious. I just end up even more frustrated than I was to begin with.”




When he groaned, she looked up at him. He looked like he was being tortured. He finally opened his eyes.




“Do you trust me?”




“Unbelievably, yes.” Holding her breath, she waited for his reaction.
Have I pissed him off?

BOOK: Saving Micah (Sequel to Conquering Jude)
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