Saving Micah (Sequel to Conquering Jude) (24 page)

BOOK: Saving Micah (Sequel to Conquering Jude)
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“I plan on it.” She took another step towards the woman.
“It’s too late now. You snooze you lose. Take care of her, Leland.”
“With pleasure, Mistress.” He licked his narrow lips. “I can have her, right? You promised.”

“Of course, lover. You’ve been a good boy. By all means have at her. Little boy and I are going to get reacquainted after I put his collar on.”


“Run, Mistress,” Micah urged before throwing himself at the woman. Her eyes widened. She’d never seen Micah move so fast before. Everything and everybody in his path was taken down. A direct roundhouse kick to the head sent the other woman tumbling into the speed boat.


Olivia didn’t have time to appreciate the move before she had her hands full with Leland as he stalked towards her. She definitely didn’t like the look on his face. It didn’t bode well for her. Towering over her by at least eighteen inches, he moved fast for a large man. Ducking to the side she avoided his outstretched hands. While she didn’t have any formal fighting training, she’d learned more gutter tricks in her forty years than an average woman. She had no problem using whatever was at hand as a weapon. In this case the binos she’d forgotten she was carrying. As Leland charged past her, she swung them with all her might. She gave a satisfied grunt when they connected with his face. He staggered and roared like a wounded bear. Bracing herself for his next charge, she was unprepared when Micah appeared in front of her, placing himself between her and the enraged man. With the boat and the bitch at her back and an advancing Leland and Micah at her front, she was torn on what to do. Danger existed in either direction. When he moved forward to engage the enraged man, she reacted.


“No!” Trying to shove him out of the way, her urge to protect him from more harm was stronger than her need for self-survival. Micah stumbled before righting himself.


Lashing out with his foot, he caught the big man on the side of the knee. Before her dazed eyes, Micah moved in a flurry of movements, twists, turns, kicks and jabs. It was so fast Olivia could do nothing but stare in disbelief.
How the Hell did this fool get the drop on Micah twice, if he can do this?
Leland gave several grunts then a bellow of agony before crashing like a downed tree. The wood vibrated under their feet before the sickening crunch as his head hit one of the tie downs echoed over the water. Lying in a crumpled up heap, his head twisted it at a weird angle, the man who’d raped Micah was more than likely dead. She swallowed several times as her breakfast threatened to reappear.


It took several tries but she managed to force the bile down. Looking away from the man and focusing her gaze on Micah’s chest did the trick. She noticed he wasn’t even winded. It rose and fell as if kicking a guy who was at least a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier hadn’t been a big deal. Her sub was something else. “Where the hell did you learn martial arts at,


He pressed a kiss to her lips. “My father. Please don’t ever try to do something like that again. I’d die if something happened to you.” She wrapped her arms around his waist cuddling closer – thankful he was okay.


“Don’t tell me I’m going to have to put up with your protective ways now too…”


He rubbed his cheek over the crown of her head. “Probably.”


“Damn, Wonderboy, why the hell didn’t you tell me you could kick ass like that?” Ethan wheezed as he shoved at Jude’s form. “Jesus, Dickens, how much fucking weight have you put on.”


After freeing himself from her arms, Micah went over to help Ethan pull the still dazed Jude out of the drink. “You never asked.” Leaning over he grabbed Jude’s hands. “On the count of three.” Micah fell on his ass as Jude’s body landed on top of him. “God damn you’re heavy.”


Jude groaned. “I didn’t hear you bitching the last time you were on bottom, ass.”


In the distance, Olivia heard the sirens coming. “Thank God – I want them to check you both out.”


“You fucking bitch.” An arm wrapped around her neck as Brigit pulled her back against her. Choking, Olivia thrashed around until she felt the muzzle of the gun against her side. “Keep fighting and I’ll gut shoot you.”


Moments later, several men in uniform flooded out from the wooded area between the house and the lake. One of them yelled. “Sheriff’s Office. Put your gun down!”


“I’ll shoot her!” The woman screamed. “She killed my boyfriend!”


“Put the weapon down!” The order echoed over the water. Jude and Micah froze whether in shock or waiting for an opening she wasn’t sure, while Ethan who was still in the water, raised his hands above his head.


“This is your fault! You should’ve just let me have him. He was mine.” Brigit tightened her arm across Olivia’s throat even as the pressure of the gun lessened.


Olivia shook her head. “He was never yours. Micah has always been mine. I was his first Domme. I taught him how to enjoy his submission. Even when he was playing with other women, he was mine. I bet he even called my name when he came with you. You were nothing more than a replacement for me.”


Her screech made Olivia’s ears ring. “If I can’t have him, no one can!”


Without thinking, Olivia clamped her arm down hoping to force the gun down as Brigit tried to aim at Micah. His eyes widened as duel shots rang out at the same time and Jude tackled him to the dock. Olivia sobbed as she felt the heated muzzle of the gun against her side. Then her shoulder began to burn. She hissed as the woman behind her started to fall backwards. There was nothing she could other than drag in a deep breath of air before hitting the water. She thought she heard her name shouted but she was too busy trying to break the woman’s hold as the lake closed over her head. She was a weak swimmer at best and a lead weight at worst. If she didn’t get free she was dead.


* * * *


Micah scrambled to where Olivia had disappeared into the water but was tackled from behind by one of the deputies. “Stay down.”


“She’s going to drown. She can’t swim!” He struggled against the dead weight pinning him to the dock.


“We’ll get her, sir.” The guy’s voice was rough in his ear. There was a splash and a few minutes later, the guy on top of him sighed with relief. “They’ve got her. Just relax.”


“Are you sure?”




In the water he could hear splashing before a voice called out. “Got them. Suspect is unresponsive, no pulse. Hostage is still breathing.”


“Great, Hank.” The deputy helped him up, nodding towards the shore. “Look over there. They are taking care of her. I’m sorry about the other woman – she didn’t give us a choice.”


“Don’t be. She isn’t worth the bullets it took to kill her.” Micah glanced around, torn between going to Olivia who was now cursing at the man attempting to staunch the blood flowing from her shoulder or Jude was surrounded by paramedics on the dock. Jude caught his gaze.


“Go to her. I’ll be fine.” He hissed as the man prodded at his arm. “It’s just a flesh wound. She winged me. Check on our Mistress. Some idiot shot her.” Jude yelped as the man dug deeper. “Ouch! Dammit! I already told you the damn slug wasn’t in there. Quit digging!”


Micah raced down the pier to drop to his knees next to Olivia. She grasped onto his hand and looked up at him. “Jude?”


His heart sank. As always his Mistress thought of Jude first. “He’s fine.” He moved away from her but her handed tightened on his.


“I’ll paddle your black ass if you run again, Micah Beaumont.”


He scowled and opened his mouth but she shushed him.


“Now’s not the time to get your panties in a twist or jealous,
I love you just as much I as I do him, but you’re kneeling next to me, so I know you’re okay. What I don’t know is where the other half of my dynamic duo is. I have plans for the both of you and I won’t be denied this time.” She pulled his head down with her free hand. “I’ll have both of you or someone is going to feel my wrath across their backsides. Are we clear?”


His breath caught in his throat at the fire in her eyes. “Yes, Mistress.”


She fell back with a moan, her eyes closing as the medic prodded at her shoulder. “Miss, you need to lay still. You have a bullet lodged against your collarbone.”


“No shit.” One eye peeked open to stare up at him. “I’m so making you pay for this Micah Beaumont. You’re going to be my slave for the rest of your life.”

He licked his lips before gathering up the courage to ask for what he wanted. “And will I be getting a collar?”
“You bet your ass you will, and if I catch you without it, there’s gonna be hell to pay.”
He smiled. “I’d expect nothing less.”





One Month Later, Chicago


“Not-Mom Olivia!” The childish shout echoed through her condo, reaching Olivia’s ears. She sighed, watching as Micah finished shaving his neither regions, reluctant to leave him. He’d only been back in Chicago for less than a week and she found she was greedy. It had taken too long in her opinion for him to wrap up his business affairs in New Orleans, but she had been patient. She was waiting no longer to claim the man. Tonight after a nice meal with friends, the three of them, Jude, Micah and herself were having a claiming ceremony at the club. It would include a collaring ceremony for Micah – bonding the three of them together.


She heard Jude tell his daughter to take off her shoes. As Deborah wheedled, stating loudly she wanted her Not-Mom, Olivia was glad she and Micah were in her private bathroom – the one the little girl knew was off limits. Micah froze, the razor in his hand forgotten. She could tell he was concerned. While he loved the little girl like no other, she knew he wouldn’t be comfortable having her find him in this position.




Reaching down, she cupped his cock, loving the way it hardened in her grasp. His head tipped back to moan softly – almost dropping the razor. Taking it from his slack fingers she set it on the counter.


“Don’t worry,
She knows not to come in here.”


He chuckled. “And Not-Mom Olivia is to be obeyed?”


She gave him a rough squeeze, loving how his eyes glazed over with passion. He gasped, bucking his hips towards her hand in an attempt to feel her stroking. “Mistress, please…” he whimpered.


“Shhh…patience. You can’t come yet for me. Remember we promised to wait until the ceremony?” She licked the pulse banging in the hollow of his throat. They hadn’t been intimate since the morning she’d gotten shot. Both of her men had been handling her with kid gloves since then. Her shoulder was finally healed and she planned on taking them to task.
Starting with step one.


“Yes, Mistress,” he whimpered pitifully in his throat as she stroked him faster.


Smiling up at him, she slipped the cock ring she’d had in her pocket with her free hand before slowing her strokes so she could ease it over the head of his shaft. Rolling it down, she made sure it was nestled tightly against the base. He moaned, his hand fisting at his sides.
Step one complete.


“Good boy.” She stepped back, studying her handiwork. His dick was hard, the ivory colored ring a stark contrast to his dark skin. Devoid of body hair, his skin glistened in the lamp light.


“Not-Mom Olivia, are you done in there?” The knocking on the bathroom made her smile as Micah jumped. She’d locked the door earlier but he’d been in the shower. The door knob rattled and she took pity on him.


“We’ll be out in a bit, Deborah. Go ask your daddy to get down your surprise off the top of the fridge.”


“Prize! Yay!” She listened to the scurry of feet as the little girl left, yelling for her dad.


Micah gave a sigh of relief. “You need to trust your Mistress more, Micah. I locked the door when I came in. I’d never expose you or Deborah to something which would be traumatizing.” She rubbed her thumb over the damp head of his erection.


“Please,” he whispered.


Lifting her hand, she sucked off the glistening fluid from her thumb. “Soon.” She moved away from him. “There’s a pair of white linen slacks, and a dove gray silk shirt. I’d like you to wear them for me.”


“Yes, Mistress.” He reached for the hand towel, wiping his wet hands.


She paused by the door. “And Micah?” He looked up. “No underwear.” Happiness bubbled inside of her as she let herself out of the bathroom. Shutting the door behind her, she headed out of her room.


* * * *


Dinner went off without a hitch, other than the throbbing dick in his pants. The meal at Gabriel’s restaurant was wonderful as usual and Micah found he missed the camaraderie of his friends – especially the company of Nisey, Kalinda, and Sara – the other subs he’d met through
Resisting the urge to wiggle or touch his lap, he sat next to his Mistress. He didn’t dare try to rearrange his cock into a more comfortable angle. The first time he’d tried, he’d been tormented by her nimble fingers. His only consolation was the knowledge that Jude was having the same issue as him. He’d seen Olivia’s left hand dip in between Jude’s thighs, nearly as many times as her right had his. The only thing which kept those around them knowing of Olivia’s devious ways was the long ivory linen table cloth which hid her actions from prying eyes. Even Deborah, who was seated adjacent to her father at the end of the table had no idea how her father was being teased.

BOOK: Saving Micah (Sequel to Conquering Jude)
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