Saving Dallas (2 page)

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Authors: Kim Jones

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Saving Dallas
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"I think I need some fresh air
," I said barely audible. Somehow, my knight in shining leather heard me, and led me out the same door he had tossed the guys out of only minutes before. I silently prayed they were gone. No such luck.

that fucking bitch!" I looked up to find us surrounded by all six of them. The cowboy was leaning on the tailgate of a truck holding a shirt soaked in blood to his mouth. Panic filled me, and I started to shudder.

"Don't worry babe, having a goon squad has its perks
," he said smiling without a hint of worry on his face. "How about you sit here?" he said calmly, leading me back inside to a chair behind the karaoke stage. "I'll be right back.  Don't move." He winked to the red headed girl running karaoke and she gave him a knowing nod.
What the hell was
that about?
I watched him walk back outside and found myself worrying over a man whose name I didn't even know.

"Would you like a drink?"
the tall red headed girl asked. She wore a bright yellow t-shirt with Queen of Karaoke inscribed on the front.  Her hair was long and straight and she had big brown eyes lined in black eye liner.  I couldn’t help but wonder if her long lashes were real or not.  I started to ask her when she spoke. "I'm Red, how about I get you some water and aspirin. It will probably help that headache I'm sure you have. You took a nasty fall."

Thanks that would be great." I couldn't keep my hands from shaking. I kept glancing at the door hoping he would walk back through it, unharmed.

"Here ya go."
Red handed me the two pills and a cup of ice water. "Luke is a really great guy. If you break his heart, I'll fuck you up," she said matter-of-fact. And I believed her. She didn't look like the type you would want to piss off or the type that would tell you a lie just because it sounded good.

"I don't even know his name."
Red looked at me with an impassive face and lifted the microphone, never taking her eyes off of me.

"And next up we have Jud. Bring your sexy ass up here and sing me a song big daddy." She put the mic down still staring at me. This bitch was starting to freak me out. "I don't know where this is going or if it’s anything, but I swore the next bitch that broke his heart would eat through a straw for a week. You look like the heart breaking kind. I've watched you in here all night. I know you came looking for something and I hope you get it. If Luke is the one to give it to you then you are one lucky girl. But, just remember, you fuck h
im over - I'm gonna fuck you up." She gave me a smile with no warmth in it and handed the mic to Jud with wink.

"You’re wrong
," I said. "Look, I just came to have a good time. I didn't ask for any of this. I appreciate Luke’s help, but look where it has gotten him."

She smiled and patted my shoulder
, “Don't worry about him, he will be just fine." As if on cue the side door opened and relief rushed over me as I made eye contact with Luke. He was still perfect - nothing out of place.

Red. Tomorrow night?" he asked as he grabbed my hand to pull me up.

"Wouldn't miss it
," she said with a smile and a look that made me think they had a history together.

"Come on
, babe. Let’s get you somewhere a little quieter." Luke opened the door and led me out into the fresh air.

The guys were gone. No sign of the goon squad either. Had they just disappeared into thin air? K
nowing I should stop this charade now and head home, I turned to tell Luke I was leaving when he suddenly picked me up, and carried me across the parking lot. I didn't protest. I could feel his muscles flexing against my side. The smell of him even clouded by cigarette smoke was so intoxicating I found myself leaning into him and inhaling his scent. He smiled down at me but didn't say anything. Thank God. I was already blushing from being caught. One smart ass remark would have been enough to ruin my night.
Hadn't I embarrassed myself enough?

We came upon a white Ford F-250
, and he opened the passenger side door and sat me in. I noticed he did not even put me down to open the door. Was it because he didn't want to let go of me? Not that it mattered- this was just a one night stand. He took off his leather vest that was covered in patches, and climbed into the driver seat.

"So, are you gonna tell me your name
, or should I just call you whatever I want?" I asked trying to strike up a conversation. This guy didn't talk a lot. I liked that.

"You already know my name."
How did he know that?
"I know that because I left you with Red, and knowing Red she gave you the third degree. Surely, she said my name also," he said smiling adoringly.

"She seems nice enough. You spe
ak fondly of her. Is she your girlfriend?" I held my breath waiting for his answer.  Again, he surprised me by laughing.

"I wish. Although I would have never let her go if I had her. She is married. Happily she claims. She has been
my best friend for a long time.  She is my confidante -- my rock, the one who takes care of me when I'm down."

"While you are out taking care of other women in need
," I said with a small smile playing on my lips. He didn't answer. Instead he reached over and lifted the console separating the two of us.

"We have about a thirty
minute drive ahead of us. You’re welcome to lay your head in my lap and take a nap. I don't think you’re supposed to sleep with a concussion, but I don't see what staying awake will do for you."

I wanted to scream at him. I wanted to tell him to kiss my ass
. I was
laying my head in his lap. I wanted to tell him that I had not agreed to go anywhere with him, and to take me back to my car. But surprising myself for the second time tonight, I did something I never do. I trusted this complete stranger to take care of me. My head was pounding so his offer was more than appealing. I scooted across the seat and laid my head in his lap.

Closing my eyes, I tried to make sense of what I was doing but nothing made sense, so I stopped trying. I felt his hand brush the hair off the front of my face and run down my arm and back up again. It felt so good to be touched after so long. Even if it was for just one night I was going to enjoy every moment of it. I drifted off to sleep, and for the first time in three months Jeff's face was not the one I dreamed of.



"Wake up darling." The endearment caused butterflies to form in my stomach even before I opened my eyes. "I'm gonna carry you inside, ok?"

I was sure I could walk but not really wanting
to-I nodded my head, and sat up trying to pull down my dress that had rode up my hips. Clearly not doing a very good job of covering myself, Luke laughed softly reaching his hands up my legs to pull my dress back down. It felt so much better when he did it anyway.

, now you’re all covered up and I can't see you," he said smiling at me and making my heart of stone melt. He scooped me into his arms and led me inside what I assumed was his house. We entered through the kitchen and he sat me on the counter. "Don't move and don't fall. I'll be right back." He said smirking at me before walking disappearing from the room.

I looked around the small kitchen and noticed that even though it was not very large in size, it was nicely decorated and clean. Granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and deep mahogany hard wood floors scattered with rugs made it feel like a home. I could hear Luke throughout the house. I was just
about to hop down and go find him when he came through the door.

"Oh, no you don't
," he said walking up to me causing my mouth to go dry. He really was beautiful. "If you fell and hurt yourself, you would mess up my plans, and I have something great in store for you."

I had this friend named Leigh Ann once and every time she s
aw a good looking guy she would say, "Oh! He makes my liver quiver!"
Well, my liver was quivering.
"What kind of plans?" I asked trying to sound flirty and failing miserably.

"Well, I know you are tired
. You have had a rough night so I thought I would run you a bath and let you sleep in my comfortable king sized bed."

"Well what are you waiting for?"
I asked attempting to mirror his smirk.

He stepped in between my legs
causing my dress to ride up. Before I could protest, he had my legs wrapped around his waist and was holding me by my bare ass, carrying me to the bathroom. Not letting me go and not taking his eyes off mine, he leaned down and turned on the water. Breaking the silence he asked, "Do you need a minute?" Setting me on the toilet, the urge hit me and I nodded silently, cursing my bladder for being the reason he had to let me go. He adjusted the water then turned and walked out.

Relieving myself, I stood u
p and glanced in the mirror
. Holy- shit.
I looked like hammered hell. My eyes were puffy and bloodshot. My hair was a tangled mess, and although the pain had dulled, standing on my own caused me to get a little dizzy, so I held onto the counter.

"It's a common side effect when you hit your head
," Luke said, gazing at me from the door. I turned to notice he had taken off his shirt. For some reason, the pain in my head immediately subsided. If Luke looked good in clothes, he looked amazing without them. Tattoos covered his arms from his shoulders to his wrists and his chest was perfectly sculpted and tanned. His abs were flawless and his jeans hung low on his waist showing off the V that formed at his lower abdomen.

Never seen a half-naked man?" he asked slightly amused at my expression.

"Not like you
," was all I could manage to say, and it was the truth.  Luke was the epitome of sexy. My eyes were glued to the panty dropping smile on his lips.

"Let me help you."
He said taking a step towards me.

"I can do it
." I said suddenly feeling a little self-conscious about myself. I was usually so confident, but I was intimidated by him and that made me uneasy.

"Dallas, I promise not to take advantage of you or make you feel uncomfortable. You have had a bad night
. I just want to help. I'm afraid if I leave you, you might fall."
How sweet he was.
I liked sweet biker
Hadn't he been sweet to me all night?

," I said quickly before I could change my mind. I would never see him again anyway. He walked over to me and wrapped his hands around my waist and once more lifted me onto the counter.  I was beginning to enjoy the way he carried and lifted me as if I weighed nothing. He knelt down in front of me, grabbing my Jimmy Choo's and pulling them off one at a time.

"I have a thing for heels
," he said smiling up at me. Momentarily, I stopped breathing as his hands rubbed my feet that I didn't even know were sore until a soft moan escaped my lips from, letting him know how good it felt. He continued massaging each of my feet while on his knees in front of me. The sight of him, bad boy biker, kneeling in front of me rubbing my feet made me tingle with excitement. Far too soon he stopped and stood, so that he was inches from my face.

Breathing a little heavier now he said
, "Raise your arms." I hardly recognized his voice. Knowing I had an effect on him almost sent me over the edge. I slid my dress up over my hips then raised my arms above my head. The heated look in his eyes let me know that he wanted me just as bad as I wanted him. He grabbed the end of my dress and pulled it over my head slowly, never taking those ocean blue eyes off of mine. He folded my dress and sat it on the counter beside me, then grabbing my waist helped to steady me as I stood in front of him.

"Do you know how beautiful you are Dallas?"

"Yes," I breathed like an idiot.
Why had I said that?
Yeah I was sure of myself but now was not the time to be such a bitch. He rewarded me with laughter instead of calling me a self-centered bitch, which made me smile.

"I thought you did. This is the first time I have seen you
really smile tonight. I must say that you, Dallas, have the most amazing smile I have ever seen. You look like Christmas morning."

Wow. Had anyone ever said anything like that to me before? N
. And for some reason coming from him it meant so much more. This guy, this un-believably sexy guy, thinks
smile looks like Christmas morning. I smiled even wider. My all –American- girl smile that had been my key to success, my ticket to drive any man crazy, and the only thing that mattered to me was that
liked it.

g his head, as if making himself think clearer, he returned to the task at hand. Here I was, standing in his bathroom only inches from him in my lacy black bra and matching thong, and all I wanted was for him to strip me and fuck me right here on this bathroom floor. He looped his thumbs under the thin lace of my panties and slowly slid them down my legs, and like a perfect gentlemen, held his hand up to me to hold while I stepped out of them. Standing, he threw my soaked panties on top of my dress and reached around behind me to unclasp my bra. I could smell the faint scent of his cologne as he leaned over me causing my face to be level with his chest.
Why did he have to smell so fucking
He took my bra and laid it with my other clothes and I noticed that ever since I had become naked he had not once let his eyes leave mine.

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