Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4) (9 page)

BOOK: Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4)
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“If anything happens to her—”

“Nothing will happen to her.” Ax huffs in exasperation. “I’ll keep her safe.” He pitches a serious look at Logan. “I’d die before I’d let anything happen to Sadie.” They enter into a silent game of face-poker while the fighting continues around us unabated. I tug on Ax’s hand, pulling him away.

Logan blows me a kiss. “See you soon, Angel. Stay safe. I love you.”

I totally chicken out.
“I love you too.”

Ax is seething but he says nothing as he ushers me down the steps and out into the crowd below. Keeping a firm grip on my hand, he starts to weave a path through the frantic mob. Running in the opposite direction of the approaching guards, we thrust past screaming kids, terrified mothers, and alarmed fathers. No one even bats an eyelid at us. Everyone is too concerned with their own safety. I’m jostled and pushed as we make our way forward, but Ax steadies me whenever I sway or stumble. My empty stomach growls, reminding me how weak I am.


A few guards skate through the mob, scrutinizing faces as they rush past. Ax steers us well clear, and we continue to push forward with our heads down and hoods up. Reaching the edge of the auditorium, he pulls me around the corner of the vaulted seating. Most people are fleeing in the opposite direction so no one pays us any attention as we briskly walk along the side of the bleachers. Ax stops at the end wall when we can go no farther. “Cover me.”

I land in front of him as instructed, no questions asked. Two guards come careering around the bend. “We have them!” one calls out over his shoulder.

I move into a combative position, still shielding Ax. “Any time now,” I murmur. Ax drops into place beside me, and a fleeting vision dances before my mind’s eye. It’s an image of another time, when we were lined up side by side in a similar position. I shake my head to dispel the memory as the guards rush at us.

Darting to the left, I pivot around, shoving my foot into the guard’s back with force. He tips forward, slamming his head against the solid wall, immediately slumping to the ground.

I swipe my hands together as Ax dispenses with the second one. Clutching my hand, he hauls me in front of the blank wall. Extracting a small red device, he secures it to the wall for a couple of seconds until there’s a little click.

A tremendous rumbling sound slams my eardrums as the wall snaps apart at the center and a widening cavity opens up. Ax pulls me through the hidden opening into a shadowy, murky space. Reaching around, he rips the device from the outer partition, and the wall slides back into place, enclosing us in pitch darkness. My feverish breathing wheezes out in white, cloudy puffs that soar through the dark air. “Give me a sec,” Ax says.

“It won’t be long before we have more company.” I glance behind me, definitely on edge, which is ridiculous, because the wall is sealed and I can see squat.

“I doubt they know about this tunnel or have access to it.”

Two seconds later and a burst of yellow light illuminates the gloomy passageway in front of us. Cobwebs brush the top of my head and I shiver. A sheet of something slimy coats walls that look as old as time itself. Ax holds a small torch-like object in one hand while he fastens his other hand in mine. “This is part of the old tunnel infrastructure,” he explains, guiding me forward.

The last time I was on Saven, Logan had explained how the old tunnel network connected the old and new districts. He had described how there is one tunnel that leads to the edge of the lake, another that opens out in the center of the city, and a farther one that extends all the way to the palace.
I guess this is it?

“Haydn’s father knew of a few old boarded-up sections that led right to the auditorium,” Ax adds, confirming my theory.

Our shoes pound the hard ground as we pick up pace, and I have to walk-jog to keep up with Ax’s rigorous speed. My aching, tired limbs protest, but I quiet them down. Adrenaline courses through my system, infusing me with the extra energy I need. “Haydn’s father?” My voice clearly showcases my surprise. Ax continues his explanation as we race ahead.

“After you were taken”—he practically chokes on the word—“we received news from one of Rylan’s friends about Dante’s planned exhibition. We knew we needed greater numbers to stage a rescue in such exposed conditions, so Haydn contacted his father to see if he could help. Apparently, a lot of Saven outside the Central City still support Logan. They were already informally banding together and making plans to rebel. When they heard what we were trying to do, they signed up in droves.” He looks sideways at me, and it’s weird to see him look so altered. “We still didn’t know if we could pull it off. There wasn’t much time to think it through. When I saw you up there, I … I almost died on the spot.”

I squeeze his hand. “Thank you for coming for me.”

“You don’t need to thank me. I love you, and I will always have your back.”

His words strike a painful cord. Oh, crappity crap. I’m so not having this convo right now, so I do my usual. You know, deflect.

“Does my incendio ability come with any powers of healing?” Yeah, I just throw it out there like that.

He quirks a brow at me. Even though the air is frigidly cold, my body temp is rocking a toasty degree of hotness as we race through the tunnel. Sweat dances down my spine, and I wish I could shed my skin. It’s been a while since I had that torturous shower on the STSS, and I bet I smell like a rotting skunk.

“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “Why are you asking?” he inquires.

I tell him about the guards’ attempts to remove my cuff bands, how I could barely endure the horrific pain of my scorched skin, and that now I don’t even feel a twinge of pain. I don’t think it’s coincidental that I felt the fire-power igniting my innermost parts a few hours ago and now I seem healed. Yes, I’m extremely tired, and my arms are still pretty hideous to look at, but it’s obvious that my skin is renewing itself. I wonder exactly what it means.

“Shista, Sadie.” Slamming to a halt, he reels me into his arms.

Please don’t kiss me. Please don’t kiss me.

Because if he does, I’m going to have to turn away, and I can’t do this here. We are still trapped on this stinking planet, and I know I won’t relax until everyone is safely aboard the ship and we are leaving Saven airspace. “I wish you hadn’t had to endure that. I was so worried about you.” He kisses the top of my head, and I hold myself rigidly in his arms.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to worry you.” I ease out of his arms, and his brow wrinkles. “We need to keep moving. It’s still risky.”

He nods and we resume running, this time in silence.

We run for miles, for hours, and with each step, I grow more and more weary. But I force myself to keep up with him without complaint. The damp, musty scent in the air invades my nose and mouth and peppers my skin with more unwanted icky-ness. Uneven ground has me stumbling on a regular basis, but Ax is constantly there to prop me up. Every little sound in the encroaching blackness is spine chilling, causing my heart rate to spike in terror. Visibility is poor, though preferable. I don’t want to fully see our surroundings. It’s creepy enough as it is with only the dim glow from the torch lighting our path.

When we eventually reach the end of the spooky passageway, we stop in front of a decrepit door that has clearly seen better days. “Stay here until I scope it out,” Ax says. I nod, bending over and leaning my hands against my knees. I’m spent anyway. Barely any juice left in the tank.

Ax slips out through the rusty, creaky door. Narrow shards of fading daylight slink through the gap illuminating the corridor behind me.

It’s as I suspected—creepy as the bowels of hell. Ax’s head must’ve been brushing the low ceiling the entire journey. The passageway is strewn with weeds and overgrown shrubbery and littered with dust, dirt, and small stones. No wonder I couldn’t maintain my balance. The blackened, dirt-encrusted walls are curved inward, and the shaft is sloped overhead.

It reminds me a little of the basement of the VP’s home. Thoughts of him naturally lead to thoughts of Ella, and I shudder with acute fear.

I pummel my fists into my skull.
Can’t think about that now.

Jeez. I should start a list of all the things I need to think about at a later stage. They are stacking up at an alarming rate.

The door creaks open again and I jump. “All clear, come on.” Ax extends his hand and I gratefully accept it.

Stepping outside, I pull my hood down and welcome the cool breeze kissing my skin. We are on a wide ledge about halfway up a steep mountain. Carefully, I lean forward and peer over the edge. There’s a very sharp drop to the ground. Below us lies the deceptively calm water of the lake which rests directly in front of the Central City. “I know this place. I was here with Logan before; a bit higher up.”

Ax purposefully ignores my statement. “We have to climb up there to reach the next tunnel,” he says, pointing overhead. A weathered-looking brown ladder scales the side of the mountain. “You go first, and I’ll cover you from behind.”

Climbing the ladder is a terrifying ordeal. Completely exposed, we are easy pickings at this angle. Even though I force my aching limbs to work hard, I’m still slowing us down. I keep expecting guards to materialize, but we make it to the top unscathed.

The next tunnel is much shorter than the previous one, and in next to no time, we emerge into the density of the forest. Giant multicolored trees seem to bow down to me in welcome, greeting me like a long-lost friend.

We’ve only gone a few meters when I slink to the floor, utterly exhausted. My limbs have decided to give up the ghost, and I can’t summon the effort to get back up. I’ve nothing left to give. Wordlessly, Ax bends down and scoops me up into his arms. “Thanks,” I mumble, partly embarrassed. I’m totally worn out as I rest my head on his shoulder.

The sound of racing footsteps wakes me with a jolt. I didn’t realize I had nodded off. “What’s wrong with her? What happened?” Logan’s frenzied voice calls out.

“I’m okay,” I insist, hoisting my head up. Sprinting toward us, panic is written all over his face. “Tired, that’s all.” I look around. We are in the same clearing as the last time, and the sight of our ship lying in wait infuses me with heady warmth. The image of Haydn—lounging against the edge of the ship with a sour look on his face—less so.

Logan extends his arms the instant he reaches us.

“I have her.” Ax pins me possessively to his chest.

“And I thank you for getting her out of there safely, but I’ve got it from here.” Logan impales him with a challenging look. I know it well. It’s his “don’t cross me” look.

Ax’s gaze bounces between us. He looks fiercely determined, and I’m scared things are about to head south. My eyes widen in alarm as I shake my head in obvious warning. Ax narrows his eyes to slits. “Please,” I mouth. I want to be the one to fill Logan in on that part of my history. He
hear it from Ax.

Ax grinds his teeth but, mercifully, keeps his mouth shut.

“Let me down,” I implore, wriggling in his grasp. “I’m okay to walk now.”

I slither out of his arms before he can protest. Logan moves in for the kill, sweeping me into his embrace the second my feet land on solid ground. His mouth crashes against mine without warning. Our tongues dance a comfortable, sensual dance as tingles of desire infect every part of me. Though I’m grubby, tired, and about ready to collapse, I feel on top of the world. No other boy has ever made me feel like this. Gloriously happy and like I want to shed my skin and absorb his, to bury myself deep into his psyche and wallow in the sensation of being a part of him in the way he is already a part of me.

A heavy boot repeatedly kicking a tree snaps me out of my lustful trance. Ripping my mouth from Logan’s, I purposefully take a step back. His perplexed gaze flits from me to Ax and back again. Pacing the ground behind me, Ax is fisting tufts of his much shorter hair.

I approach him cautiously. “You haven’t told him, have you?” Ax accosts me, his face exposing his anger and disappointment.

“We were fighting for our lives! It was hardly the time to discuss it!”

His jaw pulls taut and stress oozes into the air. My hot temper dissipates, and I take a step toward him. “I’m going to tell him now, and then I’d like to speak with you in private. Okay.” Timidly, I touch his arm.

His jaw relaxes a little. “Okay.”

I turn around and face a clearly worried Logan. I walk to his side, trying to bolster my courage with every step. “There’s some other stuff I need to tell you.”

“Why do I have the feeling that I’m not going to like it?”

I stare solemnly at him. “Because you’re not. That’s why.”


Approaching footsteps halt any further conversation. We all freeze for a moment. Then, Logan springs into action, spinning around to analyze the threat. He curses. “We need to leave. Now!” He thrusts me toward the open mouth of the ship. Ax emerges alongside me, adopting a clear protective stance.

The engine surges to life as shots whizz over our heads. Logan shoves me in front of him as Ax shields me from the side. Haydn stalks past us, covering us as he dispenses retaliatory quick-fire rounds from his weapon. We dive onto the walkway as someone shouts out behind us. “Don’t let either of them get away! Stop right there! By order of the king!” More shots are traded, and adrenaline floods my body. The eerie similarity to our last escape from Saven sends fearful tremors up and down my spine.

Two strange faces materialize on my right, and I bark out a warning. Guards have been creeping up on us from the other side of the forest, too. Surrounded on two sides, and significantly outnumbered, I don’t fancy our chances.

Logan propels me farther into the craft.
“Run, Sadie. Tell Rylan and Alex to take off right now. That’s an order.”

I hesitate as the guards lunge for Ax and Logan. Fists fly through the air. Ignoring Logan’s command, I urgently scan the room for weapons. Several boxes are stacked off to the side, and I start with those. Fighting echoes below me as I flip open lids, tossing them away in quick succession. My hands trace the edge of a large black box as gunfire originates from somewhere inside the ship. Shots rain down on the advancing guards, as our friends help defend from inside the cockpit.

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