Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4) (13 page)

BOOK: Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4)
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Farther to the west is a congested group of buildings. “That’s the military complex,” Logan says, noticing my focus. “And over that dune is the main residential sectors.” He points his finger at a pyramid-shaped structure in the center of the elegant city. “There, Rylan. That’s the palace. I recognize it.”

“You’ve been here before?”

“A couple of times, when I was younger, with my mom.”

Rylan skillfully lowers the ship. Four small black aircraft appear on all sides as they guide us toward the landing bay beside the palace. Logan and Rylan relax their hands as the ship is automatically controlled by invisible suction. As we sink lower into the building, we pass by a multitude of different levels.

This place is a beast.

From the sky, it looks nondescript, but it’s obvious that a lot of the facility has been built into the ground. Eventually, we come to a standstill, and we step out into the cabin area.

As one, we evacuate the ship and walk out into a ginormous docking station. The space stretches back farther than my vision. There’s a steady urgent thrum in the air as people stride in all directions. Craft come and go, and instructions, relayed in a foreign tongue, boom out over some heavy-duty sound system.

A welcoming party is waiting to greet us. Logan steps forward and bows before a serious-faced man dressed in flowing gold robes. A group of armed guards, attired fully in red combat-type clothing, stands firmly to attention behind him. Logan converses in an alien tongue with the man. With a flick of his head, he gestures for us to follow him.

I sneak a quick look at Axton. Lackluster, bloodshot eyes meet mine for a nanosecond before he looks away. The dye is already fading from his hair, and thin strips of ash-blond hair peek through the inky-black mass. Feeling eyes on me, I whip my head around. Haydn is eyeing me circumspectly. I send him a defiant “what now?” look, and he shakes his head in obvious distaste. I turn back around in time to meet Logan’s curious gaze.

“What’s that all about?”

“Don’t you know? I’m public enemy number one, at least as far as Haydn is concerned.”

“I’ll sort it.”

“I don’t want you to sort it. Don’t get involved. Please, leave it be. We have enough drama going on as it is.”

The man in the golden robes reclaims Logan’s attention as we exit the vast hangar and step into a wide clinical passageway. Izzy and Ax talk in muted tones as we walk. Izzy catches my eye, and she winks slyly. A shared understanding passes between us. I’m glad he is at least responding to her.

Fern drops back beside me, discreetly squeezing my hand. “How you doing?”

“I’m okay. You? Did you get stuff sorted with Rylan?”

Her eyes crinkle at the edges. “If I ever get my hands on that Dante.” She grits her teeth painfully. Her threat lingers in the air as her entire body tenses.

“You’ll have to get in line,” I deadpan.

“We’ll go group ninja on his butt,” she says in a dead-serious voice.

My lips twitch at the thought. “Deal.”

We swing a severe left through a set of double doors and out into a small square room. The man with the golden robes bows to Logan and exits through a side door, his posse of guards nipping at his heels.

A petite girl with bright red corkscrew curls bounces into the room. “Hi!” she exclaims in a high-pitched timbre. She’s wearing a tiny white flared cotton skirt and cropped top that barely covers her chest. Strange, clear, plastic-looking sneakers adorn her perfectly formed feet. “I’m Lise, and I’ll be looking after you today. You need to undergo sanitization and immunization before you leave the compound. Thereafter, I’ll escort you to your assigned rooms in the palace.”

I notice Haydn giving her the once-over, with a look of blatant interest. When he catches me watching, he quickly averts his gaze. Logan watches the interaction between us with puckered brows.

I preempt. The relationship between Logan and Haydn is already fraught enough without him adding more crap to the pile. He needs to butt out of this—whatever this is—and let us deal with it on our own. I haven’t given up hope that he will come around, at some point.

Lise directs each of us to a separate compartment and advises us to remove our clothing.

The minute I step into the glossy white chamber, the door automatically seals, and a soothing automated voice kicks into a pre-recorded message. Stripping off my clothes, I step into the narrow, tubular tunnel as instructed. I lift my arms, spread my legs, and close my eyes when told to. A weird, hissing sound surrounds me, making me jumpy. Tiny, moist particles land on my skin, starting at my toes and working their way up my body, but the sensation isn’t unpleasant or uncomfortable. When that’s done, a blast of cold air hits my body all at once, and I shiver. Lastly, I’m directed into a high-tech shower, and I take my time washing my hair and body. Before I step out of the unit, a warm blast of air dries me in seconds. A pile of clothing rests on the small table in front of me, and I waste no time getting dressed.

I inspect myself in sheer amazement. The blue and black underwear is like none I’ve ever seen before. The material is thick and non-porous, and it provides adequate coverage. The cups of the bra mold to my shape, giving my bust an ample boost. Pondering the white thigh-length dress-slash-robe with trepidation, I run my fingers through the flimsy material hoping it isn’t too transparent.
This is what they’ve given me to wear?
I feel significantly underdressed, but there’s not much I can do about it. I don’t know where the clothes I was wearing are now—they’ve probably been deemed unsanitary and put in the trash— so I’ll just have to suck it up.

Tying the robe at the waist with a white and silver belt, I slip my feet into clear sneakers like the pair Lise was wearing. I expect my skin to protest the feel of them, but they fit me naturally, as if they are a second layer of skin.

Exiting my chamber, I am a little more assured to find the others similarly attired. Three sets of male eyes land on me at once, and I blush. Tugging on the hem of my dress will not make it any longer, but that doesn’t mean I can’t try. I stand rooted in place, fidgeting self-consciously with my dress.

Logan saunters toward me with an amused grin on his face. He is wearing red shorts, which rest on his knees, and a white tee, which is slightly stretched across his muscular shoulders. The same clear sneakers adorn his feet. His freshly washed hair falls slightly into his eyes giving him a roguish look. The way he is looking at me probably defies about a thousand laws.

He bends down and kisses me quickly. “Angel, you look beautiful.”

Ax pins Logan with a dirty look before quickly averting his gaze.

“Thanks. I feel practically naked.”

He presses his mouth to my ear so only I can hear him. “You won’t hear me complaining.” He gives me a cheeky grin, and I swat his arm. My lips curve into an involuntary smile.

Izzy puts her arm around Ax’s waist and squeezes. My smile withers and dies.

Logan looks astutely over his shoulder and then back at me, firmly clenching my hand. “
It won’t always be this hard.”

“I hope not.”
I grace him with a feeble effort of a smile.

Lise magically materializes in front of us, jumping excitedly from foot to foot, like a miniature-sized bundle of joy. “The king would like you to enjoy his hospitality, and he wants you to spend the rest of the evening relaxing and enjoying your surroundings. He has scheduled a meeting for the morning, Crown Prince,” she says, bowing toward Logan, “and you will be summoned at first light. Until then, you are all free to chill out!”

We exchange surprised expressions but dutifully follow her out of the compound. Severe heat hits me the minute I step out into the open air. “Whoa! That is hot!” I exclaim.

“We enjoy a hot climate all year round thanks to our manufactured atmosphere,” Lise confirms as she walks us to a medium-sized white transporter. “But you don’t need to be concerned. The procedure you have undergone protects you from heat damage, and it has also inoculated you against infectious diseases. You are completely safe in our environment.”

We travel in the transporter for about ten minutes until we hit the palace gates. Once through security, we hop out at the front entrance, and Lise guides us through an impressive marble-tiled lobby into a separate residential wing. She prattles away non-stop as we walk, explaining the layout of the palace. We pass several people, coming and going in all directions. I’m more than surprised to notice their casual clothing and the relaxed way they greet and converse with each other. The whole place has a party or vacation vibe to it that is most unexpected.

Before we enter the corridor to our rooms, we are digitally imprinted with a small code on our wrist. Mine has to be positioned higher up my arm, thanks to the annoying cuff bands. Lise explains that it’s required in order to pass through security checkpoints and travel wherever we please in the palace.

“Press this outer edge of your ID tag,” she says, stealing Haydn’s arm to use as demonstration. When her finger traces the edge of his digital imprint, he jumps ever so slightly. Logan raises his brows at me. “And you can call up a holomap of the palace,” she continues. “Use your fingers to navigate where you want to go.” She finishes with a flourishing sweep of her hand.

Logan and I head to our room side by side. I deliberately don’t take his hand, uber-conscious of Ax’s proximity. Ax steps into a room two doors ahead of us without uttering a word. The door slams shut, and I rub a tense spot between my brows.

Logan ushers me into our suite, and my frustration evaporates on the spot. Our suite is massive with an open area containing a giant-sized bed, seating area with comfy couches and bean bags, and a small kitchenette. Logan slips into an adjoining room. The sound of flowing water greets my ears as I step, mesmerized, toward the large window at the rear of the room. It stretches across the suite on either side, offering a clear view of the sandy beach and navy blue sea. I sink to my knees in front of it, pressing my forehead to the glass. Naked emotion threatens to bubble to the surface.

Now my attire makes sense. I’m wearing a
, for the first time in my life. My earlier thought wasn’t far off the mark. This does feel like a vacay. Or a lot like a little piece of Heaven in outer space.

“Stars! Sadie, are you okay?” Logan says, running toward me.

“I … it’s … I’ve never …” I’m making no sense, but I’m totally blown away. My emotions are skittering all over the place.

“You’re not hurt?” He emits a relieved sigh, and I feel instantly guilty that I worried him.

“No, baby.” I reach up to touch him. “I’ve always wanted to see the sea. To dip my toes in the water. This place is so beautiful. I can’t believe it.”

He pulls me to my feet. “I remember you told me that before. Come, I have something to show you.”

I let him shepherd me into the bathroom, gaping in awe at the open-air tub resting on the edge of the magnificent beach. Water flows gently into the tub, bubbling and gurgling invitingly. But it pales in comparison to the lure of the sea.

“Oh. My. God. Being here with you”—I immerse myself in his eyes—“in this incredible place, it’s like my own personal version of Heaven.”

Sweeping me into his arms, he rolls his mouth softly against mine. “You say the nicest things.”

“I mean every word. I think my heart is fit to burst.” It’s a rare moment of unbridled honesty.

“I’m with you, babe. I could happily live out the rest of my days here with you.” He leans over and switches off the faucets. Grinning, he reaches for the hem of his shirt. “Fancy a dip in the sea?” He rips it off in one fluid movement, and my mouth hangs open. “You’re drooling,” he teases.

“You’re totally drool-worthy,” I admit, ravishing him with my eyes. The planes of his ribbed, toned chest whisper to me like some silent mating call. “I want to lick you all over.”

His eyes grow wide as he throws back his head and laughs.

“Shoot.” I fan my inflamed cheeks. “I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”

Drawing me into his delectable chest, he rewards me with his best panty-dropping smile. Hell, I’m done for. “I’m glad you did. And if it helps, I want to lick you all over too.”

My skin erupts in bright red splotches as I blush from the tips of my toes to the roots of my hair. “Yeah, so not helping,” I mumble, embarrassed.

“Don’t be embarrassed. We want each other. It’s natural, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“I’m not very experienced. I don’t know how to act.” I attempt to shrug off my embarrassment and my inexperience.

“You don’t need to act. Just be yourself.” He looks deep into my eyes, his expression threaded with apprehension. “I’ve never slept with anyone.”

My face shows my surprise. “Really? How come?”

He takes my hand in his and starts walking toward the beach. “I’ve been with girls, and we’ve done stuff, but it never felt right with any of them. I never wanted to take it further. I didn’t know it at the time, but I think I was waiting for you.”

My ovaries do a happy dance, and my heart melts a little more.

I put a hand to his chest and stop him. Rising on my tiptoes, I kiss him languidly. “You’re perfect. I love you.”

His arms wrap around me. “I’d like to say you’re perfect, too”—he winks with a mischievous glint in his eye—“but you’re wearing far too many clothes.”

“I can rectify that.” I meet his cheeky glint with one of my own, surprising both of us. Logan’s words have emboldened me, infused me with courage. With slow deliberate movements, I unwrap my belt and let it fly. His eyes stalk my every action and I love it. I feel wanton and desired and oh, so loved. My fingers tremble a little as I peel off my robe and drop it to the sand. I avoid the urge to squirm as I let him drink his fill. The bikini feels miniscule as his eyes rake appreciatively over me.

“Damn. You’re so beautiful.” Stepping toward me, he crushes his body to mine. I tingle in every place we meet, every millimeter of my skin igniting instantaneously. He trails his hands up and down my back, and I arch into him with a greedy moan. “Sadie.” He utters my name with the same reverence as a prayer. Lowering his mouth to mine, he kisses me slowly and sweetly at first. But it quickly transforms. Pulling me in close, he gasps as his lips claim mine, possessively, hungrily, as if he’ll die if he can’t taste me, over and over again. Each kiss kindles the fire building momentum inside me until I think I’ll spontaneously combust.

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