Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4) (37 page)

BOOK: Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4)
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I turn to question Rylan when a thick strip of light shines down on us from above. “Sadie?” Jarod hisses.

“Yup. Down here.”

“I’m going to throw a ladder down. Give me two minutes to secure it.” A slim mesh rope ladder is lowered over the edge, tumbling toward us until the end trails our feet. The material tautens as Jarod works to secure it on top. There’s a little click and then the ladder transforms into a sturdier structure, which suctions to the earthy wall. “Secure.”

The guards climb first, followed by me and Ax, with Izzy at the rear. Strong hands seize me under the arms the minute my head pops up and I’m lifted clear. Jarod yanks me into his arms, hugging me to death. Squinting a look at him, I’m barely able to discern his features in this dim light. “Jarod, is she …?”

“Not here, Sadie. We need to get underground before the next inspection.” There is no intonation to his speech, so it’s hard to detect emotion of any type. Easing back, he swiftly reviews our little group. “Follow me and keep on guard. The Amaretti drones scan the sectors on a nightly basis in a strict rotation. The next one isn’t due for a while yet, but I’m not taking any chances. The entry to our base is over there.” He points at a dilapidated red-bricked building ahead of us. A few shadows watch from the doorway. “Come on.”

We run across the grassy field, dodging the numerous crater-sized holes making solid indents in the ground. “What happened here?” I ask as I run alongside him.

“Alien missile attack. Most of the city is like this now. I’ve so much to tell you,” he says ominously.

“What about our ship?”

“It’s hidden at the bottom of a crater, and I’ve enabled the invisibility shield and deactivated all tech so it can’t be detected. It should be safe,” Rylan says.

The shadows take on a more solid form as we approach the battered doorway. Jarod’s colleagues step aside, affording us room to enter. It’s pitch-black in here, and whistling wind shuttles through the broken roof. “Hi, Sadie,” a memorable voice says, stepping toward me. Gradually his features take shape.

“Vin!” I sling my arms around him. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“Ditto, sweetheart.”

Ax noticeably bristles behind me, and I shuck out of Vin’s embrace. A boy and girl stand off to the side, wearing cagey expressions and carrying heavy black weapons strapped across their shoulders. Quick introductions are made all round, and then Jarod is ushering us forward.

“Where are we going?” We tail Jarod across the large, vacant space. The cool breeze overhead lifts sections of my hair, tossing strands friskily in the air. “The base is in an abandoned part of the old subway system,” Jarod explains as we walk. “It’s not five-star but it’s safe and dry and there’s a lot to be said for that right now.”

We walk around a crumbling section of the floor and out through a small black door into a stairwell. Jarod steers us down a few levels and out onto the old train tracks. A solid wind whips through the tunnel as we advance in a northerly direction. The only lights are the bobbing spotlights that Jarod, Vin, and the two strangers hold. No one talks, and collective heavy breathing is the only sound in the eerie space. The spooky silence is foreboding.

Ax pulls up on my right and takes my hand, uninvited. Keeping my gaze focused straight in front of me, I softly withdraw my hand. An exasperated sigh leaks out of his mouth. Jarod whips his head around and gives him the once-over. He frowns, shooting me a quizzical look, which I ignore.

I’m trying to keep calm, but it’s virtually an impossible task. Butterflies are having a field day in my chest, and my panic is mounting with every step. Jarod’s silence is telling.

After walking for at least twenty minutes, Vin stops at the side of the tunnel and runs his fingers over the wall, teasing an edge apart. A hidden door swings open, and he motions us through. Stepping over a small ledge, we march in single file. The minute Vin closes the door behind him—after everyone is inside—lights flip on one at a time, zipping down the narrow passageway until the entire space is well-lit. Everyone squints as we adjust to the brightness.

Vin steps to the front and leads the way. We follow silently behind him. The closer we get to base, the faster my trepidation builds. I need to know what’s happened to my sister, but I’m also terrified to find out.

We march down the long corridor, out through another door at the end, and descend more stairs. I’d challenge any enemy to locate us down here. I’m already wondering how the hell I’ll remember the way back.

When we reach the basement, Vin hangs a left, and we walk for a hundred meters. Rounding the next bend, he puts up a palm to stop us. We stall behind him as he raps five precise times on an old metal door. A thin bar runs across the middle of it. “Password,” comes a gruff command from the other side of the door.

“Omega XI.” Vin’s voice is low but confident.

The door opens quickly, and a man dressed in army combats pulls back to let us pass. My eyes pop wide as I confront the scene before me. We are on an elevated level, on a balcony of sorts, rimmed by a three-tiered railing that spans the perimeter. The balcony extends around the vast room on all sides. Boxes of all shapes and sizes line the balcony across the way. Below us, hundreds of voices echo around the open cavernous space. “What is this place?” I cock my incredulous face to Jarod. Little shimmers of awareness dance up and down my spine at the same time.


“I’m okay. We got here safe.”

“Thank the stars,”
he says.
“I’ve been so worried. You don’t …”
He trails off when I feed him my thoughts. It’s a quicker, easier way to communicate.
“I didn’t think we could share that long distance,”
he admits.
“Do you want me to stay connected?”

“No. I’ll let you know after.”

“Okay, Angel. Take care. Love you.”

The tingle dies as he cuts our connection and the communication. It’s hugely comforting to know I have a direct hotline to him whenever I need it, even if it takes some getting used to.

Jarod lands a hand on my shoulder, staring intently at me. “You okay? You kinda zoned out.”

“I’m fine. What were you saying?”

“I was just telling you about this place. We think it was an old subway storage facility of some sort. It’s been vacant for years.” He hops down the steps in front of us. Lifting one shoulder, he gestures for me to follow him. I grip the railing as we step down to ground level. Ax and Izzy keep close to my back. “Some of the guys set up base here when they left G’s movement, and I’ve always kept in touch. When all the shit went down a few weeks ago, a big group of us broke away from G and came here.”

Jarod jumps the last few steps, slamming onto the solid concrete floor. Heads turn in our direction as he creates a path through the crowd.

The space has been configured for maximum functionality. This part is a communal social space of sorts. Battered, worn couches surround low tables. Groups of men and women, and boys and girls, congregate, talking now in hushed tones. Rusted café-style tables and chairs are full to the brim with people eating from small red bowls.

“Get something to eat,” Jarod says, approaching a long wide table.

Red plastic bowls and forks are stacked at one end, and he motions for us to help ourselves. A few people shuffle in a makeshift queue in front of us as we line up. Glancing over my shoulder, I notice the crowds behind are still preoccupied with us. I intercept more than a few suspicious, hostile stares, which makes me uneasy. My stomach roils. “Not very welcoming, are they?” I ask Jarod and Vin as I move along the line.

“I’m not going to lie,” Vin says, straightening up. “There was plenty of healthy debate when Jarod broached the subject of your arrival, but it’s all cool now.”

I can’t help glimpsing another peek at the mob behind us. They are still warily tracking our every movement. “You sure about that?” I raise a brow.

“Look, Sadie,” Jarod says, stepping in front of me. “You turn up with a bunch of aliens, and people are going to be antsy. Aliens have destroyed our city, killed family members and friends, and they’re showing no signs of leaving, so hatred levels are off the charts.”

“I don’t want to scare you, any of you,” Vin says, addressing us all, “but watch your backs while you’re here. We can’t guarantee that someone isn’t going to try something.”

An uncontrollable shiver rockets through me. Great. Just what we need. More and more I’m beginning to think this was a bad idea.

Jarod tilts my chin up. “I don’t think you have any genuine cause for concern. Vin is merely advising you to stay alert. I’ve vouched for you, and they trust me, even if you are in love with the enemy.” There is no malice in his tone, but there’s no humor either.

Ax drops his bowl and it clangs noisily off the ground. Jarod crouches down and picks it up, handing it silently back to him. I turn around as he takes a first, proper look at Ax and Izzy. Facing me, he looks confused. “Why do they look like you?”

“Long story,” I say, as I hand my bowl to a stern-looking older man standing behind a large vat of bubbling, steaming stew. He ladles a sparse portion into the bowl and hands it back to me. “Thank you.” He surveys me without response or acknowledgment before turning his suspicious scowl on Ax.

Okay, then.

“We have much to fill each other in on,” Jarod says quietly, causing my heart to damn near rupture.

My appetite evaporates on the spot. “Jarod, please.” My heart is in my mouth as I plead with my eyes.

His face collapses as raw, naked, pain contorts his face.

“No!” Tears spring out of my eyes as the bowl slips from my grasp.

Vin leaps into action, capturing it before it spills all over the floor. Jarod and I stare wordlessly at one another. Tears run down his cheeks too. Blood pounds in my ears, and all the sights and sounds around us fade into the background. Crunching pain rattles around my chest as the weight of what hasn’t even been said devastates me.

I’m vaguely aware of Vin suggesting we go somewhere more private to chat. Jarod nods, taking my hand and leading me away. Ax yanks on my arm, pulling me back. “I’m coming with you.”

“No.” I’m barely audible. “I need to talk to Jarod alone.”

“Sadie, please.” Ax reaches up and cups my face.

I swat his hand away. “I said no!” I yell way louder than I meant to. “And please stop touching me.” Additional heads turn in our direction. He flinches as if I’ve slapped him.

Izzy takes his arm, muttering in his ear, and he falls back.

Jarod makes no comment as he holds my hand tightly and leads me through the warehouse. We pass by row upon row of bunks and a separate enclosed space with two wide doors. Signs on the front confirm it’s male and female bathrooms.

Knocking on a door at the far end of the room, he says, “Stay here a minute.” He opens the door and steps inside, closing it quietly behind him. A couple of minutes pass before the door reopens, and two tall striking guys with matching sandy-blond hair and smoky green eyes exit. One of them casts a cursory glance my way, but I avoid catching his eye.

Jarod cradles his arm around my shoulders and leads me into the room. A huge desk is the focal point of the room, residing slap-bang in the middle of the space. A massive digital map scans the length of the table, and a succession of flashing, red, amber, and green lights flicker on and off. A row of chairs frames the back wall and a mish-mash of haphazard boxes and supplies litters the floor on both sides.

Jarod pulls me down into one of the chairs and sits beside me. Clasping both my hands in his, he stares at me with glistening eyes. My own eyes automatically fill up again.

“Did you at least retrieve her body?” I whisper. He closes his eyes, audibly exhales, and nods. A huge sob lets rip from my throat. “Please tell me what happened.”

He grips my hands tightly. His voice is shaky and quaking with emotion when he speaks. “I’m sorry for dragging you all the way here, Sadie, but I had to tell you this in person, and I wanted you to see what’s going on with your own eyes because we need Logan’s help.” I nod in complete understanding. “I couldn’t find her. It was as if the VP just dropped off the planet. I was frantic, Sadie.” His eyes beseech me. “Vin got a couple of guys on our side, and we holed up down here searching online for days. I used every single piece of tech at my disposal to track him, and everything came up empty. With each passing day, I grew more and more distraught. Then he sent me a message.” Blood drains from my face. “He told me where I could find her.” He gulps, and my breath stalls.

I clamp a hand over my mouth and try to ready myself.

Huge tears slide down his face. “He dumped her in the middle of an abandoned field like she was a piece of trash. And she—” He breaks down uncontrollably and I pull him into my arms, holding him tight.

Jarod continues to cry, and even though my thoughts are a jumbled mess in my head, I’m unbelievably numb. I can’t believe she’s gone. That the VP followed through on it. That Ella is dead because I failed her. Because I selfishly left her here with a death threat hanging over her head. My thoughts swirl in a loop while Jarod continues to fall apart in my arms.

Eventually, he cries himself out. Sitting up, he pulls out a tissue and dabs the moisture on his skin. I stare at him through dazed, dead eyes. I don’t know what to say, how to feel, what to do.

“I’m so sorry, Sadie.” I stare through him. “I failed her. Failed you.”

“No.” I shake my head repeatedly. “
failed her. By placing her in harm’s way in the first place and then choosing to leave with Logan. I should’ve stayed here with you.”

He looks at me with sad eyes. “It wouldn’t have made any difference. Judging by her condition”—he shudders—“she was already dead. I’d say he killed her before he even sent you that message.”

I squeeze my eyes shut, and the image of my sister’s broken, battered body resurrects to haunt me. She was barely conscious that last time I saw her in the VP’s house. I don’t think she even knew I was there. I hate that her last few days were filled with so much abuse and torment. I can only hope she wasn’t conscious at the end. My heart hardens and blood solidifies in my veins.

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