Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4) (35 page)

BOOK: Saven Defiance (The Saven Series Book 4)
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He bites and sucks on my lips as his hands inch urgently up under my shirt, and I emit a needy moan when his fingers brush the underside of my breast. Squirming with potent desire, I wrench his shirt out of his pants and start hoisting it up his body. He rears up, whipping the shirt off in one fluid motion, the second a tart rap knocks on the door.

“Go away”
we both think at the same time. Logan stifles a half-laugh, half-groan, as he reluctantly lifts himself off me.

“One moment,” he calls out before dipping down and kissing me passionately. Straightening up, he smooths his shirt and tucks it back into the band of his pants. “Stars, you are so beautiful. If you could only see yourself now. You look ravishing.”

“Ravish me. Please.”

He closes his eyes as a guttural, primitive growl slips out of his mouth. “Not. Helping.”

Opening his eyes, he sighs contentedly. “I love you,” he mouths as he turns toward the door.

“Right back at ya.” I jump up, clutching the clothes to my chest and run into the bathroom to change.

I’m walking hand in hand with Logan, wearing the same black shirt and pants get-up as him, although, mine are rolled up several times at the sleeves and legs.

How cute, we’re even dressing alike now. I snort at my own effort at humor. Logan shoots me an amused look, and I blow him a kiss.

My trusty boots adorn my feet, making squelching noises as we travel across the polished floor. Still slightly damp from the bath, my hair hangs like soft, billowy drapes around my shoulders. Our escort tramps purposefully ahead, and I have to walk-jog to keep up with both of them.

Every pair of eyes follows our movements as we step into the meeting room. I attempt to calm my nerves as Logan leads me by the hand to the top of the long curved table. Holding out a chair, he gestures for me to sit down. I oblige, and he takes the seat alongside me at the head of the table. His fingers creep over my leg, and I gratefully snatch his hand.

One by one, each Advisor stands and introduces themselves. If it seems odd that I’m here, then none of them make that obvious. They get down to business immediately, updating Logan on communications from the districts and neighboring planets, outlining steps to begin rebuilding the damage to the palace and the Central City, and discussing their plans to solidify his position as the rightful heir to the throne. There is much concern that the fighting will recommence if swift action isn’t taken, and apparently, there are sparse pockets where combat is still ongoing. My ears perk up at the next subject change.

“We are unsure what to do with the humans,” a tall distinguished-looking fair-haired man says. He glances pointedly at me. Tiny hairs rise all over my body. I had completely forgotten about the volunteers-slash-victims Dante took to Saven.

“Where are they?” I observe the man head-on, pinning him with a steely look.

“Dante had them chained in the old underground warehouse, and after we freed ourselves, we couldn’t find any space large enough to move them to, so they are still there.”

Logan pales, slamming his hand down on the table. “I wouldn’t keep animals in those conditions!”

“I’m sorry, Your Royal Highness,” the man stutters, looking more confused than apologetic. “Mobility was restricted as Dante’s troops were still trying to infiltrate the palace. Our only option was to move them in here but … we didn’t have a large enough space.” It seemed like he wanted to say something else but changed his mind at the last second.

“There are hundreds of empty rooms in this palace!” Logan exclaims. “There was more than enough room if you had split them up.” He withdraws his hand from mine and leans back in his chair, lost in thought. No one dares say a word. He turns to me. “I can organize transport to bring them back to Earth, but I’m not sure that’s the right course of action given the intel Jarod relayed. What do you think?”

“Why don’t we let them decide? We can tell them that if they want to return to Earth, you can arrange transportation, or if they’d prefer to stay here until things have settled down, you’ll arrange more suitable accommodation.”

“They should hear it from you. They probably don’t trust us,” he suggests.

“Of course. And if the timings work, I could even be on the ground to help resettle them when they arrive back on Earth.”

“Okay. Agreed.” Logan leans his elbows on the table.

“My King, if I may raise objection.” A stern-faced man with hard eyes speaks up from the end of the room. “While your brother’s methods were ill-advised, I still believe there is merit in pursuing the conscience transfer program. Ensuring stability on Saven depends upon it. We need those humans, and I don’t think they should be returned home, let alone offered any freedom to choose.” He sends me an ill-concealed spiteful look. Rage blossoms to life inside me.

My spine stiffens as I glare at him. “Enslaving one race to develop another is not progression, and I won’t stand by and let you treat those people like that. God knows what kind of treatment they’ve already endured and how many have lost their free will so far.”

“Whether you agree or not isn’t really the point. You don’t have a say in this, human.”


Logan smashes his fist down on the table as he slowly stands up. With eerie calmness, he surveys the group in front of him. “Firstly,” he says in a barely restrained tone, “Sadie is part Saven.” Shocked gasps echo around the room, but he ignores them, continuing his speech. “And, secondly, we Eterno bonded when we were on Narik. High Elder Jaxa presided over the ceremony. Chancellor Xava has processed the Interim Instatement Order, and as soon as I’m officially inaugurated, Sadie will attend the Ceremony of Allegiance, and then we will publicly announce the news. She
going to be my queen.
queen. And you will all treat her with the requisite respect.”

Initial shell-shocked silence gives rise to riotous debate. Acute disbelief has greeted Logan’s admission, and they are struggling to accept my heritage. While they can’t deny the Eterno bond, my genetic makeup and the reasons for same arouse considerable suspicion. From the sly looks flung at Logan, I can tell they don’t fully trust his motivations. A sorrowful pang hits me in the chest. I don’t want to be the cause of so much discontent. Or the reason his own people distrust him. I shouldn’t have come here.

I don’t belong here.

I shield my face with my hair, attempting to hide my warring emotions. But it’s of little significance, because Logan taps into everything I’m feeling.
“You belong wherever I am. It’s come as a bit of a bolt out of the blue, but they
come around.”
Deliberately, he leans down and kisses me, ignoring the hostility floating through the air.

Sitting back down, he addresses them bluntly. “I understand your shock, and you have a right to express your concerns. However, most of you have known me my entire life. Have trusted me implicitly. Have believed and supported my father’s wishes to see me ascend the throne as his rightful heir. Nothing has changed except I’ve fallen in love and chosen the person I wish to spend the rest of my life with. Sadie has already made me a better man.” He turns adoring eyes on me. “And I will be a better king with her by my side.”

Guarded looks are still the dominant feature in the room despite his passionate plea. A dark-haired man with soft, crinkly eyes stands up. “I know I can’t speak for everyone here, but you have my support. Both of you. I trust you, Logan. I trust you to do the right thing for the Saven people, and I will continue to stand by your side.”

His unofficial vote of support sets off a chain reaction. Gradually, one by one, everyone stands up and voices their confidence in Logan. Except for the two men who were the first to vocalize their objections. “I can’t support this,” they each advise Logan separately.

“Then I will have to excuse you from your duties,” Logan coolly replies. “I don’t want to lose either of you, but I can’t have any dissenters on my Council.”

“Perhaps they can be given some time to consider it. It has come as quite the shock,” a gentle-spoken blonde-haired woman says. She smiles hesitantly at me.

“I can agree to that,” Logan concurs. “But you need to keep everything we’ve discussed here today completely confidential. Have I made myself clear?”

“Of course, Your Royal Highness.” They both bow and exit the room.

Logan brings the rest of the meeting to a close by delegating tasks to everyone. A further meeting is arranged for early the next morning.

Haydn arrives into the room as the Council members are leaving. “You called, My King.” He does his usual half-bow thingy and my chest constricts.

“I need you to assign four guards to travel to Earth with Sadie, and please arrange a ship.” Haydn nods curtly, posing no reaction. “I take it you still intend to go?” Logan looks directly at me.

“You know I have to.”

“Just checking.” He cups my face gently on one side. “When do you want to leave?”

I think of earlier, and how I’d love nothing better than to spend the night here with him, losing myself in his loving arms, but my sister can’t wait. “I’d like to go after we visit the warehouse.”

He nods. “Please arrange it.” He instructs Haydn while looking at me.

“As you wish.” Haydn bows again and leaves.

Logan and I walk in silence through the palace. “I don’t want to go but I have to.”

“I understand. I know you need to do this, but I hate the thought of another separation.”

I pull him to the side, wrapping my arms around his waist. “Me too, but I’ll come back as soon as I can. I promise.” I rise on my tiptoes and kiss him. To hell with all the inquisitive looks. They will just have to get used to our PDAs because I can’t ever contemplate a time where I won’t crave his lips, his touch.

We break apart, and he slings an arm around my waist as we resume our journey. The same guard escorts us down into a basement, and goose bumps the size of golf balls sprout all over my arms as we step into the damp, musty, chilly air of the dungeon. Horrific memories flash in front of my eyes. “I’m going to get rid of this place.” Logan strengthens his hold on my waist. “Completely redo the entire space. No one else will ever suffer underneath the palace walls.”

We move beyond the dungeon and out into a dark passageway, lit only by small shimmering wall-mounted candles. It’s like something from the dark ages. Cobwebs cling possessively to ancient, blackened recesses set within exposed, bare stone walls that have clearly seen better days. Parts of the walls are flaky and decayed and infected with fungus if the slimy, cloudy splotches are any indication. My nostrils itch aggravatingly.

Distressing wails prick my ears as we turn a bend. Distinctive moans and cries offer enough clues to the scene awaiting us. My tongue feels fluffy in my mouth, and bile surges at the base of my throat with each heavy step.

Four guards are on duty at a thick steel gate. They stand to attention as we approach, bowing respectfully toward Logan. “King Logan, to what do we owe this honor?” one of the guards asks, stepping forward and bowing at the waist again.

“We would like to speak to the humans.”

“Of course, Your Royal Highness.” He gestures at another guard, holding his palm over the corrugated steel door. A flashing red light and a little click confirm clearance, and the door starts inching back.

Although I try to brace myself, nothing could prepare me for the hideous sight I’m confronted with. I stifle a cry as we step into the low-ceilinged room, clamping a hand over my mouth to block out the foul odor of urine, sweat, and blood. This warehouse is like a giant version of the dungeon. Row upon row of barred cells line the room from left to right. Narrow passageways run between each block of cells. Lighting is dim so it’s hard to see the exact conditions my fellow stars have been living in until we move farther into the space.

“Oh my God, Logan.” Horror mixes with grief and rage. There are people everywhere. Cramped into cells, huddled on top of one another, or lying virtually motionless in the passageways outside. Though the cell doors are unlocked, people have no place to go. Dazed faces, worn-down and tired, barely acknowledge us as we pass.

Filthy, stained, torn clothes hang loosely off thin limbs. Judging by the grimy, bloody state of these people, it’s been some time since they have bathed. A tear rolls down my face, but I quickly swipe it away. These people don’t need my grief or my sympathy, or even my rage. All they need, what they deserve, is my help.

Approaching the end of the main passageway, I gag as an offensive smell crawls up my nose. Lifting the hem of my shirt, I wrap it across my nose and mouth and force the nausea back down. I’m almost too afraid to look.

“Oh no.” Logan’s heartfelt statement tells me all I need to know. “Don’t look, Sadie,” he pleads. But I’m not going to shy away from this. I tilt my head up and stare in total disbelief at the mountain of rotting bodies piled in a mound against the back wall. An anguished cry slips out of my mouth as I bury my head in Logan’s chest. Despite my recent statement, I dissolve into tears.

“I’m so sorry, Sadie. This is … appalling. Unforgiveable. I’ll find out who’s responsible for this, I promise.”

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