Save Me From Me (4 page)

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Authors: Erika Ashby

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Save Me From Me
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I’ve rolled around in the hay with Gage before, literally, and it was good. I giggle as I remember the last time we had sex in his dad’s barn. It was quite the scene once we were finished after nearly escaping getting caught. His dad wasn’t dumb though. He knew what was up when we came out of that barn hand-in-hand with hay hanging out of odd places from our clothes. But he didn’t say a word. Just patted Gage on the back and smirked as we passed him.

“Hey, Danielle,” he says as he walks towards me. He’s always called me by my full name. He said it was beautiful just like me and he wouldn’t conform.

Holding on to the stick for dear life, I try to play it as cool as possible, bracing myself for the closeness that’s coming. “Hey, Gage. It’s good to see you.”

He laughs, actually laughs at me. “Is it really?” He grabs some quarters off the side of the table. “You don’t look too thrilled to see me, Dani Girl.” Not sure why, but that was a slap to the face. He stands back up after placing the quarters in the slot and closes the distance between us. “Rack ‘em.” Tonight’s going to be a long one.

“Oh, and Dani, new rule for tonight. Every ball you miss you have to do a shot.” He smirks and just like that, some of the old feelings I had for him resurface. Feelings I have pushed away for the last ten years. Feelings that are supposed to be long gone.

“You know I play better drunk. Or have you forgotten?” I try to keep my voice in check, trying not to give anything away. Especially when it comes to Gage.

“Believe me.” He steps so close to me that I feel like my body could morph into his. I look up at him and watch as he keeps his eyes on his hand that is now in my hair working its way through it. His skin is tanned and his hair is lighter than normal, all signs of summer living. I’m sure by now he’s completely in charge of the family mechanic shop he was destined to own. That’s why I ended things way back when; he was stuck here. He was going to play football at the local college, but that was as far as he was going. He was committed to stepping in, especially when he found out his dad was getting sick. He’s loyal. I give him that. As I’m taking in the features of the once boy — now man — that I used to love, I notice the small scar above his right eyebrow. I remember him getting it from a fight in high school. I have the urge to trace it, but I don’t. He turns his eyes to mine, and I’m locked onto them as I see so many emotions. I know he must still have anger about how I ended things, but I can also see that he doesn’t want to feel that way. “I could never forget anything about you, Danielle. Even after ten years, you’re still there. You’re everywhere.” He gives me a sad smile before he turns away, heading toward the bar.

I turn around and start racking the balls. I was taught to do it where you don’t just do the typical solid/stripe routine. I actually put them in numbered order, as well. I used to be a pool shark back in my days of hanging at the bars with my dad, but I haven’t played in ages. Add that on top of the fact that it’s been a while since I’ve gotten drunk, and I’m not quite sure how to expect this night to turn out. I’m sure that however it ends, it will be interesting, to say the least. I just hope I’m able to keep my panties intact because after the blow show I just witnessed, my insides are all flipped sideways and begging for attention. I’m just not sure I’m wanting Gage to be the one to give it to them.



I’m not happy to spot that Lora chick right when we walk back into the bar, but what I am happy about is that she is nowhere near the hottie that caught us, well her, in the act. Doesn’t take me long to find Dani either. All I have to do is follow Loralee’s death stare. She’s more than focused on where Dani is playing pool surrounded by nothing but guys. I don’t know why that makes me jealous, but all of a sudden, I feel like scooting up next to Loralee and staring back there as well. But instead, I pull my shit together and follow Rusty to the bar before I get spotted.

I signal the bartender over with a wave of my hand and a smile that’s been known to blow the panties right off of women, or at least that’s what I’ve been told.

“What can I get you boys?” The waitress comes back and asks.

“A shot of tequila and two Bud Lights, Doll.” The waitress is older, but a little extra flattery never hurt anyone. Especially when you are in a bar and not wanting to wait on drinks all night.

“Coming right up. Can I see your ID first?” I whip it out and show her. “Be right back, Holden.” She smiles then turns away. I’m pretty sure she didn’t even bother to check my age. Tricky heifer.

She salt’s the rim of my shot glass, fills it to the brim, and then sits it in front of me along with our beers. “This one’s on the house, Doll Face.” She winks. Oh yeah, my smile might not have visibly blown her panties off, but it got my boy and me some free drinks.

“Thanks, gorgeous.” I slide a ten into her tip jar. Yeah, I might have just scored free drinks, but if you don’t tip your bartender, especially when they give you the hook up, then they aren’t going to be all about keeping your drinks coming.

I’m not one for eavesdropping, and in fact nosey people get on my nerves, but right now, I can’t help but try to block out everything, including Rusty, and listen to the dude that just came up to the bar. I saw him touching her, Dani, and I wanted to break all his fingers.

Ha, I’d like to see you touch her now.

I need to drink a little faster or something because these thoughts are stupid. I mean, what gives? It’s not as if I know her. It’s not as if I’ll ever have the chance to get to know anyone I might be interested in with this job. What’s the point in meeting someone and getting to know them just in time to have to pack up and move on to another town anyways?

“Gina, I need two beers and about ten shots brought back there to where we’re playing pool,” the guy says to the bartender who has been checking me out since I planted myself down.

“You better take it easy on Dani Jo tonight, Gage. I mean it.” She gives him a warning glare.

“Dammit, Gina. Out of all people, you really think you have to worry about that? Come on, you know how I still feel about her. The whole world knows.”

“Mmmhmm.” She shakes her head. “Maybe that’s why Loralee is staring back there and daydreaming of being able to kick DJ’s ass,” she laughs.

“That’s a good one. She surely isn’t that dumb. We all know she’d get her ass handed to her along with another pair of crutches.” It must be an inside joke because I’m not getting the punch line. “Anyways, you know since her dad and all, she’s been back around these parts, but tonight’s the first time I’ve seen her face to fuckin’ face. Shit, it’s been ten years since we’ve actually been in the same room.”

“Already trying to get her drunk, I see. You hoping it’ll reconnect y’all?”

“Not sure what I’m trying to do exactly. All I know is that I don’t want her running off again.” He sighs and lays down some money before heading back that way.

“Dude, did you hear a thing I was saying?” Rusty hits me on the back of the head.

“What the fuck, dude?” I readjust my hat.

“I was talking about them hot gals over at that table checking us out. What happened with that one chick you went outside with earlier? She’s lookin’ pissed.” He chuckles.

I laugh as I remember how that whole situation went down. “She blows, and not in a good way.” Rusty shakes his head and laughs. “I mean, she was good and all, but then someone caught us and it turned me off.” I’ll just leave it at that. No need in telling him that being caught was actually a turn on. Well, more like the person who caught us was the turn on.

“You’re one crazy fuck. If I already had a hot chick sucking me off, I’d make sure she finished what she started.”

“Well, have at it, buddy. I’m sure she’ll be more than up for it. But either way, I’m ready to go. We still gotta wake up at the crack of dawn to go fishing, right?” I ask, hoping that maybe he’ll be nice and let me sleep in.

“Yeah buddy, bright and early. Best spot ever. The gettin’s always good.” Yeah, we’ll see about that. Big Fish over here is good at the story telling. Meaning he usually adds a shit load or skims off parts that don’t make it as good as he wants them. But you gotta love him. I chance a glance at where I last saw Dani and I see her bent over the table aiming for her shot. I watch as the frayed ends of her cut off shorts slide up what I’m sure are extremely smooth legs. She kicks the ground and yells as she misses her shot. All the guys start chanting ‘
Shot, Shot, Shot’
and the lucky bastard from earlier gladly hands it to her with a douche bag smile that I just want to knock off his face.

Time for me to get out of here. I’m not fond of feelings of jealousy. It’s not like I’ll ever see her again. From the sounds of it, she isn’t from this town anyways. I sure don’t want to be running into her again if somebody else already claimed her. I won’t be doing that shit all over again. I tip my head back drinking what’s left of my beer before placing the bottle on the counter. I look over at Rusty. “You ready?” He nods, picking up his beer and downing it.

“Yup,” he says as he lets out a belch. I just shake my head and smile at my classy friend who at times I think is a fourteen-year-old trapped in a twenty-seven-year-old man’s body.

I hear a scuffle that yanks my attention back in the direction of where I really wish I was — getting to know Dani, instead of her getting cue ball drunk with dip shit. I see Loralee getting into it with her, and I quickly remember what she said to me before she stormed off earlier.
“Well, tonight is about to be Dani’s off night. She’s gonna wish she would have never came back to this town.”




“You think you can just come back around and everything goes back to high school days and all the guys worship the ground you walk on!” I hear Loralee half yell/half slur from behind me. Why do people always have to start drama with me? I get that I interrupted her suck-fest earlier, but shit, I came here to get away from the madness I live with at home. Not to deal with more.

“I really don’t have time for your stupid shit, Loralee. Did you not learn your lesson ten years ago?” I tightly hold on to my pool stick with both hands, waiting for her to answer. She’s taking her sweet time so I roll my eyes and turn back around, positioning my stick to take my shot, and that’s when it happens. That’s when she pulls me back by my hair. Are you freaking kidding me? Are all women such pussies these days that they have to attack you from behind? I don’t even let my mind try to talk some sense into me before I extend my stick further in front of me and then shove it back as fast I can. I feel the smooth wood slide across my side where my tank top has risen up as the stick connects with Loralee’s gut.

I’m sure the whole bar hears her grunt as she doubles over and starts crying. Of course, quickly after she starts her screaming antics, her troop rushes to her side glaring at me as they link their arms around her.

I smile and wave as they head for the door. “It was good seeing you again. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” If defending myself by any means possible makes me a bitch, then so be it. My dad always told me to take in your surroundings when dealing with cocksuckers. No pun intended. He would say, “There will always be something around that can be useful. Never go down without a fight. If you’re in the dirt, throw dirt. Any distraction can be the difference between winning or getting your ass handed to you.” In this situation, it was my stick and it was very useful.

As I watch them leave, I catch a glimpse of the guy I had seen outside getting his dick sucked. His sexy smirk reassures me that he caught the action I had been a part of and he’d enjoyed the show. Glad I was able to return the favor and offer him some entertainment. It must be a two-for-one kind of night. He nods and smiles my way before his friend elbows him, breaking our eye contact. I laugh as I see him elbow his friend back ten times harder before looking back my way and shrugging his shoulders. I just smile and then watch his expression change as I feel a hand on my shoulder.

“You’ve still got it.” I feel Gage’s hot breath on my neck as he whispers in my ear. The closeness and heat send goose bumps all down my body.

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