Save Me From Me (3 page)

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Authors: Erika Ashby

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Save Me From Me
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“Fuck you man.” I toss it back, nailing him in the face.

“Nice arm, bro. And you said you never played any sports.”

“Besides in my backyard with my cousin, I never did.” I remember playing catch with Jake when he’d come over. He was desperate for the companionship since he never got it at home. We both got to experience different aspects at each other’s houses growing up. It was kind of like living the best of both worlds. I’d go over to his house and be in video game heaven, and he’d come to mine and be in outdoor, country boy heaven. “Anyways, what are we doing tonight?” I ask.

“I guess we can drive around and look for a bar. I wouldn’t mind getting laid tonight.”

I really wouldn’t mind that either. It’s been a good minute. When I first took off on the road, I went a little crazy with it, while trying to get Jesika and the past years outta my mind. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Wrong. I’m slowly realizing that sleazing around doesn’t help you get over people or circumstances. It’s time that does. Does that mean I don’t still sleep around and get any when the getting is good? No. I’m a man. And usually, a horny one at that. I’m not stupid though and I always play it safe, but it doesn’t mean I can’t have fun.

“Okay, get ready and we’ll grab something to eat first then see what there is to do.”

“Now that’s what I’m talking about. Let’s see what kind of pussy this town has to offer.” He waggles his brows at me.

“Dude, I was talking about food and drinks. But you’re a crazy fuck, so pussy probably fits under that category for you.”

“Damn straight. It’s a meal and beverage all in itself.”




They say first impressions are everything, and boy, oh boy, this is one for the records. The look this guy has on his face as some chick goes down on him is etching itself into my mind. You know the saying ‘Take a picture. It’ll last longer’? Oh, how I wish I had my camera. Even though I’m pretty sure this amazing image is now permanently stored on my own personal hard drive all on its own. His head drops back against the outside wall of the bar, and a moan slowly eases its way out of his throat.

Hottest. Damn. Thing. EV-ER.

The thought of wishing that I were the one causing that reaction quickly passes through my mind. It would stay a bit longer if he hadn’t just lifted his head, making eye contact with me. My checking out the show doesn’t faze him at all. Instead, he just grips the chick’s head harder while holding my gaze and pushes her faster and deeper onto what I’m sure is a very nice cock. I instinctively lick my lips at the sight and he rewards me with a grin that sets my panties ablaze. It’s sad and maybe a little sick that this is making me horny. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m in desperate need of getting laid. It’s been forever. So long that I can’t even remember.

“Either hurry it up or put it up, Sugar.” He tells her. “You’re not holding my interest.” He holds my stare. “I’ve found something better to look at.”

Oh God, not me’
I think before it quickly turns to ‘
Please be talking about me’.
For some reason, I want to be the better thing that he’s talking about.

He must know that I’m somewhat liking what I’m seeing because his super, sexy, ‘I could have been a model’ grin slowly takes over his face.

Pull it in, Dani, and find your senses
. They were lost as soon as I turned the corner. Now I must start walking again — right past them.

“Don’t mind me,” I mumble.

“No worries. I don’t mind you at all. In fact, I’m really enjoying the view. Just like you are.”

I try to hide the blush, but his eyes never leave mine causing my blush to deepen. I try not to stare as I make my way to the back door of the bar, but it’s impossible. I’m now more interested in who is kneeling before this hot guy. UN-fucking-believable. I should have known it’d be her. Some things just never change. More like some people just never change.

I pause as I pull open the door. “You know…” I wait to see if he offers me his name, which he doesn’t. “Loralee down there is definitely known for being the queen of head, but for your sake, I hope she isn’t also the queen of STD’s. So, if you were thinking about furthering this little shindig you guys have going on, I’d recommend double wrapping. I’d actually recommend you keep your dick away from all her holes, including her mouth.” By now, Loralee has pulled away to look at me while also giving me a better view of what had been in her mouth. I gulp at the sight of it and refuse to lick my lips again. “But it’s a little late for that one.” I watch as his face changes from pleasure to amusement before I quickly move inside letting the heavy door slam behind me.



I push back the head of the girl whose name apparently is Loralee. It’s not as though I would have given two-shits and even asked. I couldn’t care less, to be honest. I just got into town today and was just looking for a release. She was more than willing to comply. But now, ever since that hot little thing openly watched me getting my dick sucked and enjoyed the show, this chick is just feeling like a dog licking up slop.

“Enough,” I say, trying to shove my now deflating dick back into my boxers.

She huffs. “Wait, why? Is it because of what Dani said?”
I let the sound of her name bounce around in my head. “Because what she said isn’t true. I’m gonna beat her.”

I lift my hand to shut her up. “Listen here, sweetheart. This has nothing to do with her. It has to do with me not getting anything out of your mouth. I lost interest. My dick lost interest. I could lie and say that I have a case of whiskey dick, but we both know that isn’t true. Maybe you just suck at sucking tonight. It’s okay.” I pat her shoulder. “We all have our off nights.”

“Well, tonight is about to be Dani’s off night. She’s gonna wish she would have never come back to this town.” She storms off as I buckle my belt. I lean back against the building and replay the events that just unfolded.

“Dude, you goin’ to come back in or what?” I look over and see my buddy Rusty flicking his can of snuff in his hand. I watch as he opens it, pinches some between his fingers, and places it in his mouth, positioning the wad with his tongue. I’ve never understood the concept behind it. I’ve always thought it was a nasty habit to get involved with. I mean, having all that shit in your teeth, and then what if you swallowed any of it? I’m sure that’s a guaranteed puke right there.

“Do girls really kiss you after having that shit in your mouth?” I tease him.

“For your information, I make it a point to refrain from kissing with dip residue in my mouth.”

“Well, in that case, we can still be friends.” I pull open the door and motion for him to go in first. I’m ready to get back to drinking to get my mind off the shit that just took place, and I just pray that I don’t end up with a case of blue balls.




I quickly scan my surroundings, looking for my brother. He’s at the far end of the bar shooting pool so I make a stop at the bar on my way back there. Gina, the owner of the bar, and my dad went way back. She knows me from when I was his shadow as a child.

“DJ!” She comes around the bar to hug me, pushes back holding me by the shoulders, and gives me a once over look from head to toe. “You’re looking good, Baby Girl.”

“You’re lookin’ good too, Gina.” I smile.

“No need to suck up, Doll.” She smacks me with her rag as she walks back around the bar.

“What brings you into town?” She turns around, grabs me a beer, and uses the counter to pry the lid off.

“I just needed a break from Mom’s house. You know, with Brandy and all. Trying not to go to jail tonight.” I laugh.

She looks past me to the back door. “Well, I hope that lil’ hussy isn’t ‘bout to try and start trouble with you.”

I turn around and see Loralee at the same time she spots me. She’s shooting daggers at me with an evil glare, but once she sees me with Gina, and then looks farther back to see where my brother and his buddies are, I see the disappointment take over. She turns around and goes to sit at a table near the DJ booth.

“Some people just never learn.” I grab my beer and head back to shoot some pool with the boys.

“Dani Jo!” My brother yells as I make my way back. He meets me halfway grabbing me in a bear hug. My bro is a beast. He’s not fat by any means, but he is Goliath-sized tall, complete with a thick chest, long legs to match, and a smile that could melt chocolate. Tyler is a teddy bear —Teddy Ruxpin is actually my nickname for him. He doesn’t really care for it. In fact, he despises it, but since I’m his baby sis, he doesn’t give me too much shit for it. He’s seriously the sweetest guy in the world, and it’s not just because I’m biased. He gives the guy population a run for their money in the well-rounded, good-looking guy category. I say he’s one of a kind. No matter what, I know I can count on him, and at the same time, he will set my shit straight and not bat an eye telling me what he thinks. We both have that same issue in the honesty department. We tell it like it is and you either like it, or you don’t, and you eventually get over it… or you don’t. Either way, no sweat off our backs.

“I wasn’t sure you were gonna make it,” he says as he drops me back to the ground.

“I told you I was coming. You know my word is golden,” I tease. “I told you that Brandy threatened to call the cops, so I had to leave for the night. For Mom’s sake anyway.”

“You mean for your sake too, right? I mean, shit, it’d be you going to jail, not Mom.”

“Nah, I’m not worried ‘bout jail. She got what she deserved. I’m not scared of her yapping mouth, but for the sake of Mom’s sanity, I knew I needed to leave for the night. So, voila! Here I am to grace you with my greatness. I play winner.” I look up and wink.

“Well, in that case, here ya go.” He pushes his stick into my hand. “Gage just kicked my ass. Maybe you can put him in his place because the cocky ass hasn’t lost all night.”

I didn’t even notice my high school ex being here. I haven’t seen him in years. I mean, I’ve seen him around, like driving and shit. But I’ve never been in the same room, area, or face-to-face vicinity with him since we called things off after graduation. More like I called things off, and if I remember correctly, he wasn’t very happy about it. He’s the only guy I’ve ever loved. He was my first love. First and only, but he had so many issues even back then, and I knew he’d only drag me down. I cut strings with people who’d drag me down back then. Looks like since my dad died, all I’ve been doing is going around and double knotting those bitches back up.

I turn to face the boy, now a man, that I left behind ten years ago when I went to make something of myself — Gage Beck. He’s leaning against the wall holding his stick in one hand and lifting his beer to his mouth with the other. I can’t help but take him in as he does. His eyes are on mine the whole time, and I feel pulled to him. I stay put, but I feel like there is still something between us. Maybe it’s simply just attraction because,
boy howdy,
did he grow up to be one hell of a good looker. I mean, he was always one of the hot jocks in school, but now? Now, he is filled out and in all the right places. He’s got his ‘fitting in all the important spots’ jeans on, a fitted blue t-shirt, and his boots. They aren’t the pointy-toed kind of cowboy boots that I hate either. They’re more like a worker boot, the only type of boots I think look hot on a guy. The same kind that I noticed the guy outside the bar wearing too. I’m not a cowgirl by any means, even though I’m wearing my cut off shorts, tank top, and cowboy boots myself, but I don’t mind a good-looking, cowboy-dressing kind of guy. Any girl would be lying if the thought of romping it with a sexy country bumpkin didn’t sound appealing.

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