Savage Sacrifice: Savage Angels MC #5 (15 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Kelly

Tags: #Savage Angels MC, #Biker, #Biker romance, #contemporary romance, #Biker Erotica, #Suspense

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I turn around and all I see is a wall of reporters and photographers. Getting out of here isn’t going to be easy. I walk toward the reception desk to find the same woman who previously helped me.

“Hello, Mr. Reynolds. How may I help you?” she asks politely.

“Is there any easy way to get out of here?”

“Certainly, Sir. I’ll just call you a cab, one moment.” She picks up the phone, makes a quick call then comes around the desk and motions for me to follow her. She takes me to a service elevator and says, “Ride it to the bottom. The cab will be waiting for you and if you want to stay hidden, duck down in the back seat. Have a great day!”

I hold open the door with my hand. “Wait, what’s your name?”

“Beverley, Sir.”

“Beverley, is there anything you would like?” I ask

She waves her hands in front of her. “No, Sir. Just doing my job.”

“Beverley, if I can get you tickets to The Grinders, would you like that?”

Her eyes bulge out of her head and her mouth drops open. “No, Sir, you can’t do that!”

Undeterred I say, “How many should I get you? Two? Four?”

“Four would be wonderful! I can bring my kids and husband but it’s really not necessary.”

Beverley looks embarrassed and slightly uncomfortable. “It would be my pleasure. I’ll get them to you tonight.” I let my hand drop and as the doors close, I watch Beverley jump up and down excitedly.


n the way out of the hotel, I do as Beverley suggested and duck down, after ten minutes I sit back up, and look out the back window, no one is following us.

I’m nervous about talking to Milo, my guess is he thinks Juan Cortez set me up and he wants revenge. As the President of the Houston Chapter, he probably has them all wound up and wanting blood.

When we pull up in front of the Compound, the place is full of bikes and people. I pay the cabbie and climb out. The men see me and start clapping and hollering, clearly, they are pleased I’m free. I keep walking and I’m slapped on the back and given greetings as I make my way into their Clubhouse.

Milo comes up to me as I walk through the door and shakes my hand vigorously. “Can’t keep
MC jailed for long!” he announces to the whole room.

A cheer goes up and I grin at the men around me. Dirt appears in front of me and lightly punches my arm.

“Good to see you, Prez,” he grumbles with a grin.

“Good to be seen and out of that jail cell.” I look at Milo. “Is there somewhere more private we could talk?”

“Yeah, meeting room,” says Milo as he leads the way.

Sitting around a large table are the key members of Milo’s Chapter, Sergeant at Arms, Road Captain, VP, and Treasurer. Tourmaline was the first Chapter in the Savage Angels MC, the Mother Chapter, and as such, I am the President of all the Chapters. I set club policy and as a rule, keep out of the day-to-day running of all the Chapters. Most know I don’t run guns or drugs, and more than half have followed me by copying my business practices. I’ve even helped fund a few projects to ensure they have viable incomes. They, in turn, pay me a tribute but I’ve never take more than my fair share. Milo has always resented me. The previous President of Tourmaline, Chris, was a friend of his. Chris had no vision and treated the women around the club like whores. Most of them were strung out then turned into prostitutes who paid all their money back into the club. He often did deals out of Tourmaline which endangered all of us. The final straw, for me, was when he demanded that all of the MC run drugs for the Russian mob. It’s the quickest way to make money but it’s also the easiest way to get caught and end up in prison. I’m never going back behind bars. I challenged Chris when he decided this was the way we were going to do things. I’m loyal to the club and thankfully had the numbers to back me up. He saw the writing on the wall and tried to have me killed. It didn’t go well for him and Milo has never forgiven me for killing Chris but he forced my hand.

“Welcome back, Prez!” exclaims Judge as he comes up from behind me and slaps my shoulder.

“Hey, Judge, glad you and Dirt got released.”

I make my way to the head of the table. Normally I wouldn’t sit here as I’m a guest but today I am going to use my power as President to make sure that there is no blood spilled. There is no way I’m letting Milo start a war with the cartels so he can take over their drug operation.

Milo sits next to me, Dirt and Judge take positions at the end of the table, facing me.

“I can’t believe that fucking Cortez, framed you for that fucker Will Van Ryken,” says Milo in disgust as soon as the doors are closed.

“He didn’t. Van Ryken did. That fucker got his arm broken as he didn’t have the money to pay Cortez, but Cortez didn’t frame me. Cortez is innocent in all this,” I say in a calm, clear voice, looking at every man in the room.

“Bullshit! Those fuckers have been trying to get control of the drug trade for a while, everyone knows that,” replies Milo decisively.

“I am only going to say this once. There will be no retribution against the cartel for my arrest. The truth will come out and Van Ryken will be made to pay for his dishonesty. Am. I. Clear?” I ask staring at Milo.

The men at the table begin to fidget nervously, I glance at Dirt who nods, signaling he approves of my order.

“You can’t expect us to do nothing! We will look weak,” says Milo.

“Milo, everyone at this table knows you have been trying to muscle in on the cartel's turf. It’s going to stop, right fucking now, today. You will not go against me on this. Many of the other Chapters have found different avenues of income, it’s time you explored some of those.” My tone is laced with authority, and his face screws into a mask of anger.

“What? So we can all be like you and fuck a rock star who pays our fucking way? This is what we fucking
, it’s how we’ve always done it. Not all of us have the resources to start something new,” he spits at me.

I slam my fist down onto the top of the table and point at Milo. “Kat,
my wife
, does not fund any fucking thing to do with the Club or any of the businesses the Club owns,” in a quieter icier tone. “It’s time to move with the times, it’s not always easy but for the good of the MC you have to at least fucking try.”

Milo sneers at me and looks to his men at the table. Dirt clears his voice, getting the attention of the room.

“I know you found it hard when Chris was...taken from us, but he wasn’t a good President. Dane is right, you have to move with the times. Do you really want to be selling drugs to fucking kids? Do you really want to be making a fucking living by taking advantage of someone else’s weakness? I’ve watched this club change under Dane’s rule and it’s for the better.” He stands and places his hands on his hips. “You all know me, fuck I’ve partied with most of you. Trust me when I tell you that it’s an easier path. You don’t have the police to worry about. At first, it isn’t easy but here, in Houston, it’ll be a hell of a lot easier. Judge has been scouting around, this town is ripe for a strip club and if you do it properly, you could have a great porn business off the back of it.”

“Yeah, there’s a building on Dallas Street that’s up for sale, it’d make a great club. There’s also a garage for sale near there that could, if run properly, make some real money,” says Judge staring at Milo.

“We’re fucking
not fucking businessmen!” yells Milo.

He’s a lost fucking cause. Milo wants the easy money without having to do the hard work. Dirt sits back down shaking his head, disgust on his face. I look at the other members around the table, the VP is the only one making eye contact. I look at him questioningly and raise my chin, indicating he should speak.

He looks at Judge. “The garage, is that Aaron’s Auto Shop?”

“Yeah, had a stupid fucking name like that,” says Judge.

He looks back at Milo. “Aaron has a contract with most of the dealerships in Houston if we could build it up and get our name out to the local community, telling them we already service all the big boys, we could make some real profit.”

Milo continues to stare at him but says nothing. I like him, he has vision and would make a far better President than Milo.

“You’ve looked at this place before?” I ask.

“Yeah, Aaron is getting old, he’s had it on the market for a while, he’s dropped the price twice already. All we’d need is the capital to buy it.” The VP looks nervously at Milo who shakes his head and grins maniacally.

“Seems like you’ve got it all fucking figured out! Hell, what if we pass a vote of no confidence in
could take over? Is that what
want, Lester?” asks Milo pinning him with a look.

“Maybe we fucking should,” I agree. I have their attention now, I feel all eyes are on me, but I only have eyes for Milo. His nostrils flare and his fists are clenching and unclenching on the table. “If you can’t move with the times, get out of the fucking way.” I stand and look at the men at the table. “Think about it, I’ll front you the money for both opportunities. You have until the end of the day to give me your answer. Starting today, right now, you are to keep away from the cartel and no more drug running.”

I walk out of the room with Judge and Dirt on either side of me. If looks could kill, Milo would have me six feet under.

Chapter 21

otta say, I’m impressed with Dane after that meeting with the hierarchy of the Houston Chapter. He handled himself well. Fucking always hated the drug running that came with being in an MC. I’ve seen too many friends and family get hooked on that shit so, selling it never felt right.

Dane walks out into the sunshine with Judge and I flanking him. I look up at him, grin and slap him on the shoulder.

“Well done. But I should stay here while they deliberate. Get a feel for how the other members are feeling. See if Lester has the numbers to take over. Should be an easy fucking win but you never know.” I spit on the ground. “Hell, Milo might see the fucking light and come to his senses.”

“I wouldn’t fucking count on that,” says Dane.

“Yeah, he looked mighty fucking pissed,” agrees Judge.

“Yeah, but he
being President and he loves the MC. The fact that their VP has already broached the subject with him and looked into it, speaks fucking volumes. Well, I hope it does.”

Dane nods at me. “Don’t stay too long. Milo still has supporters here. Keep your fucking phone charged and ring me if there’s a problem. If we have to put the fucker in the ground, I’ll be the one to do it.”

Right there is the reason I’ve always known Dane is the best leader for this MC. He won’t want to do it, but he
does what needs to be done to ensure the best outcome for us, his Brothers. I nod at him and we continue to walk toward our bikes. I hand over my keys to him as his is still at the hotel.

“I do
ride bitch so I’ll get a cab back when they’ve reached a decision. Do not scratch her up, even a little bit,” I warn.

Dane chuckles. “Did you just threaten me?”

“Only if you scratch her up. We clear?” I say with a shit-eating grin.

“Yeah, Brother, we’re clear,” responds Dane with a smirk.

“Balls of fucking steel!” Laughs Judge. “Why don’t you let me get away with shit like that?”

“Brother, you get away with plenty. If I were Dane and you watched my woman's ass every time she walked into the room I’d remove your fucking eyeballs,” I reprimand him.

Judge gives me the finger and starts his bike. I look at Dane who’s smiling and shaking his head.

“Be safe, Dirt. Take no chances. Milo is a crafty fucker,” says Dane as he starts my ride.

“I will. Judge, you keep him away from Van Ryken. That fucker isn’t right in the head.”

Judge nods and I move out of the way as they leave the Compound. I head back inside and walk up to the bar and order a beer. One of the other members, I think his name is Dozer, comes and stands beside me.

“What the fuck is going on?” he asks.

“Dozer, right?” He nods. “You and I have been around for a long time. How many of us have gone to jail for drugs? Too fucking many.” I answer my own question and continue. “Cortez didn’t frame Dane for anything, that was Will fucking Van Ryken’s fault. That man is all kinds of loony. He’s probably got a hard-on for Dane’s woman. Fuck, who hasn’t?”

“Yeah, she is fine,” agrees Dozer. “So you’re saying Cortez had nothing to do with Dane’s arrest?”

“Yeah man, that’s what I’m saying.”

“Why are they still behind closed doors?” asks Dozer.

“A vote of no confidence is being tabled. Lester seems like a good man.” A beer is placed in front of me and I take a swig.

Dozer looks like his eyes are going to bulge out of his head. “A vote of no confidence? Milo has been our Prez, well, for-fucking-ever.”

“Yeah, but if you can’t move with the times, get out of the fucking way.”

Dozer looks thoughtful, slaps me on the shoulder and walks away. This will spread like wildfire throughout the Club. Hopefully, they’ll see that Milo is the old way and Lester is the new. It’s always dangerous when a Chapter gets a new President. I know when Dane took over we lost more than a few. Some of us are stuck on easy money, and being a fucking outlaw. Me? I like my house in Tourmaline, I like my bed, and I like that the locals don’t avoid me when I walk down the main street anymore. Dane’s worked hard to improve our reputation, and now we reap the benefits. It could be the same for these guys, if they’re brave enough to work for a living and not take the easy route.

I turn around and look at the men and women in the room. Most are hunched over talking quietly, a few are playing pool. I walk towards the pool tables and grab a cue.

“Doubles?” I ask.

“We playing for money?” asks one.

“Is there any other fucking way to play?” I return with a grin.

“Rack ‘em!” enthuses another.


e play for over an hour and we hear yelling coming from the meeting room. I’ve planted the seed that Lester would make a better Prez than Milo in more than a few minds. The one thing people don’t understand is most of the MC are family men. They don’t want their kids and women around drugs any more than they want to sell it to other families. Dane has made them a solid offer. I tell them all the other business deals we’re involved in, and some major fucking deals in the future. Hell, there’s even talk of a casino in Vegas but that hasn’t happened yet. Some are worried about what their role within the club will be, and I tell them the more legitimate businesses we own, the easier it will be for us, the men, in the MC. No one will judge us for our tattoos or past criminal activity. Jobs will be easier to get if the MC owns the business, so long as you are suited for the job.

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