Read Savage Sacrifice: Savage Angels MC #5 Online

Authors: Kathleen Kelly

Tags: #Savage Angels MC, #Biker, #Biker romance, #contemporary romance, #Biker Erotica, #Suspense

Savage Sacrifice: Savage Angels MC #5 (14 page)

BOOK: Savage Sacrifice: Savage Angels MC #5
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“Princess, the walls have ears. I’m going to step out for a moment and ring the lawyer.” He leans down and whispers, “What’s the drug dealers name?”

I cup my hand to his ear, “Juan Cortez.”

Dave straightens up. “I don’t like you associating with that type of person. Next time he approaches you, you get the hell away from him.” Dave shakes his head and leaves the room.

I’m left staring at myself in the mirror, thinking about how bad I look. There’s a knock a the door and it swings open. Standing there with cuffs around his wrists and ankles is Dane. He awkwardly shuffles into the room and I run to him throwing my arms around his shoulders.

“Hey darlin’, I’m okay, I’m okay.”

“They won’t let me bail you out. You have to stay overnight. I’m so sorry,” I say into his neck.

“I know, Dave told me out in the hall. Are

“I’m fine. This is all my fault, if I’d never gone on tour, if we’d never agreed to Rockplay, if–“

“Stop it, darlin’, it’s no one’s fault but that dick Van Ryken. I heard he hit his head pretty good,” says Dane with a grin.

“Blood went everywhere, he was out cold.”

“Did you see him, after?” asks Dane.

“No, as soon as they let me out, I came to see you.”

“Darlin’ keep away from him. Drugs have messed with his brain.”

I look into his eyes and see concern so I nod and say, “Dave has organized a lawyer for you. We should have you out tomorrow.”

“Can we sit? I don’t have a lot of time.”

I let him go and move a chair so that I am closer to him. I sit opposite him and he grabs my hands in an attempt to comfort me.

“Keep away from Rockplay and Juan. Also, if a Hispanic man named Hector comes anywhere near you, run. He works for Juan and he’s a stone cold killer, his only loyalty is to Juan. Do not go anywhere without bodyguards, understood?”

This is so like him, he’s the one in jail, and he’s worried about me.

“Honey, I’m fine. Dave won’t let anything happen to me, and I promise to do as you say.”

“Then kiss me before they open the door and take me away.”

I kiss him, feeling it to my core, and I wonder what the hell was I thinking leaving him in the first place? He’s a good man. The door opens but I don’t look up until I hear someone clear their throat. Dane grins at me and winks, I smile at him, but feel like my heart is breaking at the thought of leaving him here.

“I’m okay, darlin’. I have Judge and Dirt in here with me, and I will see you tomorrow.”

I nod and we both stand. I glance at the doorway and it’s the police officer from the hospital staring back at me.

He gives me a tight smile, looks at Dane and says, “Time to go back to your cell, Reynolds.”

Dane quirks an eyebrow at me. “See you soon.”

I get up on tiptoe and he bends so I can kiss his lips. “See you tomorrow. Love you.”

Dane grins and shuffles toward the door. I can see Dave waiting in the hallway outside as Dane passes him he says something I can’t hear. Dane laughs and they take him away. The police officer from earlier grabs my arm as I’m about to leave the room.

“What if I tell you I believe you when you say that your husband didn’t break Van Rykens arm?”

“I already know he didn’t so it doesn’t mean much,” I reply curtly.

“Yeah, but maybe I can help?”

“Last time we spoke you believed he did it and now?” I ask.

“And now I watched you through the glass and I’m not so sure. Also, your husband mentioned Juan and Hector, everyone knows Juan Cortez has an enforcer called Hector Santiago working for him.” I shake my head. “I can help you if you give me Cortez.”

“Let me think about it.”

“Don’t think too long, anything could happen to a man like your husband in here. He’s violent, in a crime organization, who knows who might have a vendetta against him? Jails are full of men looking for easy money and something to relieve the boredom.”

The officers eyes are wary and he releases me with a smirk. “If anything happens to my husband and I find out you are responsible, I’ll make you wish you’d never been born.”

The smile on his face gets bigger and he nods. “I can see why he likes you, all fiery and hot. But it won’t be me, I’m an upstanding member of the community, a police officer. It would be someone from

Dave grabs my arm and drags me out of the room, down the hallway and out onto the street.

“Did you hear that?” I say angrily.

“I heard enough, let it go. Dane is safe for now and it’s only one night. His lawyer will have this all worked out by morning.” We’re ushered into the waiting limo, and when we are settled in Dave asks, “What do you need me to do?”

“I want out of the tour with Rockplay. You tell whomever you need to that we will continue but not with
. If they want to be compensated, do it. I don’t care. I just never want to see them again,” I say with contempt dripping off every word.

“Leave it to me,” replies Dave with an evil smile.

Chapter 20

fter a brief court appearance, my lawyer got me out with a bond of one million dollars, it’s the first time I’ve ever been grateful that my woman has money. At home, I pay for everything. I have money invested in real estate and businesses but I’m not that cash rich. Kat drew up a cheque like she was paying for shoes and slightly bored. I’m out, with Kat tucked into my side. The press is clicking away with their cameras, and the whole band was in court to support me. Now, as one group, we walk outside to the waiting limo.

None of us answer any questions and as we get to the limo I hear the familiar sound of many Harleys. Coming toward us riding two abreast is the Houston Chapter. The press goes into a frenzy and I look at Kat.

“Give me a minute?” I ask.

Kat nods and climbs into the limo with the rest of her band. I push my way through reporters to get to Milo who is leading the pack.

He grins at me. “Must be good to have a rich celebrity for a wife, you can get away with anything.”

Furious that he’d say such a thing with so many people around I say, “It helps that I didn’t do it in the first place. What the fuck is this?” I ask waving my arm at the show of force behind him.

“We’re just letting everyone know if they fuck with you, they fuck with us. Solidarity,” responds Milo with complete calm.

“I appreciate the gesture. Need to get my woman settled, then I’ll come by and we can talk.”

“You do that. Time we let people know who’s boss in this town.”

. Milo is going to use this to strike out at the cartel. Before I can say anything else he whistles loud and gives the signal to leave. The noise of all those Harleys revving is deafening and I push my way back through the reporters to the waiting limo.

Once inside, Truth looks at me and says, “Friends of yours?”

“Something like that. More like a necessary evil.” I find Kats hand and lace my fingers through hers, she gives me a smile, and I lean in to kiss her.

There’s some laughter from the band, and Truth says, “Okay you big brawny biker, you’ve only been in the slammer one night, break it up.”

I pull away from Kat and stare at him. “I understand congratulations are called for.”

Kat laughs but from the expressions on everyone else's face, no one knows what's going on. Truth gives me a tight smile and looks around at his bandmates.

“Thank you, Dane. I was going to tell you guys but I wanted Rosie to be with me. We’re getting married.”

“No!” laughs Jamie.

“You’re what?” demands Blair.

“Seriously?” splutters Jasmin.

Curtis doubles over in laughter. “Never thought I’d see the day when Truth got hitched! Fuck me, that
a cause for celebration! There will be broken hearts all over the world tonight.”

“And when were you going to tell me?” asks Dave defensively.

Truth looks at me and shakes his head, then he holds up his hands in mock surrender. “What can I say? She’s
one and I was going to tell all of you after Rosie had told her parents. Apart from Kat and obviously Dane, no one knows.”

“You told Kat and Dane before us?” asks Blair.

“No, Rosie told Kat, and I’m assuming Kat told Dane. Why are we talking about this when Dane should be the center of our conversation, now that he’s out of the slammer?” says Truth pointing at Dane.

Dave still looks unimpressed. “You and I are going to have a conversation later, but you’re right, Dane, how are you?”

“I’m fine, and for the record, I did
break Will’s arm.”

Dave waves a hand in my face dismissively. “Dear boy, we
that. That’s why we’re all here.”

I’m annoyed at Dave for dodging my calls about Kat, but he’s here now, and I know he loves my woman like a father, so, I can forgive him.

“What’s the action plan?” asks Blair.

Dave and Kat exchange glances and I know something’s up. “I’m getting you out of touring with Rockplay. Dark Ink has said they’ll step in, and I’m trying to sell that to the promoters and everyone else involved. Afterall,
are the headline act
them,” says Dave with disdain in his voice.

“You didn’t have to do this for me,” I say as I squeeze Kat’s hand.

“We didn’t. The guys have been wanting to get rid of them since day one. You just made the decision easier,” replies Kat, squeezing my hand back.

“Yeah Van Ryken is a dirtbag, he offered to do me in the change rooms on day one. Total dick,” says Jasmin.

Kat looks at Jasmin in shock. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“It’s not the first time someone has offered to do me in the change rooms. But he got all aggro when I said I had a boyfriend, told me what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. See? Dick.”

“Jas?” asks Dave.

“If I had, Judge would have found out, and as much as I don’t like Will, I don’t want to see him dead. Judge would not have been happy and I’m all about making him happy.”

Jasmin’s confession surprises me. She and Judge have been on and off for a while but the way she’s talking, it’s more serious than I thought.

“So are we free of Rockplay?” asks Jamie.

“It’s going to cost us but yes, we are free of Rockplay,” states Dave.

I look around the limo and all I see are smiling faces, all of them are glad to be rid of them.

“Was it really that bad touring with them?” I ask.

“Yeah, fuckers couldn’t put on a good show if they tried. Thank fuck we weren’t supporting them. The fans deserve better,” replies Jamie and the others nod in agreement.

The limo stops and we all climb out of it. Surrounding the car are reporters with camera crews who scream out questions. Kat looks at Dave who nods, she grabs my hand and moves over to a podium that has been set up outside the hotel. The rest of her band stand around us. I have no idea what’s going on, Kat winks at me and taps the microphone.

“Quiet!” she yells into it. The crowd quietens down to low murmurs. “We will
be taking questions.” The crowd gets a little louder and she shakes her head, takes a deep breath then says, “The Grinders are no longer on tour with Rockplay. Our supporting act is the fabulously talented Dark Ink. After weeks of Rockplay not turning up on time and not playing in tune we have no choice but to replace them.” Questions are being yelled out and Kat stands there and says nothing, she just waits for them to be quiet. When she can be heard without yelling she continues, “This has nothing to do with the recent incident with Will Van Ryken and my husband, but as you can see he is by my side and until the truth comes out, I cannot comment on that. I will say that my band, my support network, and management support him one hundred percent and
should speak volumes.”

Kat turns and heads toward the hotel entrance as the reporters continue to yell questions. I’m amazed at her composure. She looks at me, smiles and raises my hand to her lips, kissing it.

“Thank you, darlin’.”

“For what? Doing what I should have done weeks ago?” Kat asks.

“No, for defending me to the world. I’m sorry you had to do that,” I admit.

“Pfft. You’d have done it for me,
it wouldn’t have taken you this long. There’s no one on this planet I love more, love and loyalty.”

“Love and loyalty,” I say in agreement.

“Aww isn’t this nice?” asks Truth with mock sincerity.

“Be quiet you or I’ll tell the world about–“

“Okay! I’m quiet!” pleads Truth, not wanting the press to find out about him and Rosie.

I chuckle. “Darlin’, I have to go. I need to talk to Milo and the Houston Chapter before someone does something stupid.”

Kat stops and turns to face me, worry on her face. “Do I need to be concerned?”

“No.” Then I look for Dave who is two steps behind me. “Did Judge and Dirt get out?”

“Yes, once they verified their gun permits they were free to go. But I don’t know where they are. They didn’t come back here last night.”

“They went to the Houston Compound,” says Jasmin and I look at her questioningly. “Judge rang me, didn’t want me to worry. Not that I was, my man can take care of himself.” Jasmin has a grin plastered on her face, and there’s not doubt she’s fallen hard for Judge. “Sorry I was supposed to tell you were they were as soon as we got into the limo but with all the ruckus with the MC I forgot. Judge said he and Dirt were looking out for your best interests and that you are a lucky son-of-a-bitch and can look after yourself anyway.”

“Is that right?” I say grinning at her.

“Yep!” she replies as she walks into an open elevator.

I look down at Kat quizzically and she laughs. “I think Jasmin is hooked on Judge, it’s fried her brain. Ring me when you’re on your way back, so I don’t worry.”

“Okay, darlin’. Don’t leave the hotel unless you are surrounded by security,” I warn.

“There is no way my princess is going anywhere for any reason,” says Dave as he grabs Kat by the elbow.

“Good.” I lightly kiss her lips the she’s ushered into the elevator.

BOOK: Savage Sacrifice: Savage Angels MC #5
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