Savage Betrayal: Savage, Book 2 (25 page)

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Hmm. Someday they’d figure it out. Learn why that bitch hated the side of her that most of the shapeshifter population saw as a gift.

“Thank you for coming back tonight.” She stepped closer to him again. “I would’ve understood if you chose to leave.”

“I couldn’t.” Hell, he’d been mad, but leaving her would’ve been impossible. Something connected them that confused the shit out of him, but it was potent and couldn’t be ignored. He was more protective of her than he could remember being with his mate. There wasn’t a sacrifice he wouldn’t make to keep her safe. It made no sense, but he couldn’t deny it.

“Give me a moment to get ready, and then maybe we can go drive around?” Grace suggested. “Check some local spots I know she frequents?”

“Smart. Let me throw on some clothes.”

Her lips quirked. “Probably a good plan.”

When she moved to pass him, he caught her hand and stopped her, drawing her close for another slow, and hopefully reassuring kiss.

“We’ll find her.”

She nodded and squeezed his hand before slipping away from him and into the bathroom a moment later.

Darrius returned to her room to throw on some clothes. He’d just pulled on his pants when he heard her soft footsteps.

“That was quick…” He trailed off, not as much distracted by the expression of disbelief on her face, but the item she held in her hand. His heart accelerated into a quick thump. “Uh, sugar, what is that?”

“A pregnancy test.”

He waited a beat, felt his heart lurch into his throat. “Okay.”

“I just found it on the floor… I’d knocked over the garbage earlier, but somehow missed that this had fallen out behind the toilet.”

“Something you want to tell me?”

“No. God no, it’s not mine!” She shook her head and gave a small frenzied laugh.

Darrius took a step forward, unable to ignore the relief that she might’ve been carrying another man’s child. The idea of another man impregnating her had a growl of rage building inside him. But why? Grace was not his mate and never would be. Someday, this very well may be her reality. At some point she’d be rejoicing at the fact she’d gotten pregnant.

But not today. It wasn’t her test, she’d just admitted it. He quickly restrained the raging wolf inside him that threatened to surface.

“What’s the result?” he rasped. “Can you read it?”

“It’s positive. Crap, it’s positive.” The longer she held the test, the more the color seemed to leech from Grace’s face. She looked up at him again, and her eyes glazed with shock. “I think Aubree’s pregnant.”

Chapter Seventeen

Grace leaned her head back against the couch and closed her eyes, trying to stop the nausea and spinning.

She’d left countless messages on her sister’s voicemail and Darrius had driven her around town for the last two hours. Now it was creeping up on midnight, but they still had no idea where Aubree was.

Pregnant. Her little sister, not even eighteen yet, was pregnant. There was no other explanation of who that test could possibly belong to.

It all kind of made sense now. The way her sister had been behaving the last week—the way she’d rushed out of the bathroom looking a little stunned. Had that been when she’d taken the test?

“Why didn’t you confide in me, Bree?” she whispered, opening her eyes again.

“I brought you some tea.”

Darrius entered her line of vision and deposited the teacup on the coffee table. The delicate china looked almost silly in his large hands.

But the gesture, so patient, kind and without expectation, brought tears to her eyes.

“Thank you.” She leaned forward to pick it up with unsteady hands, and took a sip of the hot liquid.

“I don’t suppose you’ve heard from her?”

She gave a slight shake of her head and set the tea back down with a sigh.

“Was Aubree involved with anyone that you can remember? Dating?”

“No, not at all.” She frowned, another memory tugging at her mind. “Although, we did have an interesting conversation recently where she said something about guys being stupid. Or something like that.”

“Trouble in manlandia.”

“No, I mean, I didn’t think she was dating. She told me she wasn’t. This makes no sense.” Frustration gnawed at her gut, and she picked up her phone again to check for a text message or call that maybe she might’ve missed.

It was silly, because of course nothing had come in.

“We’ll find her.”

“What if she doesn’t want to be found? I’ve already driven all over Seattle and half the suburbs. I’ve contacted the few friends she has, but they aren’t close. And none of them have seen or heard from her.”

Darrius sat down on the couch next to her and slid an arm around her shoulders.

“Sugar, trust me on this. Your sister is a teenager with not a hell of a lot of resources or money. It’s only a matter of time.”

The comfort from his presence was immediate. Grace snuggled closer to him, placing her hand on his chest and breathing in a slow breath.

But what if they couldn’t? What if Aubree wasn’t just a scared, pregnant teenager in hiding? What if she were actually in trouble?

“We should get some sleep.” The reluctance in his tone indicated he wasn’t thrilled by the suggestion either.

“You’re right. I don’t know how I’ll sleep, but we should try.” She eased away from him, but kept her phone clutched in her hand.

She continued to clutch it when they settled into bed a few minutes later. With the comfort and peace of having his arms around her, and sleep dragging at her exhausted body, a part of her brain still waited for it to ring.



The sound of wood snapping outside had her eyes blinking open and Darrius sitting upright in bed.

Dawn hinted it was near by the fading darkness through her curtains.


“I’ve got this. Stay in bed.” Darrius was up and across the room before she could reply.

Stay in bed? Her heart pounded as she tossed back the comforter. Did Darrius know nothing about her?

She grabbed a robe and tied it around her, then ran into the living room. The sight awaiting her almost brought her to her knees.

Aubree rushed forward with a sob, flinging herself into Grace’s arms.

“I’m sorry,” her sister cried. “I know you’ve been so worried.”

Relief and emotion slammed into her over and over, making tears fill her eyes and her cling to the Aubree’s waiflike body.

“It’s okay. Oh, sweetie, why didn’t you call? Text? Anything to let me know you were okay.”

“I didn’t know you were looking for me. I should’ve. The moment I left school, I should’ve known Jocelyn would find out and go to you.” Aubree drew in a ragged breath, heavy with tears. “I threw away my phone. I knew she could and would track it. Track me.”

Grace drew back enough to take in the tear-stained face of her sister and the hint of fear in the back of her eyes.

“Bree, was that your pregnancy test?”

Fresh tears flooded Aubree’s eyes, before rolling in fat drops down her face.


Heavy disbelief washed over Grace again, but she struggled to hide it. She wasn’t going to ask how it was possible, she knew how babies were created. But her sister was so responsible, so shy with people and especially men. And yet now it appeared she’d not only engaged in a sexual relationship, but she was pregnant.

“Aubree, why don’t you sit. I’ve got a blanket.” Darrius’s words were gentle as he took her arm and guided her to the couch.

Her sister didn’t protest, but curled up on the couch and drew the fuzzy blanket around her.

“I’ll give you two ladies some time to talk. Go make some breakfast for us all.”

Grace sank down onto the couch next to her sister, but met his gaze over the back of the couch.

Thank you, she mouthed, knowing her eyes also reflected the depth of her gratitude.

He gave a small nod, his own gaze troubled, before he disappeared into the kitchen.

Grace turned her attention back to Aubree and tugged part of the furry blanket up and over her legs. The scenario wasn’t all that unfamiliar. In fact it could’ve been any Saturday morning when they were growing up. They’d always sat on the couch together, sharing a blanket while watching TV and talking.

Despite their age difference, they’d always been close friends. Closer than any friends they’d met in school or otherwise. It wasn’t until recently and joining the P.I.A. that Grace been able to say she had loyal, true friends.

“Can you talk about it, Bree? Can you tell me who the father is?”

Her sister scrunched her eyes closed, her face pinching with misery.

“You don’t know him. He’s just a guy I made the mistake of trusting. Of falling for.”

Someone from school. “Is he like us?”

“Yes, he’s a half-blooded shifter.”

Not that it mattered as much this day and age, but Grace gave a small nod.

“Did he mark you?”

“No. Oh hell no.”

Maybe it was better that way. It certainly sounded better that way.

Gently, she asked, “Have you told him you’re pregnant?”

“I can’t. I don’t want him to know. I don’t want Jocelyn to know.” Aubree opened her eyes and the sheer panic there momentarily took Grace aback.

“Bree,” she began gently, floundering for what to say. Could’ve never begun to imagine herself in this situation. “He has a right to know. And it’s going to be really difficult to hide a pregnancy from Jocelyn, from your school. Or… I didn’t even ask. Do you intend to have the baby?”

“Of course.” Aubree almost seemed shocked as she slid her hand to her belly, pressing against it through the fleece blanket. “For me, there is no other option.”

Grace’s throat ached with unshed tears and she nodded. Her sister’s future had changed on a dime—nothing about her life would be normal. But she couldn’t afford to think about that now.

“Why don’t you want to tell the father?”

“He’s not a decent person, Grace. I don’t trust him and can’t believe I ever did before. I was stupid. I fell hard for a much too handsome guy who said all the right things.” Anger flashed across her face now. “I’ll do everything in my power to make sure he never finds out.”

“All right. I’ll help you in any way I can. How are you going to keep this from Jocelyn though?”

“I don’t know. Crud.” Aubree’s brows drew together and she shook her head. “I don’t trust her either. There’s no saying what she might get in her head to do to me and the baby if she knew I was pregnant. I wouldn’t put anything past her with all the sick little experiments she does—”

“Wait, which experiments?” Grace fumbled for her sister’s hands, her heart suddenly pounding. Surely her sister couldn’t have been aware of what had happened just two months ago.

But the shock on Aubree’s face and then guilt sent a slow, awful sense of premonition through her.


“I…you were never supposed to know.” Misery laced her sister’s soft words. “She promised me the tests would help me and that if I did it willingly she wouldn’t try and force you to do them.”

The noise that erupted from Grace’s throat was almost animallike. “No. Dammit,
. Aubree. Tell me you weren’t given those injections.”

Aubree shook her head. “Wait, you know about them?”

“Of course I know,” Grace rasped, pressing her hands to her head and digging her nails into her temple. “I can’t believe this. I cannot fucking believe she’d do this. And you never told me?”

“I didn’t want to tell you.” Tears of pain reflected in her sister’s eyes. “I didn’t want to worry you. And it’s better this way, I’m okay, and at least you didn’t have to go through them—”

“But I did,” Grace rasped. “She blackmailed me into doing them, Bree. Told me she wouldn’t force you to do them if I did.”

“Oh no…”

Grace knew the almost childlike disappointment and dismay on her sister’s face was the complete opposite of the rage brewing inside her own soul.

Fuck it. She was done with Jocelyn Feloray. The woman had gone too far this time—much too far. It was a good thing their aunt wasn’t standing under the same roof right now, or she might not leave alive.

“I hate that you went through that too, Grace. But please don’t be upset for me, I don’t remember a lot of the bad parts, honestly.” Aubree shrugged. “Which I suppose is a blessing, and Drew pulled me out before when I started showing complications from the drug.”

Grace narrowed her eyes. “Drew?”

Aubree’s cheeks flushed and she lowered her eyes. “He’s a worker at the lab, helped out with the transport of the shifter volunteers, I think.”

Holy shit. Maybe Aubree hadn’t been seduced by some horny teenager, but a grown-ass man.

“And let me guess. He’s also your baby’s father?”

Her sister gave a slight shrug. “He took me away from those horrible tests and kept me safe at his apartment. I was so ridiculously grateful…when he told me I was pretty and wanted to kiss me, all I could think of was how lucky I was.”

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