Sasha & Andriena #1 (Lovers & Sinners) (14 page)

BOOK: Sasha & Andriena #1 (Lovers & Sinners)
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Two more guards
entered the room, one of them Nikita. Sasha hesitated, looking like he didn’t
want to fight his brother. The guards parted to either side of the door. The Black
Russian entered next, ducking under the doorway to get inside.

“Do yourself a favor,
Sasha,” he said, straightening to his full height, “don’t
fight me, you
won’t win.”

“I don’t fucking
care!” Sasha went for him, throwing a punch at the Black Russian’s face. The
big man blocked it and shoved him to the side. Sasha went for him again, but
the Black Russian sidestepped him, striking him in the back with the heel of
his hand. Sasha yelled out, then dropped down, sweeping his leg out at the
Black Russian’s ankles. His master jumped back, barely missing being taken out.

The Black Russian
roared, “Get him!”

The guards went for
Sasha. Dodging a kick from Nikita, he rolled to the side and sprung to his feet
in front of the other guard. He smashed a fist into the man’s face, then
grabbed one of his shoulders and yanked it down, kneeing the guard in the
stomach. He then shoved him at Nikita, stopping his brother from kicking him. Nikita
sidestepped the falling guard and shot behind Sasha, his speed incredible.

Nikita swung an arm
around his brother’s neck. Sasha dropped down before Nikita could put him in a
chokehold. He kicked back into Nikita’s right shin, but instead of falling,
Nikita flipped over him, twisting in mid-air, his white hair flying around him.
He landed in a crouch in front of Sasha, the brothers coming face to face. Then
they sprung at each other, like two wild bucks going head to head, neither of
them willing to back down. They crashed to the floor in a tangle of limbs, wrestling
with each other, a few punches being thrown into the mix.

The Black Russian grabbed
Sasha and yanked him away from Nikita. He curved an arm around his neck, pulling
him to his body. He went to say something, but instead yelled out as Sasha bit
his arm. Sasha slipped out of his grasp and backed away from him, keeping one
eye on Nikita.

The Black Russian
lifted his bleeding arm to his mouth and licked across his wound. “Next time
it’ll be your blood,” he growled.

Sasha bared his teeth
at him, his master’s blood tainting the white. Again, he didn’t look like the
same person, the wicked twist of his lips and the evil glint in his eyes, along
with his bloodied teeth making him look crazy.

The Black Russian
indicated with his hand to come at him. “Let’s get the party started, boy.”

With a howl, Sasha
leaped at him, whipping his leg around. The Black Russian deflected it and
struck Sasha in the chest. Sasha flipped backwards, landing in a crouch. Then
he leapt forward again. The Black Russian shot to the side, kicking Sasha in
the stomach. Sasha tucked his knees to his chest and rolled over, landing on
his feet. He placed a hand on his stomach, appearing winded, his breaths coming
out in shallow pants.

Nikita appeared
behind him, like a vengeful ghost materializing out of nowhere. Andriena
screamed out a warning. Still in a crouch, Sasha pivoted on one foot, striking
out with the other one. Nikita jumped, barely missing the sweep. As he came
down, he kicked Sasha under the chin, whipping his brother’s head back. Sasha
fell onto his back, grunting as he hit the concrete floor. Nikita brought his
heel down, aiming for Sasha’s stomach. Sasha rolled over before he could make
contact. He swiveled around on his back, looking like he was doing a break dancing
move. But instead of performing for an audience, he struck Nikita in the calf, knocking
his brother’s leg out from under him. Nikita twisted in mid-air, saving himself
from being taken out. Landing on both feet, he placed a steadying hand on the floor,
his pale purple eyes holding no malice, only a deep sadness. Sasha pushed up, his
expression also sad, looking like he didn’t want to battle his brother anymore.

The Black Russian
took a step toward Sasha, capturing his attention. Sasha’s expression changed
in an instant, hate twisting his beautiful features.

The Black Russian
leveled him with a hard stare. “Give up, Sasha. You can’t win.”

Without a word, Sasha
sprung forward, attacking his master with a barrage of punches. The Black
Russian blocked them, again looking unconcerned. Instead, he appeared to be
enjoying himself, making Andriena worry he was just playing with Sasha.

Nikita came in from
the other side, raising his leg for a kick. Sasha stopped attacking the Black
Russian and swept Nikita’s leg aside, then blocked a punch from the Black
Russian, leaving his body open for attack. The Black Russian brought a heel
down onto Sasha’s thigh. Yelling out, Sasha dropped to the floor, getting punched
in the face as he went down. His master kicked him again, this time in the
stomach. Sasha rolled onto his side, curling up in pain.

The Black Russian
began circling him. “Apart from your mother, no woman’s worth sacrificing
yourself for, Sasha. Though, your mother doesn’t need someone to fight for her.
She’s strong, unlike the Donatelli cocksucker you like so much.”

Sasha turned his head
and spat blood at him. “Let’s see how strong she is when I give her your head.”

The Black Russian
bobbed down in front of him. “You’re not strong enough to take me down, my dear
No one

“One day I will.”

His master sniffed.  “You’re
just as deluded as your mother is.”

Sasha mumbled

“Speak up, I can’t
hear you,” the Black Russian said.

“Fuck you and fuck

The Black Russian grabbed
him by the hair and yanked his face closer. “You’re pushing my tolerance levels,
so be careful with what you say next.”

Sasha spat again,
this time in his face. The Black Russian let out a roar and flung Sasha’s head
back, hitting it against the floor.

Andriena screamed at
the resounding crack. In an instant she was up on her feet, throwing herself
onto the Black Russian’s back, all thought of self-preservation gone, fury and
vengeance possessing her mind and body. She clawed at his face, making him yell
out. Nikita grabbed her around the waist and ripped her off the Black Russian’s
back. She struggled against him, yelling and screaming, trying to claw her way
out of Nikita’s hold, Sasha’s unmoving body pushing her over the edge.

The Black Russian
wiped his face, smearing blood across his tattoos, making it look like war
paint. “Do you have a fucking death wish?” he boomed.

“You killed Sasha!”

“He’s not dead, you
.” He bent down and scooped Sasha up. Sasha’s naked body hung
limply from his arms, looking like a pagan sacrifice to the gods. “Feel his
neck if you need proof.”

Andriena yanked an
arm free from Nikita and placed two fingers to Sasha’s neck, exhaling in relief
when she found a pulse.

The Black Russian
narrowed his eyes at her, the scratch marks on his face still bleeding. “I
should make you pay for attacking me, but I promised on my sister’s life I’d
free you.” His gaze moved to Nikita. “Follow me. I want to show her something
before you purge her from my sight.” He stalked away from them, carrying Sasha
out of the cell.

Nikita shoved Andriena
after them. “Move.”

They headed through a
passageway, taking to a staircase. They entered another passage, and another,
and another, along with many more flights of stairs, the palace reminding her
of a labyrinth, one she could easily get lost in.

Eventually, they exited
a doorway that led onto a wide, red carpeted corridor. Nikita closed the door
behind them, making it disappear from sight. It was hidden behind a large painting
of a man, who was dressed from head to toe in a military uniform, with a sword
in a scabbard. More images lined the walls, the people in the pictures
resembling the Black Russian, Nikita, and even Sasha. Surprised, Andriena
paused to look at a beautiful blond woman, who was the spitting image of Sasha,
just twenty or so years older. The only difference was her eyes. Instead of
Sasha’s gray they were icy-blue—exactly like the Black Russian’s.

Andriena pointed at
the picture. “She looks like Sasha.”

“That’s because she’s
our mother,” Nikita replied. “Now, move.”

He gave her a hard shove,
almost knocking her over. Andriena stumbled forward, following the Black
Russian to a door, where a guard was standing. The guard opened the door,
allowing them to enter. She came to a stop in the middle of the room, her gaze
going to a huge bed. It was covered with black satin and topped with a canopy.
Curtains hung down from it, the heavy material tied back by plaited cords.

The Black Russian lay
Sasha down on the bed and removed some chains from an exquisitely decorated
side drawer. Once he’d chained Sasha to the bed, he returned his attention to
Andriena. “For the rest of your life, no matter where you are, I will send you
videos of what’s happening to Sasha. You will see
he’s going
he’s suffering, because,
, I want you to
feel guilty for
putting him in this situation.” He flicked a hand at Nikita.
“Return her to her sister. She’s now a free woman.”

Nikita grabbed her
arm. She yanked it free. “If you don’t let Sasha go the Donatelli House will
come after you.”

“I highly doubt it,
and don’t you think you’re risking your life threatening me?”

“You promised on your
sister’s life you wouldn’t harm me, and even if you broke your promise, my
will take vengeance. The only way you’ll be safe is to let Sasha leave with me.”

“The only Donatelli
that showed any interest in helping you was your sister and she has no power
other than to command her boyfriend to lick her pussy.” He flashed his teeth at
her. “So, I’m going to politely decline your offer.” He placed a hand on Sasha’s

“Stop touching him,
you pervert!”

“Oh, I’m
a pervert, but I have no desire to fuck Sasha now.” He glanced at him.
“Instead, since he likes to fight so much, I think I’ll put him into my fighting
arena. He’ll entertain me much better there.” He stroked Sasha’s leg. “I’ll
send you some videos of his fights. The gladiators tend to get quite nasty,
especially since they often fight to the death.”

“No!” She went for
him, all logic flying out of the window.

Nikita grabbed her
before she could get even close. He lifted her off her feet and carried her out
of the room. She struggled against him, screaming at the bastard, “How could
you abandon Sasha! He’s your brother! I’d die for my

Nikita slammed her face
first into the passage wall, making her cry out. He pressed up against her body,
silencing her, fear swallowing up her rage. “The only brother I would die for
is dead, and your fucking family killed him. So, shut the fuck up before I kill
, Donatelli
,” he growled out, calling her a cunt.

“You can’t kill me,”
she blurted out, “the Black Russian swore on his sister’s life.”

didn’t, and I’m sure he won’t give a shit if I decide to kill you, like I’m
going to kill all the men in your pathetic family for murdering my baby brother.”

“They didn’t do
anything to Yuri, the ones responsible are dead themselves.”

“Yet my grief hasn’t
died with them. Do you know why?”

“Because Yuri is

, plus his
murderers’ spirits live on through your family. In fact, I should fucking
annihilate all of them, men
women alike.”

“You can’t!”

“I can, but I think
I’ll let you live, because living is worse than death when your loved ones die
around you.”

die if you don’t help him. Don’t you love him?”

He went silent.

“It sounds like you
do. So, kill the Black Russian to save your brother.”

“I’d rather die than
harm my father.”

Andriena’s eyes
widened. “The Black Russian’s your father?”


“But that would make
Sasha his son!”

“No, his nephew.”

Sasha & Andriena #2

Coming soon...



A Special Note from the Author

Thank you for reading SASHA

I would like to ask if you could
review this story along with any of my other books that you’ve read, regardless
of whether you’ve loved or hated them, because every review counts.

As you may have read on my Facebook
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I look forward to hearing your

Marita A.


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