Sasha & Andriena #1 (Lovers & Sinners) (11 page)

BOOK: Sasha & Andriena #1 (Lovers & Sinners)
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She crossed her arms
over her chest, covering the beauties from sight.

“Drop your arms,
Andriena,” the Black Russian said. “Or suffer the consequences.”

Screwing up her face,
she dropped them, again revealing her spectacular breasts.

“They’re beautiful,
aren’t they, Sasha,” the Black Russian said.

Sasha remained
silent, more interested in looking than speaking. He hadn’t seen bare breasts
in so long, and the ones he’d seen didn’t compare to Andriena’s.

“Answer me.”

,” he
croaked out, “they are,”

“Touch them.”

Not needing to be
asked twice, Sasha cupped them, the woman making his cock ache.

“Do you want to kiss
them?” the Black Russian asked.


“You should. They
taste exquisite.”

Sasha’s gaze snapped
to the Black Russian, anger welling up at his words, what the sick fuck
would’ve done to Andriena making him want to rip the bastard to pieces.

“Are you jealous that
I had her, Sasha?”

Sasha let go of her
breasts, ready to rant at him, but stopped as the Black Russian raised his
knife again.

“Be grateful she
still has them,” his master said. “So, take one into your mouth and enjoy what
I’m freely giving you.”

“It’s her turn to
choose,” Sasha replied, feeling livid over the way the Black Russian had
treated her—
treating her. She was no more than a fuck toy to the
prick, instead of a scared woman who was willing to do anything to survive. He
also knew the bastard was tempting him, drawing him in, making him want to do
more with Andriena. And when he did, he would be punished for it.

The Black Russian’s
voice cut through his thoughts. “This has got nothing to do with the game,
Sasha. I want to see how you react when you suck on
tit. I just
have to hope my curiosity doesn’t disappoint me.”

Sasha refocused on
Andriena’s breasts, wanting to do what his master had asked, but feeling
self-conscious about it. The other day, when he’d sucked on her lace-covered
tit, he hadn’t been thinking. His urges had wiped away all of his anxieties. But
now, his anxieties had tripled to the point he was frozen to the spot.

the Black Russian said in a warning tone.

Swallowing down his
fear, Sasha looked up at Andriena. “Do I have your permission?” he asked,
needing it, because if she said no, it wasn’t happening, no matter what his
master did to him.

She nodded, her
breathing heavy once more.

Relieved, he took
hold of her breasts, but didn’t lower his head, his nerves making him react slowly.
But God, did they feel exquisite!

“If you don’t wish to
suck on them, you don’t have to,” the Black Russian’s voice grew lower, “but
you’ll have to replace them with my cock.”

Sasha quickly latched
onto Andriena’s right breast. She gasped and moved a hand to his head, pulling
on his hair a bit too hard. But he didn’t care. Her breast tasted so much
better without the lace, her soft flesh and hard nipple pure heaven.

Wanting to devour it,
he wrapped his arms around her, getting lost in her exquisite flesh. Letting go
of his hair, she grabbed onto his shoulders, making him realize he’d picked her
up in his need to get closer, her legs dangling off the floor.

“You can stop now,
Sasha,” the Black Russian said.

Andriena wrapped her
legs around his hips and moved her hands to his head, indicating she didn’t
want him to stop. More than happy to continue, Sasha continued suckling on her
breast, the soft gasps coming from her making his cock throb with need.

“Sasha!” the Black
Russian barked.

Still holding
Andriena, he let go of her breast and shot the Black Russian a glare. “You
jealous. Because every fucking time I get into it, you get mad at me.”

“This isn’t
jealousy,” the Black Russian growled, “this is about you not being able to take
orders! For once, do as you’re told, not what you damn well please.”

Sasha eased Andriena
to the floor, letting her go. “I don’t do as I please, otherwise I wouldn’t be

“Regardless of where
you are, you constantly overstep the boundaries. I told you to stop, yet you
continued to suckle on Andriena’s breast. You have no self-control, Sasha,
which is why you were never a good guard, no matter how much I wanted you to

“I wasn’t a good
guard because I wanted you to die.”

, with
speaking back.”

“I wasn’t speaking
back, I was speaking my mind.”

The Black Russian
grimaced. “At times I appreciate your honesty, while other times I wish you
were like the thoughtless drones that surround me.”

“They’re not
thoughtless! They’re living, breathing human beings with feelings. They want to
live their own lives without you controlling every move they make. They also want
to have families, not to be pretty pictures for you to spit on.”

The Black Russian
took hold of Nikita’s hair. “They
nothing but pretty pictures,
artworks that I collect, or more accurately robots.” He glanced at Andriena. “I
heard what you called them and you’re right. They have no free will. They’re
programmed to do what I want and would die doing it.”

“Niki isn’t a robot!”
Sasha snapped. “And he only does what you want because he loves you.”

The Black Russian let
go of Nikita’s hair. “Pull out your gun, Nikita.”

Nikita pulled it out.

“Put it your mouth.”

Nikita did.

“No!” Sasha yelled.
“What are you doing?!”

“Teaching you that Nikita,
like all the other guards, is as empty as a robot.”

“But he’s not; you
can see it in his eyes.”

“Cock your gun,

Nikita cocked it.

“No, Niki!” Sasha
yelled. “Don’t! Please, don’t!”

The Black Russian’s
gaze returned to Sasha. “Why do you care for him after what he did to you?”

Sasha ignored the
bastard. “Take the gun out of your mouth, Niki.”

Nikita’s sad gaze
moved to his, but he kept the gun in his mouth.

“Take it out!”

Nikita closed his

“You don’t have to
listen to him, Niki. He’s a hateful man who doesn’t deserve your love or

“Again, why do you
care so much for him?” the Black Russian asked. “He watched you get beaten by the
guards without lifting a finger to help you, even got a few kicks in himself.”

“You know why, so stop

“You said you would
kill the people who’ve wronged you. Nikita has wronged you.”

“I can’t harm him.”


“Because he’s my
fucking brother, you idiot!”

“I’m not an idiot!
You don’t give a shit about relatives! You would kill your mother in a heartbeat.”

“I care about the
ones who mean something to me, not selfish bitches who sell their own

“She only gave you to
me to keep you safe, while Nikita’s done
for you, other than
cause you pain.”

“Only because you ordered
him to. Niki idolizes you, loves you unconditionally, would do anything you
say, yet you give him nothing but contempt in return. And if my mother wanted
to keep me safe she wouldn’t have sold me to you.”

“If you’d kept your
vow to your brotherhood, I wouldn’t have harmed you. You would’ve lived a good
life, loved and protected, not hurt and tortured.”

“I didn’t plan on
falling for Ivy, and you’re a selfish bastard for not allowing the guards to
have partners. We need more than the brotherhood, the job isn’t enough.”

“It’s not a job, it’s
a calling, and you were told before committing yourself that you weren’t
allowed partners.”

“I was twelve years
old! I didn’t understand the full ramifications. You also made out like it was
the best thing for me, which it bloody wasn’t.”

best thing. That’s the problem with you, Sasha. You don’t know when you’ve got
it good,” the Black Russian placed a hand on Nikita’s head, “unlike your
brother. Maybe I shouldn’t treat him like the other guards, since he
from them. Instead, I should start showing him more love.” He ran a hand down
Nikita’s hair, stroking it.

“Get your hand off
him, you lecherous freak!” Sasha yelled.

The Black Russian
whipped his hand away. “I hope you’re not alluding to what I think you are!”

“You know I am. You
fuck anything and anyone.”

“I wouldn’t fuck
Nikita! So strike that repulsive thought out of your head. Unlike
Nikita is untouchable.” He turned back to Nikita. “Take the gun out of your

Nikita did.

The Black Russian cupped
his face. “I’m sorry for making you do that, I would never have asked you to
pull the trigger. I was making a point with Sasha. But I shouldn’t have used
you or called you a robot. You’re a good boy, not a thoughtless drone. Do you
accept my apology?”

,” Nikita
replied, a smile wiping away his hurt expression.

. Even
though I don’t always show it, I do love you.” He let go of Nikita’s face. “Ask
one thing of me and I shall grant it, just make sure it’s not regarding Sasha.”

“Give me the
Donatelli assignment.”

The Black Russian
smiled wide. “You never disappoint me.” He patted Nikita’s cheek. “It’s yours.”

Nikita’s face lit up.
“I promise to make them pay for what they did to Yuri.”

“What do you mean by
that?” Andriena cut in.

The Black Russian
looked over at her. “All your top men are going to die, including your Don.”

She shook her head
vigorously. “I told you the ones responsible are dead.”

He hit his chest. “My
hate and grief aren’t dead! Just be grateful Nikita doesn’t kill all your

“He still can’t do
this!” she yelled, looking panicked. “And we don’t have a Don anymore, my uncle
is dead.”

“Your nephew Carmine
Donatelli has taken over.”

“But he wasn’t even
in the country when Yuri was killed.” She started waving her hands about as she
talked, her emotions taking control of her body. “Carmine had no part in what
happened. He’s a good man, someone who deserves to be revered, not murdered.”

“Which is precisely
why I want him dead. He’s already refused to talk to me, treating me as
though I’m a vile creature.”

“Because you are one!”
Her hand whipped to her mouth, fear replacing her anger. “I’m sorry; I didn’t
mean to say that. Please don’t hurt my
. They’re innocent.”

The Black Russian narrowed
his eyes at her. “Place the gun to your head and pull the trigger.”

Andriena’s face fell.
“I apologized.”

“I don’t accept it.
So, do as you’re told.”

“Please give me a

“You lost your chance
to choose your destiny when you lost your temper with me.”

“I didn’t mean to. So,
, I beg of you, let me choose and I promise I’ll rein in my temper.”

“Okay, put the gun to
your head or lie on the bed...”

She went for the bed.

“You didn’t let me

She stopped.

“If you lie down,
you’ll be skinned alive.”

” she

“I have a client who would
love to wear your skin.” The Black Russian raised a pale eyebrow. “Is that a
good enough choice for you?”

She didn’t move, her face

Sasha went to her. “There’s
only one bullet in the gun and six chambers.”

“You pulled the
trigger,” she replied, “so that leaves five chambers.”

“The odds are still in
your favor, and regardless of the outcome, it’s the lesser of two evils.”

“I know.” Looking
distraught, she turned back to the table.

Sasha watched as she
picked up the gun. He didn’t understand why she was affecting him, because,
despite being attracted to her, he didn’t like her.

She raised the gun to her head. Her
gaze moved to Sasha, latching onto him as though he was the only thing stopping
her from breaking down. He nodded. She exhaled loudly, then pulled the trigger.


The gun went off, the
Donatelli soldier shooting Yuri in the back of the head. Sasha screamed and
lunged for his brother as Yuri collapsed. But the D’Angelo guard grabbed him,
holding him back from being shot too. He started wailing, the pain within him
unbearable. His brother was only a few feet away from him, lying face down next
to the other dead Russian guards. They’d been shot in cold blood after the
Donatelli soldiers had forced them to surrender. The heads of the Donatelli
syndicate had attended a dinner with the Sicilian family Sasha and his men were
meant to protect, giving the impression they were there to end a feud. But instead,
they’d seized the house, carrying out a calculated attack that Sasha couldn’t
have foreseen.

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