Safe With You (9 page)

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Authors: Kirsten DeMuzio

BOOK: Safe With You
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Taryn,” he breathed as he rolled me on my back and lowered his body back to mine.  I parted my lips and sucked his lower lip into my mouth.  He cursed and took over, kissing me deeply and leaning his weight on one forearm so his other hand could run down my body pulling my knee up over his hip.  I had never felt such hunger before and my hips rocked up involuntarily to meet his.  I could feel the tension and restraint in his lean hard muscles and his impressive erection pressing into me right where I needed it.  He groaned and started rocking against me in an agonizingly slow rhythm.  I ran my hands from his biceps up to the back of his neck and up into his hair grabbing it in my fists.  His breathing was harsh as I pressed myself as close as possible, and it still wasn’t close enough.

A shiver ran through my body, and my eyes fluttered shut as he sucked my earlobe into his mouth and gently bit down.  He placed soft kisses down my neck and over my shoulder moving the strap of my tank top aside.  I cried out when his mouth reached my breast, sucking and teasing my nipple with his tongue.  I whimpered and pressed closer.  He practically growled as he c
rushed his lips back to mine.

My hands ran over the strong muscles of his back and pulled his t-shirt over his head.    “Wyatt…
please,” I moaned, clawing at his broad bare shoulders.  “I know, baby,“ he murmured as he shifted to the side and ran his hand from my knee up the inside of my thigh.  He paused for a moment before his fingers moved inside my underwear and then inside me.  I gasped at the sensation and incoherently mumbled for him not to stop.  His rapid breathing matched mine and he brushed his fingers over my most sensitive part, around and over until I couldn’t take any more.  I cried his name as I came, and he kissed my neck softly and held me tightly as the shudders racked my body.

By the time I was capable of rational thought again I realized Wyatt had pulled the covers back over us and was snuggling me.  Snuggling? 
WTF?  I rolled on top of him and started kissing my way down his neck while I ran my hands over his chest.  “Mmmm, Taryn…” His hands came to my hips and I leaned up to suck his lower lip into my mouth before biting it gently.  A low rumble came from Wyatt’s chest and he rolled back over pinning me down.  He was breathing heavily when he said, “Taryn, baby, we have to stop, we can’t do this.”

“What?  Why?”
He eased off me and rolled us to the side so were lying face to face.  “Believe me, I want to.  I want this with you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.  But I’m supposed to be protecting you, not taking advantage of you.”

“You’re not taking advantage of me.  I’m trying to take advantage of you,” I practically whined.  He chuckled lightly, “While that may be true, I don’t think my boss or your father would see it that way.”  I scooted closer and ran my fingers lightly down his chest, “They don’t have to know…”  He captured my hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly.  “I’ll know.  When we do this, we’re not going to have anything hanging over our hea
ds.  You deserve that, Taryn.”

I smiled and gave him a quick kiss.  “Okay, we can snuggle and talk…You’re such a girl, Wyatt,” I teased.  
He laughed and pulled me close intertwining our legs but keeping his hands in safe territory of my arms and back.  I really wanted some clarification on what exactly our relationship was, now that I knew I was in love with him, “So, what is going on here?  I mean we’re not really dating, I guess because we can’t, but …”

He ran his hand over my cheek, “We may not have started off under normal circumstances, and being your bodyguard is kind of cramping my style, but…you’re mine,
Taryn.  That may sound a little caveman, but there are no other words that accurately describe how I feel about you.”  I never would have thought myself the kind of girl who would want a possessive boyfriend, but Wyatt’s words sent a thrill through my body and had my heart pounding in my chest.  I knew he didn’t mean it in a controlling, creepy way.  From the beginning, I felt – we both felt – the connection between us that didn’t need a label.  It just was.

I leaned over to kiss him and whispered, “And you’re mine, Wyatt.”  We kissed for a few minutes before Wyatt pulled away.  “So what do we do about this?  Should I fire you, so you can be my boyfr
iend instead of my bodyguard?”

He shook his head, “No way.  I don’t trust
anybody else to protect you.”

“So we’re s
tuck in limbo for now?” I pouted.  He kissed my frowning mouth gently and said, “There is one other option…we could tell your parents about our relationship….you know, full disclosure.  And hope your dad doesn’t fire my ass on the spot…or worse.”

My mouth fell open, “You’re going to ask my dad if you can have sex with me?”  He winced, “Hell no.  I don’t have a death wish.”  His eyes softened and he brushed a lock of hair off my forehead.  “At least not anymore
…I could ask for his permission to date you.”  My parents were understanding and loving people whose main goal in life was to make sure I was happy.  I knew my mom would probably be okay with this, but I wasn’t sure of my dad’s reaction.  He hadn’t been overly protective with previous boyfriends, but none of them had been very serious…or 7 years older than me…or my bodyguard…

“I’ll talk to my mom this weekend.  She can help
me with dad if he’s less than understanding.”  We were silent for a long time, just enjoying the feeling of being close.  “So, can I ask you something?”

“Anything,” he replied.  “Do you talk to your parents
often?”  He didn’t answer at first and I could feel the tension in his body.  “My mom calls every couple of weeks.  Mostly small talk.”

“Were you close with your brother?”  He exhaled, “
Yeah.  We were close in age, so we had a lot of the same friends and played sports together.”  I could hear the sadness and regret in his voice.  “I should have stayed with him.”  I ran my hands through his hair.  “I’m sorry to bring it up.  I just thought you might want to talk about it.”

“It’s okay.  I haven’t talked
about it to anyone until you.”  I snuggled into him and rested my head under his chin, playing with the dog tags he wore around his neck.  I held them out to see the name Derek Hunter imprinted on them.  “These are your brother’s,” I said quietly.  He nodded, “Yeah, I never take them off.”  I ran my fingers over them and then laid them back on his chest.  “You can always talk to me, Wyatt.”  He kissed the top of my head, “I know, baby.  Same goes for me.”

Wyatt stayed with me at least until I fell asleep, but he was gone when I woke up the next morning.  I
rolled over and stretched across the spot where he had been, inhaling the scent of him that still lingered on the pillow.  I had slept late again, and I was loving it after having an 8:30 class this semester.

I lounged in bed for a little while longer,
until Lindsay barged into my room and flopped down next to me.  “Hey, I didn’t know you were coming over so early?”  Then I took a closer look at her face.  “Lindsay, what’s wrong?” I asked sitting up.  She threw both arms over her face, “Evan wants to see me.”

“Evan? You mean Professor Edmunds?  The asshole
who cheated on his wife and screwed his student?  That Evan?”  Apparently I was talking a little too loudly, because Wyatt appeared in my doorway with a questioning look on his face.  Looking at him taking up the doorway with his hair sexily mussed and his arms and his gorgeous eyes…I almost forgot what I was mad about in the first place.  I mentally wiped away the drool and gave Wyatt a reassuring smile.  “Sorry, we’re fine.  Just girl talk.”

“Okay,” he winked at me before walking away.  Lindsay narrowed her eyes at me.  “You slept with him!”
She accused.  I groaned, “Unfortunately not.  But we’ll get to me later.  Are you actually considering seeing him again?”

“I don’t know.  I mean
he paid me a lot of attention and it’s not like I have any better options.”  I gave Lindsay my best “are you kidding me” look.  Lindsay was beautiful with her light blond hair and huge blue eyes and perfectly petite and curvy body.  For some reason she never thought she deserved a good guy.  Of course, in our world of politics and lawyers and bankers, really good guys were few and far between.

She sat up forcing a
fake cheery smile on her face.  “Never mind, you’re right.  I need to keep my distance from that one.  So…I need details on your not sleeping with Wyatt.”  I glanced over at my still open door and quickly got up to shut it.  Lindsay listened intently while I gave her the details of what happened after we got home last night.  I left out the part about Wyatt confiding in me about his brother – that wasn’t my story to share with anyone.

“Hmmm, this is a tricky one, Tar.  It’s very honorable that he doesn’t want to abuse his position, but do you honestly think your dad will be okay with this?  He’s a lot older than you.” 
I started to reply, but Lindsay continued on.  “You don’t want to test your relationship this early on.  What you need to do is seduce him now before your parents get home and you never get a minute alone with him.”

When she finally paused for a breath, I jumped in.  “I don’t want to play games with him, Linz.  But I really don’t think my dad needs to know about this yet.  He was
not exactly thrilled about the picture in the paper.”  Although seducing him was an intriguing idea.



Midnight Swim


Lindsay hung out the rest of the day, and we watched a marathon of Teen Mom.  We sent Rosa home after lunch and ordered pizza for dinner.  The guys joined us as we ate in the living room, not wanting to miss the season finale.  Wyatt set his empty plate on the coffee table and leaned back against the couch where he was sitting on the floor in front of me.  I reached down and ran my fingers through Wyatt’s hair and along the back of his neck.  He took my hand and brought it around to press a kiss on my palm.

Dominic looked over and smirked, “You guys make such a cute couple.  Until Mr. Ross has you hauled off to Guantanamo never to be heard from again.”  He got a “Fuck off” from Wyatt and a smack on the back of the head from Lindsay. 
Dominic just laughed and I couldn’t help a giggle from escaping.  Lindsay joined in next and Wyatt looked at us like we were crazy.  “Come on,” I said, “this is a pretty f-ed up situation.”  He just smiled and shook his head.

much later Lindsay left and Dominic went to hit the treadmill and weights in our home gym.  “Do you want to go swimming?” I asked Wyatt.  “I’ve always loved swimming under the stars.”  He raised an eyebrow at me, “Taryn….”  I grabbed his hands and pulled him up wrapping his arms around me.  “It’s just swimming, Wyatt.  You’re not afraid of swimming with me, are you?”  He dropped his forehead to mine.  “I’m very afraid of you,” he murmured.

I stepped around him and slapped his butt, “Get your suit on and meet me outside…unless you want to go skinny-dipping,” I teased wiggling my eyebrows.  “No, definitely not skinny-dipping,” he said firmly.  I laughed as I went to my room to change. 
Wyatt said he wouldn’t sleep with me yet, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t have any fun.  I chose my tiniest pale pink string bikini and piled my hair on top of my head with a few wisps down around my face.  When I was happy with my appearance I headed toward the pool, stopping to make sure Dominic was busy in the gym.

Wyatt was already in the pool swimming laps when I wal
ked out.  Okay, I wasn’t actually planning on serious swimming.  The night was warm and the sky was clear.  I loved being out here at night with the lights of the city all around and the stars in the sky.  I sat down on the edge and dangled my legs in the water while he swam back towards me.  He swam underwater right to the edge and grabbed my ankles pulling me down into the pool.  I squealed and held onto his shoulders while I slid down his hard body until my toes touched the bottom.

“Hi,” I breathed.  He gave me that slow sexy smile that only appeared
when I was around and ran one hand down my back and over my barely covered ass.  “This isn’t much better than skinny-dipping, Taryn,” he murmured into my ear before kissing the spot right below on my neck.  I shivered and wrapped my legs around his waist, pressing into him.  “I can tell you like it,” I joked.  “Oh, I like it.  I like it a little too much,” he said in between pressing kisses down my neck and over my shoulder.

I moved my hands up the back of his neck into his wet hair and tugged lightly so he brought his mouth
back up to mine.  He kissed me with such passion that I never wanted him to stop.  This was what I had been waiting for, wishing for, dreaming of.  With that kiss he showed me not just that he wanted me but that he cherished me.  He walked us over to the steps and sat down with me on his lap, the water just up to our waists now.  All too soon he broke away and I whimpered when his lips left mine.  But then he kissed his way down my neck to the swell of my breast and my whimpers turned into moans.

His right hand left my ass and moved my bikini top aside
, and he sucked my nipple into his mouth.  I arched my back to get closer and squirmed on his lap.  “Wyatt, I need you…”  He brought his mouth back to mine and his hands gripped my hips to stop me from grinding against him.

“I swear to God,
Taryn.  You make me crazy,” he growled against my mouth.  “Good,” I said breathlessly, dragging my nails over his broad shoulders.  He grabbed me around the waist and turned around lifting me to sit on the top step so I was out of the water.  I shivered from the breeze on my wet skin and then gasped as I realized what he was doing.

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