Safe With You (19 page)

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Authors: Kirsten DeMuzio

BOOK: Safe With You
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Taryn, he’s a convicted felon.  Blake’s right – not his reasoning, but I don’t want you going to prison to see him.”  I struggled free of his grasp and whirled around, “You weren’t going to tell me, were you?  If I hadn’t walked out here just now, I would have never known that I actually have a brother and he wants to see me.  Answer me!” I screamed at him.

Wyatt clenched his jaw but remained silent,
giving me my answer.  I ran to my room and grabbed Wyatt’s toothbrush and pillow.  He had just reached the doorway when I threw them at his head.  “I don’t give a shit where you sleep tonight, but it’s not gonna be in here!”  I yelled before slamming the door in his face.

I spent the first half of the night crying, and the second half on my laptop hatching a plan.  By 5:00 am I managed to close my eyes and get a few hours of sleep, but I set my alarm for 8:00.  I showered and spent time flat ironing my hair and
carefully choosing my outfit, settling on a yellow sundress, white cardigan and wedge sandals.

Wyatt was surprised to see me up so early
and already dressed, and I avoided eye contact with him as I helped myself to coffee and fruit for breakfast.  I sat at the opposite end of the table from him and next to Dominic, who didn’t seem to notice that anything was wrong.  “Dominic,” I said sweetly.  “Can you drive me to the salon this morning? I need to get my nails done.”

. Sure, Taryn.”  He looked confused about why I was asking him to take me and not Wyatt.  “Taryn,” Wyatt began but I held up my hand to stop him.  “I’m not talking to you, Wyatt.  Surely you don’t have a problem with me visiting the salon, do you?”  He looked like he had a big problem with it, but he just shook his head.  Finished with my breakfast I stood up and said to Dominic, “I’ll just grab my bag and I’ll be ready to go.”

Wyatt stood in the foyer with Dominic, talking in hushed tones, but I just walked right by and into the elevator, holding the door so Dominic could follow me. 
Wyatt looked extremely pissed, and I’m sure he had been giving Dominic strict instructions not to take me anywhere but the salon.  Well, I had other ideas.

Dominic glanced at me nervously as we rode down in the elevator, and as soon as we were in the car, I held out my hand, “Give me your phone, Dominic.”  He hesitated.  “I left mine upstairs
and I need to make a call.”  He grudgingly pulled his phone out of his pocket and slapped it in my open hand.  I immediately tucked it safely in my purse, and as soon as we pulled into traffic I said, “We’re not going to the salon.  We’re going to the prison to see my brother.”

Dominic flinched and swung his eyes to me, “No. 
No way, Taryn.  Hunt said…”

“I don’t care what he said.  I am telling you to take me to
see my brother.”

definitely get fired, but I’m more afraid of what Hunt will do to me.”  I put on my best ‘do what I say’ face and turned to him.  “I will fire you if you don’t do this, Dominic.  And trust me, I can do a lot worse than Wyatt.”  He slammed his palm down on the steering wheel and cursed, “Fuck, Taryn!”  I sat back in my seat and smiled, “Great.  Now get going.  Visiting hours start at noon.”

We didn’t speak the rest of the way there, and I grew increasingly nervous as we neared the prison.  Dominic’s phone had buzzed several times, and I knew Wyatt would have figured out what I was up to by now.  I’m sure he was behind us somewhere on the freeway, but I would deal with him l
ater.  After I met my brother.

Dominic pleaded with me once more when we parked the car, but I just got out and walked toward the entrance.  He could stay out here for all I cared, but he followed me, of course putting my safety first. 
I had never been to a prison before, so I wasn’t sure how the whole visitation worked.  After signing in and being searched for weapons I was taken to a large room where other families waited.  Dominic sat right next to me, his eyes sweeping around the room non-stop.

My brother didn’t know I was coming, so when the guard led him into the room, he looked around scowling.  His eyes softened when they landed on me, and I could tell he recognized me immediately. 
“Taryn?” He asked as he walked over to us.  He was tall, close to Wyatt’s height, with lean muscles and his head was shaved.  There were some fading bruises and healing cuts around his left eye and he had a general menacing look about him.  But his green eyes were the same ones I remembered in my dreams, and I didn’t care if he was a convicted felon.  I knew he loved me and would never hurt me.

Lincoln!” I shouted launching myself to hug him.  The guard immediately pulled me back and gave me a stern warning about not touching the inmates.  Oh, right.  We were in a prison, not a family reunion.  Dominic pulled me back to the table and sat down next to me while Lincoln sat across from me.  I wanted to reach out and take his hands, but I now knew that was a no-no.

smiled at me, “I can’t believe you’re here.”  There was so much I wanted to ask and tell that I just didn’t know where to start.

“I saw the picture you sent of us when we were kids.  I remembered you, and I had to come meet you.  All these years I didn’t know you were out there.  What happened?”  His smile faded and I knew he understood I was asking what happened that ended with me abandoned at a hospital. 
Lincoln took a deep breath and leaned forward, talking softly so nobody else could hear.

Our mom’s name was Annabelle Davis.  We have different fathers, and neither of them stuck around.  Mom was a junkie and a drunk, so for as long as I can remember I took care of you.”  I nodded, ignoring the tears pooling in my eyes.

I remember you making me cereal and tucking me into bed at night.”  He smiled sadly, “Yeah.  You were such a cute kid.  One day Mom said she was going to drop us off at her boyfriend of the week’s house for a while.  I didn’t like this guy – he knocked me around and I didn’t like the way he looked at you.  She made us pack our stuff, and I knew she didn’t plan on coming back.  There was no way I was going to let you stay with that asshole, so as soon as she left I walked us to the hospital and left you there.”

wiped away the tears that were falling, “You left me there?  But I told the nurse my mother had left me.”

“I know.  I made you promise to say that.  I didn’t want anyone looking for me or finding out who you were
and sending you back to her.”

My mind was racing with questions.  “What happened to you?”  He shrugged and
a hardness passed through his eyes, “I went back to his house, and he was pretty pissed that you weren’t with me, but it wasn’t like he was going to report you missing or anything.  I was right, mom never came back.  And as soon as I was old enough I hit the streets.”  I bit my lip thinking of how different our lives had been, and what he had done for me that eventually led me to my parents.

“Thank you
,” I said.  Lincoln looked up at me and the hard look in his eyes was gone.

“I saw your interview last month, and I knew it was you.  You look just like her.  I’ve thought about you every day and I’m so glad you’re happy.”  He nodded his head at D
ominic, “Is this your fiancé?”

“No, he doesn’t know I’m here.  Well, actually he probably knows by now.  But he was
worried about me coming here.”

“Yeah, I can understand that.  I know you’re dad’s running for President and I wasn’t sure he would want this connection to a criminal.”  Screw the guard, I grabbed his hand.  “I don’t care.  This has nothing to do with my dad or with Wyatt.  You saved me from a horrific future, and you’re my family.  Nothing would have kept me away.” 
Seeing the guard moving our way, he eased his hand out from under mine.

“Do you know why I’m in here?”

“Assault and battery,” I replied.  He dropped his head in his hands, “I was at a party, and there were some real rough characters there.  One of them dragged out this girl. She couldn’t have been more than eleven or twelve years old.  She was terrified and crying, and she reminded me of you.  I knew what they planned on doing to her, and I couldn’t let that happen.  I went ape shit on that guy, and it turns out he was an undercover police officer.”

“But you were just trying to protect the girl…” I said not understanding.  He shook his head, “It didn’t matter.  I went way past the point of protecting her.  I almost killed that guy,
Taryn.”  An announcement came over the loud speaker alerting us that visitation would be ending in five minutes.

“Will you come back again?”  H
e asked with hopeful eyes.  “Yes, I’ll be back every week until you get out of here.  How much longer is that?”

“I’ve got about six more months in here, maybe less if I can behave myself
,” he said pointing at his bruised eye.

“You be good.  I want you out as soon as possible.”  Dominic put his hand on my shoulder, “
Taryn, it’s time to go.”  When we stood up I gave Lincoln a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, jumping back before the guard could say anything.  Lincoln laughed at me.  “Bye, Tar-Bear.”  I felt the tears falling again as I waved, “Bye, Linc.”

I signed out at the front desk and Dominic put his arm around my shoulders as we walked outside and I dabbed at my eyes with a tissue. 
It was a hot August day, and the sun was beating down on us as we made our way to the parking lot.  Suddenly, Dominic stopped short and his hand fell from my shoulder as he muttered, “Shit.”  I followed his gaze and saw Wyatt leaning against an SUV parked right next to the one we had driven here.  His arms were crossed over his chest and his mouth was set in a tight line.  His dark glasses hid his eyes, but I could see he was angry from the way his jaw was clenched.  I squared my shoulders and marched right past him to the other car and got in.  I would not apologize for coming to see my brother, my family.  I flipped my hair over my shoulder and looked out the window, facing away from Wyatt.

The door opened and Dominic slid in.  I turned to ask how he got past Wyatt that quickly, and I yelped when I found a pair of very dark, very angry eyes glaring at me.  I huffed and turned back to the window, “Where’s Dominic?”  Wyatt growled, “On his way back to the city so I wouldn’t kill him and end up in there.”
He pointed to the prison I had just exited.  I refused to look at him or talk to him, and I could tell he was trying to control his temper.  We drove the whole way back to the city in silence, and I was out of the car and in the elevator before he even put the car in park.

Lindsay started to say something as I stomped past her and slammed my bedroom door behind me.  Pretty soon I heard Wyatt stomping down the h
all and he threw my door open, causing it to slam against the wall.  I had never seen him so angry, and never at me, that I instinctively stepped back until I ran into the wall.  He stalked over to me in three long strides and slammed his palms against the wall on either side of my head.

“What the fuck,
Taryn!”  He yelled in my face.  I flinched and he took a deep breath, stepping back to pace the room, shoving his hands through his hair.  “You can’t do shit like that!  It is my job to keep you safe.  You can’t run off to meet up with a convicted felon and not tell me where you’re going!”

“You wouldn’t have let me go.  I had to see him, Wyatt.  He’s my family.”
I put my hands on my hips, “I don’t care if it ‘looks bad’ for me to be associating with a criminal.”  Before I could blink he was back in my face, practically vibrating with anger.

“You think that’s what I’m upset about?  I don’t give a fuck about keeping up appearances.  I care about you!  You’re my life,
Taryn.  If something happened to you when I wasn’t there, I would never forgive myself.  Don’t you see?  You’re everything to me….without you I have nothing.”  The anger drained out of his voice, and he ran his hands lightly over my shoulders, dropping his forehead to mine.  “You scared me, baby,” he whispered.

I grabbed his face and kissed him fiercely before pulling away to look into his eyes.  “You have to trust me, Wyatt.  I deserved to know that I have a brother and that he wanted to see me.  We have to trust each other.”  He nodded, “I know.  I’m sorry about how this all went down.  I’m so sorry
, Taryn.  Next time I’m going with you.”  I smiled and pulled him close.  “Thank you.  I love you.”  He buried his face in my neck, his arms tight around my waist.  “I love you too.”

Twenty Two


Tempers Flare


A soft knock on my door and the sound of Dominic clearing his throat caused Wyatt to reluctantly pull back from me.  “What?” He snarled over his shoulder.  Apparently he hadn’t forgiven Dominic as easily as he had forgiven me.  Dominic shoved his hands in his pockets and took a step back into the hallway, ready to take off if Wyatt attacked.  “Sorry to interrupt, but Blake called.  He’s on his way up and he wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

I sighed
and pushed away from the wall, but Wyatt’s hands on my hips held me in place.  “You stay here. I’ll take care of Blake.”

“No, I’m the one who kidnapped Dominic and forced him against his will to take me to see Lincoln.  I can deal with Blake.”  Wyatt
released me but took my hand and walked out with me.  Dominic stepped back even farther to let us pass and winked at me, but dropped his gaze to the floor when Wyatt harshly said, “Don’t think we’re done here.”

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