Safe With You (18 page)

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Authors: Kirsten DeMuzio

BOOK: Safe With You
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“Um, okay.  Sure.  The man in the picture is Wyatt
Hunter.  He was…is my bodyguard.  And as of two days ago he is also my fiancé.”  Andrea held out her hand and I placed my hand in hers so she could admire my ring.  “Well, the man certainly has good taste.  Thank you for talking with me today, Taryn.  And I look forward to hearing more about you and your gorgeous fiancé in the future.”

With that it was over, and I had never been more relieved in my life.  I slumped back in my chair and blew out a breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding.  My parents and Lindsay came over to say goodbye to
Andrea and tell me how great it went.  I chatted for a moment and then went to Wyatt.  I never felt more at peace than I did when I was in his arms, and that’s exactly where I needed to be at this moment.  He kissed the top of my head and said, “You did great, Taryn.  No retakes needed.”  I looked up at him.  “Are you okay with me saying your name?  Now you’ll be hounded too.”  He just shrugged, “Doesn’t matter.  We can handle it together.”



Family Photo


The next few weeks flew by quickly and before I knew it August had arrived.  The media attention after the interview had died down and I was able to go out in public again without too many people paying attention to me.  My research paper was almost done, and I was just waiting for my professor to send his comments back before making my final edits and submitting it.

parents and I had several conversations about the campaign and what that would mean for me during the next year and a half.  I wanted to delay my senior year and focus on the campaign, but they really pushed for me to finish school.  So, I would take classes this year, graduate next June and spend the summer and fall campaigning for my dad.  He was a shoe-in for the Democratic nomination so Blake had already mapped out every campaign stop from now until next November.  I had originally planned to start grad school right after graduating, but it was more important for me to help my dad get elected right now.  So grad school could wait for an extra year.

Wyatt and I had some conversations about the future as well.  I told him if he wanted to take other assignments he could – I worried he would get bored hanging around with me all the time.  But he firmly refused to be anywhere other than right by
my side.  I was secretly glad.

Lindsay was still moping around the apartment.  I don’t think she had talked to her parents at all since she moved in here, and now she was talking about dropping out of school.  She said if she didn’t want to be a lawyer anymore
, then what was the point of finishing her degree.  I didn’t really care if she stayed in school or not, but it worried me the way she just listed around without any purpose.

I was thinking of Lindsay this morning as I stood in the bathroom curling my hair.  Dominic had driven Lindsay to the salon, and Rosa had the day off so Wyatt and I were alone in the apartment.  It seemed like that never happened anymore.  I had just taken a shower after running on the treadmill so I was just in my bra and panties, a matching set of pale green lace
and silk.  Wyatt knocked once on the door and I called for him to come in.

“What do you want to do for dinner
toni….”  He trailed off when he saw what I was wearing, or rather not wearing.  I smiled at him in the mirror as he walked over and took the curling iron out of my hand, turned it off and set it down on the counter.

I started to turn around but his hands on my shoulders held me in place, still facing the mirror.  His eyes were dark with desire and he held eye con
tact with me as he pushed my hair to the side and trailed hot kisses from my shoulder up my neck to just below my ear.  I couldn’t help my eyes from fluttering shut, my head from falling back onto his shoulder or soft moans from escaping my mouth.   One hand pressed against my flat stomach pulling me back against him, and I could feel him already aroused and pressing into my lower back.  The other hand moved inside my bra to tug lightly on one nipple and then the other.

“Wyatt,” I murmured and then gasped when his fingers trailed lower to trace along the edge of my panties.  I rocked my hips against his hand, urging him closer.  He chuckled and nipped my earlobe as his fingers eased under the lace of my panties and found me re
ady.  “Mmmm, Taryn.  You feel so good.”  I rocked against his hand and cried out when he brought me the release I needed.  His arm around my waist kept me from crumbling to the floor as I recovered.

When I could stand unassisted again I turned around and pulled his shirt over his head.  He crashed his mo
uth down on mine while I undid his jeans and pulled the zipper down.  He groaned and jerked his hips when my hand slid over him.  I shoved his jeans down to the floor, following their path until I was on my knees in front of him.

I peeked up as I took him in my mouth and saw his eyes clenched sh
ut and felt his hand gently grab hold of my hair.  I took my time licking and tasting before drawing him in deeply.  His body was tense and I knew he was close when he gave my hair a gentle tug.  I had no intention of stopping, but Wyatt had other ideas.  He pulled back and hauled me up to sit on the counter, after quickly sweeping my panties down my legs.  “I need to be inside you, baby,” he growled and thrust into me.  I cried out from the force and then urged him faster.  It’s a good thing nobody was home, because we weren’t exactly quiet as we reached our climaxes together.  A few minutes later when he pulled away he chuckled, “What is it about you and bathrooms?”

When we dressed and I finished my hair and makeup
, Wyatt drove me to meet Lindsay for lunch.  “Did you get a hold of Lindsay’s aunt?”  Wyatt asked me while he maneuvered the SUV through the Manhattan traffic.  My dad and Lindsay’s dad were brothers, and I had never met her mom’s side of the family.  But Lindsay had spent the summer with her aunt Lana, her mom’s sister, the summer before our junior year of high school while my parents had taken me to Europe.  She never said much about it except that it was the best summer of her life.

So, I thought maybe she needed to get out of the cit
y to get her out of her rut.  “Yeah, she called me back this morning.  She said she’s only talked to Lindsay a few times over the last five years, but she would always love for her to visit again.”  Lindsay had taken care of me my whole life, and now it was my turn to return the favor and do some meddling into her life.

“Are you sure Lin
dsay will be okay with this?”  He asked doubtfully.  “She doesn’t seem like the type to willingly give up control.”

eah, but she needs to do something other than mope around the apartment.  I’ll be starting classes in a few weeks, and most of my free time will be taken up with campaigning.  I won’t be around to entertain her, and she needs someone to be there for her.  She needs a change of scenery.”

I made Wyatt and Dominic join us for lunch.  Lindsay would be slightly less likely to yell at me with them there as a buffer.  “So…Linz, what are your plans for this year if you aren’t going back to school?”  She shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know.  Just hang out I guess.”  I stopped myself from rolling my eyes and reached across the table to take her hand.  “I’m worried about you.  I think what you need is a change of scenery
.  So, I talked to Lana, and…”

Her head snapped up and panic flashed across her eyes for
the briefest second, “What!?”

“She said you are more than welcome to stay with her for a while.  You could
maybe find a job there, you know, just for something to do and stay with her for a while, just until you figure things out…” I trailed off because she was just sitting there staring at me with a shocked expression on her face.  I glanced over at the guys.  Dominic was eating his burger, oblivious to the tension radiating from Lindsay, and Wyatt looked as worried as I felt.

She didn’t say anything for an excruciatingly long time, and then she finally slumped back in her seat and started crying.  Oh, shit.  I could barely understand her mumbling but it sounded like she said, “You’re right.  I need to get out of this fucking city.  You guys don’t need me hanging around in a
pissy mood when you’re trying to start your life together.”  I left my seat to scoot into the booth next to her.  “No, Lindsay.  It’s not that.  I just want you to be happy again, and I think you just need to get away for a while.”  She nodded against my shoulder, her tears drenching my shirt.  “Okay, I’ll call Lana when we get home and make plans.”

soon as we got back to the apartment Lindsay went to her room and called her aunt, coming back out later to tell us she was going on Monday.  Today was Friday, so she had the weekend to pack and buy a car.

“You’re buying a car?  Have you even driven since you pas
sed your test five years ago?”

“Well, no, but they don’t have subways or cabs in Penn Yan.  Dominic, can you take me to buy a car?”  His eyes lit up, “He
ll, yes.  Let’s go right now!”

Wyatt’s cell phone rang and he excused himself to my dad’s office while Lindsay and Dominic discussed what kind of car she should get.  They had just got on the elevator when Wyatt came back, and I could tell by the tension around his eyes that something was wro
ng.  “What’s wrong?”  I asked.

He smiled at me, but it didn’t reach his eyes, “Nothing.  That was just your dad with a couple of questions.  I filled him in on
Lindsay leaving to visit her aunt in Penn Yan.  What kind of car did she decide on?”  I narrowed my eyes at him, not missing his change of subject but decided not to push it right now.  “I don’t know.  Dominic said she should test drive a lot before choosing one.”  Wyatt rolled his eyes, “Yeah, I’m sure he did.”

Lindsay and Dominic returned much later that evening with the keys to
a brand new silver Mercedes SUV.  I listened politely as Dominic poured out all the technical details about the car, acting like I cared.  Lindsay’s mood was much improved and she actually seemed excited about spending time away from the city.

I was tired and was asleep before 10:00 that night.  I woke up around midnight and Wyatt wasn’t there, although I could hear low voices from the living room.  He and Dominic must still be up watching sports or something.  I shuffled out to convince him to come to bed, and I was surprised to find Blake, not Dominic, in the living room with Wyatt.  They weren’t watching TV
; they were looking through some papers spread out on the coffee table.

Wyatt must have heard me, because he suddenly piled the papers together and shoved them into a manila folder.  Blake glanced over at me and said, “Hey,
Taryn.  I hope we didn’t wake you.  We were just going over a few planned campaign events this fall.”  Blake didn’t get to be the manager of a Presidential campaign by not being a good liar, and I would have believed him if it weren’t for the fact that Wyatt still hadn’t looked at me.  I put my hands on my hips, “What’s really going on?”  Blake opened his mouth but I shushed him, “No, I want Wyatt to tell me.”  I tapped my foot impatiently on the floor, and watched Wyatt lean his elbows on his knees and drop his head in his hands.

Blake took one look at him and got up to pace the floor.  “Shit,
Hunter.  You’re going to be married soon. You’d better learn how to lie.”  I glared at Blake and went to sit next to Wyatt on the couch.  He still wouldn’t look at me or say anything so I decided to see for myself.  I opened the manila folder that still sat on the coffee table.

On top of a white sheet of paper with a man’s mug shot was an old picture of a woman and two children, a girl and a boy.  I carefully picked up the picture and stared at it.  The girl was probably
four or five years old and looked like a younger version of the pictures my parents had of me when they first adopted me.  The woman looked just like I do now, with the same long light brown hair and light green eyes.  I assumed this must be my mother, but it was the boy who caught my attention.  He was taller than the girl, probably around nine years old with the same hair and eye color.  I had seen him before – this was the boy in my dreams, in my memories.  This was my brother.

Twenty One


Behind Bars


I clamped my hand over my mouth as tears started to fall and looked over at Wyatt, who was looking back at me with a pained expression.  “Is this my brother?  Is this Lincoln?”  I don’t know where that name came from, it just popped into my head when I saw the picture.

“You remember him?”  I nodded, “Yes, he’s real,” I breathed
, tracing his face in the photo with my finger.  “Is he…?  How...?”  I didn’t even know what to ask.  Wyatt took a deep breath, “He’s in New York.  He saw you on TV last month and contacted your father’s office.  He wants to get in contact with you.”  I was about to ask why I was just hearing about this, but my gaze fell on the next sheet of paper in the folder, the one with the mug shot of a grown up Lincoln.

“He’s in jail?”

“Prison.  Assault and battery.”  I shook my head back and forth, remembering him making me cereal and tucking me in at night, not wanting to imagine what had happened in his life to land him in prison.  “I want to see him.”

No fucking way,” Blake said.  “This information stays in this room.  You are not to see this man or even acknowledge his existence.”  I stood up ready to attack Blake but Wyatt wrapped his arms around me, holding me back.

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