Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2) (28 page)

BOOK: Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2)
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''I told you the dress would fit, Abbie. You put yourself through hell for nothing,'' Joy-Anna announces smugly.

I didn't. It probably fits today because I ran every day. I simply smile back at Joy-Anna.

Lucia holds the leather jewellery box in one hand, slowly opening it with the other, smiling at the sight of the antique necklace. She takes it from the box and gently places it around my neck. It's perfect. I'm honored that she is letting me borrow it. My dreams are coming true; I look like a princess. My hair, my necklace, my gown, everything is exactly what I dreamed of as a young girl. My eyes are swimming in an ocean of unshed tears. I'm trying to hold back the tears to keep my makeup intact.

''Thank you Lucia, for everything; the dress, the necklace, I’ll forever be grateful.'' I say, and she replies by kissing my hair in appreciation.

I will not be able to stop smiling today. Joy-Anna is holding my bouquet. I see orchids, freesias and roses. The mix of flowers produces a soft fragrance. It’s refreshing and romantic. I'm in love with that smell. And, I have to admit, it looks amazing. Everything is impeccable.

''Abbie, are you ready?'' Alicia asks, with a radiant smile that reminds me of a model on a magazine cover.

''As I’ll ever be.'' My hands are starting to tremble, I'm so nervous. I can't wait to see Presley. I haven't seen him since yesterday during lunch. I know as soon as I see his smile, I will feel better. I just need to see him and know that he is close to me. Joy-Anna insisted that we spend some time apart before the wedding, and this was as much as we were willing to do.

''I'm going into the main room to get Cameron.'' Alicia hugs me tightly. ''God, you make a good bride, just like in a magazine,'' she says as she turns to get my friend. I cannot describe how much Cameron means to me. He was always there for me, even on this day, he still is.

''Sure.'' I do everything I can to calm down and control my trembling hands.

I don't think there was ever a time in my life where I was as certain about a decision as I am about this day. It’s exactly what I want. I feel that I'm at a turning point in my life. It all happened so fast, but like my father used to say, everything happens for a reason. I’m just happy that Presley found me that night; my life has been so much better since our eyes first met. That night, my destiny changed for the better.

I lift my eyes from my trembling hands and see him; Cameron in a tuxedo with a light purple tie. His smile is warm and radiant. There was something different about him today. He’s definitely hiding something from me.

''You are the prettiest bride I've ever seen, Abbie,'' he says as he kisses my cheek.

''You’re pretty handsome, too, Cam.'' I pause in hope of controlling my emotions. “Thank you so much for doing this, Cam. It hasn’t always been easy for you to accept my life with a new man and I’m sorry, but that fact that you’re here today… It says so much about the person you are. You’re a kind hearted man, always willing to help a friend or family member. I wish you happiness, Cameron. You’ll find that woman one day and she’ll give you everything you ever dreamed of.”

''Abs, you didn’t have to work so hard to say a simple thank you. I’m happy to be here with you.” He wraps his arms around my shoulder and give me a quick squeeze. “Okay. Let’s go, Rylee. They’re waiting for us.''

I place my arm through his and we start walking toward the transformed dining room. The smell of lavender and freesia invades every inch of the house. There are vases of flowers everywhere I look. There is a pianist sitting at the baby grand in the corner of the room. I remember the song, as it is Presley’s favorite,
by Chopin. My heart thumps with excitement and an overwhelming sense of my emotions.

I can feel Cam’s hold tighten on my arm. ''Abbie Rylee, it was my pleasure to share my childhood with you, and so many more memories. We spent most of our lives together, and I will always care for you and be there for you.'' He smiles. We both know that this could have been us, and I think we both know, now, that it wasn't in our destiny. ''Let’s do this,'' he announces.

We walk toward the doorway. Both French doors open at our arrival. Everybody is standing and watching Cameron and me. I don't pay attention to anyone because I’m focused on the grey eyes of my future husband. They say eyes are the window to the soul. What I see in him his beyond beauty or words.

We walk slowly toward Presley. The look on Presley’s face is both loving and mesmerizing. I can tell how excited and proud he is by the gleam in his eyes. It's him; it's always been him. He is the prince I’ve been dreaming of since childhood.

The tie. The purple tie he is wearing is the exact same color as the ribbon sitting at my waist. He did exactly what I wanted. His dishevelled hair is perfect and sexy. His tuxedo is classic and flawless. I love him so much for that. I know how much he hates dressing up for any occasion, even if it's our wedding; I know he still hates it. But here he is, looking absolutely flawless. If possible, I fall even more in love him.

''Slow down, Abbie.'' Cameron whispers.

I’m walking too fast, too excited and anxious to get to Presley. I laugh silently at myself and when I lift my eyes again, so is Presley. He’s clearly amused by my attempt to get to him faster. We're now only a few feet apart; he waits patiently. Our eyes are focused on one another again. A tear, I see it. A single tear slides against the side of his nose toward his upper lip. Presley doesn't even attempt to hide it. He can’t stop smiling, and I want to kiss his tear away.

''Abbie.'' Cameron takes my hand and places it into Presley’s hand. ''Presley.''

It's just us now. Cameron steps away and takes his seat. I whisper to Presley, “Thank you, you look amazing.”

He whispers back to me, using my three favorite words in the world, “I love you.”

The minister is now standing in front of us. I take a quick glance at him and our surroundings. There are hundreds of candles everywhere in the room, a mix of deep purple, mauve, and white. It's a perfect setting and the fragrance is even better in here. There are flowers placed in between the candles and it’s breathtaking. We're standing beside a rustic arch. It's made of vines, and more flowers are incorporated within.

I sneak a quick glance at my future family. They all smile back at me, and then, my eyes turn to Cameron, his father and...Oh my God, Jamie. I can’t express how happy I am to see her and I slip from my position to her side.

''I missed you so much,'' Jamie whispers to me.

''Me too,'' I say, hold her tightly in my arms.

After my moment with Jamie, the minister asks me quietly if he can start now. I nod my agreement, taking my position beside Presley again.

''We're joyfully gathered today, in this beautiful home, to witness and celebrate the joining of two lives in marriage.''

We're staring at each other, literally beaming. My eyes are distracted by his lips...Why isn’t it time to kiss him already?

''Abbie Rylee and Presley Williams have come together with the sincere desire that the love which brought them into this union may grow and go out beyond itself into the lives of others. Thus, we ask that the promises and desires of this union be realized. May you both be granted the patience to listen, the capacity to understand, the compassion to give comfort, and the joy to laugh and to just be yourselves. Let your marriage make a home where neither person is ever lonely. Let it offer illumination and the excitement of shared discoveries. Let it be large enough to endure the difficult times. May life's challenges bring you closer together, and may you always be able to turn to each other.''

I hear the photographer taking pictures of us.
Click, click, click.
I know the time has come; I hold Presley’s hands tighter than ever, and I try concentrating on his eyes, not his lips.

''Presley Williams, do you have something you would like to say to Abbie before we begin?''

''Other than telling her how gorgeous she looks, I'm ready, Sir.''

''Abbie Rylee, do you have something you would like to say to Presley before we begin?''

''Other than, prepare yourself for my kiss, I'm ready as well, Sir. ''

''Presley, do you take Abbie to be your wife and equal? Will you share your life openly with her and promise to worship, honor and stand beside her always, in times of joy and in times of conflict?''

''I do.'' Presley responds proudly.

''Abbie, do you take Presley to be your husband and equal? Will you share your life openly with him and promise to worship, honor and stand beside him always, in times of joy and in times of conflict?''

''I do,'' I agree nervously.

''Presley, as a sign of your faithfulness and infinite love, place the ring on her finger and repeat after me. I take you, Abbie, as my wife, through all of the experiences life holds for us, in faith and love.''

''I take you, Abbie, as my beautiful wife through all of the experiences life holds for us, in faith and love. I promise to make you happy every single day of your life, because love is not strong enough to describe how I feel about you.''

He places the ring on my finger. It’s a new ring, one I’ve never seen before. ''Presley, it’s stunning.'' I'm so overwhelmed by his surprise. He wasn’t supposed to get me a new ring, but this one is so dazzling. I'm speechless.

''Abbie, as a sign of your faithfulness and infinite love, place the ring on his finger and repeat after me. I take you, Presley, as my husband through all of the experiences life holds for us, in faith and love.''

''I take you, my lovely Presley, as my husband through all of the experiences life holds for us, in faith, in trust and love. I promise to worship every day that I wake up next to you. The love I feel for you is indescribable, it’s stronger than life itself,'' I vow.

I place his wedding band on his finger. He is now mine.

''Having heard the vows you have made to each other, and by the power vested in me by the State of Washington, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.''

''Finally,'' I say.

''Forever.'' Presley pulls me towards him and crushes his lips to mine. We don’t care about the people watching.

Our guests start applauding, and I can’t help but laugh while I’m kissing my husband. I'm more than blissful. This is the best moment of my entire life.

I can hear Joshua’s distinct laugh, cheering for us.

Presley pulls back. ''I love you, my wife.'' He kisses the tip of my nose. “Mrs. Abbie Williams.''

He kisses me again. ''I like the sound of that.''

''I love you too, so much.''

Lucia and Bentley come to meet us under the arch. They congratulate us, and hold us tight in their arms like a group hug. Joy-Anna, Joshua, Alicia and Derek join us. They are all so proud of Presley and me. The funny thing is, the only thing I can hear is the click click click of the photographer. We're going to have tons of pictures, and I love it.

''Jamie, come here, come here!'' I demand.


I pull her to me, and for a few seconds, I just stare at her. My mind has a million different things to say and apologize for. She looks back at me with a small smile and nods she understands everything that I wanted and needed to say her. Tears form in my eyes. I can’t believe I went so long without saying a word to her.

''I know,'' she whispers.

''I missed you so much, all these years,'' I murmur.

I sling my arm around her shoulder and hug her to me. It feels so good to have her back in my life. ''I don't want to lose you again. Promise me we will keep in touch.''

''We sure will, silly.'' She smiles, with happy tears. ''Cam, come join us.''

''Just like the old days,'' he laughs, and joins us in our embrace.

Life is beautiful.

We have a lot of pictures taken: Presley and me, the boys only, the girls only, the Williams, Cam with his father. I think I will have the biggest wedding album ever. My cheeks should hurt by now with all the smiling, but they don’t. I don’t even need to fake a single grin, it is naturally engraved on my face. Everything is better than I ever dreamed it could be. As per Lucia’s request, we are outside in her gardens to take even more pictures. I have a white fur shawl on. It adds a vintage look to my gown and I love it. This time, it's Presley directing his friend Benjamin, telling him what angle and frame to use. He knows exactly what he wants. I think I catch Benjamin rolling his eyes at him a couple of times. I can't help but chuckle.

I know some of these photos are going to be on the walls of our place. My photographer husband has already planned everything. There is one picture I know I want on this wall and it is the one where we kiss under the tree. Presley is leaning on the tree and is pulling me to him. I haven't seen the picture yet but there is no doubt that it will be a favorite, it just felt right when we took it. Everything about today felt right.



rosé champagne, and it’s welcome, because I'm very thirsty. After all the photographs and talking, three gulps and my glass is empty. Presley doesn’t leave my side; he has been holding my hand or caressing the small of my back all day. He’s enjoying this day so much. He is proud and nothing can take that away from him. Jamie and Presley have been talking, getting to know each other a little. He’s invited her to stay at our place anytime she wants to visit, and that makes me happy. I'm blessed. I'm sure she'll come to spend a weekend with us soon.

Lucia took care of transforming the dining room from the ceremony venue to the reception. There is one majestic rectangular table with a white lace tablecloth and another purple tablecloth underneath. There are chandeliers and flowers; it's perfect. She even thought of adding a place to dance once the DJ arrives. It's a small wedding, but with a grand allure. Lucia thought of everything. I’m not supposed to sneak a look, but I’m too curious to wait. All the rest of the guests are eating hors d’oeuvres by the fireplace. My stomach is growling, maybe I should be eating, rather than spying.

An hour later...

Lucia informs us that dinner is about to be served. Everybody is already seated when Presley and I enter the room officially, as Mr. and Mrs. Williams. He holds my hand tightly and kisses my cheek. Everybody applauds. I think my face turned red again.

The wine is flowing, the food is delicious, and the music is catchy. I hear people laughing and talking. I see them smiling. My heart is blooming with bliss. It's everything I ever wanted.

At the end of the meal, the cake is served. What a cake! It's a red velvet cake with a chocolate ganache. I think I've watched every bakery show on television, and this one is the most detailed I've ever seen. There are edible flowers all over it in pink, white and purple. They have even replicated Presley and me in marzipan. Again, this is beyond comparison.

I just wish I had more energy, it’s been a long day and I'm exhausted. I was hoping the cake would give me a sugar boost, but it isn't happening. I'm having a black coffee in hopes that the caffeine will wake me up. I promised Joy-Anna that I would dance with her. Even Jamie is looking forward to dancing with me. I put a stop on the wine, I don't want to be dizzy or drunk on my wedding day. I want to enjoy every second of it.

Presley is talking with Frank and Cameron; they seem to be getting along very well. Their laughter is so loud, and from what I can hear, Frank is talking about Cameron and me when we were kids, running around in the yard or climbing trees. Our friendship feels so easy now that I can’t believe I was ever once worried that we might not get that back.

Presley’s friends that I’ve seen a few times are supposed to show up any time now. Levi, Kyle and Tyler with their girlfriends. The more the merrier. I’m looking forward to seeing them.

I have been standing most of the day in my heels and my feet are aching. Every chance I get, I step out of my shoes and let my feet breathe a little. I can see blisters forming on the side of my little toe. I’ve finally had enough and decide to take them off, holding them in one hand.

Joy-Anna looks at me and rolls her eyes.

''What?'' I ask.

''I just lost my bet. I bet that you would try and keep your shoes all night, and Presley bet that you would be wearing your Converse by the end of the night.''

''What did he win?'' I ask, curiously.

''Fifty bucks.'' She laughs. ''There he is...with your shoes.''

''Thanks, love,'' he says with pride, apparently impressed at being fifty dollars richer! We all laugh together, but all I want, is to put on my comfortable shoes.

Thank God the gown is long enough to hide my feet. Well, honestly, anyone who knows me well knows that I can't spend a day without my sneakers, not even today. I'm ashamed, but at least I tried. Presley takes my shoes and throws them to the side of the room. ''Will you dance with me, Mrs. Williams?''


The music switches to Roberta Flack’s
The First Time I Saw Your Face.
Instantly, I know that this has to be our song. I remember humming the song around him multiple times.

''Our first dance as husband and wife.'' He smiles. ''I wasn’t sure which song to pick, but I thought this one was great and I know you love it.''

''I love you.'' I whisper in his ear.

''I love you more,'' he replies.


''Nothing is impossible.'' We're dancing in the centre of the dance floor. Everyone is watching us, enjoying our first dance. It’s romantic, and I feel like I'm falling in love with the idea of being his, only his. I see flashes from cameras and I can't help but smile. I look into his eyes and I see everything. Us, our future life together, growing old with him. Everything. He is my life now.

Lucia and Bentley join us. Lucia looks gorgeous, and Bentley is most definitely a ballroom dancer. He controls and leads their every move. My eyes can't leave them. I’m impressed and in awe. He spins her around as they dance like professionals.

The moment feels pure. It's all about love and happiness. I'm amazed by everything and every one of my guests.


Headache...Advil...Sleep...Advil and sleep again. I'm in and out of sleep. My head is pounding and my stomach hates me. Lucia was a little too generous with the champagne and wine. I don’t even remember coming back home. I'm afraid to open my eyes, I'm sure my makeup is all over my face. I want a shower but I can't bring my head around the fact that I need to walk there. I'm not ready. I open the left eye. Dear God. The right one. Why am I sleeping in the bathroom? Oh damn. I think I'm going to be sick. Again, apparently.

''Again, Joy-Anna? How much did you drink last night?'' Derek asks.

''I dunno.'' I cry in pain.

''I just got done cleaning the room, changing the sheets and mopping the floor.''

''Sorry, baby.'' I take a piece of toilet paper to wipe my mouth. ''Did you hear about Abbie and Presley?''

''Yeah. Presley is fine; Abbie is not feeling so good. They are on the plane at the moment. They left two hours ago. Their plane is supposed to take off in five minutes. I saw them in the hallway on their way out.''

Yeah, lucky them. They are away for only a couple of days. Hawaii.

''I wish I could have seen them before they left.'' I wanted to give them a hug and wish them a good trip.

''Don't worry about it Joy, they will be back in a few days. Presley has a shoot next Friday.''

''Yeah, I remember.'' I mumble. ''I think I'll have a shower.'' I don’t need to walk too far. I'm sitting next to it.


He helps me get undressed. I'm still wearing my dress. It will need to go to the cleaners. I just hope I didn't ruin it. I step into the water, cold water. It's like a slap in the face, but I need it. I know better than to drink too much. I let the cold water slide over my body for five more seconds before I change it too hot. I feel better already. I don't recall Abbie drinking as much. She had the champagne at the beginning, but I remember her telling me that she wasn’t a big fan of drinking and that she wanted to remember every second of her wedding. She was happy and dancing; she was talking with everyone. Clearly, she wasn't drunk. I wonder why she’s not feeling good this morning.

Wait, she hasn't been feeling good for the past few days. I thought it might be wedding jitters, but obviously, it is something else. I don't think it's some kind of illness, because she would have a fever, or other symptoms. I wonder what it could be.


I think I know.


I'm a married man. I'm so fucking happy.

I know we’re going to enjoy Maui. It's so serene here. Plus, I have an amazing wife. I'm spoiled rotten and the happiest man alive. We're finally going to spend some time alone, just the two of us. No drama; no fuss, all we need to do is relax and enjoy ourselves. We're staying at the Hyatt Regency, and from the suite, we have a nice view of the beach. There are palm trees right next to our balcony. It's impressive, and it gives us a little privacy. We received champagne and a nice bouquet of tropical flowers as a newlywed gift. I’m sure we're going to have a good time here.

Abbie is so enthusiastic, she can barely stand still. Humming her Roberta Flack song with a smile on her face, she puts our clothes in the wardrobe. We just got here and I'm already thinking that it’s a shame we’re only staying for a couple of days. I'm disappointed, but we can always come back another time. I put our stuff in the bathroom. It’s a huge bathroom with a podium bath. I love this hotel.

When I return to the main room, she's wearing a tiny fuchsia bikini and it fits her perfectly. I guess I will have to thank Joy-Anna for that. She bought it for her. Abbie only had a sporty Speedo-type of bathing suit. It was a two pieces, but not particularly sexy. This bikini though, is amazing.

If I could spend every minute of the trip here in our bed making love to her I would, but the better part of my brain thinks we should have fun at the beach or the pool, and tour the area. Maybe we should take an excursion to a volcano. Why not?

I take a quick shower, and when I reach the room again, Abbie is sleeping on the couch, facing the television with the remote control in hand. She's exhausted. I turn off the television, take the controller from her hand and lift her in my arms to lay her on the lounge chair on the balcony. The sound of the waves lapping on the beach, the birds singing, and the breeze will help her get some rest. I apply some spray sunscreen on her and I massage her softly, careful not to wake her up. She may not know it, but sun and tattoos don't go well together. You always need to put on sunscreen. I’ll have to remember to warn her.

I sit on the chair next to hers, grabbing a pen and some paper. I start drawing her portrait. Her perfect little nose, her flawless skin, her pink lips, and her long blonde hair, lying on her shoulders. She's adorable. Every time I look at her, I smile. I make sure to add every little detail about her to her portrait. Drawing is my first passion. It’s as easy as breathing to me.

My drawing is done, and I have to admit it looks good. She's still sleeping and I don't see anything else I should be doing, I lie down on the lounge chair and doze off.

''Presley... Baby...'' Abbie whispers against my ear. ''Baby...'' She kisses my lips.

''Mrs. Williams,'' I love saying that.

''Do you want to go for a walk on the beach? The view is better than on a postcard.''

''Yeah sure... How long have you been awake?''

''About an hour,'' she answers glancing at my drawing pad. ''You've been hiding all these drawings.'' There are over fifty of them. Almost all of Abbie. ''You are so talented, I'm so lucky to have you.'' She wraps her arms around me and I freaking love it.

''You like them?''

''Geez, Presley, they look so real. I want to frame the one you did today when we get home.''


The sun is shining on us; our feet are warming up on the warm sand of the mile-long beach. We're sipping a pineapple drink that is delicious. We're quiet, but happy. I don't feel like we need to be in a deep conversation at the moment, we are walking hand-in-hand and it feels as if we are complete. I could live here with her. It’s so peaceful.

Abbie has been over-stressed with all the wedding planning. I feel like now, here, she is finally resting and enjoying our honeymoon. There is something different about her. Her smile is radiant; she is dazzling me constantly. She overwhelms me.

''I can't wait to see the pictures from the ceremony. You looked so handsome.'' She flashes a grin that reaches her eyes. ''It was a memorable day. I can't stop thinking about it. It was everything that I ever wanted.''

''I did everything I could to make it perfect, love. It was our day, but I had to make it unforgettable for you. Your mom told me you’ve been dreaming about this day since you were a little girl. You deserved it.'' I look at the horizon, feeling thoughtful. ''And also because I felt like you needed it. After what happened with Kelly and Dean, you needed a break. My main goal was to bring joy into your life, you know? I had to make one of your dreams come true.''

''You are the best husband ever, and I'm the luckiest girl because you are mine.'' She kisses my cheek. ''Thank you, Presley. I'll never forget this day, or this trip. Everything is beyond what I had imagined.''

I pull her to me, holding her against me. ''Do you love me? For better, and for worse?''

''Of course, silly. Why are you asking me?'' she demands, sounding doubtful, and I can see a hint of anxiety in her eyes.

''Because I had to make sure.'' I lift her in my arms, her legs circling my waist. ''You are about to meet my friend here.'' I start running to the ocean with her holding me too tightly, screaming for help.

''Presley Williams, don't you dare...Don't do this. No...Nooooo!'' She shrieks when I dive into a wave.

We're underwater and she doesn't loosen her grip. When we resurface, I'm laughing my ass off, and so is she.

''I hate you so much right now.'' She laughs. ''Look at me; I look like an abandoned dog.'' I can't help but laugh. ''Don't you dare laugh,'' she warns, splashing water at me.

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