Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure) (3 page)

BOOK: Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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Melantho sighed with relief as she went back into the house and entered her little bedroom. Blandon had made the bed and left the room tidy for her. She wondered what he had told her friends. She quickly found her toothbrush and poured some water from a large pitcher into a cup. She cleaned her teeth and combed her hair. As she gazed over at the bed she gave a sad sigh. It had all been going so well.
How on earth do I explain this?

She grabbed her shawl and made her way over to the big house, where she worked as housekeeper and nurse for Dr. Jay.

“Hi, Mel, are you OK?” Ademia was washing clothes outside the house when she arrived. She was a large blonde girl and very pretty. She lived in a ménage with Dr. Jay and Farris, another sailor.

“Morning, Ademia. I’m fine, thank you. Sorry I’m late.” Melantho managed a smile.

“That’s OK, we’re happy to see you whenever you can make it, you know that,” her friend said with a bright smile.

Melantho went inside the house and found Dr. Jay in his surgery. “Morning, Mel. I wonder if you could do a small job for me today?”

“Of course. What is it?”

“There’s a ship about to dock shortly with a delivery for me. Would you be able to put all the instruments in the cupboard like you did last time? I would do it myself but I don’t want to mess up your brilliant system.” The blond-haired doctor gave her such a kind smile she flushed. He winked at her before leaving the house to go and meet the ship.

Melantho set to work straightening up the instrument cupboard ready for the new shipment. She had organized them all so they would be easy to find in an emergency, and Dr. Jay had been delighted with the result.

“Hi, Mel. Time for a quick cuppa.” Farris appeared with two cups of green tea in his hands.

“Oh, Farris, I should have made those,” Mel said in astonishment as she closed the cupboard.

“Stop worrying. Ademia made them while she was outside.” Farris smiled kindly at her as she took the cup.

The tea was soothing and reminded Melantho that she had missed breakfast this morning. She sat on the edge of the surgery bed while Farris took the doctor’s chair. Dr. Jay had chosen a chair with castors which could spin right around, and Farris loved playing in it. He twirled around a few times before stopping to face Melantho.

“How are things?” he asked nonchalantly, but Melantho couldn’t help wondering if he had spoken to Blandon this morning. They were good friends.


“What’s Blandon doing today?”

“I’m not sure.”

Farris looked surprised, but a loud kerfuffle stopped him asking more. They both stood and made for the door.

“Just calm down. No one’s going anywhere until we’ve discussed this properly.” Dr. Jay was placating someone as he came in through the front door. They all stared at the lady who followed him in.

“Hermandine! What on earth are you doing here?” Farris asked as Ademia followed them in.

“I’ve come to do something I should have done a long time ago,” the wizened old crone replied, “I’ve come to take Melantho home.”

Chapter 2

A heavy silence filled the main room of the big house and Melantho froze to the spot. Hermandine’s mean, beady eyes sought her out and stared at her expectantly.

“Forget it!” Farris replied, placing a protective arm around Melantho.

“Why don’t we sit down and discuss this?” Dr. Jay suggested through gritted teeth.

“I’ll make some tea,” Ademia offered and scurried off outside.

“Come and sit down.” Dr. Jay ushered Melantho and Farris, who appeared welded together.

Melantho’s legs felt like lead as she allowed the strong sailor to lead her over to one of the large sofas where he sat next to her, still holding her. She was grateful for his warmth and support.

Hermandine took one of the comfy chairs while Dr. Jay took the other.

“Don’t expect to keep me here all day,” the old lady croaked stubbornly. “The ship is being loaded up with flowers and when it is ready to set sail I intend for us both to be aboard. Do you understand?” She narrowed her tiny eyes at Dr. Jay, who didn’t appear in the least intimidated.

“Have you
Melantho to go and live with you on Eastland?” Dr. Jay asked poignantly, as he looked over at the young girl.

Melantho stared first at him and then at Hermandine. She could feel herself trembling.

“I don’t
to invite her. She is my maid, my servant girl. She has been for years. Just because I moved to the mainland shouldn’t change that. Solon and I have got ourselves a lovely house set up and we are now ready for Melantho to come and move back with us. I don’t see what the problem is.” Hermandine’s thin lips almost disappeared as she seethed at Melantho.

“Melantho, do you wish to go and live on Eastland with Hermandine and Solon to be their servant?” Dr. Jay spoke calmly.

Melantho just shook her head as fear and dread washed through her body. She knew that there was nothing either of them could do to prevent this. If Hermandine wanted her to go with her she would have no choice.

Ademia arrived with the tea and offered around the cups.

“I think you have your answer, Hermandine. Melantho
be going back with you. It looks like you’ll have to hire a maid if you want one,” Dr. Jay said politely as he took his tea.

“I think if anyone needs to hire their own maid it is
Dr. Jasun. Melantho is
maid, not
.” Hermandine’s face contorted into a most ugly sneer and she spoke through clenched, crooked teeth.

“How dare you? Melantho is no one’s maid, I’ll have you know! She’s my friend and she helps out because she
to, not because she is
to!” Ademia was furious and slammed the cup on the small table in front of Hermandine, spilling half its contents onto the wood.

“Hmm, you’ve changed, young lady, and it’s not hard to see why!” Hermandine looked derisively at the two men. “And you’re talking rubbish. No one works because they
to. You’ve obviously made her carry on working here after I left. She doesn’t know anything else.” Hermandine pursed her lips smarmily.

“I think Mel can speak for herself, actually,” Farris interjected. “What do you think, Mel?”

He turned to look at her and she felt herself go bright red. Her mouth was dry and her insides churned. Everyone was looking at her expectantly. Slowly she took a sip of her green tea and licked her lips thoughtfully.

“I’m happy here. I d–don’t want to leave,” she stammered quietly.

Farris’s warm arm squeezed her and she took a deep breath to try to relax herself. She was grateful that he was with her. Farris was a big man and he made her feel safe.

“Well, I think that settles the matter,” Dr. Jay said as he placed his cup back on the table. “I’m afraid it looks like you have had a wasted journey.” He glared at Hermandine.

“I don’t think you quite understand my position here,” the old crone began stiffly. “As Chief Elder it is my place to make the decisions on this island, and I have decided that Melantho is to come with me. Solon and I are both having difficulty doing certain tasks and we need our maid back. It is her
to come and take care of us.” She looked over to Melantho. “Get your things, girl, we will be leaving shortly.” With that she began to stand up. She was a very thin, wrinkled old woman who wore a very simple black dress which hung on her like a shroud. Since moving to the mainland all the elderly ladies had begun to wear clothes instead of bikinis, probably due to the weird looks they received from their neighbors.

Melantho quickly placed her cup on the table and went to get up, but Farris held her firm.

To the young girl’s amazement both men laughed loudly. She could feel Farris’s body rock as he chortled next to her.

“Hermandine, I think maybe I should give you a quick checkup while you’re here,” Dr. Jay replied seriously when he had finally recovered himself.

The old woman looked astonished. “There is nothing wrong with my health, thank you, doctor.”

“I think that you’re losing your memory.” He clarified. “It may just be old age, but I think perhaps we need to check you for signs of senility. It could be the onset of Alzheimer’s. There are all sorts of ways we can help with it, you know.”

Ademia giggled and Farris snorted as they obviously tried not to laugh. Hermandine was furious.

“I am not losing
, thank you, Doctor Jasun, except my
. Now I’ve heard enough of this rubbish. Melantho is coming with me and that is that!” She shouted the last sentence and Melantho jumped.

“You are no longer an Elder on this island. Poseidon himself told you that your services were no longer required on Refrainia, which is why you were free to leave. Surely you remember that?” Dr. Jay frowned at her as he stood up. He towered over the tiny woman.

“I will always be the Chief Elder of Refrainia, even though I choose not to reside here any longer. I know that Poseidon made it clear that the island was to be run as a democracy with your little committee overseeing the new changes, but that does not alter the fact that the girls here respect
and my authority. I am sure that Melantho will not disobey me, as she knows better.”

Melantho felt the dread grow in her stomach and she knew she had no choice. Hermandine’s cruel face scowled at her, daring her to defy her orders. She went to move again but Farris held her still.

“The ship’s about to leave. They need to know whether Hermandine is going back with them.” Blandon appeared in the doorway.

Mel’s heart leapt as she caught sight of the handsome sailor. She felt a warm glow in her stomach as she gazed at his gorgeous face with his twinkling eyes. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and she could tell by the sand on his ripped torso that he had been working, probably loading the ship. He only wore his shorts and his tanned body looked edible. His eyes met hers and he smiled weakly. She could see his uncertainty and wanted to cry. She smiled at him as best she could.

“We’re coming now,
aren’t we
, Melantho?” Hermandine stared at her.

“I just need to get my things,” Melantho replied quietly.

“Hurry up, girl. We haven’t got all day!” Hermandine snapped.

“Hang on, where are you going?” Blandon took a step into the room and frowned at Melantho.

“She’s going nowhere!” Farris’s voice was deep and authoritative.

“I have to,” Melantho whispered, trying to rise from her seat.

“Why, Mel? Why do you have to?” Dr. Jay’s voice was calm and gentle.

Melantho felt her blood run cold and she shivered. She bit her lip as she stared up into Hermandine’s scowling face. “Sh–she’s in charge. I have to do as she says.” Melantho’s voice was weak even to her own ears, but it was the best she could manage.

“She is
in charge! You heard Poseidon. He’s your
, Mel. He told us all that the Elders were no longer in charge here. No one’s in charge of anyone else. Don’t you understand? That means you don’t have to do anything she says.” Farris was adamant, as he glared at the old woman.

“Mel, you don’t want to go and live on Eastland do you?” Dr. Jay’s voice was calm and reassuring.

Tears began to flood her eyes as she shook her head. She felt Farris’s arm tighten around her again.

“It’s OK, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” he murmured into her ear. She felt her whole body shake in his arms as the feeling of dread and panic overtook her. It felt like the end of the world. Everything was wrong and there was nothing she could about it. She felt helpless and lost. The sound of wailing filled her ears but she wasn’t sure whether it was in her head or somewhere else. Nothing felt real as she spiralled into a feeling of utter despair.

A familiar scent suddenly enveloped her and she realized that Blandon was close by. Then she felt his arms around her, too. She felt like she was being surrounded by a thick wall which no one could permeate. They were guarding her, keeping her safe. She clung to both men and sobbed hard as the fear washed through her. All she could hear was their soothing murmurs, telling her that she was OK and that she wasn’t going anywhere.

Melantho didn’t hear Dr. Jay usher Hermandine out of the house, nor the threats the old crone made on her way down the path.

* * * *

The clanging of dishes brought Melantho back to the present sometime later and she jerked her head up. She was now sat on the sofa snuggled into Blandon, and was horrified to realize that she had been asleep.

“It’s all right.” Blandon spoke gently as he sat up, still holding her.

Melantho felt herself flush with embarrassment.

“I’ve made some tea and scones.” Ademia smiled calmly as she dished up. “You missed lunch.”

Melantho frowned as she took the cup and plate from her friend. Her mind was racing. She found it hard to make sense of it all.

BOOK: Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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