Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure) (2 page)

BOOK: Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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“No, not really.” She smiled up at him and he grinned back.

She felt something hard dig into her thigh and realized he had been turned on by the incident, too. She flushed. He tucked a finger under her chin and bent down to meet her lips. His mouth was hot and wet as his soft tongue lapped at her seam before entering her welcoming mouth. Their tongues tangled, softly at first, but then her breathing hitched as his kiss became deeper and more powerful. She felt another flow of liquid into her sodden bikini panties and heard a low chuckle as he obviously felt it too. Before she had time to feel embarrassed his arms enveloped her, holding her tight, and she felt the heat of his whole body against hers. A delicious wave of excitement washed through her and she found her hands grabbing at his hair and the flesh of his strong shoulders. Her nails dug into his skin and she gasped as she felt his rock-hard cock press against her mound as he slightly shifted his leg. Her pussy was becoming more sensitive by the second and she craved the purchase against his dick.

Suddenly she felt herself being whisked into the air as he swept her up in his strong arms and took her to her bedroom. The room was in darkness as he laid her on the bed.

“No.” She stopped him just as he was about to light a candle. “I want it dark.”

“But you’re beautiful, love. Why do you want to hide from me?”

“Please.” She stared up at his shadow, secretly pleading with him.

“OK, if that’s what you want.” He relented with a small chuckle, and pulled off his shorts.

Melantho was already inside the bed, covered by a large Elmwood leaf, by the time he was undressed, and he giggled.

“Mel, you are so beautiful, why are you so modest about your body? You’re perfect, surely you don’t have issues with it?” He sounded incredulous but kind, as he snuggled in beside her.

“It’s just the way I am.” She nudged against him, relishing in his warm body.

“Well, I guess you’re not used to all this yet, are you?” He stroked her body as he lay on his side.

“What do you…?” Her words were lost as his mouth covered hers in another deep, lingering kiss. She could smell his musky scent along with his heat and her breathing started to become heavier again. The glow flared up inside her tummy once more and she felt her whole body start to burn deliciously. His tongue took over her mouth, and his hands swept down and removed her bikini bra. Her mind was turning to mush as he reached down and began to slide her bikini briefs down. As she bent her knees to allow him to remove them a panic ripped through her body and she jerked upward.

His strong hand held her back down as he chuckled into her mouth. With the other hand he took the panties from her and she kicked her legs in protest.

“Shh, it’s all right,” he whispered when she almost bit his tongue to end the kiss.

“But…” She wasn’t sure what she was trying to say so she just stared up at him.

She saw his confidence turn to concern in a nanosecond and his hand came straight back up to stroke her face.

“Tell me.”

She couldn’t speak. She didn’t know what she would say even if she could. Her mouth went dry and she felt her throat tighten. Her body was still burning, craving for his touch. Her head was screaming at her to stop him. She just stared into his big, kind eyes and forced herself to breathe.

Blandon slid onto his back and pulled her against him. She snuggled into him as her mind whirled. She loved the feel of his hot flesh next to hers, and his scent enveloped her in a cloud of safety. Melantho closed her eyes and breathed him in. She laid her head on his strong chest and heard his patient heart beating steadily. Her tension began to ease as he held her in his muscular arms. She felt him gently kiss her hair and she sighed. Slowly she began to calm down and her thoughts began to rationalize.
It’s dark. He can’t see me. Even without the covers he wouldn’t be able to see everything. I want him. I really want to make love with him. Tonight.

She opened her eyes. It really was pitch dark. She put a hand out and felt the hard muscle of his chest. It was smooth. She felt it rise and fall with his breathing for a while before she let her hand drift down to his taut stomach. Again there was just muscle and smooth skin. Gorgeous. Slowly she let her hand trail down a little further. His hip bone jutted out, making a soft valley down toward his pubic region. She took a few deep breaths before allowing herself to explore the little coarse hairs. The warm glow had returned to her stomach and it burned brighter as she toyed with his body. She heard him give a little gasp and felt a twitch as his cock nudged her hand. It felt warm and hard, but the skin was beautifully smooth. It was even thicker than she expected, and she could feel it growing larger and harder as she stroked it. She felt his hand grasp her shoulder as his breathing hitched and she took his throbbing member in her hand.

Slowly she began to pull the smooth skin through her fingers, and felt a stream of hot liquid flow over them. Beneath her head she could hear his heart beating rapidly and she felt his breathing speed up and become deeper. A thrill of excitement ran through her at the realization that she was turning him on.

Melantho felt him stroke her shoulder gently before his hand slipped to the outer edge of her breast. A wonderful tingle inside her warmed her through. She felt her nipple tighten to a hard nub before he even touched it. His hand was soft as it trailed rings over her pulsating breast and she willed him to reach her most sensitive tip. He continued to torment her and she felt her breathing quicken in anticipation.

His fingers drifted nearer and nearer until, at last, his forefinger stroked her hard nipple. It must have been directly linked to her pussy, as a whoosh of liquid escaped her and she gasped at the sensations which streaked through her body.

She felt him move and looked up to see his lips coming toward hers as he engulfed her in a mind-blowing, possessive kiss. His tongue invaded her mouth, digging in and out. Her pussy continued to weep as she imagined the hard cock in her hand slowly entering her. He pulled her on top of him and she felt the length of his rock-hard dick against her pussy. She instinctively pressed herself against him.

“Ride me,” he whispered close to her ear.

She stared at him. “But I’ve never…”

“I know. Trust me, you’ll be in control.” His words were gentle but confident. She felt empowered by them.

He held her hips as she sat up. The cool air wafted over her breasts and she suddenly felt exposed. As if reading her mind, he held onto her arms, preventing her from covering herself. She looked down. Through the thick darkness she could just make out the shape of her large breasts. She could see the outline of his masculine face and his beautiful smile. Shadows highlighted his chest muscles which rippled as he moved. His biceps were barely visible as he held onto her hands. As she took in the sight of him she became even more aroused and soon forgot to feel self-conscious.

“Do you want me, love?” he whispered tenderly, but she could detect a coarseness which suggested his passion was mounting.

“Yes.” She gazed at his lovely face as he lifted her onto his massive cock.

“Don’t close your eyes. I want to see your face.”

His request stunned her for a fraction of a second, before the feel of his huge dick nudging the mouth of her pussy overtook all her thoughts. She could think of nothing else as the wet mushroom head kissed at her entry. Her weight was still in his hands.

“Sure, love?”

“God yes!”

She stared into his eyes as she felt his enormous cock rip into her tight hole. She yelped at the pain and he stopped to allow her to adjust to his size. She could feel his hands shaking as he held her, and she marvelled at his patience. She nodded for him to continue and he slowly impaled her until she felt his hard balls nuzzle her outer lips.

His dick felt gigantic inside her, as it filled every millimeter. She could feel it pulsating against her inner pussy lips as she regained her breath. Slowly he lifted her back up and she gasped as a million nerve endings sprang to life, sending trembles and tingles shooting through her body. He pulled her back down and she felt different sensations course through her. She picked up his rhythm and slowly lifted and lowered herself as one of his hands trailed over her breasts. He pinched at her nipples, and flicked them, sending tremors straight down to her clit and she gasped. One of his hands still held her hip and he quickened the pace.

Melantho closed her eyes and threw back her head, sending her long mousy-brown hair trailing down her back. She felt like she was climbing higher and higher with each movement, as he thrust into her while her wet pussy engulfed his throbbing dick. The fire inside her burned hotter and hotter and she grabbed hold of his arms, allowing her nails to bite into his flesh. The sound of his panting aroused her and she opened her eyes to the darkness. His hand was still plucking at her breasts and she felt like she was reaching the top of an enormous mountain. Suddenly the hand which held her hip moved and she felt his finger rub the sensitive tip of her clit. With a scream she screwed up her eyes and allowed the feeling to envelop her as her whole body lit up and she felt like she had just thrown herself off the top of a cliff. Colors burst in front of her eyes and sensations wracked her body as she shook uncontrollably. She heard a loud grunt and felt his boiling seed sear through her channel and into her womb. She felt that she was in freefall as the world around her disappeared and all she had were the delicious vibes which coursed through her veins.

After floating for what seemed like forever she gently started to drift back to earth. As her body started to relax into a state of languid satiation she became aware of the strong arms which held her and the soothing voice which murmured sweetly in her ear.

She snuggled into the warm body beneath her before being slid to the side, still being held securely by the pair of muscular arms. She breathed in the scent of the man she loved and smiled contentedly as an aura of completeness surrounded her. She felt him kiss her on the head and she slowly opened her eyes.

His big, beautiful eyes were gazing at her tenderly and she smiled at him. She could feel the emotion emanating from his hot body and oozing from his pores to wrap her in the shroud of his love.

“I love you,” she whispered through the darkness.

“I love you, Mel. I didn’t hurt you did I?”

She shook her head. “No, it was wonderful.”

“It was fantastic for me too.”

She snuggled close to him and had the best night’s sleep of her life.

* * * *

When Melantho awoke the following morning she was horrified to find it was already light. She was still lying in the arms of her beloved Blandon who, thankfully, still appeared to be asleep. It really was lovely to wake up in his arms but she knew she couldn’t stay there. She could hear voices outside and remembered that Sapphire had also had company last night. She slowly rolled away from the gorgeous hunk in her bed and reached over to pick up the panties which had been tossed onto the floor last night. She had just got them on when a heavy arm landed on her, pinning her to the bed.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Blandon’s voice was deep and had an unholy effect on her girly parts. She felt herself clench hard.

“I have to get up,” she told him with a giggle. “It’s late. The sun’s well up. I’ve got work to do, remember?”

His gorgeous face frowned. “Work? You don’t
to work. Why not take the day off and stay in bed with me?” He threw her a wicked grin which was genuinely tempting, but there was no way Melantho could let the doctor down.

“Sorry. Dr. Jay needs me.”

She tried to get up but he wasn’t letting go.

need you.” He pouted.

Melantho giggled and then kissed his full lips. He took full advantage and hauled her on top of him and they enjoyed a lingering kiss before his hands slid down her body and he found her panties. He tried to pull them down. Panic enveloped her and she shrieked into his mouth as her hands hit out at him and she pulled them back up.

“What?” He looked horrified as she pulled away from him.

“Get off me!” she shouted as she pushed him away from her and rolled off the bed. She grabbed a clean bikini from her trunk and wrapped a shawl around her before running out of the door and down to the beach.

Luckily no one was about yet so she threw her clothes down and ran into the cold water. It was lush against her heated body and she welcomed the bite of it as she dived in, swallowing her tears as the deep green water washed away her fears.

Melantho wasn’t a terribly strong swimmer, but she had learned to swim underwater like the rest of the Sirens, and enjoyed the solitude it brought. She put her angst into her exercise and swam as hard as she could for a while, until, exhausted, she emerged onto the hot sand. She picked up her clean bikini and went into the sea to change. There was still no one on the beach as she slowly made her way back to her hut.

“Are you OK, Mel?” Sapphire was sitting outside with Marinos and Delmer when she arrived. They were having breakfast and seemed to be quite happy.

“I’m fine.” Melantho managed a weak smile as she scanned the area for Blandon.

“Blandon went home,” Sapphire said, evidently reading her mind.

BOOK: Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)
12.95Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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