Sacrifice of the Septimus: Part 1 (Afterlife saga Book 7) (19 page)

BOOK: Sacrifice of the Septimus: Part 1 (Afterlife saga Book 7)
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“You look so beautiful when you come,”
he whispered down at me and my sister said,

“Sorry, what did you say?” I heard Pip and Sophia chuckle and decided to ignore them, however with my sister I had no such luck. Draven turned round to face her and said,

“I said it looks fine now.” Libby looked to me with all my hair dishevelled, red faced, hardly able to catch my breath an
no doubt sweating. Whereas Draven was as cool as a cucumber, and didn’t look at all guilty about just making his wife orgasm in her sister’s kitchen when she had dinner guests!

“I’ll open a bottle of wine should I?” Libby suggested.

“Make mine a large.” I said in a croaky voice, making the two troublemakers giggle. I had a feeling it was going to be a long night…

For me at least.


In the end I didn’t get my large wine, forgetting about it as the conversation was flowing and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Even the food went down well with them all and I smiled at Libby when she and Frank started clearing all the empty plates. Next was my strawberry chocolate cake that I knew was a personal favourite of Libby’s, which was why Frank cut her the first piece. The conversation quickly got on to where everyone was from and how they met. Well this was going to be interesting, I thought to myself.

“So Zagan, where are you originally from?” My sister asked, whilst nicking a stray strawberry from her husband’s plate.

“Zabulistan,” he said smirking, as from the look on my sister’s face it was obvious she had no clue where in the world that was. But to be honest if I hadn’t already heard the story of how these two got together, then I wouldn’t have known about the Persian legend o
Zal and Rudabeh, aka Zagan and Sophia.

“Also known as the Zabul Province in Southern Afghanistan in today’s time.”

“Ah, you like your history then. Kazzy was always the history nut in our family.” Zagan nodded his head to me and said,

“History and tequila fan, in my book she can do no wrong.” Then he held up his hand to me and gave me a peace sign, teasing me. I laughed knowing this was to remind me what I had done that day in front of a legion of Hell’s soldiers, before kindly passing them over to one of Hell’s original commanders of course, that being Zagan himself. I mean, what was I going to do with them, get them to redecorate or do community service on the streets? No, no, they were much better suited to Zagan’s rule that was for sure.

“And how did you two meet?”

“I couldn’t get him to stop climbing through my window.” Sophia said on a laugh and again Libby’s face was a picture. I leant to the side closer to Draven and muttered,

“Sounds like someone else I know.”
He got close to my ear and whispered back,

“Behave or I will tell everyone how you used to sit there and wait for me…that or make you come again.”
And to prove his point, he grabbed the top of my thigh and squeezed, rubbing his fingers up against my sweet spot.

“The moment I saw her I knew there would never be another soul for me. Her intelligence, wit and beauty captured my heart, but do you know what I enjoyed the most?” Zagan said looking at his wife, whilst Pip and Libby and I were all tilting our heads making ‘aww’ noises.

“It was her mischievous nature that corrupted me first.” At this we all laughed and Sophia gave him a knowing grin with one eyebrow raised. Oh yeah, they were going to have fun tonight.

“And how about you two?” Libby said turning to Pip and Adam, and before any of us could shout ‘Nooooo’ knowing how utter pants Pip was at keeping the truth, even in front of mortals… it was too late.

“Oh I killed him.” I think I actually smacked myself on the forehead as I lowered my head in my hand.

“What?!” Libby shouted and Frank made a strangled noise in shock. Adam laughed and obviously being used to bailing his wife out, quickly took control of the situation by calmly saying,

“She hit me with her car and believed me dead.”

“Oh my…uh, really?” My sister stopped herself from dropping the G bomb again, only Frank had no such filter.

“Holy shit! Really?”

“It’s true, I thought there was blood splattered everywhere! Uh, I will just let you tell the story, hunny pot noodle.” Pip said after throwing her hands up at the blood splatter bit, but one look from Adam and she decided it best to rein in the gore, or this was never going to be believable.

“I had been carrying groceries at the time and what my excitable wife means is that she mistook my broken carton of tomato juice for my blood.” Oh he was good, but I suppose decades of covering for your wife made you a natural at story telling.

“Oh my, what happened next?” My sister asked, totally getting engrossed in the story.

“She rushed to my aid and when I looked up to see this beautiful creature in a halo of green hair and a rainbow of colour, I knew my grey life would never be the same again. She brings colour into my dark world and makes everything in my life shine bright…who would no
instantly fall in love with that?”

“Aww Libs.” I said as my sister started wiping the tears away, but I had to admit, it was a beautiful thing to say about anyone.

“Oh shucks handsome hubby, you’re the chocolate to my peanut butter cup!” Pip said, kissing her hand and slapping it on his right cheek, before just going right on in there and kissing him passionately, as if no one else was around. Frank started laughing until Libby nudged him so he turned it into a cough.

“Sorry, it still feels like we are newlyweds.” Adam said excusing their behaviour. Meanwhile Draven was sat next to me, still with his hand on the top of my thigh, obviously getting frisky.

“So how did you two get together?” Sophia asked Frank and Libby.

“Oh yes, tell us please!” Pip added and I smirked at Libby who blushed.

“I was at a concert when a fight broke out. There was a crowd riot and I was knocked down and would have been trampled on if Frank, who was head of security at the time, hadn’t jumped in and saved me.”

“Awww, that’s so sweet! You were her hero!” Pip shouted to Frank, bouncing in her seat with her hands under her bum. Libby looked at her husband, giving him soft loving eyes and quietly said,

my hero.” Frank beamed back at her, putting his hand behind her neck and pulling her in for a kiss.

“Love you, babe.” Frank told her after the kiss and she became teary again. 

“Yeah and we knew he was the one when she came home and couldn’t stop talking about him!” I added making everyone laugh.

“Oh and that wasn’t you about your new boss?” Libby said getting me back and Pip made a ‘Woooo’ sound as if we were about to wrestle. At this everyone laughed again before my sister said,

“And I guess we don’t need to ask you two how you got together.”

“Yeah, talk about wooing her, dude, you got that shit down! Chauffeur driven cars, bringing her home yourself when she didn’t feel well, then buying her a car…phew, you must have had it bad.” Frank said and I felt my cheeks turn bright crimson before trying to defend myself with,

me the money for a car.”

“Why, you paid it back yet?” Frank asked and I sank a little lower in my seat and muttered a quiet,

“Not yet.”

“Ha, didn’t think so and I bet you never will be allowed to, right my man?”

“Absolutely not.” Draven said, knowing full well he would never take any money from me and Frank burst out laughing.

“We were just happy that she had someone who was a good guy and wanted to take care of her…someone like I said who obviously had it bad.” I was about to stop Frank from embarrassing me further when Draven spoke.

“You cannot imagine. I fell in love with Keira the second I saw her but knew I had to take things slow. But yes Frank…I had it bad from the beginning and have continued to do so ever since. That is why I cannot wait to make her my wife for she makes me the happiest man alive.” Okay so now it was my turn for tears and I buried my head in his shoulder, whispering,

“I love you, Dominic.”

After this came the screaming tears, that surprisingly weren’t from Pip but actually from Ella.

“Must be another nightmare,” Libby said as the sound came through the baby monitor and Libby automatically pushed her chair back to go and settle her, until Draven stopped her,

“Please, allow me. I have a gift for her anyway and I think it will help.” Libby smiled and joked,

“Jeez you guys can come again, free babysitters for life.” Draven left the table just as Pip was trying to talk Libby and Frank into letting her and Adam babysit first. Through the monitor we all heard Draven enter the room and start speaking softly to Ella, trying to calm her down. I decided to go upstairs and see this for myself.

“Hush now, there is no need for bad dreams.” I could hear Draven telling her as I approached Ella’s bedroom door. I looked inside and saw Draven on his knees by her bed pulling something from his jacket pocket.

“I have a gift for you.”

“What is it?” Ella asked whispering like Draven, who was no doubt trying to keep her subdued, ready for sleep.

“Here, let me help you.” He told her as she struggled with the wrapping. I grinned as I watched the two of them, not remembering seeing a sweeter image than this. I actually felt the tears roll down my cheeks in a bitter happiness, knowing that I would never get to see this from my own child, but happy in the knowledge that Draven would be just as he is now. He would be a wonderful father and that thought brought me peace and comfort when I needed it the most.

“What is it?!” Ella asked, getting excited when the wrapper was finally off. 

“Shake it.” Ella shook the small glass globe in her hands and watched in fascination under her night lamp, as the glittering snow fell to the tiny forest below.

“Who is that?” Ella asked pointing to a tiny figure I couldn’t make out from in the doorway.

“That’s a wolf and he is known as the guardian. He will keep you safe from your nightmares and growl at them when they try to come near you. So keep him here, by your bed, so he can watch over you whilst you sleep. But you have to look after him and be gentle with him, because he is fragile in the day.” Ella’s eyes lit up, going wide as she took in her new friend and then she pulled it gently to her little heart and promised,

“I will guard him in the day, when he’s not strong.” My mouth dropped open in shock on hearing this coming from not even a two year old but it was said as though she meant every word and understood its importance.

“Good girl, now you go back to sleep and dream of happy things.”

“Like Aunty Pip, she’s my friend, I like her she’s funny and looks like candy.” I held back a laugh but Draven didn’t.

“That she does. Now sleep child and dream of your colourful friend,” he said placing a gentle kiss on her forehead and she quickly grabbed him by the head and said,

“Love you, Uncle Dom Dom.” Then she gave him a less gentle kiss on the cheek and flopped back down into bed. She was fast asleep by the time he closed the door.

“That’s was officially the cutest thing I have ever seen.” I told him and I was surprised when I saw him blush. It was obvious that her loving actions had got to him. 

“She is a very special little girl.”

“You’re a very special old man.” I teased and he nipped at me, saying,

“Less of the old or you will see how this old man can still smack ripe young vixen’s bottoms.” I giggled as we walked down the stairs only to realise everyone had heard Draven’s interaction with Ella due to the monitor…thankfully missing the vixen bottom comment.

“Thank you so much Dom that will mean the world to her.” He nodded to my sister, accepting her thanks and then to Frank who also nodded his thanks.

The evening was coming to an end and I was just blessing the fact that other than the kitchen incident, it had all gone rather smoothly and considering there were more demons than humans at the table, I had to see it as a massive success. Even with the baby puke and scalded hand, it was still classed as a pretty tame night for these guys.

I hadn’t yet had chance to speak to my sister about the impromptu wedding plans but was hoping to at least have chance to explain before we left, considering we needed to plan stuff and I knew the main priority for Libby would be dress hunting. If anything, I was just remembering how stressed out my sister had been planning her own wedding for months before, so I was very glad I had handed it all over to Sophia, as I would have been like a bull in a china shop, doing damage just by looking for the exit.  

So with that in mind I grabbed the wine bottle off the table and started to pour myself my first glass of the night when suddenly the smooth night ended and it all came crashing down…or at least my wine glass did.

Libby snatched out, knocking it from my hand just as I was about to drink and shouted,

“What are you doing?” I frowned at her and said,

“What did you do that for!? I was just having a drink!” Then she folded her arms to her chest and shouted back…

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