Sacrifice Love: Saints Protection & Investigations (19 page)

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Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Sacrifice Love: Saints Protection & Investigations
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Slowly Dani’s sobs lessened and she lifted her tear-swollen eyes to his. “I was so happy earlier after talking to Adams’s parents and now…now, I don’t know what I think about everything!”

Chad wiped tears from her cheeks and tentatively asked, “So, Adam’s mom was okay about us?”

Nodding, she sniffed loudly, then answered with a watery smile. “She always liked you, Chad. She told me she was glad I had a man like you in my life.”

Letting his breath out in a whoosh, Chad felt relief flood his body.
Well, at least that’s one less thing hanging over her head.

“Take me home, please,” she begged. Nodding, he shifted her to the middle of the seat and buckled her in. The drive was silent except for the hitching of her breath. Pulling onto his road, she became aware of her surroundings.

“I want you here tonight, Dani,” Chad explained. “Here. In my place. Surrounded by everything that is me…and only me.”

Looking over at his strong profile, she nodded. “I’d like that. I need that.”


Unlike with Blaise’s
property, Dani barely registered when Chad pulled off the road and drove down a long drive. As the fog in her mind slowly cleared, she saw the wooded property and the old two-story farmhouse at the end of the drive. The white painted house with dark green shutters stood out starkly with the pine and cedar trees surrounding it. The front porch held a porch swing as well as several rocking chairs.

“It’s lovely,” she said, truthfully. Chad pulled her gently from the truck cab and easily lifted her down to the ground. Linking fingers, he led her up the steps and into the house, not stopping until he made it to the master bathroom upstairs.

The modern space, finished with blue, white, and grey tile, sported a huge, jetted tub along with a separate shower. Looking around wide-eyed, she said, “Chad, I hardly know what to say. Did you do all the work on the house?”

“Most of it,” he admitted, smiling at her pleasure. “I work on projects during weekends and down time.”

“You hustled me up here so fast, I didn’t have a chance to see the rest of it.”

Laughing, he said, “Well, I started in the bathroom and kitchen first. So a lot of the house still has projects to complete.” Leaning over, he turned on the faucet to the tub, saying, “Take a hot bath and try to let some of the stress drift away.”

He left the room and she turned back to the tub filling with steaming water. Walking over to the small window, she looked out onto the green yard flanked by woods. Stripping, she settled into the water, sliding down until her head leaned comfortably back on the tub edge and closed her eyes.

Blissfully relaxed, unaware of anything other than the warm water, a knock on the door startled her. “Yes?” she called out.

“I’ve got a clean shirt for you, babe.”

“Come on in,” she invited.

Chad opened the door, surprised to see Dani still in the tub. “Isn’t the water cool by now?”

“I added more hot water so I could stay longer.” She smiled up at him. “Why don’t you join me?”

Moving over, he looked down at her beauty, rosy with the heat, and his cock swelled painfully. “Join you? You need to rest and that’s not what’ll happen if I get in there with you.”

She leaned to the side of the tub, her arms hanging over as she looked up at him squatting next to her. “Chad, I need you. I want you. I want to forget this case…forget what’s happening all around us. I just want to feel you.”

He reached behind and jerked his t-shirt over his head. Standing, he shucked his jeans and boxers off in record time, stepping over into the tub. “Well, I aim to please.”

Dani scooted forward and allowed him to slid in behind her. As big as he was, the water rose to a dangerous level. She let some out then replaced the stopper. Leaning back, she rested her back against his chest with his knees on either side.

Chad soaped his hands and then moved them over her slippery body. Her shoulders, then down to her breasts. Giving each one attention, she arched her back, pressing them into his palms even more. Her moans filled his ears as his cock pressed against her lower back.

Lowering his hands, he moved them over her slightly rounded belly. The sensuous feeling was heady, knowing there was new life beneath his hands.

Suddenly, Dani twisted around, facing him. She placed her legs on the outside of his, bringing her aching core right to his cock. Lifting herself she settled just to his tip. His large hands spanned her waist as he assisted her. Wanting her to set the pace, he allowed her to settle a bit at a time down his shaft until she was fully seated.

Chad groaned, repressing the desire to fuck her hard and fast. With her hands on his shoulders for support and his hands on her waist, she began to move up and down. The friction was sending sparks throughout her body. Throwing her head back, she picked up the pace.

He viewed her beautiful body as it moved over his. Her breasts bounced in front of him and he leaned forward, pulling a nipple deep into his mouth. Nipping it lightly, he felt his cock swell even more. “Come on, baby, give it to me,” he called out.

Her body, muscles coiled tightly, was so close as she rode up and down, his cock filling her, rasping against the raw nerve endings.

Moving one hand lower between them, he pressed against her clit, sliding his thumb around the swollen nub. He felt her body jerk as her tight pussy grabbed his dick. His balls tightened and he lunged upward, thrusting over and over as they both came.

She fell forward, her head landing on his shoulder as her ragged breathing matched his. Chad lay boneless for a moment, his energy sapped once his orgasm poured himself into her. He took her weight gladly as his arms managed to pull her closer. Slowly, consciousness brought awareness to him. Shifting her in his arms, he hefted his large body from the tub, settling her feet onto the thick bathmat. She stepped back, smiling up at him.
My gentle giant.

She watched as he let the water out of the tub after wrapping her in a thick towel. He turned back to her, grinning as he toweled off rapidly. Moving over to her, he pulled her in possessively, his lips latching onto hers.

Placing his large hand on her stomach, he asked, “Are you okay, little mama?”

Smiling up at him, she nodded. “Yeah. Thank you.”

Rearing back, he looked at her in surprise. “You never have to thank me for loving you, babe. Being with you…is my life. My dream. The one I thought I gave up. So every minute with you is a miracle to me.”

“I was overwhelmed earlier,” she explained. “We still don’t know what Adam was into, but he was right. I was always meant to be with you.”

Kissing her once more, he pulled one of his large t-shirts over her head, settling it over her baby bump. “We’ll go back and get your clothes tomorrow. If…” he peered into her eyes, “you want to stay here.”

“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,” she answered honestly, cupping his stubbled jaw. Raising on her tiptoes, she kissed his lips. Soft. Sweet. With the promise of many tomorrows.

Chapter 16

id the shipment
come in on schedule?” Muhammad asked, walking into the house with Abdul.

“Got it here,” Fazan answered, pointing to the unmarked boxes on the table.

Muhammad’s eyes roamed around the room, seeing Habib coming in from a back room with several more men and two women with him. He pinned the newcomers with a hard stare. “Do you understand your instructions?”

They nodded hurriedly, eager to agree to whatever he asked. Scowling, Muhammad looked at Habib, mollified when he nodded as well.

“They have the materials now and understand what they are to construct,” Habib answered. “They’ve also been informed how to conduct themselves to keep a low profile.”

Muhammad looked at them again, saying, “Your assignment here is important to the cause…if your actions draw unwanted attention, our work is all for nothing. This,” he pointed to the box on the table, “is what we need for setting off the explosives.” Leaning in for emphasis, he said, “We do not want anyone to suspect we are here until we are ready to show them.”

Again the men and women nodded their understanding, fear in their eyes. “Your work here,” Muhammad said, “is part of the grand jihad in eliminating this civilization from within.” Pride replaced fear from the group as they gazed upon the man they knew was in charge.

Muhammad left Habib to work with the newcomers and walked into another room with Fazan and Abdul. “I want more of the detonators from our contact. We will need time for the new recruits to learn how best to use them from a distance. How soon can we expect the shipment from him?”

“It will be a while,” Fazan confirmed. “He is exceedingly cautious. We can go slow and get what we need or possibly lose everything if we rush.”

Muhammad agreed, shaking his head slowly. “We know what it is to go slow. This country always wants things fast…in a hurry for everything. It will be their downfall.” Turning to Fazan, he said, “Stay in close communication with our contact so we know when we can expect our next shipment.” To Abdul, he added, “And find out where that Turner woman is. I want to know what she knows about her husband’s activities.”

He and Abdul walked out of the house and Fazan placed a call. “He understands there is no guarantee of another shipment soon, but wants to know when you think it will take place. I know, I know. Fine, stay in touch.”


Jahfar hung up
the phone, wiping the perspiration from his brow. He had walked out of his home to take the call and as he came back in, he observed his wife in the kitchen and heard his two sons playing in the den. His wife turned from the stove, smiling until she glanced at his face. Laying the spoon down, she walked over to him. “Are you all right?”

Forcing a smile on his face, he returned her hug. “Of course. I’m fine.” She moved back to her dinner preparations.

“Tell the boys dinner will be soon.”

Jahfar nodded as he walked to the den, hoping to hold everything together until all could go as planned.


Chad reported to
the Saints and Mitch what the note from Adam said. No one spoke for a moment, their shock evident on their faces.

Finally, Blaise asked, “Did Adam say anything else? Just that not everything is as it seems?”

“What the fuck did he mean?” Jude asked. “That he was working with terrorists and was sorry about it or that he wasn’t even though he appears guilty?”

Shaking his head, Chad threw his hands up. “I’ve got no idea.”

“There’s got to be more than that,” Marc added. Gaining the attention of the others, he continued. “He went to the trouble of putting a note in a safety deposit box and hiding the key. That makes no fuckin’ sense.”

“Do you have the note?” Mitch asked, from the video conference.

“No, Dani has it. Other than that, the words are mostly personal and I think she put it in her purse.” Seeing the looks from the others, he added, “She’s moved in with me. We went to her place yesterday and packed up everything we could and brought the haul to my place. We’re getting movers this weekend to bring the rest.”

“She’s had a lot of changes,” Luke commented. “That’s gotta be a lot of stress on her.”

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