Desire After Dark: Lords of Pleasure

BOOK: Desire After Dark: Lords of Pleasure
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Praise for

Temptation at Twilight

Temptation at Twilight
is jaw-droppingly wicked! Jo Carlisle will steal your breath away!”

—Larissa Ione

“[Carlisle] really knows how to suck you in and keep you reading long past bedtime.”

—Night Owl Reviews

“Gripping and utterly sensual,
Temptation at Twilight
is absolutely wonderful! Jo Carlisle knows erotica!”

—Reader to Reader Reviews

“A very steamy erotic romance, but it also packs a punch to the emotions…. I recommend this one for erotic romance fans and paranormal enthusiasts.”

—Debbie’s Book Bag


Temptation at Twilight

After Dark





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Copyright © Jo Davis, 2012

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Carlisle, Jo.

Desire after dark : lords of pleasure / Jo Carlisle.

p. cm.

ISBN: 978-1-101-59435-3

1. Vampires—Fiction.  2. Brothers—Fiction.  3. New Orleans (La.)—Fiction.  I. Title.

PS3603.A7526D47 2012



Set in CentaurMT

Printed in the United States of America


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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To Julie Benson, for making me smile over many margaritas
and helping me remember that great times and good friends
are only a phone call away. For lifting me up and making me
laugh when life was pissing me off-fa-fa! I love you to pieces.


Special thanks to:

My parents, for going an extra thousand miles with their love and support and for showing me what family is all about.

My teenagers, for their unending love and support and being the best two kids a mom could ask for.

The Foxes—Tracy Garrett, Suzanne Ferrell, Julie Benson, Addison Fox, Lorraine Heath, Jane Graves, Alice Burton, Sandy Blair, and Kay Thomas—for your special friendship and support. I couldn’t make it without you guys!

Roberta Brown, for being my cheerleader and the best agent in the land.

Tracy Bernstein, for being infinitely patient and the best editor around.

The art department, for creating wonderful art for my covers.

You are all fantastic! Hugs and kisses all around.

Desire After Dark

Table of Contents
















assandra’s day started pleasantly enough.

A good, hard fucking followed by breakfast in bed would put her in the right frame of mind to face the rest of the day—and to temporarily forget the never-ending demands of her sisters.

All were hard-as-nails Valkyrie bitches like herself, every last one, and she had no problem calling them that to their pretty faces. With love.


The young man eased smoothly into her bedroom from the hallway, where he’d no doubt been anticipating her waking up and calling on him. Kass’s personal body slave lived to serve her and doing so frequently included pounding his big cock into her pussy until she screamed the palace down.

Valkyries had a very healthy sex drive. Kass and her sisters were no exception.

Taryn’s attentiveness now, not to mention the eager member
jutting proudly from between his thighs, brought a smile to her lips. The man did love his position, so to speak.

“Yes, mistress?”

She took a moment to appreciate his beauty. The slave stood patiently with his feet spread shoulder width, hands clasped behind his back. His body was long, muscled, and hard from his daily fitness regimen, so different from the starved whore she’d taken in four years ago. Straight hair black as a raven’s wing spilled just to his collarbone, framing a face saved from being too pretty by the scar running from his left temple across his cheek and stopping an inch from the corner of his mouth.

The scar was from a crazy john’s attempt to filet the gorgeous young man, the last mistake the slimy bastard had ever made. She’d slit the man’s throat with his own knife.

That went a long way in explaining the devotion shining from Taryn’s soulful brown eyes. The man didn’t give a damn that his mistress was a tough, heartless warrior. Well,
heartless—his plight had caught her at a weak moment. To him, she was a goddess, and he told her so on a daily basis. They shared a bond of sexual passion and an odd friendship for a rent-boy-turned-slave and his mistress.

“Has my armor been cleaned?” she asked. “You know how I hate bloodstains.”

“This morning, mistress.”

“And my sword?”

“Polished to a shine, of course.”

She gave a humph of satisfaction. “Then come here, pet,” she said, stretching like a lazy cat. “Give me a proper wake-up call.”

“My pleasure, as always.”

Watching him stride for the bed completely naked, wearing
that hungry look on his face, never got old. Maybe that was because she’d lived for about two thousand years and had known him for only a fraction of that time, but she’d enjoy his delectable body while the shine was still on the penny.

He climbed onto the bed and stalked her on all fours, a half smile on his full lips. She spread her legs, inviting him in. He knew what she liked and was glad to give it. Settling between her thighs, he combed his fingers through the dusky patch of curls and then parted the delicate folds to better reach the nub waiting there.

His tongue flicked out, tasting, and she buried a hand in his silky hair, urging him to feast. He didn’t disappoint. After teasing the little clit for another minute, sending delightful shocks through her womb, he began to nibble. First he worked the tender nub and downward, to lave her slit. A few more swipes and she tugged at his head.

“Up here, now,” she said hoarsely. “I need you.”

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