Rylie Cruz 2 - How to Date a Vampire (21 page)

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Authors: Rose Pressey

Tags: #paranormal romance vampire romance vampires werewolves rylie cruz rose pressey paranormal romance paranormal mystery

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“So she may have killed him?” My eyes

“I don’t know that. There was this rumor,
but it has died down over the years.”

“Maybe they need to reopen that

“Don’t let her hear you say that.”

We walked up to the door and Quinton
knocked. “Maybe you should step to the side. If she only sees me,
she’ll open the door.”

My heart rate increased. Could Jack really
be in there with her? The most important question: did he want to
be in there with her?

After a few seconds, there was still no
answer. Quinton pounded on the door again. He looked over and gave
me that I-told-you-so look. “She’s not here.”

I let out a deep breath, then inched my way
over to a window, as if I was sneaking up on a wild animal.

“Why are you walking like that?” Quinton
asked with amusement in his tone.

“You never know when she might pop out at
me,” I whispered.

“I doubt that will help you if she sees you
sneaking around on her porch.”

“Oh, I’m not afraid of her,” I huffed.

“I know you’re not. But do you want to fight
her or find Jack?”

“I want to find Jack, but I’ll fight her if
she gets in my way.”

“So feisty.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“Save it.” I scowled.

“All right then. Are you ready to get out of
here? Are you convinced she’s not her? Or do I need to break down
the door?”

“Such an attitude,” I quipped.

He winked.

“Fine, but I had to try. Your idea of going
to Isabella’s was a waste of time, too.”

“So we’re even then. Let’s go.”

I marched down the steps, through the gate,
and back to the car.

“How many areas of town am I going to be
seen in this pink car today?”

“Hey, you’re the one dragging me all over

“Let’s head to the French Market. She has to
be there. And if she has Jack, then he’ll be there.” Quinton
motioned in that direction.

“I don’t think it’s a question of if she has
him anymore. I’m convinced that she does have him,” I said.

As I pointed the car in the direction of the
French Market, we remained silent. I was too nervous to listen to
music, and I wasn’t in the mood for chitchat. What was there to
say? My thoughts were focused on Jack.

As I turned a corner, Quinton yelled out,

My reflexes made me swerve the wheel
slightly. “What the hell? What is wrong with you? You almost made
me wreck. If I wreck this car, then you have to answer to

He quirked a brow, letting me know he wasn’t
exactly terrified at the prospect. “I don’t remember which building
Sophie had a meeting in.”

“That’s it. You’re just playing games with
me now. You had no intention of taking me to find Jack. I should
open the door and kick your ass out right now.”

He smiled, exposing his fangs.

Anger bubbled inside me. “Oh, so that’s how
it’s going to be? Every time something doesn’t go your way, or I
say something you don’t like, you’re going to flash your fangs at
me? Is that a warning?”

“What?” He held his hands up in surrender.
“I didn’t do anything.”

“You did too, and you know it. I’m not
trying to give you the run around. I honestly don’t remember which
building it is. I have the address at my place. It’s right around
the corner. We could swing by and get it.”

I shook my head. “Oh no. I’m not sure what
kind of game you’re playing, but this werewolf is not falling for

“I’m already in the car with you. Why do you
trust me here, but not if we drive by my place? It’ll only take a

“I can get away from you in the car. I’m
driving and I’m in control.” I clutched the steering wheel even
harder. “If I go to your house, you could lock me up in that
dungeon of yours and throw away the key. I’d never been seen

Wait a minute. Did he have Jack? Maybe this
was all his plan? What if Jack was at his house? I owed it to Jack
to go there with Quinton. I didn’t know how I’d save him from a
dungeon, but I’d sure try. It couldn’t be any worse than saving him
from a group of vampires. It was a good thing Jennifer wasn’t with
me. If she found out I went to a strange vampire’s home, werewolf
or not, she’d kick my butt.

“I don’t really have a dungeon. I just told
you that.” He shifted again in the tiny seat.

“Yeah, sure. Right. Fine, we’ll go pick up
the paper.” I didn’t offer any more argument. I’d go to his home
just to make sure Jack wasn’t there. I trusted no one at this

“Turn right down the next street, then make
the next left. It’s the fourth house on the right.”

My mind raced as I drove. If he tried any
funny business, one of us wouldn’t make it out of the situation
alive. And that someone wasn’t going to be me.

We pulled up to the front of another
historic home. The mansion had two porches, one on the bottom, and
another on top with a black iron railing stretched across the
length of it. Large white columns went from top to bottom. The
house was a light blue color with black shutters. An ornate gas
lantern hung above the door.

“So have you owned this house for a long
time too?” I asked.

“You could say that.”

“You don’t like to give straight answers do

“Not unless I absolutely have to.”

“I’m guessing you don’t think you absolutely
have to very often.”

He winked. “You got it.”

I peered up at the large, impressive home.
“Are you coming in?” he asked as he opened the car door.

I didn’t want to, but I knew I had to for
Jack. “Yeah, sure why not.”

I walked up the path behind him and
reluctantly passed through the door when he held it open. A sick
feeling churned in my stomach and a lump formed in my throat.

My mouth probably dropped to the floor when
we stepped inside the foyer. An elegant spiral staircase greeted
us. The high-ceilinged hall led into the parlor to the right. I
wanted to comment on the exquisite décor, but I didn’t want him to
feel too comfortable around me, so I kept my feelings inside,
although maybe my gaping mouth gave away my thoughts.

A house full of antiques and art. It was
exactly as I thought his home would look. He wasn’t a very hard
book to read. His full persona was on display for everyone to see.
Quinton was not as complex as he liked to think he was. Of course,
that was just my first impression of him, but my first impressions
were usually right.

When I stepped inside the parlor, the first
thing I noticed was the floor-to-ceiling windows. The blue fabric
from the drapes pooled on the floor in puddles of silk. The décor
was rich and masculine and had Quinton’s name all over it.

Solid oak doors inlaid with walnut marked
entry for each room. The soft yellow walls warmed the space. A
kaleidoscopic assortment of paintings covered the walls. The rich
leather smell from the sofa tickled my nostrils. Just past the
parlor was the dining with a huge crystal chandelier over the long
oval dining table that sparkled in the sunlight.

“I’ll just grab the paper from my desk and
we can get out of here.”

“Aren’t you going to show me your dungeon?”
I asked.

He raised a brow. “Tempting, but maybe some
other time.”

Hmm. So far, he didn’t act
as if he wanted to toss me in a torture chamber. That was a good
sign. But this was too weird.
It couldn’t
have been as easy as he had forgotten the address as he said. And
why did he have the address anyway?

When he slipped off down the hall, I peeked
into the room on the other side of the foyer. Massive wall-to-wall
bookshelves lined the walls, replete with all the classics.
Everything was in place with no signs of Jack. Maybe Quinton was
honest like he said, but I wouldn’t take any chances. If only there
was time to look around the rest of the house.

But if Jack was here, would Quinton then
take me to the French Market? If he wanted to finish me off, he’d
get rid of me right then and there. The sound of footsteps broke me
from my musings and I hurried back into the main room just in time
for Quinton to pop back in.

“Looking for something?” he asked with a

Busted. All right, I wouldn’t even attempt
to lie my way out of this one.

“As a matter of fact, I am. I’m just making
sure you’re not lying to me and that Jack isn’t here somewhere.” I
peered around the room.

“You’re more than welcome to have a look
around if you don’t trust me.”

“I don’t mind if I do.”

Keeping an eye on his every move, I hurried
past him and down the hall. To my right was the kitchen. I stepped
inside the room. It was full of white tiles and white cabinets.
Very stark and very clean. Not even one crumb littered the

“Don’t do much cooking, do you? Oh, or do
you only consume blood.” I wanted to touch my throat, but forced
myself not to. No need to draw attention to the source.

“No, I eat, too. But that’s what a microwave
is for,” he said. “Would you like to check inside the cabinets

I shook my head. “That won’t be

Moving around to the
foyer, I climbed the stairs to the second floor. When I reached the
top, there was an assortment of doors to select from. It was as if
I was on the
Price Is
. Guess which door Jack was hiding

I decided to start at the back, and work my
way to the front.

“Why do you have to live in a mansion, for
Pete’s sake?” I asked.

“It’s not that big. There are only two

“Only two? The rooms are huge. Owning a café
must be very lucrative work.”

“I’ve invested well over the years.”

“Yeah, well, okay, it’s none of my business.
I’m just here to make sure you don’t have Jack. No funny business.”
I pointed my finger.

“None.” He used his index finger to cross
his undead heart.

The first door I opened was what I assumed
to be the main bedroom.

“You’re bedroom?” I asked.

“Yes.” He nodded.

I didn’t offer to move into the room.
Instead, I peered in from the hallway. Unless Jack was under the
bed, I didn’t see him. There were French doors letting to a
veranda. I pictured myself having breakfast out there on beautiful
spring mornings. More oak shelves lined the walls, holding books
and other mementos. An impressive oak mantle highlighted the wall
to the right. But the room was dominated by the massive hand-carved
bedroom set.

“You can check under the bed too, if you’d
like.” He gestured toward the room.

“No, thank you.” I wasn’t about to step foot
in his bedroom.

I closed the door. Quinton stood at a good
distance behind me, allowing me to move freely through his home.
Moving on to the next rooms, I opened each door. No signs of Jack,
just empty, elegantly appointed bedrooms.

“Are these the original hardwood floors?” I
asked, trying to sound nonchalant. It felt awkward checking out his
house with him watching me.

“Yes, they are. They’ve been restored along
with the rest of the house. The home was built in 1788.”

I had a weakness for historic homes. As
beautiful as it was though, I’d seen enough. My goal wasn’t to tour
historic homes.

“See, you looked in every room and there is
no sign of your friend.”

“Fine. Can we go now?” I asked.

“Absolutely, I thought you’d never ask.
Ladies first.” He gestured toward the stairway. “Are you satisfied
that he’s not here?” he asked as I made my way down the stairs.

“Yes, whatever, I’m satisfied.”

I hurried down and out the front door.
Quinton locked up while I practically ran to the car.

“You want to wait for me since you don’t
know where you’re going?” he called.

“I’m not leaving without you, but if you
don’t hurry up, I might.”

Quinton jumped back in the Bug and I pointed
it toward the French Market. I couldn’t get there fast enough.

“Does this vampire leader have a name?” I
asked as I steered the wheel.

“I can’t tell you that.” Quinton looked
straight ahead.

“Of course you can’t.” I scoffed. “How do I
know I can trust you once we reach the French Market? You probably
want to kill me once you get around your other vampire

He rolled his eyes, but didn’t answer.

Thankfully, it was a short drive to the
French Market. Finding Jack had reached an all time level of
urgency for me. I whipped the little car into a parking space and
jumped out. Quinton followed, joining me as I moved onto the
sidewalk. I needed to lose this vampire in the worst way.

Chapter Twenty-Six

How to Date a Vampire, Rule #26:

Always tell your date how nice they look
despite extra pointy fangs.


The French Market was six blocks of vendors
with a farmers’ market, flea market, and retail shops.

“This is where they took Jack?” I asked.

“Like I said, Sophie has a meeting. This is
a great place to hide someone. I guess that’s why she picked

“Great. You know just the right words to
soothe my worries. What a thoughtful guy you are.” I rolled my
eyes. “I’ll never find him in all this space.” It really narrowed
it down a bunch.

“Hey, slow down, will you? Speed is not one
of my vampire skills. We’re not in that big of a hurry.”

Speed seemed to be one of Jack’s skills. But
was it different for half-vampires? The living dead or whatever he
was now. I didn’t know what to call his condition. I just wanted
Jack back safe and sound.

“You might not be, but I am.” I hurried past
a couple of restaurants with Quinton hot on my heels. The sweet
aroma made my stomach rumble, but the stress left me with a sinking

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