Rylie Cruz 2 - How to Date a Vampire (19 page)

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Authors: Rose Pressey

Tags: #paranormal romance vampire romance vampires werewolves rylie cruz rose pressey paranormal romance paranormal mystery

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“Someone call the ambulance. I’m taking him
to the hospital,” Jennifer said. She was freaking out.

I knew Jennifer. She may appear relatively
calm, but on the inside, I knew she was a mess. A crowd had
gathered as Lily and Jennifer lifted Stephen from the floor. He had
regained consciousness... well, I guess that’s what you’d call his
current state. Had the blood loss gotten the better of him?

A man came out from the back of the café.
“What is going on here?” he asked, irritation in his voice. “Take
that crap out of my shop. Whatever weird stuff you’re into, I don’t
want any part of it.”

When I met his gaze, there was something
there… a spark of recognition. He didn’t seem worried about
Stephen’s condition like everyone else. He just wanted us out of
his café. I knew it was best if we got Stephen out of there right

I followed Jennifer and Lily as they guided
Stephen back out onto the street.

“You’ve got to snap out of this.” Jennifer
looked at Stephen.

He was barely standing and I expected him to
fall over at any second. Lily reached up and slapped him across the
face. He didn’t flinch.

“What did you do that for?” Jennifer

“I’ve always wanted to slap a vampire.”

Jennifer glared at Lily. Breaking up a fight
between the two of them was the last thing I needed. It was as if I
was the babysitter for all of them.

People still stared. Some of the patrons
stood by the entrance and continued to watch our hi-jinks.

“Go on, get out of here,” the man

“We’re going. We’re going,” I said.

Lily turned around and growled at him. He
was lucky she hadn’t done more. Stephen was strong in spite of his
zombie-like state. He still attempted to reach out and grab people
as we led him down the street. It was like trying to control a
two-year-old on a sugar high. After what seemed like an eternity,
we reached Stephen’s blue sedan.

When we made it to his car door, I asked
him, “Stephen can you talk to me? What is going on? Why are you
acting this way?”

He focused his gaze on me. “I don’t know
what’s come over me.”

“He’s crazy. That’s what’s wrong with him,”
Lily said.

“Do you have any idea why you were acting
this way?” I asked. I hoped he could give us some insight into his
mind set. Maybe then we’d know more of how to help him.

“I don’t know. It’s as if I had an
out-of-body experience.” Well, at least he was able to talk
coherently now. “All I could think of was people’s veins,” he

I looked to Jennifer and her face drained of
color. Not what we’d wanted to hear, but exactly what I’d expected
to hear. How would we deal with this situation since he appeared to
be so much worse than Jack? And why was he worse? I needed answers
and had no idea where to find them.

“Stephen you need to get in the car,”
Jennifer pleaded.

“I’ll be fine,” he said. “I’m feeling much
better now.”

“You just attacked a woman, you psycho. You
are not fine.”

“He’s not a psycho,” Jennifer fumed.

“Ladies, this is no time to argue,” I

“I’m taking him to the hospital.” Jennifer
practically shoved Stephen in the passenger seat. I hoped he was
able to calm himself down before he got to the hospital, because if
he didn’t change his behavior, they might put him in a
straight-jacket. Jennifer would really freak out then. And I
couldn’t help her. I had to find Jack. I was the worst best friend
in the history of best friends.

I watched as they drove off with Stephen.
What a surreal scene. After Jennifer and Lily left with Stephen, I
made a dash for Jennifer’s car. As I moved down the sidewalk, I
felt a presence behind me. People moved about on the sidewalks, so
I knew I wasn’t alone, but this presence was specifically after me.
I sensed it. I glanced over my shoulder.

Oh crap.

Chapter Twenty-Five

How to Date a Vampire, Rule #25:

Be nice to your date and there’ll be no need
to worry about your personal safety.


It was Quinton. He was hard to forget. He
wore dark pants and a crisp blue shirt. His strong jaw and sharp
green eyes made him good-looking, I guess, if you went for the
handsome vampire type. Quinton would be none too happy with me for
taking off with Jack last night. I should have known he’d come back
to my apartment looking for me. I was sick of running from
vampires. If only I could reach the car and get away from him. It
looked as if I was going to have to fight whether I wanted to or
not. I picked up my pace without acknowledging his presence. Maybe
he’d go away if I ignored him.

“We seemed to have lost you last night,” he
said from over my shoulder. “Where are you going?”

I walked faster, but I couldn’t break into
an all-out sprint just yet. There was nowhere for me to run from
him at the moment. “What business is that of yours? I can fight
vampires, so don’t think I’m some fragile little thing who can’t
defend herself.” I smirked as I stomped down the sidewalk.

Maybe if I told myself that often enough it
would be true.

“You want to stop walking and talk to me?”
he asked.

“No, not particularly. What’s the matter?
You can’t walk and talk at the same time?”

“You’re very stubborn, I see.”

“I’m not in the mood for chitchat, if you
don’t mind.” I stared straight ahead, not looking over at him.

“I can help you,” he said as he walked
beside me.

Again with the help? Why did everyone use
that line? Obviously, no one really wanted to help me. If they did,
they’d leave me and Jack alone.

“I hardly believe that. I’ve heard that line
before. You guys think I’m stupid?”

“I know you’re not stupid.”

“You don’t know me.” I picked up my speed.
I’d run soon if he didn’t beat it. “As for helping me, well, I
think you've helped enough already. You and your vampire pals.”

“Hey, don’t blame me. I wasn't around when
he was bitten. If I had been there, I wouldn't have let something
like this happen. I don't let things happen like this on my

“Well, that’s reassuring. Then why weren't
you there?” I huffed.

“I don’t get involved at those type of
interactions. If the vampires had money to collect, it was all
them. Besides, I can't be at all of these events.”

“Event? Is that what you call it?”

“Yes, that’s what I call it. What do you
think I should call it?”

“An act of violence carried out by vampires.
A crime?”

“Okay, I see your point. I think the
vampires were just trying to scare your uncle into paying this

“So you're a bunch of gangsters. Great.
Either way, what you all did was wrong. My parents and I had
nothing to do with what my uncle did. And Jack is an innocent

“I know that,” he said as he followed me out
around the corner and into the alley.

“They could have handled this differently,
but no, they decided to be violent.” I was losing my temper. Just
thinking about what had happened made me furious.

“Will you tell me where you're going?

“I am going to look for Jack. I think your
wonderful friend Sophie took him away. But I’m sure you knew that

“What? What are you talking about?”

“I mean she came and took him away.” I let
out a deep breath. “At least I think it was her. Apparently, he
gladly went with her for some strange reason because how else would
she get a grown man to leave with her. Wait. Would she use some
kind of mind control? Would she have those powers?”

“Well, yes she does possess some form of
mind-controlling power, but I’ve never known her to be very good at
it, so I doubt this is what happened.”

“Great. So he did go with her on purpose.
And how did I not know that he left? We were in bed together—” I
cut my words off and glanced at him.

He grinned widely but didn’t say a word.
Lucky for him.

“Well, whatever,” I said. “I have no idea
what came over him or why he would leave with her. I just want what
is wrong with him to be reversed.”

“Sophie can be very persuasive. I’m sorry to
tell you there is no reversing it. Once it's done, it's done.”

“I don't want to hear that.” I waved my
hands, praying the motion would make him disappear.

“You may not want to hear it, but it’s the
truth. Hey, slow down, would you?” He picked up his pace.

“What’s the matter? The big strong vampire
can’t keep up?” I winked.

Thank goodness I had Jennifer's car. It
would save me much-needed time. Sure I'd look ridiculous saving the
day in a pink Bug, but what could I do? It would have to work.

“I know you’re worried about your human
friend. I'll drive you to there,” he said as he grabbed my arm.

With his fingers wrapped around my arm, I
couldn’t help but notice they were warm, not like Jack's slightly
cool touch. The book had said a vampire’s temperature would return
to the warmth of a human’s after a while. When I looked at Quinton,
I wondered how long he’d been a vampire. How had he been turned?
Who had turned him? Did he enjoy the vampire life? Would Jack grow
to like it? The less I knew about him the better off I'd be. I
didn't want any personal information about him.

I snatched my arm away. “I am perfectly
capable of driving myself. Where did you all take Jack?”

“I didn’t take him anywhere. But if Sophie
took him, she probably took him back to the French Market. I can
get you in there. You'll never be able to get past the guards
without me.”

I smelled a rat. A big vampire rat.

“What’s at the French Market, anyway?”

“I know Sophie has a meeting there today.
She gets involved with some shady people. They’re meeting there.
That’s why the vampire leader ordered guards to follow her there.
Needless to say, I highly doubt you’ll get past the guards.”

I scoffed. “Ha. You don’t know me. I have my

A hint of a smile twisted his lips.
“Whatever you say. You don't know that you can trust me, but I’ve
done nothing to make you not trust me.”

“You just tried to kidnap me last night,
that’s all.” No biggie.

I turned and looked at him. He smiled. All I
needed was a good-looking cocky vampire hanging around. He thought
he was so great. I had enough paranormals hanging around, I didn't
need any more.

“Maybe I should dump you right here before
we even get to the French Market,” I said.

“Please, you need me to go with you. Come
on, what have you got to lose?” he pleaded.

“What have I got to lose? No offense, but
that is a stupid question. Do you always ask stupid questions?” I
reached Jennifer’s car.

“I try to make it a rule to ask at least one
stupid question a day. But sometimes, if it’s a good day, I get in
two or three stupid questions.” He winked and gave a lopsided

“You think you're so charming, don't

“Am I not?” he asked without cracking a

“It's not so cute. Your little smile.” I
wiggled my finger at him.

I knew I shouldn't trust him. Every warning
signal in my mind told me as such. I was probably getting myself
into a mess that I wouldn't be able to handle. So why did I nod and
say, "Okay, I’ll go with you. But let me tell you, there are a lot
of werewolves who will be looking for me if anything happens. You
may scoff and think you can take on the werewolves, but I come from
a long line of crazy werewolves, trust me. You do not want to deal
with these werewolves.”

“Duly noted. I won't mess with your crazy
werewolf friends.” He held his hands up in surrender.

“Family members. The crazy werewolves are my
family,” I corrected. Why did I say that like it was a good

“Family members,” he repeated my words. “I
hope you'll learn to trust me soon.” He didn’t crack a smile. He
stared at me with an intense seriousness.

“Well, I don't know about that. I don’t know
you and it’s hard to trust someone whom I don’t know. Especially
when said person is involved with people who tried, wait,
correction, people who are trying to hurt my friends, my family,
and me. So, no offense if I don’t trust you right away. Now, with
that said, hop in.” I pointed at the pink car.

He stopped in his tracks. “Whoa.” He waved
his hands. “There is no way in hell I can be seen in a pink car.
I'm a vampire. I have a reputation to uphold.”

“Oh, I forgot you can't be a badass in this
car. Excuse me. I am not going unless I drive, so either get in the
little pink car, or forget it.” I placed my hands on my hips.

He frowned and looked at me, then looked at
the car and back to me.

“Okay, don't go. I'm getting in the little
pink car now. See ya.” I waved and opened the door, then jumped

“All right, fine. I'll go in the
Barbie-mobile. I swear if anyone sees me in this I'll never live it
down. If the other vampires see me, I'll be kicked out of my
vampire family.”

Vampire family? Whatever that meant. I guess
they had vampire families and we had packs.

“Aw, they won't let you play anymore? What a
shame.” The Bug purred to life and backed out of the parking

“You think I'm joking, don't you?” he asked.
“But I’m being dead serious.”

“Is that a joke? Dead serious?” I chuckled.
“Get it? You’re a vampire. Dead.”

Silence filled the car. Tough crowd. If I
didn’t have my humor, what was left? Cut me some slack.

He didn’t answer. Instead, he said, “I think
there are rules somewhere about pink cars.”

“It’s a lovely shade of pink, I think. You
could always hide your head. Scoot down in the seat.” I

I'd have loved to see Quinton slipping down
in the seat, hiding like some twelve-year-old who was embarrassed
about his mom's mini-van. I should have played some embarrassing
music. He did look ridiculous sitting there, his tall frame stuffed
into that small space.

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