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, vol 4i, no. 536 and annex, Kutuzov to Lanskoy, 3 Oct. 1812 (OS), pp. 439–40. See also Gavrilov,
, pp. 158–9.

40 RGVIA, Fond 103, Opis 210/4, Sv. 1, Delo 1: fos. 1–2, Kutuzov’s circular to twelve governors of 15 Sept. 1812 (OS); fos. 28–9, Lanskoy’s report to Kutuzov of 9 Oct. (OS).

41 RGVIA, Fond 103, Opis 210/4, Sv. 1, Delo 1: fos. 38–9: Major-General Potulov to Bennigsen, 11 Oct. 1812 (OS); NB the letter was received on 16 Oct.; fos. 77–8, Lanskoy to Kutuzov, 11 Nov. (OS); fo. 97, Santi to Kutuzov, November but no day given; fos. 113–14, Lanskoy to Kutuzov, 11 Dec. (OS); fos. 126–7, Lanskoy to Kutuzov, 15 Dec. (OS); fos. 137–8, Lanskoy to Kutuzov, 23 Jan. 1813 (OS). On winter clothing, see e.g.
, vol. 4i, no. 387, Kutuzov to Kaverin, 13 Sept. 1812 (OS), p. 305.

42 See e.g. Kutuzov’s letters to Nikolai Bogdanov, the governor of Tula, of 19 and 24 Oct. (OS):
, vol. 4ii, nos. 159 and 196, pp. 169–70 and 205–6.

, vol. 4ii, no. 195, pp. 203–4, 24 Oct. 1812 (OS): an Order of the Day. Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii,
1812, p. 457, writes that 74 million rubles’ worth of property was destroyed in Smolensk province in 1812. Gavrilov,
, p. 159.

44 Eugen,
, vol. 2, pp. 204–7.
, p. 170, states that the Russians lost 1,800 men, the enemy 7,000. Radozhitskii,
Pokhodnyia zapiski
, vol. 1, pp. 250–51.

, vol. 4ii,
21, p. 719, has a table showing the temperature month-by-month in 1812 in various places with statistics indicating how much this diverged from the norm. Anyone using this table must remember that the months are according to the Russian calendar. R. M. Zotov,
, Moscow, n.d., p. 611, on how winter came suddenly in 1812. It would be tedious to list all the Russian sources which criticize French excuses about the weather, but see e.g. V. Kharkevich (ed.), 1812
god v dnevnikakh, zapiskakh i vospominaniiakh sovremennikov
, 4 vols., Vilna, 1900–1907, vol. 1, pp. 80–81, for General Kreutz’s comments. Baron Fain,
Manuscrit de Mil Huit CentDouze
, Paris, 1827, pp. 151–2.

46 Radozhitskii,
Pokhodnyia zapiski
, vol. 1, pp. 256–67.

47 Puybusque,
, pp. 105–15: 7, 10, 12 Nov. 1812. Fezensac,
, p. 276.

48 T. von Bernhardi,
Denkwürdigkeiten aus dem Leben des kaiserlichen russischen Generals der Infanterie Carl Friedrich Grafen von Toll
, 5 vols., Leipzig, 1858, vol. 4, p. 307.

49 Eugen,
, vol. 2, pp. 241–50. Löwenstern,
, vol. 1, p. 348.

50 Both M. I. Bogdanovich,
Istoriia otechestvennoi voiny
, 3 vols., SPB, 1859–60, vol. 3, pp. 101–46, and
, pp. 379–80, give accurate and fair accounts. Eugen,
, vol. 2, pp. 268–70 explains Ney’s escape from the Russian perspective.

Dnevnik Pavla Pushchina
, Leningrad, 1987, pp. 71–2.

52 Eugen,
, vol. 2, p. 275.

53 Gavrilov,
, pp. 154–71.
Upravlenie General-Intendanta Kankrina: Generalnyi sokrashchennyi otchet po armiiam…za pokhody Frantsuzov, 1812, 1813, 1814 godov
, Warsaw, 1815, p. 79. On the troops’ exhausting marches down snow-bound side roads, see
Zapiski o pokhodakh
godov ot Tarutinskago srazheniia do Kul’mskago boia
, SPB, 1834, part 1, p. 40. The book is anonymous because its author, V. S. Norov, had been imprisoned after the Decembrist rising of 1825 and wrote it in custody.

54 There are interesting sidelights on this from Kutuzov’s discussions with the captured Puybusque:
, especially as recorded in his letters of 11 and 18 Dec. 1812 (OS), pp. 141 ff. Note too Kutuzov’s earlier comments to Wilson and Bennigsen discussed in this chapter and his later conversations with Alexander and Shishkov which I will discuss in Ch. 9.

55 The letter is in a footnote on p. 282 of
, vol. 4ii, no. 295.

56 Kutuzov’s two letters to Chichagov are in
, vol. 4ii, no. 295, 3 Nov. 1812 (OS), pp. 282–3, and no. 363, 10 Nov. 1812 (OS), pp. 344–5. His letter to Wittgenstein of 8–9 November is in the same volume, no. 349, pp. 334–5. His comment to Ermolov is cited by V. S. Norov who was an aide-de-camp and an officer of the Guards Jaegers, one of the Guards regiments entrusted to Ermolov. See Norov’s
, p. 75. Ermolov quotes the first but not the second sentence in his memoirs and he was best placed to know exactly what Kutuzov said. Norov may have been embellishing his tale. But the words he ascribes to Kutuzov do sum up an attitude which comes across in many accounts, including Ermolov’s: see A. P. Ermolov,
Zapiski A. P. Ermolova
1798–1826, Moscow, 1991, pp. 243–6.

57 Carl von Clausewitz,
The Campaign of
in Russia
, London, 1992, pp. 213–14.

58 The basic narrative here comes from Bogdanovich,
…1812, vol. 2, ch. XXXI, pp. 442 ff. and vol. 3, ch. XL, pp. 205 ff. See RGVIA, Fond 846, Opis 16, Delo 3419: ‘Iskhodiashchii zhurnal Generala Sakena’, fos. 4i–ii, Sacken to Kutuzov, 21 Feb. 1813 for his complaint that he and his men had sacrificed themselves for the common good without hope of personal recognition.

59 Bogdanovich,
…1812, vol. 3, pp. 206–35. A. G. Tartakovskii (ed.),
Voennye dnevniki
, Moscow, 1990, pp. 211–25, covers the advance to the Berezina.

60 Bogdanovich,
…1812, vol. 3, p. 236.

61 See Oertel’s letter to Chichagov of 3 Nov. 1812 (OS):
1812, 21, pp. 115–17; Chichagov to Alexander, 17 Nov. 1812 (OS):
, 6, 1871, pp. 56–8.

1812, 19, Wittgenstein to Alexander, 19 Oct. 1812 (OS), p. 265.

63 Marshal Gouvion Saint-Cyr,
Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire militaire sous le Directoire, le Consulat et l’Empire
, Paris, 1831, vol. 3, pp. 201–3.

64 Bogdanovich,
…1812, vol. 3, pp. 198–204.
1812, 19, Wittgenstein to Alexander, 26 Oct. 1812 (OS), p. 268; Wittgenstein to Alexander, 31 Oct. 1812 (OS), pp. 270–72. Gavrilov,
, p. 163. See e.g. Alexander’s letter to Kutuzov of 30 Oct. 1812 (OS) in
, 2, no. 270, pp. 140–41, and Kutuzov’s letter to Wittgenstein of 3 Nov. (OS) on the same danger in
, vol. 4ii, no. 293, pp. 280–81.

65 V. Kriuchkov,
95-i pekhotnyi Krasnoiarskii polk:
1797–1897, SPB, 1897, p. 172. Gavrilov,
, p. 161, on requisitioning in Mogilev province.

66 Ermolov,
, pp. 244–8.

67 P. Pototskii,
Istoriia gvardeiskoi artillerii
, SPB, 1896, pp. 207–10. (Norov),
, pp. 76–7;
Istoriia leib-gvardii egerskago polka za sto let
1796–1896, SPB, 1896, pp. 88–94.

68 S. Gulevich,
Istoriia leib gvardii Finliandskago polka
1806–1906, SPB, 1906, pp. 256–61. (Norov),
, pp. 76–7.

69 Chichagov’s letters to Alexander constitute his first defence of his actions: see
, 6, 1871, pp. 51–67: 17 and 18 Nov. 1812 (OS). In the memoir material, perhaps the best defence comes in an article by General Ivan Arnoldi: ‘Berezinskaia pereprava’,
, 53/9, 1910, pp. 8–20. The main recent defence is by I. N. Vasilev,
Neskol’ko gromkikh udarov po khvostu tigra
, Moscow, 2001.

, vol. 4ii, no. 363, Kutuzov to Chichagov, 10 Nov. 1812 (OS), pp. 344–5. Clausewitz,
, p. 210.

71 Ermolov,
, p. 251.

72 Bogdanovich,
…1812, vol. 3, pp. 255–61. Mikhailovskii-Danilevskii,
1812, p. 519.

73 Arnol’di, ‘Berezinskaia pereprava’, pp. 11–12.

74 The best Russian descriptions are Bogdanovich,
…1812, vol. 3, pp. 263–76, and Vasil’ev,
Neskol’ko gromkikh udarov
, pp. 190–200, 248–68.

75 Bogdanovich,
…1812, vol. 3, pp. 270–72, 277–84, 297. Vasil’ev,
Neskol’ko gromkikh udarov
, pp. 235–48, 268–85. Clausewitz,
, pp. 204–8.

76 Ermolov,
, pp. 254–5.

77 Both Bogdanovich,
…1812, vol. 3, p. 288, and Bernhardi,
, vol. 4, p. 319, make this point.

, vol. 4ii, no. 563, Kutuzov to Alexander, 19 Dec. 1812, pp. 551–4. N. Murav’ev, ‘Zapiski Murav’eva’,
, 3, 1885, pp. 389–90. The numbers do not include Osten-Sacken’s corps.

79 I. I. Shelengovskii,
Istoriia 69-go Riazanskago polka
, 3 vols., Lublin, 1911, vol. 2, p. 192.
Upravlenie General-Intendanta
, pp. 108–16.

Upravlenie General-Intendanta
, pp. 114–16.

, vol. 4ii, no. 516, Kutuzov to Alexander, 1 Dec. 1812 (OS), pp. 494–5.

Chapter 9: 1813: The Spring Campaign


1 C. F. Adams (ed.),
John Quincy Adams in Russia
, New York, 1970, pp. 458–9.
, 7, no. 120, Rumiantsev to Alexander, 27 June/9 July 1813, pp. 293–4; no. 158, Rumiantsev to Alexander, 18/30 Sept. 1813, pp. 386–9.

2 Countess Choiseul-Gouffier,
Historical Memoirs of the Emperor Alexander I and the Court of Russia
, London, 1904, p. 148.

3 S. I. Maevskii, ‘Moi vek ili istoriia generala Maevskago’,
, 8, 1873, p. 253.

4 ‘Grafinia Roksandra Skarlatovna Edling: Zapiski’, in A. Libermann (ed.),
Derzhavnyi sfinks
, Moscow, 1999, p. 181.

5 See e.g. the comments by Sir Charles Stewart, later Marquess of Londonderry, in his
Narrative of the War in Germany and France in
1814, London, 1830, pp. 33, 242–3.

6 On seduction, see e.g. V. von Löwenstern,
Mémoires du Général-Major Russe Baron de Löwenstern
, 2 vols., Paris, 1903, and Boris Uxkull,
Arms and the Woman: The Intimate Journal of an Amorous Baltic Nobleman in the Napoleonic Wars
, London, 1966. The Guards officers’ memoirs bear out David Bell’s point about the links between sex and war in aristocratic military culture: D. A. Bell,
The First Total War
, London, 2007, pp. 23–4.

7 For Shishkov’s conversation with Kutuzov, see N. Kiselev and Iu. Samarin (eds.),
Zapiski, mneniia i perepiska Admirala A. S. Shishkova
, 2 vols., Berlin, 1870, vol. 1, pp. 167–9. For Toll’s memorandum, see T. von Bernhardi,
Denkwürdigkeiten aus dem Leben des kaiserlichen russischen Generals der Infanterie Carl Friedrich Grafen von Toll
, 5 vols., Leipzig, 1858, vol. 3, book 5, pp. 469–70.

, 7, no. 12, Nesselrode to Alexander I, early Feb. 1813, pp. 33–4.

9 L. G. Beskrovnyi (ed.),
Pokhod russkoi armii protiv Napoleona v
g. i osvobozhdenie Germanii: Sbornik dokumentov
, Moscow, 1964: no. 24, Chernyshev to Kutuzov, 1/13 Jan. 1813, p. 23.

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