Rush Into You (14 page)

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Authors: Brianna Lee

Tags: #Rush Series

BOOK: Rush Into You
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JAY PICKED ME up for school as usual the next morning, but I was in a daze. I spent the ride to school staring out the window, drinking my caramel ice coffee and trying not to fall asleep. Jay talked the whole way, but I didn’t hear a single word that she said. My tired mind was still stuck in last night, thinking about my time with Ryker. Besides a few stolen kisses and cuddling, we’d just hung out.

When we pulled into the student parking lot, Jay lightly slapped my thigh. “Geez, Gabby. You didn’t even hear a single thing I said, did you?”

“Sorry,” I apologized as we got out of the car. “I’m just really tired.”

“I completely fucking forgot! Forget my story, I want to hear yours. You left there with him the other night, looking like you guys were going to rip each other’s clothes off.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her dramatics...and her accuracy. Jay loved to talk about guys, specifically sex. It was one of her favorite topics. I could see how giddy she was at the idea of finally having me be the one to kiss and tell, but I wasn’t ready to share our whole story with her.

“We hung out.”

“Yeah, I figured that much.” She rolled her eyes, following me even though her first period was on the other side of campus. “Come on, Gabby, you know I’ve been dying over here for you to meet a guy, and now not only have you met a guy, but he’s a sexy, tattooed, badass biker.”

I smiled at the thought. “I need to get to class, Jay. It’s my only one today, and this professor flips out when people are late. I’m taking the bus home, so I’ll talk to you later.” I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Don’t think you’re getting out of this that easy, Gabby. I still want answers!” I laughed as she sashayed down the hall without a care in the world. Luckily I slipped into class and managed to sit down in my seat before the clock struck eight. I would never be able to get by the professor unnoticed if I were late since I’d chosen to sit at the second lab bench from the front. I pulled out my notebook and a blue pen to take notes when Professor Cole began our lecture.

I tuned out the professor’s flat voice when I felt my thigh tingle from the vibration of my cell phone. Not wanting to get caught, but curious nonetheless, I eased my cell from my pocket and waited until Professor Cole looked back down at her notes for me to peek at the screen.

I had one new text message from Ryker. My heart skipped a beat and started back up double time from excitement.


Meet me by the birch tree in front of the science building after class.


I decided to tease him a bit.


Who’s this?


I placed the phone on my lap instead of putting it back in my pocket, knowing he’d text me back soon enough. I scribbled down notes as I waited for Ryker’s response. I finally felt the vibration on my leg signaling a new text message.


Sorry, must have the wrong number. I was looking for this sexy girl I was with last night. I wanted to pick her up from school on my bike that she loves so much.


I’ll be there a lil before 11 ;)


This class would feel even longer now that I had Ryker to look forward to when it ended.



Ryker was sitting on his Harley on the side of the campus road, directly in front of the great white birch tree where he said he’d be. He was wearing his full helmet pulled back from his face, resting on his forehead.

He got off his bike in a fluid sweep of power and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug, possessing me. “Hey, Ryker.” I smiled up at him.

His answering smile was blinding when he looked down at me, and held out his hand. “Get over here, Gabby,” he demanded playfully. My eyes lit up at his flirting, eager to be closer to him. I grabbed his outstretched hand and squealed when Ryker strongly pulled me into him. Our bodies were pressed flush against each other, and I could feel the deep rumble of his laughter through his solid chest.

“What’s so funny?” I inhaled the leather and mint scent, mingled with cigarette smoke from his shirt.

“The things you make me feel, Gabby…” He trailed off with a sigh.

A smile tugged at my lips. “Where are we going?” I squeezed my arms around his middle.

He planted a soft kiss on my cheek, right beside my lips. “Get on. I’ll show you.” He grabbed the spare helmet off his bike and positioned it on my head, fitting it perfectly.

“You know, if I’m going to be on your bike a lot you might have to get me my own helmet,” I joked.

He looked me dead in my eyes. “That is your helmet. No one has worn it besides you.”

Somehow I knew he was telling the truth and not just saying what I wanted to hear. The look in his eyes was too serious, too honest. Before I could respond, he pulled his own helmet down over his face and mounted his bike.

I grabbed his broad shoulders and pulled myself up on the back of his Harley. When my arms wrapped around his lean waist, Ryker kicked the bike to life. All I heard was the thundering sound of Harley pipes as we coasted into the slight traffic leaving campus. I closed my eyes and breathed out a contented sigh, enjoying the happiness I felt at simply being in Ryker’s presence.

I could get used to this.

I WAS STILL floating with excitement from my day trip with Ryker. Never in a million years would I have guessed that he was taking me to a Red Sox game.

We got swept up in the pedestrian traffic, being carried away by the fan’s excitement until I’d noticed we’d turned onto Yawkey Way. I’d stopped dead in my tracks, pulling Ryker to a halt with me. The people behind us had crashed into us with a curse, but I’d ignored their aggravation as I’d looked up and down the street in awe. I’d jumped up and wrapped my arms tight around his neck, squealing shamelessly.

Before the game started, we’d explored the amazing Yawkey Way. Ryker brought me into a store with loads of Red Sox paraphernalia, and bought me a pink jersey and traditional navy Red Sox hat that I’d picked out. It was the same one he always wore. I’d tried to pay for my stuff with my own money, but he wouldn’t hear of it. It had been a pleasant surprise that he’d taken charge.

Ryker had scored us seats directly behind the Red Sox’s dugout, so we’d had an intimate view of everything going on. We’d been so close to the field that we heard and saw the players perfectly. He caught a foul ball with his bare hands in the seventh inning, then he’d given it to me. The day was amazing.

I was ecstatic the entire time, feeling as if I were living a dream. I’d grown up watching the Red Sox with my father and had fallen in love with the game. I watched them on television as often as I could, but I never went to a game. I’d wanted to see the Red Sox play since I was a little girl, especially on their home turf, and Ryker had made that dream come true for me today without even realizing it.



A SLIGHT ROCK of the train made me sway on my feet, and I gripped the pole to keep myself from falling. The jolt brought me back to the present, and I looked over my shoulder at Ryker standing behind me. We were heading home from the game, both of us tired. Ryker’s large grip rested right above mine on the pole while the other held onto the railing above our heads. His body was caging me in, shielding me from the overly crowded train. Most of the people in our section of the train were drunk and rowdy, celebrating the Red Sox’s victory. I turned myself around in Ryker’s protective cocoon and leaned up against the pole that was now behind me. The brim of his hat was pulled low over his forehead, stopping just above his eyebrows. I flicked the edge with my finger and laughed.


His hands gripped my hip bones and pulled me against him. “You have fun today?”

I hooked my thumbs in his back pockets. “How’d you know I loved the Red Sox?”

The train lurched again, shoving me into Ryker’s hard body. He barely moved, his feet planted firmly on the floor. I didn’t pull away when the train steadied itself, reveling in our proximity. I felt his body move as his shoulders rose. “I didn’t, but I had tickets and couldn’t think of anyone I’d rather go with me.”

“It’s always been my dream to go to a game. I couldn’t have asked for a better day. It was perfect.”

“I’m glad you had fun. We’ll go again sometime. I get tickets a lot.”

I laid my head on his chest, wanting nothing more than to make future plans with him. “Thanks, Ryker.”

His arms squeezed around me in acknowledgement, my senses hyperaware of how close our bodies really were—our bodies came together naturally and by choice. I didn’t want to let go.


One of Ryker’s hands started stroking my back slowly, tickling my senses. I felt flushed, an ache growing at the apex of my thighs begging to be relieved. A warm tingle arrowed straight to my core, and I reflexively rubbed my legs together. A public and very crowded train was not the appropriate place to get turned on, but his subtle touches made it impossible not to. His fingers kept creeping lower, running from my back down to the top of my ass. I buried my head in his chest and whimpered, thoughts running back to our kiss over ice cream. I wanted his lips on me again. Right now.

As if Ryker read my mind, he lifted my chin to look up at him and placed the softest kiss on my lips. He lingered there, our mouths pressed together, but not making a move to go further. The way my body was feeling, I knew if we deepened this kiss I wouldn’t be able to hold myself back. I’d lose any shred of self-control I had and jump him right here in front of all these people.

The announcer declared the last stop, which happened to be ours. Right as the doors opened, Ryker slid his tongue ever so slightly over my bottom lip. He grabbed my hand and led us out the doors before I had a chance to react, and guided us fluidly through the herd of people coming and going, never faltering in his stride. My legs still felt like jello from the rush of erotic sensations that had flooded my body, but his hand stayed glued to mine the whole time to ensure I’d keep up with him.

Suddenly, my back was pressed against the concrete wall of the garage next to Ryker’s bike. His calloused hand was on the side of my neck, his fingers gripping the hair at my nape. With jerky movements full of desire, his thumb pushed my chin up and angled my face to meet his. I sucked in a breath at the smoldering look in his hooded eyes.

He looked like a man who wanted to fuck.

His mouth was on mine in an instant, devouring me like a starved warrior, and his tongue took control, dominating my mouth with long and hungry strokes. This kiss was nothing like the slow and sensual kisses we’d shared. I clutched at his hair frantically trying to get a grip on the short pieces. He grabbed my breast and I gasped, arching into his palm, eager for more.

A car horn blared, the sound echoing like a gunshot in the parking garage. We jerked apart, the interruption breaking our moment. I’d completely forgotten where we were. From the sounds of Ryker’s heavy breathing, I’d say he had gotten carried away as well. The feel of his hand touching my breast…it almost melted me. No hands had ever felt so good, and I was greedy for more.

Ryker helped me on his Harley, and I secured my helmet. When the bike roared to life, and he moved slowly out of the garage, I boldly put my hands beneath his shirt to rest on his abs. My fingers climbed the hard ridges and contours of his muscles, loving his strength. I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of his briefs and kissed the space between his shoulder blades, then leaned my cheek against his back and settled in for the ride home.

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