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Authors: Jessica Tamara

Running Away From Love (6 page)

BOOK: Running Away From Love
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When I finished, he said, “Wow, so you are a pretty successful woman I’m impressed. I have to admit it is very sexy how driven and independent you are. Not a lot of woman out here have a mind of their own. Let alone handle their business like it should be done.”

I blushed slightly. “Thank you. I guess I’m going to be pretty busy here, but it’s worth it to me because I love it. I love writing and music so it’s a dream come true for me. Who wouldn’t love to do something for a living they really love.”

Our food came, and we ate and talked and laughed the whole time. I was having an amazing time with him so far.

After we finished eating he asked “So, are you ready to go on the rest of our date? There is a party tonight I was invited to, and I would love for you to be my date for the night.”

I said “Okay, that sounds good. I’m ready whenever you are.”

As we left the restaurant he grabbed me by the hand, and we walked out together. He wrapped his arm around my waist, and he held onto me as if he was staking his claim on me. My apprehension kicked in almost instantly. So I removed myself out of his grasp, and put some distance between us. He just looked at me and smiled. I think he could sense my apprehension but chose to ignore it. So we got into his truck heading to our next destination.

              As we pulled up in front of the club the valet guy opened my door and my mouth almost hit the floor. There was a red carpet with paparazzi and everything. The flashing lights and noise was intimidating as hell. I was never the one who liked the attention, and was in the spotlight.

I guess Q could sense my apprehension so he grabbed me by the hand and said “It’s ok it is not as bad as it looks. Just follow my lead I got you I promise”.

I just looked at him nervous as hell about the whole thing. He took me by the hand, and led me down to the red carpet along with him. As we walked the carpet I heard the numerous calls for Q to look every which way for a quick picture. Every time they called he grabbed me by the waist, and posed with me in his arms. He whispered silly things in my ear to make me laugh, and it helped me relax a lot. I was surprised at how comfortable he could make me feel, even in the most awkward situation possible for me. I heard the numerous questions on who I was, and he would only tell them my name. They pushed asking if I was the new lady in his life. But he didn’t give any more info than that. I couldn’t help but wonder if he did this a lot with the women he met. It was then I noticed he must be very popular on the New York City nightlife scene. It’s funny that I never noticed him before even though I watched basketball faithfully. But in all honesty I never watched the nets game. I guess after tonight I should start! After we finished walking the red carpet we finally made our way inside the club. Inside it was packed from wall to wall.

              There were people everywhere, and everyone generally looked like they were having the time of their lives. There were so many different celebrities all around me, and it really took me by surprise to see all these high profile people right in front of me. I never really experienced anything like this in my life. I was always on the outside looking in. But tonight I was on the inside, and it felt really good I had to admit. Q still held onto my hand as we made our way through the club. We made it up to the VIP section of the club where all of the celebrities were hanging out at. He introduced me to all of his friends. I smiled and shook a lot of hands with his numerous friends and acquaintances. He poured me a glass of Ace of Spades and handed me the glass.

He raised his glass and said “Let’s toast to us getting to know one another.”

I raised my glass to his and said “I will toast to that.”

              After our toast we talked, laughed, and flirted with one another. I kept catching his eyes roaming up and down my exposed thighs to the stems of my legs. I will admit I looked pretty damn good tonight, almost like I was some sort of celebrity myself. With all the models, singers, socialites, and actresses I felt like I held my own. I was like one of the only dark skinned woman in the whole VIP section. I never understood why darker skinned woman aren’t looked to be as beautiful as lighter skinned woman. But tonight I definitely proved all those brown skin hatin ass people wrong. As I looked around I saw a lot of females whispering and looking over at me and Q. I guess being seen with a man like him you probably have to deal with this type of stuff all the time. I’m sure it takes a secure woman to handle it all.

He said “So I’m really curious to know why you don’t have a man. I mean from what I’ve gotten to know so far you seem like the perfect catch. Should I run now because you being single seems real crazy!”

I laughed at his comment. I really didn’t want to get into why I wasn’t in a relationship so I decided to keep my answer simple and short. Plus I don’t think me saying I have trust issues, and I’ve been running away from men and relationships were appropriate for a first date. The truth was I was afraid to let another man into my life in fear of getting my heart broken. I didn’t want to run the man away before we got a chance to know one another.

I laughed it off but added, “I don’t know, maybe you should run. I could be crazy for all you know. But to be honest I really don’t have any specific reason on why I don’t have a boyfriend. I just don’t have one. I guess I haven’t really made the time to look for one. My work is who I am in a relationship right now. And I haven’t met anyone who I can see myself standing still with for a while. Most guys find me difficult. I’m at a point in my life where I’m not pressed to become anyone‘s girlfriend. But I am definitely open to it if the right man comes along.”

I thought about what I had just said. I was not even sure if what I just said was true, or if it even made any sense.

He just stared at me as he said “Well I’m a very interesting man, and I’m confident I can get you to stand still with me for a while. That is if you would be interested in that with me. Plus I love the challenge of a difficult woman. It makes the chase that much more fun for me. When I finally get my hands around her I’m never letting go.”

When he finished, he placed his hand on my thigh, and slightly licked his lips as he looked into my eyes. I just smiled as I knew what was on his mind too bad he was far from getting it. I could barely meet his stare back, as I felt a tingle run up and down my spine by his touch. There was no doubt I wanted him. So I sipped my champagne to try and calm my nerves, and I shifted my leg to remove his hand. He knew he had me feeling nervous but he just smiled at me, and placed his hand back on his own leg. All he had to do was look at me a certain way, and I would instantly get turned on. If I had any panties on right now they would be soaking wet. I guess it really has been way too long for me not to have had sex. I know my body was giving me hints I needed to take care of this problem, and right now my body was screaming out for Q to please me.

              After I had like two glasses of the Ace of Spades I was feeling real nice, and started to come out of my shell a little more. The song Invented Sex by Trey Songz and Drake came on. That is my song so I got up out of my seat, and I decided to start dancing by myself. I slowly began to wind and rock my hips to the beat. As I was dancing I noticed all eyes were on me. I didn’t even notice it at first, because I was in my own little world. I loved to dance. If I wasn’t in the journalism business I definitely wanted to be a professional dancer. I saw Q staring and admiring me. I could tell he wasn’t really feeling all the other dudes staring at me all hard, but he held his tongue.

So I came up next to him and said “Come dance with me.”

He smiled at me as he said “No, I don’t really dance.”

I laughed as I said “It‘s okay, just leave it all up to me.”

I extended my hand out and he took it. I began to dance all around him making sure to touch him slightly with my hands and body. It was crazy I was usually never this flirtatious. I guess it was the drinks in my system that had me feeling kind of loose. I stood in front of him and started a slow grind up against him. He didn’t do much but stand back, and watch me. He grabbed my hand as I slowly snaked my body down to the ground up against him. As I stood back up he turned me around so that I was facing him.

He smiled and whispered in my ear, “so I see you know how to move that sexy body of yours.”

I laughed as I said “I know how to do a little bit. Sometimes I can‘t help myself when my song comes on.”

              He said “Yeah, okay, you better cut that shit out before you start something you ain’t ready to handle. Plus you are getting way too much attention. I’m not really feeling them other niggas trying to steal your attention away from me.”

I blushed as we sat back down together. I sat back down, this time much closer to him, and he gladly received me into his body.

Coyly I said “The other guys shouldn’t even matter, being that I’m here with you. I am curious about some things as well. So tell me, Quincy, why is it that you don’t have a girlfriend? Judging from all the girls in here burning a damn hole in my head while I was dancing with you, you are a wanted man.”

He laughed as he noticed how observant I was.

“A lot of the girls in here are fake as hell. They are only attracted to the money and the fame that my lifestyle can bring. They couldn’t really care less about the man behind that lifestyle. They only think about what I can do for them. I need a woman who has her own shit. I don’t need a girl on my arm for show. I’m looking for a real woman who happens to have the looks of a trophy wife.”

I laughed as I playfully smacked him on the arm. “Are you saying you’re the guy who only dates beautiful women? That’s really vain of you.”

He smiled. “No, the women I date don’t need to be flawlessly beautiful. Sometimes it’s a woman’s imperfections that make her flawlessly beautiful. But I will say that you, Jasmine, are flawlessly beautiful on the inside, as well as your physical appearance. What I see on the inside is what attracts me the most to you.”

I smiled at him as we gazed into one another’s eyes, trying to figure out what this thing was developing between us. As we were talking, a girl approached us. She was about 5 foot 6 with caramel colored skin. She wore her hair in a short edgy Rihanna type haircut. In fact, she could have even been mistaken for Rihanna. She was a very beautiful woman. I watched her approach us, hoping she wasn’t about to start no shit. She was dressed in short black mini skirt that hugged her body perfectly. She matched it with a shimmering gold metallic tank top and some strappy gold heels.

              As she approached us she wasn’t focused on me at all. I guess in her mind I didn’t exist. Her eyes were locked right on Q. I began to wonder if this was his girlfriend. As he saw her approaching us he pulled me in closer into his body. When he did I knew that she couldn’t have been his girlfriend. If she was his girl, he would have pushed me away as if he didn’t know me. Most men act totally brand new when they get busted out with another chick.

She stopped and stood right in from of me. “Long time, no hear, Q. How have you been?”

“Why are you even over here?” He sounded annoyed. “What can I help you with?”

It was written all over her face that she was aggravated at my presence, and by his uncaring attitude towards her.

“Damn,” she said, obviously offended, “it’s like that now? You were my man for three years, and now you want to act like you don’t even know me. That’s a real brand new attitude to have all of a sudden, don’t you think?”

Finally she then turned her attention to me and said “Why don’t you introduce me to your little friend over here?” I laughed at the little jab she threw at me. She looked me up and down with a frown on her face.

I just laughed. “Okay, I guess you two need to talk alone. I’m going to go to the bathroom and let ya‘ll talk.”

I was about to get up, but Q gently pulled me back down.

“No,” he said, “you don’t have to go anywhere. You’re good right here by my side. Let me introduce you. Jasmine, this is my ex-girlfriend Tierra. Tierra, this is Jasmine. So keep it 100 Tierra, you only came over here to be all up in my business. So this is Jasmine, now you have a name to match to her face. You can leave now. I’m trying to enjoy my date. We were having a real good time until you came over here tryna fuck up my mood. I mean you know I don’t have shit to say to you. This isn’t anything new to you.”

She was getting angrier by the minute by his blatant disrespect towards her.

“Whatever Quincy!” she snapped. “I don’t know why you trying to act all brand new, because you’re with your new chick of the week. But you and I both know this shit won’t last. She is just another chick who wants to get at the ball player. She really doesn’t want your ass. I thought by now you could spot the gold diggers and groupies out of the bunch!”

I just laughed at her comment I knew she was speaking out of jealousy now. I decided to call her bluff.

“First of all, I don’t know you, and you don’t know me. I am far from being a gold digger, or a groupie. I do not need Quincy for anything, sweetheart. So whatever issues you have are between you and him. You really need to not address me in your conversation period! I will say that you are making it pretty damn obvious that you’re feeling some type of way about seeing him here with me tonight. Trust me I didn’t force him he definitely chose to be here with me tonight! Jealousy only makes you look foolish so try to stop.”

She turned to Q pissed off at how I just came at her. She didn’t have anything to say to me after that. At that moment I knew she was nothing but talk.

BOOK: Running Away From Love
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