Run Rosie Run (21 page)

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Authors: C. C. MacKenzie

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Run Rosie Run
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His cock was stretching her and filled her in a way that had her cry out again.

‘Am I hurting you?’ he gasped.

She shook her head.

‘No. Please let me move.’

All she received in response was a low laugh as he rocked back and forth, inching in and out, in and out until she was sobbing.

It didn’t hurt her, exactly.

But she felt overstretched, overwrought and overwhelmed with the enormity of not only his size but what he was doing to her body and the words he was whispering in her ear.

‘Like that? You’re so tight my cock’s going to explode. You’re so hot, so wet, so ready for me, baby.’

‘Please,’ she begged and had no idea what for.

‘You want it harder? Not yet, baby. I need to prepare you, stretch you.’

He thrust deeper and she ended up on her tip toes as her knuckles went white against the sink.

Then he rotated his hips and he hit something deep inside her that made her womb clench under the flat of his hand.

He massaged the spot with firm but gentle fingers and rotated his hips again.

Her legs were trembling so badly she was amazed she could even stand.

‘That’s a good girl,’ he gasped in her ear. ‘Let it go. Come for me, baby.’

But he was too big, increasingly stretching her too tight and he was buried too deep inside her.

She couldn’t imagine having an orgasm.

But his deep voice triggered something, a tsunami of sensation that made her gasp with the pleasure pain of it.

Then his thumb flicked her swollen clitoris and Rosie broke apart.

She closed her eyes so tight she saw stars as her body exploded and her orgasm gushed, lubricating him in a way that made him laugh out loud.

‘Jesus, you’ve just ejaculated,’ he growled.

And now he pistoned into her.

Rosie could do nothing except hang on for the ride of her life.

Again and again he went fast, then slow, then fast again and brought her to the brink before easing back.

By this time she was past caring.

‘Alexander! For God’s sake.’

Her arousal was flooding her womb again as he held her hips firm and pounded into her and she heard his gasps as her core gripped him too tight and her body went rigid, curving into a bow as yet again her body contracted and another orgasm ripped through her from her toes to her scalp.

Her scream might have broken glass as her legs gave way, but he held her with one strong arm around her waist as he followed her up and over the edge.

Panting, trying to catch his breath, Alexander wondered if he’d ever be the same.

Rosie was sobbing and leaning over the sink and he was still inside her. Incredibly her core muscles were still milking him. He’d never felt anything like it.

He eased out of her and heard her cry out.

‘Did I hurt you?’

He disposed of the condom and picked her up in his arms.

She was trembling so badly alarm raced up his spine.

He placed her on the bed and lay beside her.

He knew he was a big man and she’d been tight, maybe too tight?

Taking her face in his hands, he forced her to look at him.

Big brown eyes, dazed with what looked like shock stared into his.

‘Speak to me, Rosie. Did I hurt you?’

Those eyes never left his as she shook her head.

‘What was that?’ she croaked.

‘Was it good?’

‘I think I can still feel my fingers and my toes.’

He laughed with something that felt suspiciously like relief and buried his face in the soft skin of her neck.

‘I know the feeling.’

The room was warm but her trembling appeared to get worse instead of better.

Alexander lifted his head and what he saw in those big eyes, drenched in tears, stopped his heart.

He leaned on his elbow and ran his fingertips over her hot face.

‘What is it, sweetheart?’ he whispered.

Her chin and bottom lip trembled and she bit down hard as her forehead creased.

‘It wasn’t how I imagined it would be.’




Chapter Twenty Five



Was it good?

Was the man insane?

The part where he’d groaned and his seed poured into her had been amazing.

But it was all too much, the feelings, the emotions were too much to handle and one emotion overrode them all.

Where was the intimacy, the whispered sweet nothings and the gentle touch of her dream lover?

It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

A single tear spilled over and ran into her hairline and Rosie heard his breath hitch.

She braced herself, Alexander Ludlow didn’t do tears.

He certainly didn’t do sympathy.

How many times over the years had he ragged her about crying?

‘Don’t cry. I can’t bear it,’ he whispered.

And now he was upset with her.

Blinking frantically, she swiped her eyes, closed them tight.

‘It started out... good... and intimate...’ she couldn’t continue.

The way his hand shook as he stroked her silky hair made her feel like an evil witch.

‘Look at me, baby.’

He held her in a loose hug and still she trembled.

She opened her eyes and what she saw there, confusion, disappointment and was that hurt, gave her a sucker punch in the gut.

Her stomach churned and she swallowed the lump in her throat.

She’d hurt him, but she couldn’t help it.

‘And then it went... it wasn’t how I imagined it would be...’ Her voice broke.

Why on earth had she thought she could do this?

She was so stupid and naive.

God, he must think she was pathetic.

Too churned up, too disappointed with herself and with him, Rosie pushed him away, rolled over under the duvet and curled into a tight ball.

‘Go away and leave me alone,’ she whispered brokenly.


Alexander stood at the side of the bed, thrust both hands through his hair, gripped and pulled hard.

The sex hadn’t been too rough for her?

But he didn’t get it.

Why was she upset?

What was all that she’d said to Josh about ‘Alexander’s the type who only does vanilla sex?’

He’d only given her what he thought she wanted.

What the hell was he supposed to do?

The pain in the region of his heart was so bad he rubbed his fist against it.

He strode round to her side of the bed, crouching down to find her too pale and staring into space.

Those big brown eyes forcibly reminded him of a smacked puppy and he wondered if the ache in his chest was the shattering of his heart.

His hand caressed her fragrant curls, they were so soft, so silky.

‘You need to talk to me, angel face. I can’t leave you like this. Tell me what I did wrong.’

She blinked and those eyes met his.

‘I can’t do this.’

‘Do what?’

‘Be a friend with benefits. I don’t know why I thought I could do it.’

‘Sit up and talk to me.’

With a shuddering breath, she sat and pulled the duvet to shield her breasts.

He sat on the bed and realised by the way her gaze flicked over him she wasn’t comfortable with the fact he was naked.

Her eyes flashed into his with something that looked like irritation.

Relief hit him so hard he felt dizzy.

An annoyed Rosie he could deal with.

Then her gaze dropped to his cock.

He couldn’t help it, his shaft went hard.

Those big brown eyes went too wide as they met his.

‘Do you think you could put that thing away?’ she asked him in a voice that forcibly reminded him of his third grade teacher.


Aaaand she was back!

The way she’d said it made him bite down hard on the inside of his cheek as he strode into the bathroom to find his jeans.

How could a man not love her?

She was fucking hilarious.

Most women would be stroking him so to speak, not his Rosie.

He dragged on his jeans and zipped them up as he strode back.

‘Better?’ he asked as he sat on the bed and folded his arms across his chest.

Her colour was back, thank goodness.


‘You’re the first woman to call my cock a thing. You certainly know how to kick a man where it hurts.’

Dark eyes flashed, temper, into his.

‘What do you want me to call it?’

This time the tone made his mouth quiver.


She huffed out a breath.

‘Divine Rod? Love Muscle or The Pleasure Pump? Take your pick.’


Alexander roared with laughter and Rosie couldn’t believe she was having this crazy conversation about his, it had to be said, impressive penis.

How could she crave him on the one hand and on the other run for her life when he made a move?

It made no sense at all.

But then he’d always driven her crazy, confused her.

She enjoyed sex.

She’d had two sexual partners in her life but none had made her feel terrified of her own body and what it could do to her to lose control.

Only Alexander and what the hell was she going to do about it?

Hadn’t she already decided to leave town and start again?

But there was more, Rosie admitted, needing to be honest with herself.

God knew he could make her angry.

He could and had, hurt her.

But she didn’t want to hurt him.

Why had she made such a mess of this?

And it was all her own stupid fault she had no one to talk to about it.


Alexander was wiping his streaming eyes.

Rosie decided it wasn’t that funny and narrowed her own.

‘I don’t want anyone to know we did this.’

He sat and gave her such a gentle look that the nerves in her belly started to do a little dance.

‘We still not having a relationship?’

The time had come to put all her cards on the table.

‘I’m leaving.’

‘So you’ve said. Where and when are you going?’ he asked in a perfectly reasonable voice which pressed one of her hot buttons.

She tugged the duvet up to her neck.

The move drew those amazing eyes to her breasts.

For good measure she lifted her chin.

‘After my birthday party. Cyprus and then New York.’

He nodded. ‘What’s in New York?’

‘A job, a career.’

He took her right hand in a friendly manner and linked their fingers.

‘You have a job here and a career too, if you want it.’

She took a deep breath as he brought her hand to his mouth and took his time kissing each finger, all the while his eyes never left hers.

Her whole system revved.

How did he

‘I need a change of scene. A fresh start,’ she said breathlessly as heat flooded her face.

The way his teeth nibbled and his tongue soothed her pinkie caused a spear of arousal low in her belly, her breasts.


Why the hell couldn’t she think?

‘Because I do.’

He scraped his teeth along her tiny digit, nipped and shook his head.

‘That’s not an answer.’

Irritation now battled through lust.

‘That’s the best you’re going to get.’

‘Are we friends?’

She frowned now.


‘Then why can’t you tell me why you need a change of scene and a fresh start. People usually say that sort of thing when something’s gone wrong in their lives or they’ve been hurt.’

When she said nothing, his eyes went too sharp.

‘Did Simon hurt you, angel face?’


For God’s sake!

How could she have forgotten about the man who didn’t exist?

The desperate need to unburden her soul had her open her mouth, but when she heard the sincerity in his voice, saw it in his eyes, she couldn’t do it.


‘Okay, so if it wasn’t Simon, who was it?’

A hot rock stuck in her throat making her eyes sting.

She couldn’t look at him.

‘It’s nothing,’ her voice croaked.

‘Rosie, look at me.’

When she wouldn’t he grabbed her shoulders, hauled her across the bed and lay on top of her.

His hips pinned hers to the bed.

One hand caught her wrists, held them above her head, while the other gripped her chin.

She closed her eyes tight.

But it was no use, his breath brushed her burning cheek.

The scent of him, aroused warm male and soap and cologne spun across her heightened senses.

The hard, heavy weight of him on top of her was a deep pleasure and a deep pain.

Don’t you dare cry, she implored herself. Don’t you dare.

‘Look at me.’

‘No,’ she whispered.

‘What did I do?’




Chapter Twenty Six



By her jolt of shock he realised that his shot in the dark had hit the target.

Alexander was a patient man and he was prepared to wait as long as it took for her response.

God, she felt wonderful under him.

His cock fired.

It cost him, but he managed to remain perfectly still.

She opened her eyes and looked right into his.

‘Absolutely nothing,’ she said.

He recognised the truth of it, but he also saw the pain of it.

And something else that absolutely infuriated him.

‘You’re scared? Of me?’

He let her go.

Rosie sat and grabbed the duvet to cover herself again.

She was shaking so hard it drove her nuts.

‘I’ve never been scared of you,’ she lied straight to his face, again.

‘Then you’re scared of yourself, of how I make you feel.’

‘Now you’re being an idiot,’ she snapped.

‘Prove it,’ he shot back.


‘Stop playing games.’

His tone, the command in his voice nudged her fraying temper.

‘I’m not,’ she yelled.

‘Then what the hell do you think you’re doing?’ he yelled back.

It was out of her mouth before it entered her brain.

‘I’m trying not to be destroyed!’



The silence was deafening.

Her heart was hammering so hard in her chest she was amazed he couldn’t hear it.

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