Ruined #4 (The MC Motorcycle Club Romance Series - Book #4) (4 page)

BOOK: Ruined #4 (The MC Motorcycle Club Romance Series - Book #4)
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“It makes sense so far big brother, except that I
saw you on the security tapes sending that email, the one that made Terrance
set me up.”

“I did send it. Blake asked me to. Terrance likes to
act tough, but he’s just a big ass sissy. He’s scared shitless of his dad. Even
so, it was going to be harder than hell to convince him to set you up. So
instead, we made it look like the orders came from Dad. As scared as he is of
his own father, he’s ten times more afraid of Dad.”

“What did it take to convince you to send it?” I
asked him.

“The fact that it was gonna hurt the old man to see
you behind bars, his golden child.”

“Jealousy, Brock? You did all of this because you
think Dad likes me better?”

“I don’t think you little fuck. I know. Everyone
does. The old man looks like he swallowed a watermelon and it got caught in his
chest every time you’re around. It’s sickening.”

I had enough. I got off of him and he tried to jump
up but he was moving slow. I didn’t worry that he was going to give me any more

“What’s in the boxes, Brock?”

“Leave it alone, Dax. You wanted to know who set you
up and now you do. Leave all this shit alone and go back to school where all
you pretty little smart boys should be.”

I was tired of screwing with him.

I went over to where the crates were and he said,
“I’m taking off, Dax. I’m going to tell Dad you were here. If any of our
merchandise is missing, he’ll know who to blame.”

I didn’t answer him again. Instead, I picked up a
crowbar that I saw lying on the ground and I used it to pry open the crate.
Inside were hundreds of tiny black baggies; black balloons of heroin. They were
just like the ones in my saddle bags the day I was arrested. I put the lid back
on the crate and I realized I hadn’t heard Brock leave.

I turned and looked at him. He said, “This part of
the business belongs to Blake. Dad wants us to get out of it, but Blake won’t
let it go. He makes too much money…and he likes money. He also likes that the
cartels aren’t cutting off his head. He will take you and Dad both out if he
has too, Dax. Leave this alone.”

I watched my brother limp to his bike. He winced
when he buckled down his helmet. His nose and lip weren’t bleeding any longer
but they were both swollen and there was dried blood all over his face. He
looked like hell. I watched him go and then I threw the lock back on the
warehouse. Brock was probably as right as everyone else…I probably should have
left this alone. I still couldn’t though.




All morning at work all I could think about was that
I needed to go to Terrance’s apartment and pick up my mail. He never checked
the mail, so I knew it was probably stuffed full. I was sure most of it would
be mine. I made forty different excuses why I couldn’t go. I needed to do
laundry. All three pairs of my jeans were dirty. I needed to wash the car…The
truth was that I really didn’t want to run into Terrance. He had scared me the
last time I saw him. I guess I’d have to throw in the time before that too when
he was holding the giant gun to my head.

The mailboxes for the building were at one end of
the complex and his apartment was at the other end so I convinced myself I was
just being a big chicken shit and finally drove over there. I parked a little ways
away from the boxes and snuck up to them like a thief, looking this way and
that. I didn’t see Terrance’s bike anywhere. I put the key in and opened the
box and things fell out on the ground. I really needed to put in a change of
address. I just really wasn’t sure what my address was those days. I sorted
through what was his and what were mine, putting his back in the box and
shutting it. I looked down at the envelope in my hand. It was from the college.

I carried it all back to the car, staring at the
envelope all the way. It was either an acceptance or a denial letter. I told
myself since it was skinny they probably denied me. One of the teachers I had
when I dropped out a couple of years back had told me that with all those
withdrawals on my transcripts, they probably wouldn’t let me re-enroll without
going through some kind of appeal process. My stomach was fluttering and I told
myself to just open it. If they turned me down then I would appeal it. I wasn’t
completely incapable of standing up for myself. I’d proven that, to me at
least, when I stood up to Terrance. I finally ripped it open and pulled out the
single piece of paper.

Taking a deep breath I unfolded it and read:
We are pleased to inform you…

I squealed out loud and then I read the rest. It was
just the standard information about registration and start dates. I did a
little happy dance in my seat and laid it on the opposite seat of me.

I started the car and put it in reverse and then I
threw it back into park and picked up the letter and read it again. I was so
excited. I wanted to tell someone. The first someone I thought about was Dax.

I started driving in the direction of the bar and I
was about half-way there when I realized that I hadn’t even told him I had
reapplied. We had just got back together and he had just promised me to stop
chasing around the MC, trying to get revenge or whatever it was that he wanted.
What if he was upset that I’d be going away for big chunks of time? What if it
made him not want to be with me at all? I didn’t want to lose him again. I
guess I have some time. I didn’t really have to tell him this minute. I could
hold off until our relationship was tighter and he was over everything that had
been going on. I decided that was exactly what I was going to do, wait….just a
while longer.




I was sitting in my room in the back of the bar
thinking over everything I’d found out. My best friend and my own brother had
set me up. They both wanted to say the major responsibility for it all lied on
Terrance’s father’s shoulders, but the truth was their betrayal was worse…a lot
worse. I didn’t give a shit if Terrance’s dad liked me or not. But Terrance and
I grew up together. We learned what we knew about life together. He was closer
to me than any brother ever could be. We told each other everything, shared
everything. He set me up as easily as he breathed and he tried to write it all
off by saying he did it because he feared for his life. There was a time that I
would have taken a bullet for Terrance and I thought he felt the same about me.
I guess I was wrong.

Then there was my brother. Granted, Brock and I had
never been close, but he was my family. My mother raised him as her own. He and
I slept in the same room in bunk beds for years when we were kids. He taught me
how to ride a two wheel bike and he took me on my first Harley ride. He was my
fucking brother, whether we had the same mother or not, and it meant nothing
more to him than to agree to help these bastards send me to prison.

I took out a notebook and I started writing things
down. First, Terrance’s dad decided he wanted to get rid of me so that my dad
couldn’t convince me to take over the club someday. From what I knew about him
Brock was right. His preference probably would have been to kill me but he was
too afraid of my dad. So, he turned to his other son, the one who already had
his own spin-off club going. The one who kissed his ass and did whatever they
wanted him to do, no matter what dirty deed it involved. The one who I’d only
recently discovered is so jealous of the way my parents feel about me that he
couldn’t see straight. He had agreed to do it and it didn’t seem to me like it
had been out of fear for his safety. It was like he was just waiting for the
right opportunity to come along.

Lastly, there was the illustrious vice president of
the club himself. He wanted the ultimate power. He probably always had. If
anything ever happened to my dad, he would succeed him…as long as he had
nothing to do with whatever happened to my dad. But when they both retired,
when they were too old to ride and make deals with bad guys, my dad wanted the
guy who succeeded him to be me. I’d like to say that I was hardened enough by
everything that had happened to this point that I saw how ridiculous it was. The
problem was it was the first indication I ever had that my dad gave a shit
about me. I didn’t want to be President of the stupid fucking club. I didn’t
even want to be a part of it. The idea that my father, who was all about
respect, wanted me to takeover had a weird effect on me. It made me…proud. It
was further proof to the rational part of my brain that I needed to get the
hell away from those people.

I wrote down how they had all conspired to put me
away and then I moved onto listing what I could do to get even. The first thing
I wrote down was, kill them. I could honestly say when I was in prison, I was
angry enough that if I had found out who had set me up, I would have come out
of there a homicidal maniac. The difference now was that I had time to think
things over a more clearly. I wanted a life, a real one. If I killed the
bastards, they would win. I’d be back in prison.

I crossed it out and put, set them up. Put them in a
cage for years and let them decide whether it was worth what they did to me.
That way, they would be out of my way, living in a cage like animals, and I’d
be doing a public service by getting them off the streets.

I was looking at my list when Olivia walked in. I
tossed the notebook down under the nightstand next to the bed before she got
the door all the way open. I looked up at her and I was consumed with an
overwhelming desire to kiss her, so I got up and went over to her. Without
saying a word, we put our arms around each other and I pulled her in for a
long, deep kiss.

I led her over to the bed and neither of us said
anything as we undressed. I helped her lay down. I began kissing her at her
ankles and then all the way up to her neck. Her moans drove me crazy and it
made me much more desperate for her. When I reached her long, sexy neck, I
kissed and nipped my way around it. I moved to her ears.

“Mm, Dax…that feels so good,” she breathed out.

The sound of her sexy bedroom voice made me groan
and I crushed my lips down to hers. I felt her hands glide from my waist up my
back and then circle my neck. I continued kissing her feverishly and she pulled
me into her so we were as close as two bodies could get. I could feel the heat
radiating from her body and as she picked up one leg and hooked it around my
waist; I felt my cock grow even harder.

Still kissing, we flipped over so that she was
straddling my waist. She smiled down at me as she leaned forward and kissed up
my chest. She gave me shivers as her hot lips traced a path down to my stomach.
Her kisses and her tongue were gentle, but they sent violent jolts of
electricity through my body with each touch.

She kissed her way back up, taking a mouthful of my
neck in between her lips and teeth. She bit down gently just as she moved her
body over my cock and sheathed it inside of her. She sat up as soon as I
slipped in and the contortion of her face was pure ecstasy as she began to move
on top of me. I put my hands on the cheeks of her perfect ass and anchored my
heels to the bed. As she plunged down, I thrust up. She screamed my name out
loud, egging me on.

I loved when she was on top, the way her hair fell
down into her face and the way I could feel her insides throb with each thrust.
I reached up and grabbed her breasts and squeezed them. Then I took a nipple
between my fingers and twisted and pulled on it. She was moaning loudly and I
briefly hoped that no one was out there in the hall. I put my hands around her
upper chest and pulled her down towards my face where I was able to get one of
her gorgeous breasts in my mouth. I sucked it in and she moved her hands so
that they were on the back of my head. She held me against her as I sucked and
nibbled on one nipple and then another.

She gasped and began to grind her hips into mine,
taking the full length of my cock inside. She let me go wild with her breasts
and nipples for a long time before she pulled me off and sat straight up. She
was close to the edge and so was I. We got back into a rhythm of thrusting up
and down, both of us completely gone and thinking of nothing else….it was that

I heard Olivia cry out and felt her tighten up on
me. Once the inside of her pussy squeezed my cock tightly and I felt her warm
juices flowing, I let go of my own orgasm.

Afterwards, I held onto her tightly and we both
slowly rocked, allowing one another to come down from the high we’d just

We lay there like that for minutes, which felt like
hours before I looked down to see her looking up at me. She smiled and pressed
her lips to mine. Then she snuggled back down into my chest and we took a nap
together, enjoying the closeness of one another.




I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face.
I was back with Dax since he agreed to stop obsessing over getting revenge.
Plus, I got accepted back into college. All was right with my world.

I turned over, hoping to snuggle back into his arms,
but he was gone. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already almost nine.
I couldn’t believe I’d slept that late. It was a good thing I wasn’t supposed
to work this morning. I stretched one more time and swung my legs over the side
of the bed and sat up. I looked around the room and quickly decided what I was
going to do this morning. The room was a pigsty. I got up and put on one of
Dax’s long t-shirts and a pair of his basketball shorts that I had to cinch
down as tight as they would go. They looked funny, but that was okay, no one
was going to see me unless Dax came back. I thought he’d understand.

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