Ruffle My Feathers (The Seven - Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Ruffle My Feathers (The Seven - Book 2)
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"You fit with me. Mate with me, Nevaeh. Now."

"Now? Don't we need – I don't know, a judge or someone to issue a decree or something?"

"No. We need only to make the commitment to one another."


He raised his hand and the bubble of light appeared. She looked at it and then at him. Finally, she nodded. The bubble expanded until it encompassed them, obliterating the sights and sounds around them.

"I promise to love you always and protect you when the need arises."

"And I promise to love you – and I'll try not to ruffle your feathers."

"Oh, I want you to ruffle my feathers."

Nevaeh giggled. "Okay, so now what?"

Gabriel took her into his arms and kissed her.
Oh god, how she understand those two words. It was that which made time stand still, that moment she wanted to hang onto and never leave.

She surrendered to it and became aware of their bodies moving into sync. Their hearts beat in unison, their breath a give and take of perfect rhythm. Then she felt him. She couldn't describe it – it was as if his essence permeated her. It was more than feeling him in her mind. It was like being part of his.

And it was incredible. She had no questions to ask. She knew him in his entirety and there was nothing about him she did not accept and cherish. It was the most amazing thing she'd ever experienced.

She was not alone and the reality of it was overwhelming. How lonely she'd been before. How lonely everyone was, locked within themselves, never really touching. Now she would never be lonely.

Gabriel drew back and smiled at her and there was no need for words. They both knew what they had to do. Hand-in-hand they rejoined the others.

Augustus was the first to speak. "Since I have no knowledge of the other side, it is not my place to interfere with whatever decision you make. I would ask you to consider the impact your decision will have on the Seven here on earth. If there is a way to restore the balance on the other side and that restoration can influence events here, then I will lend whatever support or aid I can provide."

Gabriel nodded and then Severin spoke. "I am aware of what has transpired with you and offer my congratulations. I would ask that the link between Nevaeh and I be left intact. Thelonious and I believe it possible for that link to provide communication if you decide to cross over."

"A psychic conduit to allow us to share information?" Gabriel looked over at Thelonious.

"With a bit of assistance. I can strengthen the connection with my own ability to insure that the link remains viable."

Eldric addressed Nevaeh. "If you will allow it, then when the time comes, we will be able to communicate our intent to reopen the portal. Severin can relay the information to Ellie. With her on this side and me on the other, we should have enough power to reopen it. At that point, we can choose whether to return or stay."

"And perhaps things here will have stabilized to the point that we can make the option available to all of the Seven," Augustus added. "Live here on earth or return to the place in which they came to be."

"And Elysia?" Nevaeh asked. "What's going to happen with her?"

"With luck, she will remain as she is. Your father believes that he and Thelonious can keep her in her suspended state for an indefinite period of time. Eldric intends to house her in his stronghold and make sure she is well guarded. When the time comes, he will ask you to release her."

"Okay, so what about those – things?" She pointed at the misshapen creatures.

"They will be dealt with once the portal is closed."

Nevaeh looked around at everyone, her gaze falling last on Augustus. "Will you say goodbye for me, to Layla and Ellie?"

"No, I will say until next time. We will see you again, Nevaeh. All of you."

"I hope so."

Her father stepped up beside her. "Honey, you don't have to do this."

She looked at Gabriel and he echoed her father's sentiments. "He's right. If you don't want to do this then I will stay with you."

"I'm scared but I'm not going to let that stop me. We're all in this together and if Eldric's right then you and he are the best chance to make things better. We can't let that chance slip by. We owe it to everyone else.

"Then we go. Together."

"Always." Nevaeh smiled. She might not know what tomorrow would bring, but for today she'd been given back her family and she'd found the love she'd always dreamed of. In the arms of an Angel.

Sometimes life really was stranger than fiction.

And better.

Coming Soon

Book Three



Conner enjoyed his life as a bachelor.  As District Governor for The Seven, he spent part of his time in Colorado and the part in Florida.  Thanks to being blessed with a sharp mind, his patents had made him a wealthy man.

Not even wealth could fully protect him once all hell broke loose between the Preterhumans and Humans.  The fiasco at the wedding of Augustus Thurinus, Prince of the Vampires to romance novelist, Layla Storm was the catalyst that started the peace treaty unraveling.

It wasn't long before all of The Seven had gone to ground, some hiding in plain sight, but hiding nonetheless.  Like Conner.  He wasn't using his real name these days, and sure as heck wasn't letting anyone know that he's a shifter.

Jasmine Boudreaux has heard of the shifters, she even took a couple of bounties on them, but it left a bad taste in her mouth and so she turned her back on that kind of job.  Bringing in bail jumpers or fugitives was one thing – bringing in people just because they're different wasn't something she could buy into to.

So bail jumpers and fugitives it was – until she's literally transported from a capture and finds herself facing a woman who's thousands of years old and has a wild story to tell about a Shifter who not only is working on a solution to restore the portals between the two dimensions, but is very close to a discovery that will solve Earth's energy crisis.

He's in danger, and Jazz is the one to protect him.

Jazz has seen a lot of strange stuff and heard some outlandish tales, but this one takes the cake.  So why, weeks later is she in Florida looking for this brainiac? 

She's not expecting him to be drop dead gorgeous or so hot it almost sets her pants on fire. 

Florida is warm, but this summer it's going to be a blaze

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Books by Ciana Stone


Hot in the Saddle

Untamed: A Three Book Box Set

The Whisperers: Simply Irresistible – A Three Book Box Set

Holdin’ On for a Hero:  A three book set

Tales of Betrayal, passion, danger and love

Hunger: The V’Kar Series – A three book set

The Sins of Love – Renegades Book 1

Coming of Age

On My Knees
– The Seven Book 1



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