Ruffle My Feathers (The Seven - Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Ruffle My Feathers (The Seven - Book 2)
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Nevaeh paused in the act of lifting her cup to her mouth. She hadn't expected Elysia to act so quickly. "Where?"

"The care facility."

That had Nevaeh's turning to look at Elysia. "You're going to do it now?"

"I thought that was what you wanted."

Nevaeh took another drink of her coffee. She didn't have much choice but to comply since she'd set the terms. Her mind raced, searching for another way to stall. Then she realized she already had what she needed.

"Fine. Let me grab my phone and shoes."

She went into the bedroom, stuffed her phone in the pocket of her cargo shorts, and slid her feet into her old sneakers.

Elysia was waiting at the door. Nevaeh gestured for Elysia to precede her and then followed her out. Had Nevaeh looked up she might have seen a flash of white wings disappearing into the clouds above, but her mind was not on the beauty of the day.

Neither spoke on the drive to the care facility. When Elysia parked, two people got out of a car parked two slots down.

They fell into step behind Nevaeh and Elysia. Nevaeh spoke with the nurse on duty and then led the way to her father's room. As was typical, he was sitting in a chair in front of the window.

"Hey, Nate." She greeted him.

He turned his head to look as her as she walked up beside him. "Hello. Do I know you?"

"I'm Nevaeh. I've been visiting you for a while."

"Oh. Okay."

"I brought some new visitors. This is Elysia and …" She looked at the older woman and the young man standing behind Elysia. "…and her friends."

Nate didn't acknowledge her words or the other people. Elysia turned to her associates and for a few seconds they whispered among themselves. Then Elysia turned to face Nevaeh and nodded.

Nevaeh felt a moment of panic. What if it didn't work? Or what if it was like before? She didn't know if she could take that. Seeing her dad emerge only to watch him fade before her eyes.

Elysia walked around in front of Nate. "Hi Nate. I'm Elysia. I'm going to put my hands on your face."

She placed her hands on his face, her thumbs pressed just below his eyes. Her associates moved up behind him. Each placed one hand on the base of his neck and the other on his head. All three inhaled a long breath and then as one hummed.

Nevaeh kept waiting for the tone to end but it went on and on. For a good minute. She watched her dad. No change. Still that vacant expression and slack posture. This wasn't working.

When her dad threw both arms up and out, knocking Elysia to the floor, she yelped. He bolted to his feet and turned on the people behind him with a roar. They retreated quickly, fleeing the room and he turned on Elysia.

Nevaeh jumped between them. "Dad!"

He knocked her aside as easily as swatting a fly. Nevaeh slammed into the dressing table, grunting at the impact and then went back at him. He was bent over, one hand wrapped around Elysia's neck.

Nevaeh grabbed his arm, tugging with all her might. "Dad, no. You have to stop. Dad!"

He finally turned his head to look at her and when he did, he released Elysia. "Nevie?"

"Yes. It's me, dad. I'm here."

"Oh god, Nevie."

Just then, two nurses rushed into the room. "What's happened here?"

"Nothing. We're fine." Nevaeh assured them. "I brought a friend and – and it must have upset him when he saw her. If you can just escort her out we'll be fine. I promise, everything's fine."

They looked at one another and then at her. Nevaeh addressed one of them, the head nurse on the floor. "Darla, I promise. Just leave us alone, okay?"

She nodded and looked at Elysia who was on her feet. "Miss, if you'll accompany us I will direct you to the waiting room."

Elysia cut Nevaeh a look that spelled her displeasure but accompanied the nurses from the room. Nevaeh watched them leave then turned her attention to her father.


"Oh god, Nevie, what have you done?"

That was the last response she would have ever imagined. "What do you mean? They – they brought you back, Dad. And they say it's permanent. You're cured. You're—"

"Nevie, ah god, Nevie." He pulled her to him and hugged her tight. Nevaeh went weak, overcome with relief and emotion. She sobbed against his chest for a long time. When he pushed her back to arm's length, she sniffed and swiped at her eyes.

"Nevie, honey, you don't know what you've done, the danger you've put us in."

"Danger? What do you mean?"

"There's no time to explain now. You have to trust me. You do trust me, don't you Nevie?"

"You know I do."

"Then listen close and do everything I say. Can you do that, honey?"

"Yes, dad."

"Good. When the nurses return they're going to find me as I was before."

"No, you're cured, you won't-"

"I will pretend. I have to Nevie. No one can know about this change. You'll tell those people that what they did only worked for a few minutes. You hear me?"

"Yes but—"

"No buts. The time for explaining will come but that's not now. So, you'll tell them I'm just as I was. Then you get away from them. You hear me. Get the hell away from them."

She nodded and he continued. "Then- and this is really important. I need you to find someone for me. Find him and bring him here."


"When I knew him he went by the name of Taighan Foss. He once lived in Virginia Beach but I don't know if he's still there."

"I'll try."

"No, you have to do it Nevie."

"Okay but what if he's not there? Does he have any family or other friends that might know where he is?"

Nate hesitated for a moment. "Nevie, this is going to sound crazy but it isn't. Tai was close friends with someone named Gabriel."

"Gabriel who?"

"Just Gabriel."

"He doesn't have a last name."

"No. He's – he's an Angel. A bit tall guy with long blonde hair."

Nevaeh's knees felt weak. "An—an Angel?"


"You – you want me to find a man who is friends with an Angel named Gabriel."

"Yes. Look I know it sounds insane—"

"No. No it doesn't. Dad you need to watch the news. Things – things have happened. Big things."

"I can't. If I change my behavior at all someone will catch on there's been a change."

Nevaeh thought about it. "I know!" She ran over, turned on the television, and found the CNN channel. "I'll tell them it seemed to calm you down. We'll turn your chair to face it. They will buy it."

"Maybe but—"

"Trust me; you'll get it when you see the news. Just promise me you'll watch."

"I promise. And you'll try to find—"

"Yes. I will. But why do you need to see this man?"

"Because we're going to need his help. Now go. If you stay too long it'll arouse suspicion."

"I—I don't want to leave." What she didn't say was that she was scared if she left, when she returned he have vanished again."

"I am back, Nevie. And I will be here the next time you come. But you have to go now. Trust me."

"Okay, okay. But I'll be back in the morning."

"I hope so."

She threw her arms around him. "I love you Dad."

"And I love you baby girl. Now scoot. I'll be waiting for you tomorrow."

Letting go of him and walking out of the room was the hardest thing she'd ever done. She wanted to hang onto him, make sure he didn't slip into that gray state of forgetfulness that took him away from her.

"Nevaeh?" The head nurse, Darla walked into the room. "Everything okay in here?"

"Oh, yes. Thanks Darla. I don't know what happened. I guess my friend startled him or something. He just got upset and confused but he's fine now. I—"

She cut a look back and saw her dad sitting slumped in the chair in front of the television. "I turned on the television and it seemed to calm him so I turned his chair so he could watch. I think he likes hearing the voices."

"That's fine, just fine. We'll leave it on and keep a good eye on him after you leave. I'm assuming you were headed out?"

"Yeah. I don't want to but I closed last night and didn't get much sleep and—"

"Honey you don't have to explain. Everyone here knows how much you're devoted to your father."

"Thanks, Darla. Thank you all for taking such good care of him. I'll be back in the morning but you can call me any time if you need me."

"I know."

"Thanks again. See you tomorrow?"

"No, I'm off tomorrow. Cissy will be on."

"Oh, okay. Well you enjoy your day off and I'll see you soon."

"Yes you will. You have a good day, Nevaeh."

Nevaeh hurried outside. As she expected, Elysia was waiting. There was no sign of her associates. "You lied."

"Pardon" Elysia gave her a hateful look.

"You said you'd cure him but he's already right back the way he was."

"That's impossible."

"Oh really? Well then, you go have a look. I should have my head examined for listening to your shit. We're done here."

She started to march away but Elysia grabbed her arm. "Hold on."

"You're gonna want to take your hand off me." She jerked away.

"Wait. Nevaeh, please."

Nevaeh stopped and looked at her. "I swear I thought it would work. And I'll keep trying. I swear I will. But I need your help."

Nevaeh pretended to consider it. She paced back and forth for a full minute then stopped. "You'll try again? I mean not now, of course. The nurse said the doctors would need to check him and that won't happen until late today or in the morning. But you'll try again – say in three or four days?"

"Yes, of course."


"I swear it."

"Okay. Fine. I'll help you. I'll try and get in touch with Augustus. Or maybe Layla. She can get to him when no one else can. If I can convince her she'll get him to do what she wants."

"You'll do that today?"

"I'll try. I can't guarantee she'll take my call or even be available but I'll keep trying until I speak with her."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. So, anything else?"

"No. Just promise to call me when you speak with Layla or Augustus."

"I will."

"Good. Do you need a ride?"

"No. I think I'd like to walk."

"Are you sure?"


"Then I will be waiting for your call."

Nevaeh nodded and turned away. She pulled out her phone and called Ellie, but got her voice mail. "Ellie, hey, it's Nev. I couldn't borrow my friend's car. Seems it's in the shop.

"But I do need to see you. And – and someone else. Gabriel. So, if you can get word to him to call me? And you call me when you get this, okay? I have to figure out a way to get to your house and I need to do it soon. Okay, talk to you later."

She continued her walk. It was a good six miles from the care facility to her place but she'd walked it many times when she couldn't afford the gas for her car and she could do it again. Besides, being in motion helped her keep calm and right now her mind was flying in so many directions with so many questions that calm was the last thing she felt.

She was sweaty and thirsty when she turned down the drive. Sadly, her mind was no more at ease. It stopped her dead in her tracks when she walked around to the back door of her duplex and saw Gabriel sitting there in the rickety lawn chair beside the back door.

"Gabriel. What are you doing here?"

"I hear you could use a friend." He stood and opened his arms.

That tore it. Broke down her defenses and her strength. With a sob, she went into his arms. All of the worry and fear, the uncertainty and her own guilt at having worked a deal with Elysia boiled up and out.

Gabriel gathered her up and took to the air. Nevaeh clung to him, giant hiccupping sobs wracking her body and tears pouring from her eyes. She couldn't even appreciate the beauty above or beneath her. She could only hold fast to him and let everything inside her spill out.

She didn't know how much time had passed when they set down. The sound of waves told her it was a beach. "Where are we?"


"New York?"

"Key Largo."

"You – but I thought."

He smiled down at her. "I like beach property."

She nodded and squirmed out of his arms to stand. Despite the emotional storm going on inside her, his touch, even his nearness affected her too strongly. He'd been in the back of her mind – sometimes the forefront – but forever present since the first time she set eyes on him, and despite her best intentions, she had feelings for him.

"You want to go up to the house?"

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