Royal Love (17 page)

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Authors: John Simpson

BOOK: Royal Love
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“Excuse me, Uncle David, is it all right to come in now?” Darren asked.

“Yes, of course, come in and sit down. Shane, would you check to make sure that item is removed from the property according to plan?”

“Yes, sir!” Shane smiled and left the living room.

“Did you wanna talk about the job?” Darren asked.

“Yes. I’ve given it some thought. I’m curious as to what you think you’re qualified for at the embassy.”

“I knew you’d ask that. I pulled down the personnel manual earlier to look at the types of jobs at the embassy. I could handle clerical jobs of almost any kind. I could also work in the security area outside the Marine contingent. Or maybe a driver for the embassy?”

“Well, driver is out. You have a security detail, remember? It might look silly to have you driving a minor official around with a Secret Service detail following you. Don’t you think?”

“Yeah, you’re right. What about clerical or security?”

Shane appeared at the door but didn’t come in. He gave a thumbs-up and left.

“Well, how about combining the two things. I’ll look for a clerical job in the security area. That will keep you nice and safe in the embassy, and you’d be doing something useful. Did you call your mother?”

“I got in a three-minute call to her earlier. She’s consumed by the news of the traitor, but she said yes, if you could provide employment. She said no to anything outside the embassy. I’ve got twenty-six days left in the Air Force, so it’s not like I need it tomorrow or anything.”

“Okay, let me look into it tomorrow. You have any plans for this weekend?” David asked.

“Maybe. Michael’s supposed to call me back. I hope he’s all right.”

“Oh, I’m sure he’s just busy running around doing something. That picture of us at Arlington has stirred a lot of interest. Might be related to that.”

“Yeah, sure. Course, I can always call him!”

“There you go. Anything else?”

“No, Uncle David. Thank you for everything you do for me. I love you.”

Darren gave David a hug and left the room to go to this bedroom to call Michael.

Shane swung into the room. “Well, something actually went off like clockwork for a change. The prince showed up, the ring was given to him, and he was out the gate before anyone other than the security guys knew anything.”

“Good. Tomorrow, can you try to locate a position for Darren in the security clerical area at the embassy? If we don’t have one, create one, but give it duties that actually help us.”

“Sure thing. What about the president?”

“He talked to her, and she said as long as the job was inside the embassy, he could stay. Otherwise, he has to be sent home.”

“Okay, we’ll have a job and desk for him by his day of discharge. What GS level?”

“Oh nothing too high. Let’s give him a ladder starting at GS-5 and topping out at a nine.”

“Okay, I’ll take care of it. You look tired, hon.”

“I am. I get myself worked up over bad news, and it wears me out. I guess I’m getting a little older. Where’s Jack?”

“He’s playing with the Scotties up in his room.”

“Well, it’s getting to be his bedtime. Tell him to take the puppies out and then go to bed, please?”

“Sure, hon.”

Shane leaned over and gave David a gentle kiss.

“What would I do without you?” David mused.

“Let’s hope you never have to find out.”



Michael on the second try.

“Where you been? Is everything okay?” Darren asked.

“I’ve been busy because of that picture in the papers. I started the day out with the king, and I’ve been going since. How are you?” Michael asked.

“Me? I’m doing fine. Good news…. Uncle David is going to find me a job at the embassy, so I don’t have to leave England in three weeks! Isn’t that great?”

“That’s wonderful! I knew I liked your uncle a lot. . .Listen, the king okayed our plans for this weekend,” Michael said teasingly.

“Oh really?”

“How does joining me at Buckingham Palace for a helicopter ride to Scotland sound to you?”

“Scotland? Helicopter? I’m so excited!” Darren was still having trouble believing his ears. “I thought that was your family’s private estate.”

“It is. When I was with the king, I asked if we could go up for the weekend. We’ll have almost fifty thousand acres to run around on! We would leave Friday afternoon and come home Sunday afternoon.”

“What do I have to pack?”

“Clothes, unfortunately. As much as I’d like to run around naked and free with you, we don’t want to shock the staff. There are no other royals in residence, so just nice clothes for dinner and jeans and whatever for Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. Also, bring some comfortable shoes so we can walk around the grounds. You like?”

“I like very much, my prince! What time do I meet you at the palace on Friday?”

“How about four o’clock?”

“Sounds good. How do I get through the gates?”

“Have one of the embassy vehicles bring you, and tell the sentries that you’re meeting me at the helicopter pad. They’ll have you on their list. Then it’s off into the sky. You’ll get a good view of London as well, love.”

“I can’t believe how good you are to me. The things you’ve shown me, I’d never have gotten to see without you. No wonder I love you!” Darren said.

“And I love you, too, Yank! I can’t wait to see you in three days. Oh and since it’s getting near to the end of summer, better pack a jumper. It can get cool up in Scotland.”

“Okay, will do. Can’t wait to see you!”

“Nor I. Good night.”

Darren hung up the phone and was tempted to run and tell David and Shane but decided to wait for breakfast. He pulled out his weekend bag and began to pack, taking special care once again with his underwear. Michael went crazy the last time he wore something sexy. When he looked at the time, he saw it was already past ten, so he took a quick shower and went to bed, filled with happiness.

First thing in the morning, Michael visited the royal jeweler and gave him the emerald ring and Darren’s ring. He told the man he wanted the king’s ring altered to the size of Darren’s ring. He also told him he needed it before Friday afternoon.

“Yes, Your Highness. What is the value of the emerald ring? I need the information for insurance purposes,” the jeweler said.

“I don’t really know. William told me it was one of King Edward’s favorite rings, so it has historical as well as monetary worth. I’m afraid you’ll have to take your best guess.”

“In that case, I’d have to place the value somewhere around fifty thousand pounds. What time do you wish to pick the ring up?”

“Noon would be perfect. Is that possible?”

“It is, Your Highness. I’ll begin work on this first thing this afternoon.”

“Do a good job, will you? It’s for a very important man,” Michael said. “Oh can you put the other ring in some kind of box?”

“Of course, sir. This is a very precious, rare ring. Trust me, Your Highness, we’ve been the jewelers to the Crown for over two hundred and fifty years,” he said as he placed Darren’s ring into a box and gave it to the prince.

Michael went to his car, drove to Winfield House, and was allowed onto the grounds. He was met at the door by Blaine.

“Hello, Blaine. Remember me?”

“Of course, Your Highness. What may I do for you?”

“Can you give this to Shane Thompson-Windsor without Darren seeing please?”

“Certainly, sir. Is Mr. Thompson-Windsor expecting this?”

“Yes, he is.”

“Very good, Your Highness.”

Michael got back in his car and quickly left the grounds, mission accomplished.

At breakfast, David, Shane, Jack, and Mary learned of Darren’s travel plans for the weekend, and everyone was envious. David just smiled, having a hunch about what was going on.

The rest of the week passed swiftly, and it was time for Michael to pick up the ring.

“Here you are, Your Highness. There were no issues with sizing the ring.”

The jeweler opened a velvet ring case with a satin interior, and Michael was almost blinded by the brilliance of the emerald and diamonds.

“It’s breathtaking! How did you get it so brilliant?” Michael asked.

“It was cleaned by hand by someone authorized to work on Crown jewelry. As you can see, the stones came back to life, and the setting is one of the finer ones I’ve seen. I’ve also checked to make sure all the stones are safely secured in their setting. Unless the ring is struck against something hard, those stones should stay right where they are for a long time. I’m so pleased you’re happy with our work.”

“You, sir, are nothing short of a magician! It was a pretty ring before, but you’ve transformed it into an exceptional piece of jewelry. It’s being given as an engagement ring, and I’m sure the gentleman will be well pleased. You have my undying thanks for your craftsmanship. The bill please.”

“The palace is directly billed a small fee, Your Highness. It is an honor to be of service.”

“Thank you again,” Michael said as he shook the old man’s hand before he left.

When Michael left the building, he was met by two men from Scotland Yard to guard what he was now carrying. They escorted him to his home and broke off.

Michael finished his packing and made sure the ring was in his pocket and not in the luggage. He reflected on how generous his cousin had been in giving him a family treasure to make his intended happy. He would be sure to perform any duty requested or required of him by the Crown.

When it was time, he drove to Buckingham Palace and was admitted at once. He drove to the car park area and left the keys. He looked over at the entrance and saw the king saying good-bye to a diplomat. He went over and stood by until the king waved his guest off.

“Michael, all ready for your trip?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. I had to tell you that I just picked up the ring from the jewelers. I can’t thank you enough for what you have given Darren and me. The jewelers brought the ring back to life. It sparkles like a million stars at midnight. I can’t wait to see the expression on Darren’s face when he sees it.”

“Good. You see, I was right to give it to you. A beautiful ring has been reclaimed from the ages and will now see daylight again. I’m sure it will be well cared for. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get to a meeting.”

“Thank you again,” Michael said as he bowed.

A few moments later, Darren’s embassy car pulled through the entrance archway to the reception area. Darren got out of the car with his bag, and the car left. They gave each other a brief hug and headed to the helicopter on the back lawn.

As they got in and stowed their bags, the king looked out his window and watched them depart with a smile.

“Times have changed, and the royal family should change with them,” he said to an empty office.

As the helicopter swung out over the city of London, Darren was glued to the window. He saw all the traditional landmarks on both sides of the Thames River. When they left the immediate airspace of London, he remained at the window, watching villages and green lands pass beneath them.

Michael smiled at Darren’s enthusiasm for the English land and its people.
What a natural addition to the royal family he will make
, Michael thought. After a while, the pilot notified the prince and Darren over their headphones that they would soon be landing.

Darren immediately went back to the window, trying to see where they would land. Michael saw a smile hit Darren’s face, and he knew Balmoral had come into view.

“Oh my God, it’s incredible! Like something out of a fairy tale.”

“It is a beautiful property, no doubt about it.”

The helicopter landed gently on the front lawn of the castle, and when the blades stopped turning, staff opened the door, and the boys got out. Servants grabbed their bags, and they walked to the castle, Darren’s eyes flitting from one part of Balmoral to another.

They entered through massive wooden doors and stepped into the nineteenth century. Balmoral was grand on a grand scale. It literally stunned Darren as he gazed at the beauty and elegance of the Windsor family’s ancestral home.

Everywhere he looked, hundreds of large oil paintings decorated the walls of the castle. Gilt was everywhere in evidence. In his short life, this was the most magnificent place Darren had ever been in, and nothing America possessed could even come close to matching the magnificence of this home.

“Good evening, Your Highness, Mr. Wilson, welcome to Balmoral Castle,” said the head butler. “I’m James, and I’m at your service during your stay. The king informed us that you are his guests this weekend and that anything you want is yours for the asking. May I show you to your room?”

“Yes, by all means. Thank you, James.”

Darren was still staring at ceilings and paintings as he blindly followed Michael down a long hallway, up a spiral staircase, and down another long hallway, until they stopped at a door. James opened the door and showed them in.

“This is a double bedroom. The other bedroom is through that door there. That door leads to a master bathroom. The king personally chose this room for your stay. I hope you like it.”

“I do indeed! Did any of my famous ancestors use this bedroom?”

“Indeed, sir. King Edward VIII preferred this bedroom because of the view, and Mrs. Simpson occasionally stayed in the second bedroom, much to the scandal of the household.”

“You said the king personally chose these rooms for us?” Michael asked.

“Yes, Your Highness. His instructions were very clear.”

Michael chuckled. “I love my cousin.”

“As do we all, Prince Michael. Dinner will be served in one hour, if you’d like to change. We have no other family guests in residence, so please feel free to dress casually. We’ll be using the small dining room versus the State dining room. You’ll find it on the map on your nightstand. But should you get lost, pick up any phone and dial 111, and someone will direct you. Will that be all, sir?”

“Yes, James, thank you.”

“Thank you, James,” Darren added.

James left quietly, closing the door behind him.

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