Read Royal Bastard Online

Authors: Avery Wilde

Royal Bastard (16 page)

BOOK: Royal Bastard
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opened my eyes slowly
, allowing my mind to register where I was. Rolling over, I noticed Edward was not in the bed next to me, giving me a chance to rub a hand over my face in total and utter defeat. I had slept with Edward. More than once. At least three times in the pre-dawn light we had both fallen back asleep in each other’s arms. It was the single most important moment of my life, and I couldn’t keep it. I couldn’t ruin his life or his future with my past.

“Good morning, gorgeous.” I looked up to find Edward standing at the side of the bed, a plate and mug in his hand and a smile on his handsome face. “Hungry?”

“Starving,” I admitted, sitting up with the sheet wrapped around my naked form. He handed me a plate with scrambled eggs and toast on it, setting the mug of coffee on the table next to me. “Go ahead and eat. I’m going to jump in the shower.”

I sighed contentedly as he walked away, his tight bottom making my heart go pitter-patter all over again. I was in deep trouble. I had gone and fallen in love with a man I couldn’t have, a man who was by all accounts totally wrong for me. And now, instead of trying to talk him into loving me back, I was going to have to walk away, tonight. The thought made me physically ill.

I munched on a few bites of the food before climbing out of bed, stark naked; the sound of the shower was calling to me. Normally I would’ve been anxious to cover up, but when I was with him, none of that seemed to matter anymore. “Can I join?” I asked, opening the door. If I had only one day left with him, I was going to make the most of our time, for I would be surviving on these memories for the rest of my lonely life.

He grinned and moved aside, allowing me to step in, shutting us in the steam-filled glass case together. I took the sponge out of his hand and proceeded to wash his chest, shivering as his soapy hands touched my waist, pulling me to him.
“Who could have ever thought cleaning would be so much fun?” he asked as he took the sponge from me and began to run it gently over my breasts, the shower gel turning into a silky white foam upon them. My hand wandered down his firm torso and reached his penis, already standing at attention.

“I think you need a bigger shower,” I remarked, the room between us mere inches.

“There’s plenty of room for what I have in mind,” he laughed, his hands drifting lower. I closed my eyes as his fingers found my already aching nub; I surrendered myself to his touch. It wasn’t long before he was inside me again, two fingers pressed in deep. His arm was working, biceps flexing, as he pumped his fingers into me. Before I knew it I was quaking from my own orgasm again, my hand stroking him furiously. With my legs already shaking, I lowered myself to my knees and took him in my mouth.

He gasped and leaned back, his weight resting upon the glass wall. Water crashed down on my back, trickling down my spine as I felt him swell, his head touching the back of my throat. His fingers laced through my hair, and I let him take over, ravaging my mouth as he continue to groan. It was the hottest thing I’d ever done, giving up control like that, trusting him. And I slipped two fingers inside myself and rode what seemed to be the unending wave of pleasure, another orgasm claiming me while he came hard.

“I like this shower,” he said, as he helped me to my feet. “But I think we actually got dirtier.” He handed me the sponge and my shower gel. I hadn’t even realised it was hanging on the rack, along with a few other belongings of mine. My heart lurched at his thoughtfulness and foresight. But I fought back tears, knowing that after tonight, they weren’t going to be there anymore, and neither was I.

“Hey, hey,” Edward said, tipping up my chin with his thumb. “What’s wrong?”

I gave him a watery smile and desperately hoped he would believe my lies. “Soap in my eyes.”

The concern didn’t clear, but he left it at that, turning around to spray the front of his body. I swallowed hard and quickly washed myself, pushing those thoughts out of my mind. I should just try and enjoy this last day before he hated me completely. “What’s on the agenda this morning?” I asked.

He turned around and looked at me, a grin on his handsome face. “You… and a gown.”

“Oh no, not again,” I said shaking my head then. “I am wearing something I have.”

“It’s my fundraiser,” he replied, coming close to me. “And I want to get you a dress that complements your stunning beauty. No negotiations.”

I sighed and leaned my forehead against his wet chest, knowing full well I wouldn’t be able to change his mind. And there was no way I was going to let him pick it out himself… he might actually have me going topless then. “Fine, but I get to choose lunch.”

* * *

my hand down the dress, checking to make sure that I had put it on correctly at least. It was a gorgeous dress, my favourite one yet. The colour was a deep teal, one that Edward said made my skin glow, though I was pretty sure that had to do with him and all the morning sex. I was a woman in love, after all.

The halter-style empire dress left my back bare and my shoulders exposed, and with the help of the women at the store, we decided that wearing my hair up this time would do both the dress and myself justice. The leg slit was nearly up to my mid-thigh, but instead of feeling weird, I felt like a damn million pounds, perhaps even good enough to stand beside a prince. I was so proud of him and wanted everything to be perfect, right down to the tender lovemaking we were going to have as my parting gift for him. The heartache I was experiencing at the thought of walking away was taking my breath away. I hated it. I despised his family and everything they were standing for right now.

With a deep breath, I walked down the stairs, nearly stumbling as Edward came into view, dressed in his tux, his handsome face breaking out into a grin as he watched me come down the staircase. “Damn.”

“Don’t you be getting any ideas,” I warned him as he reached for me.

“Aww, but…surely that’s what this slit is made for?” he asked as his hand slipped between the material and up my thigh. I moaned, wanting to give in… but knew if I let him continue we were never getting out this flat. I jerked away and giggled, shaking a scolding finger at him.

“Spoilsport. Just you wait till after the party,” he warned, his hands grabbing my waist and pulling me right back to him. His lips kissed up my jawline, and I sank my hands into his hair, that pain coming back to stab me in the chest. “Yes, Edward, you can have anything you want tonight.”

“Then it’s my lucky night,” he grinned, grabbing my hand. “Come on, as much as I want to ravish you right now, we’d best go.”

I let him pull me to the lift, his hand never letting go of mine as we descended downward and then out the door, bombarded by the media as we entered the limo waiting outside. “Wouldn’t you think they would get tired of asking us the same questions?” I remarked as the limo pulled away from the curb. “I mean there has to be something else more exciting going on, right?”

“We are popular, babe,” he responded, stretching out his legs. “I don’t mind it so much tonight. The fundraiser will at least get good press.”

I nodded, unable to disagree with that. This was Edward’s shining moment, the start of something big. I reached over and patted him on the knee, looking up into his eyes. “You have done so well with this. These kids are really going to benefit from all of this hard work.”

“I know,” he replied, “and I would do it all over again. I think I’ve found something I am good at, Rose, a purpose. And I don’t plan to stop with just this one, either.”

“Good,” I said, leaning back on the leather seat.

In no time we were pulling up to the venue, the red carpet laid out before us as we stepped out of the limo. This time Edward stopped and answered a few questions, avoiding any about our engagement and turning the conversation around to the charity. I hung back, ignoring my own name being called and keeping a demure smile on my face as I watched him work his magic. This wasn’t about us tonight. This was about the kids.

* * *

would say
this has turned into a success.”

I turned as I took in Andrew standing next to me, a champagne glass in his hand. “What are you doing here?”

“Edward invited me,” he said, pointing toward his brother. “This is his thing. I think he’s finally found himself.”

My heart softened as I watched Edward work the room, winning over everyone with whom he came into contact. So far he had garnered some massive benefactors for the orphanage, soliciting more than enough money for them to renovate and support the charity without having to do another fundraiser for a long while. We had danced one or two dances, as well, but I was content to see him in his element. “He has. You do realise your brother is amazing, right?”

“Oh, I know,” Andrew said, taking a sip of his champagne. “Listen Rose, I want to apologise. I do believe I misjudged you, and I want to say that I truly do not think you are after my brother for anything other than perhaps his heart.”

“You are correct,” I replied, keeping my tone even and taking a breath, “and I don’t want your money, Andrew. I’m walking away in the morning, like we agreed, but I won’t be paid to do so.”

“I figured as much,” he sighed, handing me a slip of paper. “This is the file that holds the photos you and Edward were anxious about. Don’t worry, I didn’t peek. But just know they won’t ever see the light of day.”

“How…?” I started, looking at him. In the whirlwind that had been the last few days, I’d almost managed to forget about the threat that kick-started this whole thing. I’d been too consumed with Edward and my love for him, and then the agony of knowing I would have to leave him to protect him. A few boob shots didn’t seem to matter much anymore. But my past, that was something else… That could never be allowed to sully Edward’s progress or the royal family’s reputation.

He pointed to Edward again, a grin on his face. “It was him, of course. He put the fear of God into your ex. I just provided the details.” He then gave me an apologetic smile.

“When? He never said.”

“Just before he gave you that ring, I believe.”

“Oh, god,” I mumbled, the wave of realisation crashing down. Without the threat of the photos, Edward hadn’t needed to get engaged to me. “It was real? The engagement and him asking me was
I asked, almost terrified at the answer.

“I could lie and tell you it wasn’t, but I think you know the truth anyway.”

“Thank you,” I replied, stunned. “Are you trying to get me to like you or something?”

“It would help,” he laughed. “But I know you are smart, Rose, and you will make the right decision. And just in case Edward has failed to mention it, I thought it would be best that you knew—my family has refused to grant you both a marriage license in this country or any other we preside over.”

“I thought as much,” I said softly, looking at him, “don’t worry, I’ll do the right thing.” In the morning, alongside my heart, I would be leaving his mother’s engagement ring on the table, too. There was no way I could keep something so precious to him. He needed to save it for a true princess, one that his family would approve of.

Andrew frowned, he certainly did not seem pleased that this was how it was to be. “I wish you luck, Rose. I hope you know I was only looking out for Edward the entire time—”

“And the crown.”

“Well, yes. It’s my duty.”

“I don’t hold it against you,” I replied, partially understanding that he’d had no choice. Andrew nodded, and I watched as he walked away.

A hand snaked around my waist and I leaned back, the smell of Edward’s cologne causing a lump to form in the back of my throat. “One last dance?”

“I’d love to,” I said, letting him spin me around into his arms and lead me to the dance floor. He was so dashing tonight, looking every inch the handsome prince. Other dancers gave us room, parting into a circle around us as if they were being repelled by an unseen force. I knew they were watching us, scrutinising us, but I only had eyes for Edward. I took the time to memorise his face and the way his hands felt against my spine as he gracefully led me around the room. But most of all I tried hard to bottle up the overflowing emotions that he was making me feel while I was with him.

BOOK: Royal Bastard
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