Royal Bastard (15 page)

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Authors: Avery Wilde

BOOK: Royal Bastard
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his was a horrible idea
. I nervously looked around the room, taking in the antique furniture and its two occupants, wishing that Edward was back at my side once again. The animosity rolling off of the woman seated in one of the chairs—who I knew to be the Duchess of Clarence—was horrible, and the brother, Prince Andrew, had just stood there without a word while she’d skewered Edward. I wanted to pull her hair out. She was just like her pictures, an ice maiden with glacier blue eyes and blemish-free skin, and her hair a dyed blonde that kept her looking young from afar. Up close, though, I could see the lines around her eyes and her mouth, even with her carefully applied makeup.

“Please, have a seat.”

I looked over at the seat across from her and swallowed, knowing I was about to go to the chopping block. But I was going to do it for Edward. While his father had been pleasant enough, this woman was a constant thorn in his side, and I was about to be his biggest champion.

“Thank you,” I replied demurely as I took the seat, folding my hands in my lap.

Her eyes narrowed as she caught a glimpse of my ring, her mouth settling into a flat line. “I see he gave you his mother’s ring.”

“He did,” I said, my voice a bit stronger now, “and I love it.”

“How did he propose?” she asked.

“It wasn’t anything grand,” I said, choosing my words carefully, “but the traditional way, on his knee, of course. Edward is a simple man.”

“That remains to be seen,” she huffed, her shrewd eyes regarding me closely. I felt like I was a car on the auction block in those shows my father liked to watch, being sized up to find out what my worth actually was. “How much is he paying you?”

“Mother,” the brother warned, his voice low, “that was uncalled for.”

“What?” she responded with a delicate shrug of her shoulders. “I rather think it’s odd that she hadn’t come into the picture until your father threatened to destroy him. Now he has a charity and a fiancée. Very peculiar, wouldn’t you say?”

“People can change,” I replied firmly, holding my ground… and my tongue. “Edward is very involved with the orphanage, and they are extremely excited about the work he is doing for them. I am so proud of him. You should be, too.”

She cocked a thin eyebrow at me and gave me a cold smile. “It’s all a front. A game, to get on his father’s good side. He’s been playing the same game for years,” she said, looking at her nails. “You do know he’s a bastard?”

The brother moved so fast that I could barely register what was going on. He moved to his mother’s side and said some curt words in her ear, causing her to stand and march out of the room without looking back.

“I apologise for her rudeness,” he said, sticking out his hand. “We haven’t been formally introduced. I am Andrew, Edward’s half-brother.”

“I know, he talks about you,” I said, giving him a small smile as I shook his hand.

He cleared his throat and clasped his hands behind his back, looking very regal as he paced before me. “Ms. Mathis—Rose—I’m afraid I had you investigated, and there is something important we should discuss.”

“Like what?” I asked, a sinking feeling in my stomach.

He looked at me then, his expression reserved and serious. “You’re adopted, are you not? And your mother, your biological mother, was a drug addict, wasn’t she?”

My mouth fell open. So there it was. The ace up their sleeve.

I had to have known that they would find out—I had every intention of telling Edward, but not before I was ready. The adoption, of course, was public knowledge, but my parents had gone to great lengths to hide the other information years ago. They’d had my childhood records sealed so that they could never be accessed. “How did you find out?”

“Don’t be naïve, Rose. It doesn’t suit you. I’m part of the royal family,” he replied, giving me a grim smile. “You know how I found out.”

I straightened my shoulders, meeting his eye. “Yes, my mother was a drug addict. She was also a prostitute. Did you know that, too?” I said bitterly, not really expecting a response. “She gave me up when I was five, and I am very fortunate to have the wonderful parents I do now.” They had never treated me any differently, and neither had Harriet. I was part of their family, and they were the only family I needed.

“As good as that might seem,” Andrew replied slowly, his expression darkening, “if word gets out that you are a product of a drug-addicted prostitute, that would levy an extremely bad scandal for our family. While I think you are a nice woman, Rose, I won’t allow your history to sully the royal name.”

“What are you saying?” I asked, as beads of sweat collected on the nape of my clammy neck.

He stopped pacing in front of me. “I need you to step away from Edward. It’s very simple, really. And I am prepared to give you fifty thousand pounds to do so within the next week.”

I took a sharp intake of breath, stunned. Fifty thousand pounds to disappear out of Edward’s life? For someone who hadn’t planned on being involved in all this in the first place, the decision should have been easy. Yet I knew what my heart wanted. I loved Edward more and more each day, and especially after the way he had handled my parents tonight, there was no way I was going to leave him high and dry now. He still needed to get through the fundraiser, and then we could figure out what we were going to do with this engagement mess. But the last thing I wanted was to be forced to leave him any sooner than that.

“My brother has feelings for you, Rose,” he continued. “Strong ones, if I am not mistaken. I know you don’t want to hurt him, but this will be a blow to our family that will be hard to repair. Surely you see that?”

“What? The royal family doesn’t have any skeletons in the closet?” I asked sarcastically.

Andrew smiled, shaking his head. “If we do, they have all been hidden very well. I am looking out for my family, for the monarchy, Rose. Edward will come to terms with it, but you need to take the money and leave him.”

“I’m not going to take the money,” I said, my voice wavering but adamant. “I love him, and you of all people should be fighting for him, not stabbing him in the back!”

Andrew leaned over and grasped both arms of the chair, trapping me. “I know you love him. If you really love him, though, you won’t have him dragged through scandal after scandal. One hundred thousand pounds is my final offer.”

I swallowed, not because of the money but more that I was afraid at what he was going to do if I didn’t accept. Would he persist in trying to drive a wedge between us anyway? Would he use his power to
me disappear? For surely he had ways and means, which he’d already demonstrated.

I needed time to think this through, to decide if I needed to walk away sooner than I had planned. And as much as I didn’t want to admit it, Andrew was right. It was just a matter of time before the media found out about my past, and then Edward would be stuck to deal with that, as well. It would be an embarrassment to my family, too. I could stop all of that from happening and break it off with him. Then the media would lose interest, and Edward would move on.

“Can I wait until after the fundraiser?”

Andrew contemplated the request then nodded, relief on his face. “Of course. I know my brother would want nothing more than to have you there. Don’t worry, Rose, you’re doing the right thing.”

I nodded. Was I, though? I hated the fact that I was going to betray Edward like this. I wanted so desperately to be the one who made him happy, yet my own past had come back to haunt me in the end.


o you love her

I looked at my father, his grim expression doing well to hide his true feelings about Rose. We had walked down the gallery hall, lined with enormous portraits of my ancestors who had once held the royal title. I could remember running down this hall as a child and feeling as if they were all looking down at me—judging me. I still had that sense now. “That doesn’t matter,” I replied not comfortable discussing my emotions with the man that was my father… we’d never had a heart-to-heart before, so why start now?

“Do you love her?” he asked again, his tone demanding an answer. “It’s not a hard question, Edward.”

I thought back to what I had said to Rose’s own father earlier when he’d asked the same question. The words had come out so easily then. Rose was everything to me and more. And I knew that if she told me tonight she was leaving, dropping all of this and moving on with her life, I would have a damn hard time accepting that. “Yes, with all my heart,” I finally said, my chest tightening.

My father’s stride came to a halt and he nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. “I saw you gave her your mother’s ring. Do you know where she got that?”

“You?” I asked, taking a wild guess. He nodded and dropped down on the bench that lined the hall, looking weary. “Edward, your mother was a very special woman. Did you know that I asked her to marry me a few times before you even came into the picture?”

“But you were married to Agatha,” I challenged, surprised. He laughed, which also surprised me, his expression now set on a faraway memory. “Oh no, I wasn’t then. Your mother and I, we knew each other for many years before Agatha. I used to sneak out, ditch my entourage—much like you—and go to see her. We would dance the night away, just the two of us. She taught me a great deal about life and love.”

Love? I wanted to challenge what he had learned about love, for I had hardly been a recipient of this knowledge. But I bit my tongue and stayed silent. It was rare thing for him to open up, and I desperately wanted to hear more about my mum. But his expression darkened then. “However, I am going to have the same conversation with you that my father had with me. There are some things you can’t change, son, some things that just aren’t meant to be no matter how much you want them to be. That is life, Edward, and sometimes it doesn’t go your way.”

“You know I don’t give a damn about this life,” I said angrily, knowing what he was going to say. “I’m barely a member of this family. So write me off properly, change the law back, you did it once already to make it so I was in the line of succession; I’m sure Grandfather would be delighted to have it reverted. Have done with it. Cut me off, but I’m not giving up Rose for you, for Grandfather, or for anyone else in this godforsaken world. She’s mine, and I intend to keep her.”

“Try to be reasonable, Edward,” he replied, looking up at me. “You
a part of this family, no matter how many times you try to deny it. You are my son. And I have put up with a great deal from you, telling myself that I should cut you some slack since you are Edith’s child. But my patience is wearing thin. I have made my decision. I will not approve of this marriage, and neither will your grandfather. There won’t be a church or an officiate that will give you the license certificate if I go public with my objection.”

“You’re an asshole,” I shot back, rage building up inside. “You destroy your own son’s potential happiness for the sake of some damn bloodline? Mine’s already tainted!”

“It’s my final word,” he said softly, regret written all over his face. Never in my life had I wanted to hit my father, but tonight, I was damn near close to it. They could lock me up in the Tower for all I cared. But I kept my fists at my side.

“Don’t contact me. Don’t summon me. Don’t even think about me,” I said, a lethal edge to my voice as I turned to walk away. “Consider me dead.”

My father let out a strangled noise as I turned my back on him. I wasn’t going to bend to his will on this. Not a fucking chance.

We won’t get married in England then, I thought. We could go to the States or France or Italy, anywhere. I would even resort to tying the knot under the open sky—a hand-fasting—if Rose was open to it. Nothing would stop me from marrying the woman I loved.

* * *

he ride
back to my flat was silent. I didn’t ask her what happened in the living room, but it was written on her face. She hadn’t asked me about my conversation, either, which was probably good a thing right then. I didn’t think I could repeat it without wanting to go back to the palace and do something I would later regret.

Luckily the media had died down to a dull roar by the time we got inside the building and into the elevator, a suitcase in each hand. I was exhausted, and with the fundraiser ball tomorrow night, I didn’t expect to get any rest any time soon. Maybe afterward I would take us both on a holiday away from this place, somewhere where I could get Rose into a bathing suit and we could do nothing but enjoy each other’s company for a while. By the time we reached my living room, I was starting to feel somewhat normal again, the vague holiday plans lifting my spirits.

I sat the suitcases on the floor and looked at her, seeing the weariness in her face. “Rough day?”

“You could say that again,” she laughed, looking up at me. “What about you?”

“Hell, Rose, all I want to do is take you to bed,” I said honestly, too drained to even hold back. I had to tell her how I truly felt, and properly, before it burst out of me.

Her eyes widened, and I swore, rubbing a hand over my face. “I’m sorry. I told you I wouldn’t do that.” Turning away, I looked at the sofa, glad I had bought a comfortable one. “I will sleep on the sofa. You can have my bed.”

Her hand touched my back, and I closed my eyes, feeling the searing touch through my shirt. I was going to fucking lose it soon, and I couldn’t be responsible for what I did or what I had promised.


“What, Rose?” I exhaled, my jeans becoming tight in the front.

“I don’t want you to sleep on the sofa.”

I turned around so quickly that she had to take a step back. I framed her face with my hands. “Are you sure?” I didn’t want to force her into anything, but I just wanted her close, under me, so I could show her that I was everything she needed. I wanted her to stay. Forever.

“I’m sure,” she whispered, her hand coming up to cup my cheek.

I leaned my forehead against hers, my body throbbing with need. “You are all I need,” I choked out.

Her hand fell away and she stepped back, looking suddenly shy at what she should do. I gave her a smile, reaching for her hand, forcing myself to take it slow. Carefully I led her up the stairs to the second level, frowning as I saw the rumpled bed sheets. Hell, I was a slob. She deserved roses and candles with silken sheets and champagne.


I turned toward her, seeing the confusion on her face, and I sighed. “I’m not good enough for you, Rose.”

She laughed and reached for my face, cupping her hands on my cheeks. “Edward, you are the only one for me.” She then brushed her lips softly over mine.

“And I can’t wait much longer.” I groaned and reached for her, my hands curving around her waist as I pulled her close against me until her soft curves were pressed up against my hard torso.

“I can’t either,” she whispered as I kissed her jawline. She flung her arms around my neck, and I buried my face into her hair, breathing in the smell of vanilla. She was going to be a balm for me tonight, I knew that. I wanted nothing more than to have her in my bed, under my sheets as I slept, and I felt the need all the way to my fucking toes.

With my hands at her waist, I pulled back and kissed her long and hard, allowing all the pent-up frustrations to echo in that kiss. There were so many variables ranged against the both of us right then that I wanted to concentrate only on her, in my arms.

My hands slid up her sides, grabbing her shirt and inching it upward until I was forced to break the kiss to pull it off the rest of the way. Her hands went immediately to my shirt, pulling it over my head before roaming her short nails and fingertips over my chest, each touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake. “You are so perfect,” she breathed, her fingers trailing down my abs to the tops of my trousers. “Please don’t make me wait anymore,” she said, tugging on my belt.

“God you are awesome.” My cock strained against my trousers as she undid them. I reached behind and expertly undid her bra hooks, sliding her bra down and over her arms so I could feast on her bare breasts, my fingers pinching her already erect nipples. She moaned, and I grinned, cupping the entire weight of one breast in my hand. “It’s a shame you have to hide these,” I said, bending down until I could lick her nipple. “They are fucking gorgeous. I think we should have our own nudist colony right here, just the two of us, so I can see them all day long.”

She chuckled, but her laughter was soon replaced with moans as I teased her body. Her hands abandoned my belt and went into my hair, bringing me closer to her breast so I could take it into my mouth. “Yes,” she breathed. “That’s, oh my god, Edward!”

I swirled my tongue around her nipple and gave it a light kiss before pulling back, loving the way her body reacted to mine. She gave me a dark look as my hands went to her skirt, pushing it down over her hips and allowing it to puddle on the floor until she stood there in just her knickers. I took in her breasts, the rounded part of her stomach and the lace-clad centre of her, blood rushing to my ears. “I’m the luckiest man alive,” I said wetting my lips.

She blushed and reached for my belt again, working it out of my pants and pulling them down. “Oh my,” she giggled as she took in her first sight of my hard cock—hard only for her. Eagerly her hand wrapped around my length and caused me to groan. “Hello there.”

“Jesus,” I hissed, as she explored me. “You’re killing me, Rose.”

She pushed me toward the bed until I fell onto it on my back. “Condoms?” she asked. I pointed toward the drawer on the bedside table and she opened it, pulling out a pair of thongs with a puzzled scowl.

“It was a collection drawer at one time,” I replied, a dull flush on my face. If she walked away now, I was going to implode on this damn bed. “Can we pretend those weren’t in there? The only knickers I want in there are yours.”

Rose threw the thongs across the bedroom before reaching in once more. She pulled out a foil packet and tore it open. I watched as she rolled it expertly down my cock, her tits swinging heavenly before me. Unable to keep my hands off her, my hand found her breast. My entire body was throbbing for her. She gave me a wicked grin, stood by the bed and pulled down her knickers, dangerously slowly.

“You better get back on this bed, right now,” I demanded as I took in her neatly trimmed pussy. I couldn’t allow another second to pass by without being inside her. She put her hands on her hips and bit her lip but soon squealed when I grabbed her and pulled her on top of me.

I encouraged her to straddle me, and then as we locked eyes, I angled my hips and slipped inside her. She sank down with a moan. I groaned as well, my hands going to her hips as she started to rock against me, a whimper escaping her lips. Her hands braced against my chest and she started to ride me. We started slowly at first, relishing each and every single sensation, but soon, as our breaths became laboured and the intensity began to rise, our pace increased. Her ass slapped against the top of my thighs and her tits bounced.

“That’s right,” I urged, my fingers digging into her soft skin as I watched her eyes roll with ecstasy.

A sudden urge to be the one on top, to drive within her deeper, came over me. With strong arms around her, I manoeuvred her down upon the satin sheets, under me, in a flash. Her eyes peered up at me with surprise. I drove my length back into her, and she eagerly wrapped her legs around me.

“Harder,” she whimpered.

I did what my lady requested and slammed in deeper, her hips and back arching to meet my thrust. “Fuck me, Edward.”

“I’m going to do better than that,” I said, my mouth by her ear, “I’m going to love you.”

Her thighs clenched, and she came hard and fast, a cry coming from deep down inside her. Another tightening and cry, and I was a goner, shouting as I poured my seed into the condom, my own orgasm catching me by surprise. Rose let her head fall back, her hair spread out over the pillow as I collapsed on top of her.

For an exquisite moment I lay there, her hand stroking my back lightly before I rose and gave her a smile, kissing her collarbone, then her neck, and lastly her sweet mouth. We held each other before I extracted myself and made quick work of the condom. I climbed back in, pulling the covers up over us before I reached for her, pulling her against me and kissing her bare shoulder.

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