Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough (8 page)

Read Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough Online

Authors: Laura Baumbach

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough
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James began to pant. His hips pushed up of their own accord, seeking more, but Bram kept the pressure to a steady, light stroking.

The big man picked up a pastry from the tray with his unoccupied hand and fed a cheese-filled morsel to his date. His thumb became covered in the creamy mixture. As he pulled back, James grabbed it. He swallowed, then licked the fallen droplets from Bram's thumb.

He scoured the digit carefully with his tongue before taking it into his mouth and sucking it clean.

His own breathing uneven and rapid, Bram shifted so his broad back blocked their activities from view of the rest of the diners. "If this is what just talking about old houses does to you, I'll have to show you my place. It's full of interesting angles and miles of elaborate detailing."

James actually felt heat radiate off the big man in waves. He found it difficult to breathe.

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"Especially my bedroom."

The pressure at his groin increased and James bucked up into Bram's hand. He took a couple of deep breaths through pursed lips to dispel the dizziness rippling through him.

"Lots of interesting . . . architectural features?" If he passed out right now, James wondered if he could blame it on the lack of air in the room.

"Uh-huh. My bed, for one. Eighteenth century design. Only one I could find I fit in comfortably. You'll like it. Plenty of room to stretch out. Lots of places to hold onto, sturdy enough to be tied to." The slow stroking kept rhythm with the soft fluctuations in Bram's voice.

James let out a soft, strangled moan. His eyes darted around to make sure they weren't making a public display of themselves, but all he could see was Bram. Every broad, muscled inch of the man filled James' sight. "Tied? Me or you?" James managed to pant out.

"Either. Both." Bram moved the last few inches needed for them to make contact and whispered against James' lips before he gave him a chaste kiss. "Does it matter, baby?"

"I think the only thing that matters to me right now," James swallowed hard and wet his lips, "is how soon can we be there?"

A soft, but distinct clearing of a throat jarred both men. Bram stilled his hand, eased back and turned, making sure James was protected from any prying eyes.

The younger man knew he was flushed, and he could feel a fine sheen of sweat on his face. His breath still came in short, shallow gasps over chapped lips and his pants visibly tented. He wouldn't be standing up anytime soon. James made an effort to pull himself together, then peeked past Bram's shoulder to see who had interrupted them.

Vito stood at the table, a large bag of take-out containers in his hands and a rakish grin on his face. He chuckled at James' soft moan of embarrassment and extended the bag to Bram. "Dinner for two, to go. I thought maybe this night would be better spent at home, yes?"

Bram laughed and accepted the bag, nodding. "I think you maybe right. Thank you, Vito.

You're a very intuitive man." Fishing out his wallet, Bram tossed three fifties on the table.

Vito shrugged and tilted his head to indicate their waiter at a table several feet away from them. "Thank Angelo. He said you were distracting him too much for him to work."

James dropped his chin to his chest and mumbled a distressed, "Oh, God, Bram. He'll never let us eat here again."

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Bram just laughed again and tapped the top of James' fallen head. "It's okay, Jamie. I think he'll forgive us as long as we leave quietly. Right, Vito?" Bram stood and motioned for James to join him.

Vito chuckled. "Not to worry. The biggest catastrophe of the evening will be if Mrs.

Giovanni's cooking goes to waste. See to it that it doesn't, my friends, and all will be forgiven." He patted Bram's arm, tucked an unopened bottle of red wine under it and walked off, humming a love song James recognized from a popular Italian opera.

Picking up the loaded bag, Bram waited for James. James inched out of the booth then awkwardly gained his feet, trying to unobtrusively rearrange himself in his pants.

A sudden, painful pinch to one butt cheek made him jump, muttering a string of oaths under his breath. "What the hell did you do that for?" Shocked, James rubbed at his abused ass, trying to soothe away the deep ache.

"Just trying to help." Bram took James' arm with his free hand and began leading them to the exit.

"How did bruising my butt help anything?" Confused, but wanting to leave, James let the other man guide him out the door.

"Easy." Bram glanced down at the front of James' pants. "You can walk just fine now."

James suddenly realized the uncomfortable fullness was gone from his trousers. His erection had subsided the moment the pain had jarred through him. "Crafty bastard."

Bram grinned and let his voice take on the rough, sexy tone that had sparked James'

interest from the beginning. "Don't worry, baby. I promise I'll make it up to you. I know a few uses for Mrs. Giovanni's sauce she probably hasn't tried yet."

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Chapter Four

The drive to Bram's house took fifteen minutes, much of which James spent pressed against the passenger window, commenting on the structural style and elegance of the long-established neighborhood.

They ended the drive on a short, circular driveway in front of a graceful, two-story, red brick home. Wrought iron rods, spirals, fence posts and grates adorned much of the building. There was even an elaborate weather vane topping the patina-colored roof of an octagonal tower. The approaching twilight hid the rest of the home's period features.

Awed, James climbed out of the truck and followed Bram up the steps of the wide porch.

He waited while Bram opened two heavy-duty locks on the entry door, then preceded his host inside.

Once they passed through the marble-floored foyer, the adjoining rooms became massive, all boasting nine-foot, domed ceilings, stylized, ten-inch baseboards and oak hardwood floors. Ancient oriental rugs accented leather and dark oak furniture groupings and numerous original landscapes done in oils and watercolors hung on the walls.

They passed through one large, open room completely bare of furnishing. One wall was almost completely glass, a series of lead-paned French doors that opened out to a courtyard. James could see a small fountain and several stone benches outside. "What a great room! The natural light in here must be outstanding. Why don't you use it?"

"I was going to make it into an office, but it's just too big. It would be a waste." Bram looked around the mahogany-paneled room admiringly. "So now, I'm waiting for inspiration to hit me."

"Wow. It would be a terrific place to work. You should reconsider." James' gaze drank in every feature of the room, from its carved ceiling rails to its massive marble fireplace and built-in ceiling to floor bookcases.

"I'll think about it." Taking in James' delighted, awed reaction to the room, Bram's expression became thoughtful. "Something will come up."

Bram led James down a long hallway, pausing to hang up their coats on the way. They emerged in an updated, gleaming kitchen complete with granite-topped counters and a gourmet eight-burner stove.

"I don't know about you, Jamie, but I'm starving. What do you say we eat some of this before it gets too cold and then I'll give you a tour of the old place?" Bram set the bag of food on the center island and began to unpack their dinner.

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James rubbed his hands together and sniffed the air. "I can't wait to see the place, and as much as I'd like to take up where we left off in the restaurant," he patted his stomach,

"I'm running on empty here."

James joined him at the counter, taking a plate Bram offered, filled with Mrs. Giovanni's spicy-smelling, cheese-filled pasta sleeves covered in a thick layer of rich, meaty sauce.

"Those appetizers were great, but they only got me warmed up." James smirked and seductively licked a smear of sauce off his index finger.

Bram reached over and pulled the finger from James' mouth. He wrapped his hand around the enticing digit and shook it. "Put that thing away. At least until we've eaten."

Picking up his own plate and the bottle of wine, Bram pulled out a stool with his foot and kicked it toward James. "What time did you eat lunch?"

James slid onto the stool and started eating. "Skipped it. And since I don't eat breakfast,"

he chewed and swallowed a huge bite of manicotti, "this is the first decent food I've had since yesterday." He forked up another mouthful and chewed. "This is fantastic. Good thing Vito's open-minded. I could get addicted to this."

"We like the same foods. That's good." Smiling, Bram poured two glasses of wine and handed one to James.

The younger man accepted it, but took three more bites of pasta before sampling the vintage. "Sorry." James worked the solitary words in between bites. "Hungry."

"Don't apologize, eat." They ate in silence for several minutes, devouring the meal Vito had packed.

Bram hunched forward and wiped a speck of cheese from James' chin. "Make sure you're full. You'll need your strength for later."

Gaze locked on James' face, he licked the speck off his finger, and then pulled back and dug into his food. "We both will." Bram cleaned his plate in only a few hefty bites.

"That a promise?" James teased.

Bram's eyes became hooded and his voice dropped to that low, sultry tone that made James' stomach do somersaults. He hooked a boot under the rungs of James' stool and dragged his lover over to him in one swift yank, sliding his knees between the other man's slender thighs. He pulled James into an embrace and tilted the younger man's face up. His lips brushed against James' skin as he talked.

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"A promise," he kissed the tip of James' nose, "and a threat. I believe." He placed another kiss on James' chin. "Someone has some punishment," he kissed one corner of James'

mouth, "coming," then the other corner. "Don't you, baby?"

James groaned and closed his eyes, completely seduced by the gravel-rough sound of Bram's demanding whisper and the teasing, feathery touch of the man's lips. Food was forgotten.

James relaxed into Bram's tight embrace, arching his neck so the unmoving fingers laced through his hair had to tug harder to keep their grip. A thrill of anticipation rocketed down his limbs as the pressure from Bram's hand increased, and he was forced to angle his head back a few inches more.

"Oh, yeah, baby, fight me. I'll remind you who's in charge." Bram yanked James' hips off the stool and onto his lap.

James' swelling cock rocked into the other man's stomach. He couldn't resist bucking against the hard ridge of solid muscles, and letting out a low grunt. "Fuck!"

Bram chuckled and clamped one long arm around James' bucking hips and pulled them in tight to still them. His meaty hand massaged and kneaded James' ass as he promised,

"Soon, baby, soon. But when I say we fuck, and not before." He continued raining light, almost-caresses over James' mouth with his lips, occasionally snaking out the tip of his tongue to moisten a section of chapped skin.

Before long, James was panting and moaning, unable to do more than endure the erotic pleasure of Bram's embrace and slow attentions. The tingling warmth centered in his groin grew, turning into a smoldering delight.

When the slow, steady pace remained unchanged, James began to resist the confines of the other man's restraining hold. He squirmed, gratified by the feeling of Bram's iron-hard erection digging greedily into his ass with each tiny shift of his hips. Hoping to encourage his lover to move faster, James contracted and relaxed the tight muscles of his buttocks, milking the curve of his ass over the growing bulge under him.

The results were instantaneous. Wiping food off the countertop with one sweeping motion of his arm, Bram lifted them both from the stool and slammed James down on his back on the counter.

"Uh!" James' breath was forced out of him. His head smacked down hard, but met a protective palm instead of granite.

Bram easily pinned James in place with his long body. He let go of James' hair long enough to grab both of his lover's wrists. He then pressed them onto the countertop, held imprisoned in one massive, sandpaper-rough hand.

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"Oh, no, baby. Not yet." Bram settled his body between James' spread legs, covering the smaller man from hip to chest. He held himself up on one forearm to allow his partner just enough room to catch his breath. "I think it's time your punishment started."

Gathering his captive up, Bram slid one arm under James' shoulders and used his other hand to grip the younger man's smooth jaw line. He trailed hot, wet kisses along James'

neck and up into his ear, then licked a path down James' profile from forehead to his Adam's apple. Nuzzling and sucking at the convulsively, bobbing knob, Bram raked his teeth over it, dragging a strangled moan from his lover.

A shiver racked through the body under his and Bram leaned up to whisper into James'

ear. "That's my baby. Shake for me. Let me feel what I do to you. Share it with me, baby."

James shivered at the command. A sharp gasp pushed warm, oregano-scented air to swirl in and past his ear. Intent on pulling even more of a response from his unhurried partner, he arched and wiggled, then pulled one leg up to brace his heel on the countertop, bringing Bram's erection more firmly into contact with his own. His eager cock pulsed and strained against the added pressure.

"Jesus, fuck! Do me, just do me. Right here. Please!" James panted and strained against the hold on his wrists, desperate to touch and be touched.

Gripping the thin wrists tighter, Bram nipped James' lower lip and let his voice rumble up from deep inside his chest, sultry and hot. "Oh, I'll do you. I'll do you so hard and so deep, you'll swear to God you can taste me."

James' insides spasmed and he felt the head of his cock leak and grow larger. One continuous tremor shook his entire body and his lover groaned into his mouth.

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