Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough (3 page)

Read Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough Online

Authors: Laura Baumbach

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough
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The distant sound of a brief argument down the alley reminded James of the possibility of discovery and he groaned and shuddered, the tremor running the length of his tense, exhausted frame. The low, throaty voice vibrated at the base of his ear lobe, coming in short, electrifying pants that pushed James’ excitement even higher.

"That’s it, that’s it. Tremble for me, baby. I’ll give you what you need. I’ll take you as rough as you can stand. Fucking
for me, baby."

James was suddenly lifted higher, his boots losing contact with the gritty street, his entire body supported by the cowboy and the wall. The shift in position changed the angle of entry and the pounding thrusts began to skate mercilessly across his prostate. Half a dozen thrusts later he screamed silently into his bound wrists, the climax so painfully intense and unexpected he couldn’t find the breath to give voice to his agonized pleasure.

His body rigid, locked in a spasm of peaking climax, James felt every inch of his lover’s cock imbedded deep inside, its pulsing heat emptying into him at a furious rate. Heavy groans and muttered oaths were lost in the fabric around his neck, still binding his hands in place. The large hands that had caressed and fondled him now held him by the hips, impaling him motionless on the shaft, creating bruised indentations in his tender flesh. He rode out the storm of passion, then collapsed, wanting to rest against the chill of the bricks to help revive his flagging energy and awareness. An empty, hollow ache replaced the shrinking iron rod inside of him, and chill air drifted over his back and buttocks as his partner stepped away.

In a half stupor, cheek resting on the rough brick surface, he felt his pants pulled up around his hips and his arms were slowly lowered. The thin fabric of his shirt was unrolled and worked up his arms, slipped down over his head, then tugged and smoothed until it covered his body.

James pushed off of the wall, but was spun and pinned back against it before he could turn on his own power. Gentle, but demanding lips captured his and he lost track of time as the cowboy’s tongue reacquainted itself with every molecule in his mouth. The large body settled over him, strong arms embracing him, re-igniting his earlier unease with the possessive stranger.

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Breaking off the kiss, James pushed at the man’s shoulders until the tight arms released him. He quickly stepped to one side and fastened the buttons down the front of his jeans, aware of the other man watching his hands as they worked.

"Well, ah, that was terrific. Thanks. I, ah, it was fantastic, really. But I have to get going.

Work in the morning. Maybe we’ll run into each other again sometime."

James stepped to one side to walk around the cowboy, but was forced to halt when the man matched his movement.

"Look, my truck is right here." Cowboy pointed at the late model, extended cab, monster of a truck James had noticed earlier. It was parked only a few yards down the alley, facing the other end; a convenient spot for leaving unseen by the bar’s patrons. "I’ll drive you to your car." Cowboy herded James toward the truck, hands tucked unthreateningly in his pants’ pockets, a smile of shy delight on his rugged face.

James hesitated for a moment, but decided against making a scene. He allowed the cowboy to open the driver’s door for him, the passenger side parked too close to the wall to go around. Reaching up for a handhold on the truck’s raised interior, a pair of too helpful hands grabbed his waist.

"Then again, maybe I’ll just take you home. Tying you to my bed sounds like the perfect way to end the night."

James was lifted into the air and tossed across the bench seat. He sprawled against the far door. By the time he regained his footing, the cowboy was seated behind the wheel and the door was shut and locked.

James gathered his adrenaline-spiked energy and launched himself at the man. The cowboy’s head thudded against the window and his tall body bowed under James' weight.

James almost managed to grab the door handle before his wrists were engulfed in the cowboy's large, work-rough palms. One swift, shifting move of Cowboy's hips and James found himself pinned on his back to the truck's bench seat. Cowboy hovered over him, holding James' wrists to either side of his head.

"Hey, hey. Slow down there, Tiger. It was a joke, just a joke. Okay?" The same soft voice that had thrilled and delighted James only moments ago rumbled in his ear again. This time the voice was warm and conciliatory instead of dark and demanding. Oddly enough, James responded to it in the same thrilled way, feeling a burst of attraction run down his spine. The sensation made James shudder and
made Cowboy smile. To James it was a dazzling, heart-stopping smile.

"Still trembling under me, huh?" Cowboy chuckled and released James' wrists, but didn't move. Cowboy's smile softened and his expression changed from playful to sincere. "I still like that, but I didn't mean to scare you."

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Cowboy ran his thumb across James' panting mouth, his gaze riveted to the swollen, flushed lips. He glanced up to catch James' own heated gaze and the smile changed again, this time to shy. "I'm very pleased to meet you." Cowboy winked, then heaved himself up, bringing James along with him.

"Ah, hi. I'm James, James Justin." James smoothed down his rumpled shirt then extended his hand. "Nice to meet you, too." Cowboy shook his hand and grinned.

The man's appreciative, lopsided smile made James feel suddenly desirable all over again, the fantastic ache in his ass re-ignited as his stretched and used opening spasmed.

Flustered by the strong pull of attraction for the big man, James settled as close to the passenger door as he could. His thoughts were thick and sluggish, still overwhelmed by the lingering euphoria from their earlier coupling.

James didn't want to mistake lust for real attraction, but something about this cowboy made him want more. More time with the man. More conversations. More sex. Definitely more sex. But James wanted to be sure this was about more than

Feeling awkward and suddenly adolescent, James gave an embarrassed chuckle.

"Actually, it was better than nice. It was absolutely-fucking-fabulous."

James thought he detected a faint blush on the man's tanned and weathered face. Cowboy laughed softly. "I won't argue with that."

The laughter tapered off into what threatened to become an awkward silence. Cowboy shoved the key into the ignition and started the truck, glancing over at James as he did it.

"I'm headed for my favorite coffee shop. Want to come along?" Cowboy let the truck idle at the mouth of the alley.

James gestured to the left and they turned onto a quiet side street. Surprised by the offer, James stammered, "Ah, thanks." He looked at the digital clock on the dashboard and sighed. "But I have to be to work in a few hours. I need to get some sleep." He pointed out the windshield at the row of parked cars. "The black Vibe is mine."

Cowboy pulled up beside the sleek little Vibe. He put his own truck into park, ignoring a sedan and two motorcycles that were forced to go around them. "Okay then." He sounded impatient and he tapped the steering wheel with the fingers of one hand, glancing repeatedly in the rearview mirror.

Thinking the display meant the cowboy had already lost interest, James opened the door and slid from the truck. He felt his face flame with the sudden uncomfortable flush of shame at being discarded so quickly. Just as he was about to shut the door, the cowboy called out to him.

"Hey, Jamie?"

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Startled by the intimate nickname, James swung the door back open to find the cowboy leaning low across the seat. The position brought the big man eye-to-eye with James. The lopsided grin was back on Cowboy's face.

"How about dinner tomorrow night?"

Stunned by the invitation, James slowly nodded his head. He was momentarily frozen in place by the intensity of the thrill that rolled through the pit of his stomach then spread south.

"Yeah. Yeah, we could do that. Seven o'clock?"

Actions hidden from public view by the truck seat and dashboard, Cowboy reached out one long arm and laced the fingers of his massive hand through the hair at the back of James' head. He tugged, drawing James forward to lean into the cab, where cowboy delivered a blistering kiss. When he released James, it was only a fraction of an inch, his lips still brushing over James' tingling mouth as he panted out an order. "Six."

Throwing reason out the window, James grabbed cowboy by the hair with both hands and sealed his mouth to the willing lips, eagerly returning the attention. When James pulled back, they were both breathless and flushed. "Six. Okay."

The fingers in his hair loosened and James backed out of the truck. The cowboy straightened up behind the wheel. James' gaze fell on the bright digital clock display on the dash again and he panicked.

His right hand sliced the air, going between himself and the dashboard several times in a row. He shifted his weight from leg to leg, a slight bounce punctuating each move. "Ah, is that tonight's tonight or tomorrow's tonight? It's one-thirty. I mean, it's after midnight. I mean, it's already Saturday. Did you mean -- "

A snort of amusement cut off his sentence. James looked up from the clock display, startled, to meet the other man's delighted expression.

"I like it when you're flustered," said the cowboy. He chuckled then lowered his voice to a sultry tone adding, "It makes me want to direct all that energy you're putting out into more 'relaxing' activities."

James felt his blood rushing both north and south, leaving him dizzy. His face turned a bright red, and blood pooled in his groin, coaxing his cock partially awake. He ducked his head, suddenly shy with this man who had just spent the last half an hour turning his brains to mush by way of his ass.

"Jamie?" It was only one word, whispered in the cowboy's rough, low voice, but it eased James' embarrassment.

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He raised his head to met Cowboy's eyes, relieved to see gentle understanding in the man's face, as well as sexual interest. The thread of excitement rolling through his stomach turned into a large ball of warm, sizzling electricity.

"Six o'clock tonight. Saturday. As in sixteen and a half hours from now. Okay?" Cowboy pulled a business card out from the edge of the truck's sun visor and held it out to James.

"That's my cell number printed at the bottom. Call me later today and give me directions to your place."

Wishing he had more time to think about the situation without offending the cowboy, James took it. He glanced at the printing, noting the construction firm advertised on the card. It was a very well known, highly recommended company. Even the architectural firm he worked for did business with them. It was nice to know the cowboy had a solid job. James hated to think he might end up falling for a deadbeat.

"That way you can have time to think about things," said Cowboy.

James bit his lower lip, a guilty little snort escaping.

Cowboy just smiled. "I'm feeling a little flushed with myself right now, too. Once your blood decides to visit your brain again, you can decide if you want to call. Then if you want to back out, you won't have given your home address to someone you don't want to see outside of an alley."

James struggled not to let the grin trying to break free out, but lost. "I've pretty much decided I'd like to see you anywhere, even another alley."

Nodding, Cowboy settled more comfortably behind the wheel. "All right then. We've got a date."

A car full of drunken young men flew by, honking their horn and tossing obscenities in the air then disappeared around a corner.

Cowboy gestured one big hand toward James' parked car. "You get in. I'll wait here until you pull out." He winked at James. "I've got a vested interest in making sure you stay safe."

James snorted and shut the truck door. Pocketing the card in his front pants pocket, James couldn't resist running his fingertips over the half-hard bulge tucked up against the rough denim of his jeans. The small gesture started the lingering buzz to tingle again. As he turned to open his car door, he gave one last look over his shoulder. Cowboy sat silently watching him.

James yanked his hand out of his pants and slid into his car, closing and locking the door before starting it. He eased the car from curb, experiencing a moment of panic when the
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truck followed him for two blocks. Just when James began to think he might have a stalker on his hands, the truck took a right turn and sped off toward an older, quieter section of the city.

James drove two more blocks, basking in the thrill of reliving the unexpected, erotic adventure in the alleyway, before he realized he hadn't asked the cowboy his name.

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Chapter Two

Finding a name above the printed cell number on the business card, James had ignored the butterflies assaulting his stomach, and called mid-morning. The moment he heard the cowboy's low, sultry voice answer, the butterflies had flown straight to his cock and danced on its rapidly engorging head.

He pressed the phone tighter to his ear, slightly confused by the loud background noises until he remembered the cowboy worked a construction site. James forced himself to concentrate on Cowboy's words.

"Bram Lord. What can I do for you?"

James felt his stomach tighten with excitement. "Ah, Bram, hi. It's me, James. From last night. You said to call. So I'm, ah, calling."

The background noise became muffled and the reception suddenly got clearer. James mentally pictured the big man in full denim garb and a hard hat, gritty with concrete dust and sweat streaking his tanned, chiseled face, phone tucked to the side of his face.

Leather work gloves smoothed the rough hands and various tools hung from Cowboy's belt, completing James' fantasy.

He had to reach down the front of his pants and shift his aching erection to a more comfortable position or risk talking an octave above normal for the rest of the conversation.

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