Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (794 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

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Hyperosmolarity, hyponatremia with, 590

Hyperosmolar syndrome, 566–567

Hyperparathyroidism, 568–569

diagnosis, 568–569

genetics, 568

parathyroid hormone in, 568

primary, 558

treatment, 569

Hyperplastic candidiasis, 174–175

Hypertension, 893

Hypertensive crisis, 570

Hypertensive emergencies, 570–571

Hyperthermia, 572–573, 892

diagnosis, 572–573

environmental factors in, 572

pharmacologic contributors, 572

treatment, 573

Hyperthyroidism, 574–575

diagnosis, 574–575

genetics, 574

primary, 574

treatment, 575

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), 190, 192–193

diagnosis, 192–193

imaging, 192

treatment, 193

Hyperventilation syndrome, 576–577

Hyperviscosity syndrome (HVS), 578–579

Hypervolemic hypernatremia, 564–565

Hyphema, 580–581

Hypoalbuminemia, 582

Hypocalcemia, 582–583

definition, 582

diagnosis, 582–583

mechanism, 582

treatment, 583

Hypoglycemia, 584–585

diagnosis, 584

genetics, 584

risk factors, 584

treatment, 585

Hypoglycemic agent poisoning, 586–587

Hypokalemia, 588–589

definition, 588

diagnosis, 588

electrophysiologic effects of, 588

treatment, 589

Hypomagnesemia, 582

Hypomania, in bipolar disorder, 142

Hyponatremia, 590–591

diagnosis, 590–591

with euvolemia, 590

with hyperosmolarity, 590

with hypovolemia, 590

SIADH and, 1100–1101

treatment, 591

Hypoparathyroidism, 592–593

diagnosis, 592–593

genetics, 592

treatment, 593

Hypotension, 893

Hypothalamic diabetes insipidus, 564

Hypothermia, 338, 594–595, 893

diagnosis, 594

pathophysiology, 594

treatment, 594–595

Hypothyroidism, 596–597

diagnosis, 596

pregnancy and, 596

treatment, 597

Hypovolemia, hyponatremia with, 590

Hypovolemic hypernatremia, 564–565

Hypovolemic shock, 189, 1026–1027

Hypoxemia, 338


Iatrogenic botulism, 154

Implantable cardiac device (ICD)

Idiopathic hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, 446

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), 598–599, 1129

acute, 598

chronic, 598

diagnosis, 598

genetics, 598

treatment, 599

IgE mediated anaphylaxis, 62

Immunizations, 600–601

Immunosuppression, 602–603

Impetigo, 604–605

bullous, 604

classic, 604

complications in, 604

diagnosis, 604

treatment, 605

Implantable cardiac device (ICD), 290–291

Implantable defibrillators, 290–291

Inborn errors of metabolism, 606–607

Incomplete abortion, 12

treatment, 13

Incomplete bundle branch block, 166–167

Inevitable abortion, 12

treatment, 13

Infectious (septic) arthritis, 98

Inflammatory bowel disease, 608–609

diagnosis, 608–609

imaging, 608

pathogenesis, 608

treatment, 609

Influenza, 610–611

complications, 610

diagnosis, 610

key features, 610

prevention, 611

treatment, 610–611

Inguinal adenopathy, 220


botulism, 154

burn injury, 168–169

irritant gas exposure and, 624

smoke, 1044–1045

Insulin toxicity, 888

Intimate partner violence (IPV), 336–337

Intra-articular disk disorder, 1112–1113

Intracerebral hemorrhage, 486, 612–613

Intracranial hemorrhage, 502

Intrahepatic cholestasis, 631

Intralipids toxicity, 888–889

Intrathoracic vagal nerve compression, 1172–1173

Intussusception, 156, 614–615

diagnosis, 614–615

imaging, 614

treatment, 615

Inverse flexural psoriasis, 920

Ipecac, 891

Intimate partner violence (IPV)

Iritis, 616–617

Iron poisoning, 618–619

diagnosis, 618

injury patterns in, 618

treatment, 618–619

Irritable bowel syndrome, 620–621

diagnosis, 620

psychosocial dysfunction and, 620

treatment, 620–621

Irritable infant, 622–623

Irritant contact dermatitis, 262–263

Irritant gas exposure, 624–625

diagnosis, 624

pathophysiology, 624

risk factors, 624

treatment, 625

Isoniazid poisoning, 626–627

Isopropanol poisoning, 627–628

Isovolemic hypernatremia, 564–565

Itching, 916–917

“Itch–scratch–itch” cycle, 916

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)


Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis (JAS)

Jaundice, 630–631

diagnosis, 630–631

imaging, 630

neonatal, 748–749

treatment, 631

Jefferson fracture, 1054

“jock itch,” 1138

Junctional tachycardia, 1094–1095

Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis (JAS), 72

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, 96–97

diagnosis, 96–97

treatment, 97


Kawasaki disease, 632–633

coronary artery aneurysms in, 632

diagnosis, 632–633

purpura and, 935

with toxic shock syndrome, 1148

treatment, 633

with vasculitis, 1206–1207

Keratitis, ultraviolet, 1176–1177

Kidney stones, 958–959

Kidney transplant rejection, 1158–1159

Knee dislocation, 634–635

associated injuries, 634

diagnosis, 634

treatment, 634–635

Knee injuries, 636–637

associated with knee dislocation, 634

diagnosis, 636–637

epidemiology, 636

imaging, 637

treatment, 637

Korsakoff syndrome, 1155


Labor, 638–639.
See Preganacy

diagnosis, 638

stages of, 638

treatment, 639

Labyrinthitis, 640–641

diagnosis, 640–641

imaging, 640

treatment, 641

Laceration management, 642–643

Lactrodectus mactans,

Lacunar infarcts, 1156

Langerhans cell histocytosis, 1010

Lap belt injury, 1060

Large-bowel obstruction (LBO), 156–157

Large vessel TIA syndromes, 1156

Laryngeal dystonia, 348

Laryngitis, 644–645

bacterial, 644

diagnosis, 644

treatment, 645

viral, 644

Larynx fracture, 646–647

associated injuries, 646

diagnosis, 646

treatment, 646–647

Latent TB infection (LTBI), 1168–1169

Lateral epicondylitis, 1116–1117

Lead poisoning, 648–649

diagnosis, 648

mechanisms of toxicity, 648

treatment, 648–649

Le Fort fractures, 400

Left anterior fascicular block, 166

Left bundle branch block (LBBB), 166–167

Left posterior fascicular block, 166

Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, 650–651

diagnosis, 650–651

imaging, 650

treatment, 651

Leiner disease, 1010

Lentigo maligna melanomas (LMM), 1036

Leptospirosis, with toxic shock syndrome, 1148

Leukemia, 652–653

diagnosis, 652

pregnancy and, 652

treatment, 652

Leukocytosis, 654–655

definition, 654

diagnosis, 654–655

epidemiology, 654

treatment, 655

Libman–Sacks endocarditis, 366

Light coma, 248

Lightning injuries, 656–657

diagnosis, 656

mechanism of, 656

treatment, 657

Limb ataxia, 112

Lisfranc injuries, 422

Lithium poisoning, 658–659

diagnosis, 658

risk factors, 658

treatment, 659

Liver transplant rejection, 1158–1159

Lentigo maligna melanomas (LMM)

Low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH)

Lobar hemorrhage, 612

Löfgren syndrome, 1000

Low back pain (LBP), 122–123

Lower esophageal sphincter (LES), 452–453

Lower gastrointestinal bleeding, 454–455

Low-flow priapism, 910

Low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), 964

Latent TB infection (LTBI)

Ludwig angina, 660–661

diagnosis, 660

imaging, 660

treatment, 660–661

Lumbar spine injury, 1060–1061

diagnosis, 1060–1061

imaging, 1060

treatment, 1061

Lunate dislocation, 662–663

diagnosis, 662

imaging, 662

treatment, 662–663

Lung transplant rejection, 1158–1159

Lupus erythematosus, 1010

Luxation injuries, 300

Lyme cardiomyopathy, 190

Lyme disease, 98, 664–665

Bell’s palsy and, 134

diagnosis, 664–665

pathogenesis, 664

pregnancy and, 664

transmitted by tick bite, 1136

treatment, 665

Lymphadenitis, 666–667

diagnosis, 666

Staphylococcus aureus,

treatment, 667

Lymphangitis, 668–669

diagnosis, 668

treatment, 668–669

Lymphocytic leukemia, chronic, 652–653

Lymphocytosis, 654

Lymphogranuloma venereum, 670–671

diagnosis, 670–671

stages of, 670

treatment, 671


Malaria, 672–673

diagnosis, 672

pregnancy and, 672

treatment, 673

Mallory–Weiss syndrome, 674–675

diagnosis, 674

risk factors, 674

treatment, 674–675

Malrotation, 676–677

associated conditions, 676

diagnosis, 676–677

epidemiology, 676

imaging, 676

treatment, 677

with volvulus, 156

Mandibular fractures, 678–679

diagnosis, 678

imaging, 678

treatment, 679

Mania, in bipolar disorder, 142

MAOI hypertensive crisis syndrome, 712

Marine envenomation, 680–681

Masked mastoiditis, 684

Masticatory muscle disorders, 1112–1113

Mastitis, 682–683

diagnosis, 682

risk factors, 682

treatment, 682–683

Mastitis, PPE and, 902

Mastoiditis, 684–685

diagnosis, 684

imaging, 684

treatment, 685

Maxillary sinusitis, 1034

Measles, 688–689

diagnosis, 688

imaging, 688

pregnancy and, 688

treatment, 689

Measles encephalitis, 364

Mechanical ventilation, 1210

Meckel diverticulum, 690–691

diagnosis, 690–691

imaging, 690

treatment, 691

Meckler triad, 876

Medial collateral ligament (MCL) injury, 636–637

Medial/lateral epicondylitis, 360–361

Medial meniscus injury, 636–637

Medical Research Council (mMRC) dyspnea scale, 236

Medium vessel vasculitides, 1206–1207

Meigs syndrome, 872

Melanoma, 1036–1037

Méniére disease, 692–693, 1220

diagnosis, 692–693

treatment, 693

Meningitis, 694–695

diagnosis, 694

treatment, 694–695

Meningococcemia, 696–697

diagnosis, 696

septic arthritis and, 696

with toxic shock syndrome, 1148

treatment, 697

Meniscal tears, 636–637

Meniscus injury, 636–637

Mercury poisoning, 698–699

diagnosis, 698

treatment, 698–699

Mesenteric artery thrombus, 700–701

Mesenteric ischemia, 700–701

diagnosis, 700–701

imaging, 700

treatment, 701

Mesenteric venous thrombosis, 700–701

Metabolic acidosis, 22

Metabolic alkalosis, 46

Metabolism, inborn errors of, 606–607

Metacarpal injuries, 702–703, 1261–1262

Metaphysis, 438

Metastatic melanoma, 1036

Metatarsal fractures, foot, 422–423

Methanol poisoning, 704–705

Methemoglobin, 706

Methemoglobinemia, 280, 706–707

Staphylococcus aureus

cellulitis from, 206

community acquired, 716–717

lymphadenitis from, 666

lymphangitis from, 668

Methylene blue toxicity, 888

3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) poisoning, 686–687

diagnosis, 686

pathophysiology, 686

treatment, 686–687

Microperforation, 330

Micrurus fulvius,

Midgut volvulus, 1228–1229

Migraine, 494–495

diagnosis, 494

treatment, 494–495

Migratory polyarthritis, 984

Minute ventilation (MV), 1210

Miosis, 893

Missed abortion, treatment, 13

Mitral regurgitation, 1200–1201

Mitral stenosis, 1200–1201

Mitral valve prolapse, 708–709

Mixed mood, in bipolar disorder, 142

Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)

Molluscum contagiosum (MC), 710–711

Monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) poisoning, 712–713

Monoarticular arthritis, 98–99

diagnosis, 98–99

imaging, 99

treatment, 99

Monocular diplopia, 324–325

Mononucleosis, 854

Mononucleosis (IM), 714–715

Monteggia fracture, 424

Staphylococcus aureus

Mucosal lentiginous melanoma, 1036

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